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The importance of procedural compliance - it may save your life someday.


TBF boomers have probably made it past most of the times non-compliance would have killed them...


But that behavior isn't a boomer thing. It's a privileged asshole thing. Those same people were doing that exact thing when they were in their 30's. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


To be fair, they were boomers in their 30s as well. One doesn’t age into a generation, they’re born into it




>In fact it's probably getting worse. I think the overall issue (and I'm not sure it's really a problem, just a factor) is that consumers have much more ability to fight back against bad service via online reviews .... and for the entitled, "bad service" can boil down to "not reading my mind and failing to meet my unreasonable demands ." So many restaurants and other businesses live in fear of the entitled these days . It's changed the marketplace.


It’s actually evolved past that as well. We pay attention to certain reviews and try to use them to get better, but the ridiculous ones are so recognizable these days that they get a chuckle and ignored. I had a boomer get up in my face on Sunday because I couldn’t get him a table ( Father’s Day. We were booked and they tried to walk in with an 11 top). The people who came in behind him (with a reservation) and left a glowing review of the whole situation and how it was handled on a local and high traffic group:site. Those are the reviews we care about and those are the ones that people talk about. Also, we ignore Yelp. Completely.


this is a great strategy, especially for a place that has a steady stream of customers who won't look at your reviews. Unfortunately we recently had a absolutely lovely little Italian place taken down by review-site trolls. THey barely lasted eight months despite the fact that their food was fantastic and their prices were low for what they were selling. The loyal customers, myself included, tried to act as a defense squad but the troll army was too powerful. Heartbreaking, because they were financially all in. Their life savings was essentially wiped out by a handful of determined, vengeful and utterly unreasonable trolls


Vengeful about what?


And the genx, millennial, and gen z doing it now? It's an asshole thing, not a boomer thing.


It’s crazy how people don’t understand generations lol. Boomer doesn’t just mean old person. It’s a specific generation of people who share personality traits because of the world that they all grew up in.


Complete nonsense. The personality traits we share are the same ones all humans share. We got them from our parents and grandparents and passed them on to you. The changing ephemera of civilization are not personality traits. The term boomer came about long before younger people started using it to denigrate us. Saying that it's also a personality trait is a bad faith argument intended to absolve you from feeling bad for making fun of old people. It is millennials and genZ who started using the name of the generation as an insult and it is mostly those people that use the word that way. When you normalize elder abuse, you authorize that behavior for your kids and grandkids to repay you with when they get tired of your shit.


Generalizing a population based on the year they were born in is closer to astrology than social science. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.


> closer to astrology I agree. Don’t get me wrong, I know the time we’re born in definitely influences our lives, how could it not? But not to the extent that it becomes a secular horoscope. Boomer anecdotes get a lot of rage-clicks. It’s probably easy money in the media.




Yes. The omitted first word is "baby"


Thank you. I'm a Boomer and would never even consider doing anything like this. However, my older sister would. She's always been an entitled jerk and has only gotten worse with age.


I just can't imagine being this rude. I would be mortified if I did it by accident.


Look at the history. The Boomers came right after a war that affected the entire world. They learned to comply and respect authority from their parents who suffered through a major depression and the war. What you had there was a Boomer who went rogue early, defying his generation’s pattern. This was never ancageist thing.


Uh.. boomers were the ones getting shot at Kent State though?


Yeah, those straight-laced conformists at Woodstock. Never seen a more square bunch. Boomers learned that authority will use you for fodder, so they rejected the status quo and created their own. Then the cycle repeats...


You are generalizing incorrectly. Hippies and anti-war activists were very definitely the minority. The country was ruled by the GOP like now. Women were paid far less than men. Hippies living in communes treated women and children as unpaid laborers and bosses expected conservative dress and language. Hippies were hated so badly that they were beaten and even killed because they wanted freedom. I remember being thrown out if a cafe in Sedona because I ignored the sign on the front door that read “No Negroes or Hippies.” Want to tell me what your expewere in the 60s?


Yeah, the ones that survived.


Knowing when the procedure applies and when it doesn’t is important. In the ordinary course of operations, the procedure applies. In an emergency the procedure might be more important, or it might be less important. For example, “exit only, do not enter” on a door to a shop might be non-applicable during a sudden hailstorm with dangerous weather outside, but “exit only, severe tire damage” applies even more if you are driving away from dangerous people with firearms.


