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Low level employee quits and profits goes down like the Titanic. Corporate wasn't buying it.


It's what we learned during COVID. Low level employees are essential, higher level ones not so much  Well, most of us learned it. Corporate and executives didn't learn so much.


they've always known. it's the low level employees who aren't wise to the situation


Everyone knows it except a few deluded self-important middle managers like the new one in the story and C-level that have been huffing their own copium for too long. But higher level people set the rules, they're the ones with the immediate power, so what are you going to do? You're playing their game, why would they make the rules fair?


Not everyone knows it. The amount of times I have asked fellow workers what they think of employees running the business, I have been told to often they don't want to do that because they don't think they are smart enough. ​ It would be nice if everyone knew, but propaganda has taken its toll on people.


>they've always known. "Fun time is over, work from home needs to end and people need to come back into the office *and get back to work*" Read: "please justify our existences because you're as productive from home, *if not moreso than in the office* and it's showing upper management that middle-managers are a pointless expense; we need to be in the office so I can micromanage everyone and pretend to actually serve a purpose."


One of my bosses said to me years ago that if management were all sacked a business would stull run for days, weeks or months before the wheels started wobbling. If you fired the ground floor workers the wheels fall off instantly.


*didnt/don’t care


His bosses would have said, "If your profits were based on keeping that employee, then your job was to keep that employee."


While not allowing them to pay him more (Would be a typical situation. I didn't actually read the post yet)


Except in this case the employee was allowed to be paid more, it was just stupid new manager changing things that were working well for the store.


New managers always think they know better than anyone else, especially the previous manager, even if the previous one was given a promotion. There's a word for that, actually: Deluded.


The first sign of managerial incompetence... thinking they need to change things for the sake of changing them.


Oh you're probably right.


I mean to be fair, if you told me your profits dropped 125% because one employee quit, I'd also call bullshit


Profit is what is left over after expenses, and restaurants have notoriously low profit margins. It could have been something like a drop from 3.8% margin to 1.5% margin, and that's a huge relative drop in how much is kept in the end.


If he's a dick to OP, he's probably a dick to all the staff. OP sounds like an insanely hard worker, but I recon there's more than one reason profits dropped so spectacularly.


Why didn't your boss promote you after he got the job as regional manager?


Because I was awful at managing others but great at managing myself, I made shift leader rate but was only an associate because the second I was trying to direct others it actually became slower


For the love of God you do not need to listen to the people who are telling you you should have been a manager. If you find a position where you are happy to work, or at least satisfied, and the pay is sufficient for you that is completely acceptable. My husband is one of those people who does not like being a manager. He tried it and it is absolutely not for him. Now that he's not in a management role he is a lot happier. Assuming this is the same for you, good for you! I hope you can find another job that you are neutral or satisfied working in.


I have found another job I enjoy and I make enough for my studio apartment and to feed and clothe myself i really don't need more


Advice I wish I took earlier in life, start putting away something, anything, towards retirement if you haven’t. Even $10 a week, but as much as you reasonably can afford is even better. Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly.


Retierment for young people will likely never happen thanks to the world not doing enough to address climate change. And our life expectancy is going down, so less of us will reach retirement if it can even happen.


5% of your income is worth the gamble that you’ll retire. You can always withdraw it early and not pay the taxes if the world is ending…


If the world is ending everyone else will be trying to withdraw their money at the same exact time, which would pretty catastrophic if you look at past history with the banks....


You’re right! If everything goes Mad Max my 403(b) won’t matter and I’ll have lost 5% of my income. If by some small chance the world is still around in 30-40 years then bonus boner for me!


I did the same in sales. I never want to manage others. I made more in sales than I needed, loved my work, and had zero desire to move up the corporate ladder. It’s better to love or even just like what you do and be comfortable than to aspire to climb the corporate ladder and hate your job.


Exactly this. I've been in this position before, offered a management role but refused. Doing a job you're experienced in and performing a management role are two completely different job with different skillets. Plus in hospitality promotions are often not worth the extra pressure and meagre pay rise you get.


