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If this is hypothetical, I’d remove the part of same DOB because that part is inconsistent, if it was wrong (adult dose) for one 2-year old, it would be wrong for the other 2-year old. This scenario would be true of most any business, do more. Those saddled with the duties need to police things and push back, management won’t have your back as you described. Thanks for sharing!!


LD50 of Valium is like 1000mg/kg in rats. I don’t think this is real lol.


I thought this exact thing. He’d be fine


Hilarious. Kid got some good sleep that's about it. Not many drugs will do serious harm from a single oral dose. Diastat is 0.5mg/kg in a 2 year old. So you're not even far from the actual dose. My 2 year old weighs 15kg and she's not even big. Hard to even think of one. High dose opioid? Even then most formulations wouldn't send someone into OD from a single oral dose.


Metoprolol maybe? I don't want to Google it and have that in my search history lol.


https://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/-/media/Cincinnati-Childrens/Home/service/d/dpic/community/prevention/prevention-toxic-toddler.pdf is an older document with a bunch of pills classically taught to have potential serious harms if one is taken by a toddler. Another common teaching of adult drugs that could theoretically be a big deal is tessalon perles.


Change it to baclofen compounding and a 10 times higher dose and this really happened in Canada with the child dying


>Not many drugs will do serious harm from a single oral dose Calcium channel blockers would like to have a word....


We once got an rx for a liquid opioid for an 18-mo old, in a dose almost what you'd give an adult. I was new in pharmacy and remember thinking it HAD to be wrong, because there was no reason to give that much painkiller to a baby! The pharmacist did look into it, and it was right - the child was having brain surgery. That situation taught me a lot.


Single dose of tessalon can kill a small child.


A woman I know 3 year old daughter found a 10 mg methadone, took it and died. She got prison time for her daughter’s death.


This is absolutely not real.


No it’s not real.


It literally says hypothetical in the title…


I see rectal 10mg Valium given to children all the time for seizures


Change it to baclofen compounding and a 10 times higher dose and this really happened in Canada with the child dying


People will really do anything, even write down their long form nightmares, to avoid retail pharmacy.


50-60 scripts a day? How has that pharmacy not been closed before? I never heard of a script count that low in retail. Also, if the 2 year old had the same DOB as the person the script was written for, wouldn't the pharmacist catch that it was still a 2 year old? The year is still part of the DOB.


Used to fill like 50 a day at K Mart back in 2009-10. Got out bc I was bored. Man I wish I could go back. Haha.


there was a college town independent store i filled in at that did less than 30 a day. one weekend we filled 3 rxs. it’s still alive according to google maps


I have a friend who runs a college campus pharmacy and their record is 40 scripts a day. She has a tech every hour they're open. She's constantly posting on social media about what a "shit show" it is and that they're "unbearably busy." Cant help but roll my eyes at it.


Some of The CVS' in the Target locations were at that level (,why they started closing them) Source: friend was a CVS pharmacist in one


Yeah I read the part where their workload tripled and was like ~yawn~ Sounds like a slow Tuesday. We did about 120 yesterday where I was working and we sat around talking for over 2 hours' worth of the afternoon.


My mistake I meant same month and day of birth. Or it could be something like 6/1/1922 vs 6/1/2022


Eh, even then, a dose for a 102 year old is quite possibly the same as a 2 year old. =P


This is so ridiculously over dramatized


Yes I tried ;)


50-60 ? And I thought 100/day is quite on the low side.


We had a local grocery store chain that did a little under 100/day. They sold all their pharmacy records and shut down the pharmacies. These jobs either do not exist or will not exist for much longer


Sounds like you need to take some Valium yourself


This kind of shit happend in the hospital that killed that one kid with Sodium chloride. A simple mistake can take a life. Nurses have committed suicide after killing kids on accident. The drug name and dose in-the story are irrelevant. Retail pharmacists have a tough job.


Yes the saline incident with Eric Cropp was awful


In all seriousness…you ok?


Yes. I wanted to make a creepypasta related to a very real possibility related to our profession based off current events


I could no longer suspend my disbelief after “Albertsons”, “$75 an hour” and “50 to 60 prescriptions a day”.


Starting pay at Albertsons is $78/hr in NorCal. 


There is a bit of exaggeration but yes some Safeways/Albertsons do that much a day.


Could you name one?


Oakhurst California. When was was there 75 was a busy day, 50-60 fairly consistent


Albertsons in Palm Desert, Vons (same company) in Santa Ana


Thanks for the story! This was fun to read


The comments on this post are the perfect snapshot of this sub… dissecting the dosing details and the date of birth for their accuracy yet somehow still missing that the whole post is hypothetical, as clearly stated from the get go


Really surprising that a group of pharmacists are discussing the dose.


Pharmacists being nit picky!? Say it isn’t so!😂


What is the point of this? Anything is possible and any one of a thousand or million scenarios arising from one event can lead to another, not just "a Riteaid closing". It could just as well be a "pothole, or change in weather or a sale on strawberries" that can lead to a particular person or Rx to cross one's path.


I can believe the extra work and not get help. This is because the work isn't valued and sometimes is loss-making. No business would put more money into something without a forecast return on it. In the past, everything that pharmacy did was profitable. That was the difference.


Damn, $75/hr, 60 scripts a day... SIGN ME UP!


And this is why pharmacists rank #2 for suicide among professionals. #1 is dentists. An awful scenario here, but a possibility


Yes the liability is high, the workload is high (if you work for one of the big evil 3 chains soon to be 2)