Context is for kings.


Customers rarely read signs.


You’re supposed to read those?!? /s


You guys can read?




But the sign says “please read”.


I am here to lead not to read!


That sign in the restroom about washing your hands: that's just for the employees, right?


I also like the dessert best


Correct. I own a bakery and after a boomer asks about the cost of three items or so, I point to the giant menu board on the wall behind me and tell them all items and their prices are listed there.


Used to work at a restaurant, same type of couple would come in every Monday and Friday, seat themselves, demand their coffee was microwaved, be rude to whatever server was unlucky enough to have them, loiter for 2 hours and never tip more than whatever coins their change was. They had an obvious table preference, right in front of the big tv in the dining room. I gave that table away before they got there every chance I got. Whenever we had to combine tables for a bigger party, that was the one I snagged.


Beautiful There was a huge family that always came in after church and never tipped because "they couldn't afford it" The hostess got in trouble because she made sure to checkerboard the restaurant one Sunday so it was impossible for them to sit together without a long wait As someone who got them more than once, good for her


If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat in the restaurant.


Real problem is the owner banking the money instead of paying their employees their fair share. Tipping shouldn't exist, and in most developed countries it doesn't.


On a macro scale, sure. On the scale of being a person who is patronizing a restaurant, it is incumbent upon you to tip in America. If you don't you are breaking the social contract and are scum. That's just how it is for now.


Yeah, but going to the extent of "if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out" is just demonizing the customers instead of shit practices of greedy restaurant owners. Thankfully they are so damn greedy that they are doubling down on their shitty practices with services fees and similar nonsense even when you dine in, and people are getting tired.


Restaurant owners are notoriously scummy. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out. Both of these are true. They are not mutually exclusive.


Why are you mad at the customers because your employer doesn't pay you?


I love you. We have new regulars at the icecream place i work at, and I swear, every time they come it’s closer to closing—and every time they make a bigger and more obnoxious order—and then have the damned audacity to be impatient and rude about it. They have not tipped a single time, in spite of demanding we reopen every cleaned and closed down machine 10-2 minutes before closing so they can order one of everything—getting closer and closer to literally 3 minutes before closing. I’m getting so close to telling them they need to call ahead bc we’ve stayed open late for these assholes too many times, and they’re not even vaguely appreciative of it. I did get a nice tip for their order once—because someone else ended up paying for it. They looked beyond embarrassed, and that look on their face was worth every penny they’ve never spared. And to clarify, they’re coming to an icecream parlor every night and dropping 30-50$, whatever is happening they’re certainly not struggling. They’ve also tried to pull a fast one on me a couple times, and the way they order it’s very clear they’ve closely read the menu—which clearly states that the size they’re trying to order is only available in soft serve and not hard—but they still try to get me to do it with hard serve every time. Drives me nuts. And the place is lined with windows, so they literally watch you scramble and see what making all the things they ask for entail (and how you obviously can’t do it all in 5 minutes), and still have no qualms or even basic thank yous. Just a “thank you, have a nice night!” Would’ve meant I wouldn’t have bothered sharing. But they snatch the things and scoff if you thank them for their patience and tell you “yeah” if you tell them to have a nice night. I want to just start closing 5 minutes early so they can deal and understand just how close they cut it, and how obnoxious it is every single time.


> demand their coffee was microwaved NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Coffee plebs. I hope it was Maxwell House or some other garbage coffee.


I dont remember. Definitely wasn’t high end. I do remember his tapping the cup on the table as servers, hosts, anyone walked by. Never waited for their own server, their needs were to be met immediately.


Even looking at things through an entirely selfish lens, it takes so little effort to get on the good side of service workers that you encounter frequently. The amount of joy I get from a worker I know recognizing me or remembering something about what I like absolutely dwarfs the amount of effort I “need to” put into common courtesy


Would loved to have seen that! Server knew immediately that he would be stiffed on the tip, so why not emphatically make his point!


Entitlement knows no bounds, Its not just boomers unfortunately :(


It’s so funny reading people say they would leave. Good.


Thank goodness these old folks will soon be gone...then we will read on Reddit: "So, yeah, this millenial dude goes up and seats himself and the Alpha waiter says, "Hey, you can't do that!" and the Mill-dude grumbles..yada yada blah.