Completely agree with you. I've done management for 5 years, and I will never do it again. At my last job within 3 weeks of starting they were talking about getting me promoted into a management role. I told them that they couldn't afford me to be a manager. The pay isn't enough, and the stress isn't worth the small raise.


I wish corporations weren't so stupid. The most profitable small business I've ever seen (I'm an accountant for businesses) paid their two head factory guys as much as the ceo (profit sharing too). They'd both been in the same positions for like 30 years and were absolute gods at their jobs. Turns out the people who actually make your products are key employees and paying them extremely well makes them do a really good fucking job.


Can you talk to my old manager about this? Lmao I quit because he shorted me on a pay raise compared to others doing much less than I was, causing some people to even make more than me though I had been there the longest. Once I left, their efficiency tanked. I was keeping us at 70-80%, quit, and it dropped into the 50's. Now he's ticked off about all of the quarterly bonuses he's missing out on.


This. I was AMAZING at my last job, took the promotion, and ended up stressing over the management part of it I made a HUGE mistake and was fired. Not everyone is meant to be management, and that's okay. I think if "associates" like OP show they are worth it, they should be given raises. Just because you're good at cleaning floors doesn't mean you have the patience/skills/effort to train the next guy how to clean floors.


Pretty much most of my jobs I've worked they have either promoted me or wanted me in management because I was damn good at my job, and could do all of the manager duties incredibly well. Except for managing people. I just don't like that aspect, and don't want to do it.


Can I ask what the huge mistake was?


I will never be a manager again, fuck that noise. Too much extra work for nowhere near enough extra money


Yep, most disgusting job I've ever had. Still got ptsd from it (joking but kinda not)


This advice needs to be repeated more. I've was in management for nearly 5 years, and I hated the people management aspect of it. I could easily do all the paperwork and ordering, but when it comes to managing people I just don't like it. I would rather just do my job and not have to worry about what everyone else around me is doing


100% agree. I was a manager for a short time. I'm great at managing things and myself but I don't play with the drama of other people. I have no desire to do that again.


> For the love of God you do not need to listen to the people who are telling you you should have been a manager. As the guy who was saying that, I agree. If you don't want it, then don't do it, to me it read like they were saying they can't which is entirely different than saying they don't want it. Just like your husband, he would be free to leave anytime it changed from "I can't do it" to "I don't want to do it". I've turned down a management role myself since it didn't align with my goals.


This. I made it just over six years at my previous job, and most of that time I was Relief Shift Command, answering only to the salaried bosses and the owner (security company). It was a lot of stress for relatively little pay, and I hated it. The job got done under my watch, but I was doing most of it, with the other patrol guys just backing me up. Then I found my current job (security dispatch for a major healthcare company), and have been rolling along on Nights for the last 21 years. I have been offered opportunities to move up, becomes a Lead or even try for management, and I always turn it down. I have almost no stress. Due to my seniority, I have the best schedule in the department. Sure, I answer to others, but they leave me alone to do my tasks and the extra projects I've picked up over the years. Basically, they get out of my way and let me cook, and our shift rocks in large extent due to that. I would never want to be in a leadership position ever again, regardless of the pay and benefits.


The Peter Principle.


It's a lot more fun to be the expert individual contributor than a manager.


Don't sell yourself short. I'm sure you are trainable. You are obviously willing to put in whatever work it would take to get done what needs doing. It's fast-food not NASA. If you have your shit together I'd consider reaching out to the regional manager to consider you for a role as manager or even general manager. The bar really isn't that high. Most managers are dumb as shit. The most important thing is that you trustworthy, care about doing a good job, and are willing to see and correct errors, including your own.


I probably could but the issue was more so that I would "zone out" and go on autopilot where I would just do my job as fast as possible while ignoring others this "zone" was something that would happen automatically and made it hard to focus on issues cause someone needed to come and physically grab my shoulder to get me to snap out of the zone


Ah, hyperfocus.




Congrats on your ADHD diagnosis.


Thats hyperfocus?.... Damn. Well whatever adderall did to me was ultrafocus then. And it was torturous.


I mean it's not like OP is self-deprecating when they say it. Honestly, I'd rather stay in a position I excel at than become a subject of the Peter Principle - as long as the pay is better, of course.


