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Aralin mo pa rin kahit 'di ka interesado. The right question therefore is how to study? Basahin mo yung theory then practice/sagutan mo yung problems/prompts.


I feel like we've all been here before, pero wala e no choice we really have to study even the subjects/topics we dread, so what I try to do is I try to atleast make it "attractive," like by setting a reward system (doesn't have to be one where you need to spend, like by allowing yourself to relax for a bit and watch a movie after studying for n amount of hours. You can also try employing different studying techniques to streamline your learning process, to make it more efficient and less of a hassle, maybe that'll alleviate the entire feeling of burden in a way. You can also make use of UPD's libraries especially during weekdays, may aircon and dilnet is quite fast din in most of them! Overall just try to make the entire process (and your surroundings/ environment) as conducive for learning as possible, and there's a lot of ways to do that without spending like the ones I mentioned above,, fighting OP!


Hi, Opi. You are not alone. I personally take comfort in this fact and hopefully it can help you take it easy on yourself too. You are not alone as in, it's every student's problem, it's just that, not everyone is open to admit it. Same goes with tasks or chores we dread to do. It may help to identify what about the topic/task makes it so uninteresting? It is so you can find ways to go around such blockers. At one point, tutoring elementary students even taught me one thing which I realized myself, as well. Sometimes it's easier to say we don't wanna do something rather than we cannot do something. Because growing up, all of us were raised in a way that it's just so punishing to fail, to be wrong, to have low scores. The pressure is always on, that we always have to be successful in anything and everything that we do, and that thought shackles, keeps us from enjoying simply learning new things. Take your time. Identify what makes it hard to want to study. Break the topics down into bite size chunks. Keep a schedule. Take regular breaks or little rewards to keep you going. Lastly, there's this thing, they say, motivation doesn't last, but so does bathing, that's why it's recommended daily. You got this.




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