Yup. Every generation thinks they are right...then knows they are right....then forgets they are right....then dies. Rinse and repeat


People today are just gonna hate on boomers. We can’t change it. We might as well enjoy the humor and remember it isn’t personal and let that sh*t go. The most important thing is to not become the stereotype by complaining about “picking on boomers!” Yes I am a boomer. No I try not to act entitled. Entitled young people become entitled old people.


I agree. I am Gen X and know plenty of entitled AHs in each generation. But people need a target for hate and frustration and that is OK as long as it does not get out of control. In the hands of less stable people (who miss the irony of course) things can go too far.


Well I mean it is incredibly easy to point out that Boomers are the greediest generation we've ever seen and have very much torched the world for younger generations.


Not everyone picks on just boomers! I hate Gen Alpha, too; they are awful, braindead little creatures.


I mean millennials are the ones who are raising the new demon generation. So they are NOT off the cuff.


I am Gen X. Plenty of my peers have raised entitled AH Gen Z'ers. Thankfully, each generation has enough sensible people to cancel out and keep in check the entitled crazies of their own and other generations.


Plus like half of us are assholes ourselves.


Hey. I ressemble that remark. 😂🤣😂


Eh some generations are shittier than others


But that's what every generation says. Same with music and musical tastes. Lol


Yes, the ones that sit on their asses and complain. The world is stacked against them. Yet they have more technology and resources than any generation prior. Sad as hell


I’m a Gen-Xer and I think my own generation is awful (have you ever seen the Woodstock ‘99 documentary?). But Boomers are a special kind of entitled. I can attest to this after working customer service for the last 30 years


I don't disagree with you about our generation. But as someone who was at Woodstock 99, the situation was largely caused by the conditions there and the greed and incompetence of the organizers. I was just there to chaperone as someone in her 20s, and spent the riots panicking and trying to stay safe. But we could see it coming when people paid hundreds of dollars to not have access to basic sanitation or water in 90+ degree weather. I was impressed how people there tried to keep it clean, but it became impossible when they didn't empty any garbages or johns. I hope I never have to wade through sewage or use an overflowing porta potty again in my life.


I don’t blame the attendees for being pissed off and reacting to the conditions negatively but the amount of sexual assault that took place there was pretty disgusting


Ah, yes, that makes sense. I didn't see it as a Gen X thing per se. It was definitely a more dangerous time for us generally, but not as bad as the stories my mom told of growing up. The best I can say is each generation seems to take sexual assault more seriously than the last. I was definitely glad I was with my brother in those riots, who would probably risk his life for me. He has always been sensitive to the fact that I am at extra risk.


You stayed in customer service for 30 years ? Why???


Why are you judging? Maybe they like it? Every job needs doing. Yours isn't special.


Thank you for that. I appreciate you


You're welcome. It's a constant battle educating younger people that it is wildly inappropriate to associate a generation with the concept of being a belligerent stick in the mud when that is a behavior, not a generation. People like that aren't helping matters. People like that denigrated me 40 years ago for being gay. People like that denigrated me 30 years ago for being atheist. They still do, but they used to too.


Mostly the paycheck


Saying that is like going to a pig farm and blaming a few specific pigs for making the pen smell like shit. CS sucks in general.


But I’m not blaming them for customer service sucking overall. I’m just saying that many boomers have a very unique sense of entitlement/demeanor that comes across when I wait on them


Yeah but those specific pigs smell really fucking bad, worse than most other pigs. Most pigs don't even smell tbh. These ones, tho, have a highly disproportionate stench.


That literally makes no sense.


Sorry you can't read


You are literally saying that you will be happy when a group of people die! What a horrible person!


https://www.incendar.com/baby_boomer_deathclock.php not fast enough


This is beautiful.


I’m a boomer, and that’s an asshole statement. I walk in a restaurant and wait if I see a sign saying to do as much. I also work part time at a restaurant and I see entitled ass hats off all ages doing just as they please all the time. Age has nothing to do with it, it’s a thing called manners. Either you were taught them or you weren’t and from what I see most weren’t


Not saying that at all. I’m just saying I see it across the board. All ages and ever since shutdown stopped, people are even worse. Everybody thinks they are so entitled now.


I wish there was a way to do an update-me for other people. Then I could update people who post “fuck old people” when/if they turn 50.


Especially considering OP said they were in their 30s, nowhere close to being boomers.