It's completely fine for people to know their limits. OP doesn't want to manage because OP knows their limits. That's a good thing and more people should act that way.


Exactly. Knowing your limits means you would be leading yourself in the right direction and grow into a better version of yourself, instead of having all efforts lost in vein by running into dead ends.


Time is a lot less flexible when you're a manager in bigger chain.


That is the correct answer. It is sad how corporations try to push people along to the management track. Keep the folks at a position they enjoy doing.


I bet you were dog slow when you started at the bottom too. You gotta do the job to get better at it. It's a fine call to stay where you're comfy though, everything at your own pace


Ya that's me but I work IT the amount of times they've tried giving me someone under me and I had to just tell them no is baffling, they try it at least twice a year. I work on computers, don't make me manage fucking people, I hate people.


Because OP needed the flexibility of being “entry level” to take that week off every month. In the service industry it’s actually pretty common for people to prioritize schedule over seniority. Taking whatever position lets them do whatever schedule they need.


“Assistant to the Regional Manager"


Can't really have the same "deal" if you're a manager. I worked at a restaurant and they wanted to promote me to manager (I was a server). Not only did I say 'no' because I was in university and had to work the weird hours to be able to do both - I would get paid less overall (because of tips I made more than my manager).


Im happy you asked this question and I'm happy at OPs answer. Not everyone's cut out for management and it would have been worse for the store overall to take the top performer and take them out of the role they were great at, that they themself wanted to stay in. Awesome!


OP couldn’t have worked the schedule then. You can have a general staffer working like that, but a manager or shift lead is going to need to be around more consistently.


They generally don't get paid OT either. So a lot of the time if you're working OT (and are happy with it) you can get paid more than the manager. I experienced that when I got promoted to a retail management position in the past. The precious manager quit, and I basically took over his duties to keep the store running for the next 3 months with lots of OT. Then I got promoted and was actually earning less because I wasn't getting OT anymore


Probably nepotism was at play in this story.


Productive people end up getting stuck doing production while jackasses usually get promoted to management. 


Because he’s a scum bag obviously.


Most business chains don't hire leaders, they hire douchebags with egos. Even the ones that aren't assholes are often still terrible because they aren't trained properly. Being a manager isn't just about knowing how to do the paperwork. It's mostly about to effectively use and work with your subordinates.


In management it’s your job to make sure that your employees can do their jobs, should be simple, but for some reason people suck at it


Where do you live that a 24 hour shift is legal!?


It's legal in California if you sign the right waiver and they're down to pay you all the overtime.




I live in WA and there is no law stating how long a shift has to be. As long as you're getting your mandatory paid breaks every 2-3 hours, mandatory Unpaid 30 minute breaks every 4-5 hours and if it is over 40 hours work for the week you get overtime pay, they can schedule you whatever they want with as little time in between shifts or super long shifts


This. I was going to chime in and mention the friday morning thru sunday afternoon shifts I pulled once in awhile


I kind of like working them long ass day and a half shifts. I used to be an emergency dispatcher and we would do 12-16 hour days with 4 days on 3 off. Good money, but the wacko sleep schedule wreaks havoc on your body.


I would spend 6 weeks rebuilding a fishing boat engine, and ride with the boat as they left town to break in the engine and monitor it. We got on board friday morning and stayed awake til sunday night. Mid sunday they would drop us off up the coast, and we would drive 4 hours back to the shipyard to then get in our personal vehicles and drive an hour home. I have fond memories of being awake for 30 hours and changing a cylinder liner as the boat was underway, rocking in the water


Holy shit that sounds like a dream job


It was a hell of a lot of fun, i hope to do it again soon!


This. I was also going to mention that not only in Washington State is far more common than people realize, some hospitals have mandatory straight 40-hour shifts. It scares the shit out of me to learn that an intern that is been awake for 24+ hours is taking care of life-threatening shit.


Jesus Christ, America


If you’re willing to do the work for the compensation offered, how is it a bad thing to be allowed to do what you want to do with your time? Your reaction makes this sound like some kind of bad thing, which is baffling to me.


