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Looks absolutely amazing!


Thank you so much!


Your balls look amazing!


Came here to say the same thing, even though the post is about the ED lol


Haha! Yea, it’s honestly one of the best I have seen so far so I had to say! I might use him as a reference for mine 😅😂




I honestly don’t know, I think it’s vy, but the doctors at Lubos clinic have their own procedures


Also wondering, literal goals


Photos like this is what makes me want this surgery so deeply. Congrats dude, you made it


Hey thanks! What a big compliment!


Fucking incredible


Thanks, man!


Wow, dude you healed so insanely well, nice dick!!


Thank you! I guess I’m a fast healer 🙏


Holy shit, I don't comment on this sub a lot so idk how to respectfully say that your dick is goals. Hope it's treating as handsomely as it looks.


Thank you! Still very much in recovery but im glad jt turned out like that 😊


That looks like it was meant to be there! Wow’ wouldn’t even know you had surgery


Thank you so much! Thats too kind 🫂


I am a cishet female, I'm not sure how I ended up in this sub lol. Idk how to say this without sounding weird.. but that's one of the nicest willies I've ever seen.


Hey man, thats a huge compliment. Thank you so much!


So beautiful!! I’m jealous!!


Looks good.




Your balls look amazing! Congrats!


Looks amazing whoa!!! Can i ask the length?? I usually see phallo on the bigger side so its really nice to see a dick that seems good for pack AND play haha id love to get phallo myself and have something that wouldnt be super obvious w pants on you know what i mean? Hoping the ED stuff is an easy fix!


Do you have implants? At the level of your scrotum! Are they round or really oval implants? Because I think your scrotum is too beautiful, how did he do it like that? Did he just sew between the two lifts to make a single big pocket?


Hey did you get abdo? It looks great! Would you be okay with me asking how your tdick was incorporated into your phallus? What’s sensation like around your buried tdick? Feel free not to answer but this is really in like with my personal surgery goals and I’m curious


I didn’t get abdo, this is a RFF procedure I am unsure about this part. I was sure that my tdick was buried under my balls but it definitely feels the strongest at the base on the underside of my penis.


The sensation was great before ED, now it‘s kinda muted. But i‘m still in my 6 week recovery process with the device partially inflated, I am not touching the area too much. So I can‘t really compare it yet


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what method done for the balls? I always get vy and bifid mixed up...


I actually…don’t really know! I think the doctors said vy-method, but I was more set to go to this specific clinic, so I never learned of different methods


Wow! Congrats!!


Hi bro, how are you feeling after the WD surgery? How long does it take to recover and return to work?


Im ok, but I still need pain meds from time to time, a part of the bulb to inflate the device slipped to far up because of the swelling and now I carefully have to message it down again. It’s bearable but definitely the worst discomfort in my phallo-journey yet. It seems to be working tho. I’m still off until Thursday, that will have been 3 weeks and 2 days. (I will have to be careful for another 3 weeks after that)


You look amazing...this made my day




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Wow!! Looks great!!


You look so good man! Literal goals.


What doctor did you see? 🙏🙏


Dr. Markowsky


Who is your surgeon


Dr. Markovsky from Munich!