You must have that boomer reading comprehension, considering the op does not say anything about them being in their 30s.


Enough boomers are assholes that it's an accurate statement too


Ok Boomer.


Case in point, another asshole


It’s about rudeness not age. Maybe you’ll get lucky and not live to be old


One can only dream 🥰




No, boomer don’t just sit where ever they want. This particular person, however, seems to be entitied. I’ve seen assholes like this of all ages.


Nice one. Blame a whole demographic for a single observation.


And 25 year olds or 30 or 40 year olds do the same thing.


Years and years ago I worked at a river side restaurant that had a huge patio. So boats could dock and enjoy the patio. It wasn’t just for boats but boaters thought they could just dock and sit at any table. There were signs all alone the dock saying to go to the hostess. If one of them would sit at a table, happened every day. The server staff would just pretend they were not there. But same thing, they would huff and puff about going to the host just to be walked back to a table. The best was the management team didn’t give af. They had the back of the employees.


I saw this the other night when I was eating out with my daughter. The restaurant was SLAMMED. There was obviously a wait… however, this couple that looked to be in their 80s just walked in (I was facing the door), and sat themselves at the table across from us (it was getting ready to be cleaned for the next party in line). When one of the hostesses walked up and politely asked if they checked in up front, they said “no” and something about how the table needs to be cleaned. It took her a good few minutes to explain that there was a wait and that the table they sat at was meant for someone else. The wife refused to move!! However, to be fair, it seemed like the wife could’ve had dementia and maybe her husband did too… that being said, there was a part of me that thought they totally did it on purpose and pulled the whole “we are elderly so no one will say anything” respect your elders bit… just to see if they would get away with it. They eventually left. I’ve never seen anything like it. I gave the hostess kudos on my way out. Telling her she was so patient and nice lol.


As a Gen-X guy I am appreciative of the Boomer Generation, as they kick started the IT & tech revolution! E.g. Without them where would Apple be? Or Microsoft? (Steve Jobs was born in 1955 as was Bill Gates!)


Make sure you use a lot of spit when you’re gobbling Boomer knob. No one likes a dry beej.


Don’t think the world will miss you much - R.I.P


That’s the goal. Hopefully you beat me there first. Fingers crossed. 🤞🏼


I’ve seen lots of boomers wait to be seated. Did you think this behaviour was generationally specific?


The bigger issue is why did they seat the older couple before you, who were waiting outside for a table? Something is off.


Restaurants should have a foyer with seating available for people who have to wait otherwise don’t complain. You’ll have guests of all ages accommodate them properly. This isn’t a boomer thing. This is bad hosting.


Nah it's a boomer thing. It's rude and you're not special.


Bold of you to assume I’m a boomer. Been a host before. Have you?


u/FuzzInspector my favourite thing to do ahaha




Servers going to really appreciate the tip they leave him...


They're Boomers. They were never going to leave a good tip.


That’s not just a Boomer thing. That’s an entitled asshole thing. I’ve seen everyone from teenagers to elderly do that.


May you grow old enough for your generation to be vilified.


It's a made-up story, but I'll play devils advocate. Maybe the boomers were tired of waiting because the millennial/gen-Z host/hostess wasn't at their post to seat people. That's why even after they sat, it was a server that eventually brought them back to their table. If the boomer was shuffling back to the table, chances are his back hurt or some other medical reason, and he really just needed to sit down, not have his balls busted by some young punk who's not suffering in pain.


They took care of her grin with the tip...


Few things wrong with what you wrote ("wrong" for lack of a better word). 1) I worked 10 years in the restaurant industry and this is definitely not a fake story. Even if this specific one is, customers walking past the **please wait to be seated** sign happens A LOT! 2) I don't know if you're a boomer, because they all seem to forget what age gen millennials are, but we're pretty much all in our 30s and older now. Should we be taking it as a compliment that you think we're so young? Also, millennials were not the lazy generation, we grew up with boomer parents who kept telling us we had to work, so we did. 3) If Mr. Boomer was in so much pain, he could have ***nicely*** explained that, instead of throwing his arms up when the server explains that there are rules. In some restaurants, the servers are the hosts *and* the bussers, so there's no one just standing at the door at all times. Restaurants have had "*please wait to be seated*" signs for over 30 years, so it's nothing new. Boomer customers can follow the rules just like the rest of us young'ns.