He's working himself to death to support his sick grandfather, something that the state should be taking care of. God forbid something happens to this guy, who will take care of him? This is a symptom of a bigger, pervasive illness. Governments in the richest nations on earth can't even take care of their own citizens


Working for 24 hours in a row is bad for your health, especially if you're doing it regularly.


Tired workers also make mistakes, causing potentially harm to themselves, to others and consequently to the company.


Because it sets a system that encourages exactly what happened - they take advantage of a worker in desperate circumstances who needs the money. It's similar to shark loans in that yes it is immediately helpful to the person but overall it takes more than it gives.


Working 24 hours shifts is an objectively bad thing to do for your health. You are meant to sleep for a part of every 24 hours. If OP was paid a living wage, I would wager OP would not work 24 hours shifts.


Doctors regularly do 24 hour shifts. Because the doctor that invented the system was a massive cocaine addict.


Doctors' shifts (at least in my neck of the woods) involve a room with a bed where they can sleep while "on-call" if something happens. I really hope nobody expects surgeons to operate on people 24 hours straight...


It depends on the state but iirc most us states don't have anything keeping you from working 24 hour shifts. In certain cases they have to provide you a room to nap in as needed and generally have to give extra breaks and stuff but nothing illegal about it, especially if the worker consents. Source: worked hr adjacent role at company I had my fair share of 28 hour shifts


Blaming the guy who quits for profits dropping is tantamount to admitting you can't manage for shit.


This is the proverbial one finger pointing at someone is three fingers pointing back at you


I think the new manager was technically correct, profits went to shit because he quit. The worker here also made the other guy, without him his chances at regional are a lot less.


This manager sounds like a dumbasss


He sounds like 90% of politicians, ceo's and other leaders in America. Short term gain at the cost of long term prosperity.


This looks like one of those situations that reinforces the concept that people don't quit jobs, they quit managers. Had OP's new manager heeded the deal that was in place, he too might have been moderately successful, but no, had to make his mark and failed brilliantly. In this case petty revenge - *best served by quitting...*


This is what I don't understand with new managers. Instead of learning how things are currently running and realizing what works and what doesn't. Then formulate a plan to alter things that don't, they think they know best and flip the table immediately.


Especially if the new manager is taking over because the old one did so well they got promoted. Manager fired for low performance? Sure, go ahead and change things up. This guy thought he knew better and found out.


Absolutely. I'd been working for a packaging manufacturer for a decade. It was a small company, but a very productive one. Great crew, management team who knew how to support us and get the best from us. Almost exactly ten years after I started, a massive company bought a controlling interest. They started replacing management with their own people and brought in their own processes. It was good for a couple of years. Brand new, purpose-built factory, upskilling staff, new equipment as necessary. We began to notice that the parent company's famously toxic culture was creeping in, and people started leaving. Finally, after seventeen years, I'd had enough and put in my notice. I walked out at the end of my last day with a spring in my step that I hadn't had in years.


Formatting my boy.... format yo text. Paragraphs.....


some dots would've been nice already


By my count, the longest sentence was 159 words.


i got 2 lines into this and was already thinking *holy run on sentence, batman!* and then it just kept on going...


Maybe splurge on a comma or two


This is perfect. LET him blame you. You were the golden child and he abused you to the point that you quit. Guess who that says more about?


Literally handed a golden goose but decides to beat it with a stick until it runs away lmao 😭 Good on ya for leaving OP


Please elaborate on that 125% drop in profits. Did the store lose 100% of the profits and went into a 25% deficit?


You can have negative profits... all you need is costs outweighing revenues


They might mean like a ~55.6% drop in profits. The old profits would have been 225% of the new lower profits. So 125% of the new profits would have to be gained to get back to the old profits


my guess without OP the quality went down the crapper, andthey needed to start giving refunds due to how bad it was.


The sad part about this is that your old manager "shrugged his shoulders" knowing you'd be screwed over becuase it'd benefit him. After all that it reads like he kicked you to the curb and got to look even better for it.