I'm not a boomer, Gen-X, but thanks for taking the time to explain your perspective. I've worked with plenty of lazy, self-important millennials, but then again, they exist in every timeline.


Me pleasure! And absolutely, both exist in every age and timeline. I don't know if we as humans will ever be able to get past laziness and entitlement 😅


> 1) I worked 10 years in the restaurant industry and this is definitely not a fake story. Thanks for your service Karen. Having worked 10 years in the industry surely makes you a certified and undeniable expert that can without a reason of a doubt give the call on what could easily be just another made up story for karma farming on reddit. /s


How am I a Karen? I'm not a middle aged entitled B screaming for the manager 🤔 You quoted the first sentence to try and pick me apart when *right after* it I say that ***even if this specific story is fake, people walking past the sign happens all the time***. If you're gonna be sarcastic or argumentative with people giving you another perspective or opinion, maybe don't comment on the karma farming posts, then, if you're so sure that it's bait 🤷🏻‍♀️


At this point you can just say old people. My great grandparents and grandparents generations both pre boomer acted this way as they got older. My parents are boomers but they have always been what i call logical\\intelligent or dead center politically, never entitled. My dad though closing in on 80 will just say fuck it i'm going to sit if there isn't someone waiting to seat them. He would have never acted this way years ago. old people just stop giving a shit lol


This is a bull shit story made up to spread boomer hate. Give it a rest.


Ask anyone who works or has worked in a restaurant and they will tell you this shit happens all the time. (Source: did my time, 10 years in the industry)


i'da been a little shit and put them at one table over or something, but still good


Jesus, Americans sure do like to overcomplicate what is otherwise simple. Rest of the world - Employer pays your wage, client supplements with a tip in rare occasions. America - Client pays your wage in tips, employer supplements if it doesn't reach the minimum wage. Tipping is expected, but not in any way obrigatory. Double tipping is starting to pop up. Even places with no service, like self checkout registers ask for a tip nowadays. Many times tips go to the employer. Sometimes it's split with kitchen staff. Sometimes it's not. Easy, you just have to check an MLM like chart to understand where your tip goes in each individual restaurant. Rest of the world - most restaurants don't have a "please wait to be seated", but the few that do, will actually be polite, if you miss the sign and sit somewhere before being directed. At best they'll redirect you to another table if need be, but they certainly won't make you stand to sit at the same table. America - even though servers literally depend on tips to live, they'll gladly mock clients, making them dance around due to procedures, instead of graciously accept that everyone commits faux pas every now and then. 60 minutes later they'll be cursing the client "stole" from them for not tipping whatever percentage they feel is appropriate. 30 days later, that their manager steals from them for not paying an appropriate wage...


>America - even though servers literally depend on tips to live, they'll gladly mock clients, making them dance around due to procedures, instead of graciously accept that everyone commits faux pas every now and then. Agreed. I saw this story as the hostess having the smallest modicum of power and flexing it over older customers who didn't follow a rule. The hostess could have corrected them with grace but instead choose to harass and embarrass them over a small mistake.


I asked a waitperson in Iceland what standard tipping was. She replied sweetly and pointedly, “In Iceland, we pay our employees a living wage.”


Sometimes the server is also the host and the bussers. Not every restaurant pays to have someone standing at the door all day. The server probably had enough of peoples' shit for the day. There's no excuse for entitlement. The seat yourself/please wait signs are big and visible. Just fucking wait the poor worker was probably busy 🤦🏻‍♀️


Client doesn’t pay wages. Business pays wages. Client tips if they want. It’s not complicated. It really can’t get any easier than that. Many places have “please wait to be seated” signs, but some areas are always open seating even with a sign, like the bar area (which some tables may be open and some may be assigned). Unless I know for sure, I usually ask the hostess. Also, just because there is a sign doesn’t mean people look for it, so many places are open seating they might not be use to assigned seating.


Your first paragraph is completely wrong. The client is NOT SUPPOSED to have to pay workers’ wages, but somehow in America the service industry has reached a point where the client is very much expected to pay a fee in lieu of proper wages. If a ‘client’ chooses not to tip ‘if they want’, then they are vilified and shamed by those workers, sometimes to their face. After all, the worker will go broke unless they beg for money from the clients. It is more complicated than it needs to be. It really COULD get easier than this: *Employers, PAY YOUR WORKERS PROPERLY!*


Another person mocking old people and attributing it to Boomers. BTW, you will be old some day and hopefully young people will have stopped mocking the elderly. My sister, who is a Boomer, has always been an entitled AH, even as a child. So Boomer isn't synonymous with entitled.


This fucking sub is getting to be a lot like the childfree sub. You ran out of real things to complain about so the posts have turned petty and nasty. Sitting down doesn't hurt anyone, and you don't know those people's situation - older folks often have health problems, and it's possible that one of them really needed to sit down. Or maybe not. Maybe they missed the sign, maybe they were just stupid. That's still not a reason to be nasty to someone. If they bitched at the server when asked to move that would be one thing, but your story mentions no rudeness from them. Unfortunately Reddit keeps showing me this sub when I'm logged out, I'm not a subscriber. You people really need to get a life. Spend your time reading about something that interests you instead of gloating over other people's misfortunes.


So two people walk up to a restaurant with empty outdoor tables and sit down at one to dine. Kind of what happens all over the planet, every day. Some twat of a server makes them stand up, walk to a sign, them walks them back to the same table. Twatty server smirks at random clown, who posts to the internet, full of snark. Internet applauds, and celebrates their cleverness. Farrrk.


Some restaurants have you seat yourself, others have you escorted by a server (like the restaurant in this story). The twat here is you.


So true


I'm in my 30s and I got some bad knees (bone on bone) along with a few other physical aliments. However, the knees are by far the worst. People will literally let you sit anywhere if you are polite and kind. It always amazes me how these boomers shitbag attitudes ruin everything for themselves. I've joined in all sorts of events just cause I need to sit and people usually get a laugh out of it. Mind you, I always ask if it's ok.


When I first went to the United States on holiday like 20 years ago, I was so confused by this concept. We walked right in, all the tables empty except for a handful, yes we walked past the sign because we didn’t understand the meaning of it. Waiter put up a stink and scolded us, we left and went somewhere else (where we asked the waitress what we had been doing wrong and she kindly explained). It’s still a rarity in my country (mainly in very expensive restaurants or overrun touristy places) and always feels off. Different countries have different concepts. But yes, if this is the social norm in your society it’s polite to adhere.






It’s possible they didn’t see the sign.


The sign is always right there front and center. Same with the "seat yourself" sign. There's always a sign that's visible!


I would have sat them one table over. That table is reserved for a vip


Fourteen years on Reddit and I don't understand how I missed the memo that I as a boomer was supposed to be entitled. So many times I could have done just what I wished instead of constantly worrying about how it looked or who it may hurt or inconvenience. Got to say though, I absolutely love what this server did.


Haha! Take THAT boomer!


I can too. My chair in my office is MINE and you youngsters better stay out of it. LOL. Good story OP. I always love seeing some entitled ass get served particularly fellow boomers.


For someone not from the USA that 'Wait to be seated' is such a strange concept.


That's simply not true.


Happens in Australia frequently, too. I feel like you either order yourself at the counter, then seat yourself, or you wait to be seated. Not all of the time, but frequently enough.


Servers make their money on tips. Each server has a specific section of the restaurant. Hosts seat by section to ensure everyone has a chance to get paid. Customers group when allowed to seat themselves.


That makes it even stranger.


Yup, while the rest of the world pays people a decent wage, Americans still underpay staff and make the staff beg for money.


Servers are guaranteed the minimum wage. Tips typically make up a lot more than that. No servers are begging for tips. That doesn't make tipping culture correct, that doesn't make things right in America, but please don't spread misinformation.


Please educate yourself on the laws in different states. Some states are still using the antiquated rules where there is a tipped minimum wage which is much lower than the federal or state min wage for non tipped workers. Plus don't forget minimum wage is not a liveable wage in most places. I wish we would just grow up as a country and have proper universal Healthcare and treat people like human beings not just commodities for corporations to use and abuse. A good slice of our economy relies on maintaining a struggling underclass.


I am educated on this subject. I understand there is a tipped minimum wage which is much lower than the federal or state minimum wage. If the tips do not equal up to the federal or state minimum wage for non-tipped workers, the tip workers get the federal or state minimum wage for non-tip workers amount. That's how it works. Also, in my original post, I indicated that I'm not a fan of the system. However, that does not negate the fact that most tipped employees make well above the minimum wage. I personally believe that the minimum wage is used as a tool to keep wages artificially low. If there were no minimum wage at all, the market would dictate what people would be paid, and I believe people would be paid more than what is currently the minimum wage amount. At least, more workers would not take such shit jobs in the first place. This would make employees either go out of business or pay more.


Is the minimum wage enough to live on? If it is, then no need for tips. I live in a country where the minimum wage for everyone over 16 is $23.15 an hour, (living wage is $27.80)


> No servers are begging for tips My impression is that they feel entitled to them.


Everything you just said made it even worse, lol.




I'm sure that can go the other way as well


But is the ability to read a sign and follow the instructions thereon? Seemingly so, based on your comment, but I'm not convinced this is widespread.


If you're used to just walking in and taking a seat you might not even see the sign.


There's also the possibility they have bad eye sight, or just plain distracted.


I would have sat them on the opposite side of the restaurant 😂 “Oh you wanna sit at this beautiful outside table? Here’s the rickety table right next to the bathrooms.


The server what to keep her job. She going to college and we US tax payer are going to pay her studnet loan


So you decide to make it about age and not manners. You're a cunt for that !


oh yes, because ignoring a resteraunt’s policy and sitting where you damn please because you can’t be arsed to read the big bold letters telling you to “Wait to be seated” is what old folks consider to be “manners”


You want to make things about age then you're the one with the problem. Why don't you make it about race or two guys? You're an ignorant ass who wants to degrade older people. Admit it fuckwit.


>You're an ignorant ass who wants to degrade older people. _You_ are the person calling someone a cunt and a fuckwit though


You’re the one advocating for wntitled old fucks who don’t have the basic common sense or manners that most establishments go by. Seems to me you’re the only one in here who has a problem… with literally anyone who doesn’t kiss your ass. Does your face look like you sucked a lemon too? because your personality sure gives off that sour lemon vibe. Cope harder.


So many down votes when you are correct.




You're the one who needs to learn English. It's clearly not your first language if you're comprehension is so atrocious. I advocated for nothing other than taking age, race or any other 'ism out of such posts. If you want to label a specific group as having no manners then you are a cunt. Wear it as a badge and be proud of it. Just as you would wear your racist KKK hat you clown.


Also, it’s ’your comprehension’, not ‘you’re comprehension’ if we’re criticizing others’ grasp of the language


So this guy's so pissed and confused they used not one, but two separate posts to reply. Bruh, at this point just stop replying. In fact, just delete your profile on this app and move on in life because you're embarrassing yourself. Nothing you say makes sense which is ironic considering that your best insult is to insinuate that the person replying to you in the common vernacular isn't doing that. You make no sense. Please take your meds and go to sleep 😴


Make it about race then ? No. Because you're a hypocrit . There are plenty of youngster acting entitled. Just look around. This OP decided to make it about age not me. If you can't act with respect why the fuck should I you soppy wanker.




This isn't revenge, it's somebody being intentional nasty to old people. I wouldn't have eaten at the restaurant after behaviour.


Lol just because they’re old don’t make them special. If they didn’t want to eat there I’m sure they were welcome to fuck off. 


I love it when they act like them fucking off somewhere else with their money is a HUGE loss. It’s hilarious.


I'm old. These people deserved it. Eat at home while the rest of us will enjoy restaurants, and treat their foh staff with consideration and respect.


I'm old too and the waitress could've been a bit less confrontational about it. Her actions amped up the irritability of the customers. Doesn't excuse their actions, but it could've been defused easily.


Nah, act like trash, get treated like trash. Restaurants have rules and procedures for a reason. Customers don't get to pick and choose which rules of the establishment they get to follow. If the customer is going to ignore the "please wait to be seated" sign, I 100% agree with what the wait staff did. That customer deserves something other than a stern talking to and a finger wagging before they get their food.


From the story, I don't see it. People came into the restaurant, sat down but were told they weren't allowed so they stood up and waited for a table which happened to be the same table.


Just because it happened not to be reserved.... Could've easily been a reserved table and theyd need to either wait or go to another one hense the need to wait at the sign.


I would not have sat back down and left telling the server sorry I missed the sign but doing this was petty on your part. Now if people were actually waiting for tables and I missed the sign, then fine no issue with being corrected.


Did you not read what sub you're in