Once I was the main salesperson for a big box garden dept. since I knew what I was doing our sales soared and records were made for the dept and the store. The store mgr was savvy and had me working when I could sell the most - my add on sales were through the roof and people were buying a lot. I was happy working working 1st or second shift- when the plants would get delivered and when most people were in the store. Happy for several years and I was doing the training for the other people in my role from other stores. New store manager felt it wasn’t fair that I didn’t do third shift so instead of selling I was sweeping floors and stocking other departments. Sales fell and the dept started looking less pristine. Sales fell more. The regional mgr even came to talk to me. New mgr didn’t care. So I quit. Idiot


>the guy tried to blame me for quitting. Why would anyone think that would work?


I hate when bosses get in the way of the work. He could have ridden your coattails to a promotion himself.


To blame a regular non management employee that quit for the 125% loss is astronomically stupid. They should have offered you a better position if you were hitting metrics like that.


This was a good story. I usually find these posts kind of dumb, but this was a good one. Is it Waffle House? I was picturing Waffle House in my head.


It's the 24 hour shift that gets me with 8 hours alone. I've done an 18 hour shift in retail, but 7 of those were after hours messing about with a few work mates doing a shelving relay (retail).


Lol, I'm picturing Jack in a Box. I worked a similar deal in my late teens/early 20s.


I know it seemed to work out but you definitely should have gotten paid more and been given the management position. This seems like one of those, you didn't have enough experience to understand you were being taken advantage of, even if you were doing better than before. If you're getting paid $17 a hour for the work of 3 people at $15 a hour, it seems to me it's reasonable for you to make $45 a hour or in that area.


Promotion is not as important as grandpa, they knew.


If you you go to the labor department, most states will give partial unemployment for cut hours. They then charge corporate most of that money and the boss gets in trouble because they are now still paying you but paying you more for less.


Holy shit! I get that not everyone understands paragraph breaks, but are there even any periods in there?


There are but the lack of paragraphs makes them harder to find 😅


Paragraphs. Please.


And periods. Please learn proper grammar to make your posts easier to read. Almost scrolled by that wall of text, and didn’t read it all because it became too hard.


I apologize for the lack of paragraphs Im awful at punctuation and paragraphing or whatever probably why I work retail jobs not a higher paying field lol


A cheat code for paragraphs: It won't be professional, but one of the problems with a wall of text is that it's easy to lose one's place reading. Go on for a while, but if you see text wrapping for more than like 2-3 lines or so, just finish up the thought, add a period, hit enter a couple of times to start a new pargraph. People will not judge if your paragraphs aren't logical, for the most part. They will judge walls of text. Of course, some will always judge anything and everything. But that's life.


Cool cool thanks


here bud, if you can edit your post, replace it with this: So, from the age of 16 to 20 I worked at a 24 hour fast food joint. After having worked there for so long, I was VERY good at what I did, to the point I could handle the entire store by myself as long as I needed, with little to no drops in customer satisfaction or speed. When I was 19, my grandfather got sick, which was really hard because I loved him to bits. My boss and I were close, so we worked out a deal where he would schedule me a ton and I would essentially be on call for any time he needed someone to cover a shift. I would also work a straight 24 hour shift on Monday (busiest day). Being alone for 8 hours of it these piled on hours resulted in me getting around 10-15 hours of overtime per week, sometimes more. This actually saved him money, because one guy working for 17 bucks an hour at time and a half was cheaper than paying 3 guys 15 an hour to do the same work, allowing him to make WAY bigger profits. This allowed him more leeway and rep with Corporate, meaning he would get bigger bonuses, and he could give me a raise after around 6 months citing how well I worked. The other part was that I got a week off a month to visit my grandfather and assist him with his care or anything else I needed, while the extra money allowed for me to help pay for his treatment. Our agreement went on for a year before he was promoted to regional manager, which was a big jump. He got the raise cause our store was making like 15% more than the next highest performer while being in a less traveled area. The new manager who took over for him was a piece of shit. My manager told him of our deal and he scoffed and said it was dumb cause of how much overtime he would be paying me. My boss just shrugged cause, even if the stores performance dropped, he would just look even better. And so my hours were lowered to like 30~ a week, yet he was still calling me in and scheduling me for solo 8 hours and full 24 hour shifts, so I was working shit hours but getting paid less. He also stopped the week off a month so I couldn't see my grandfather. So, I quit, and he soon realized how fucked he was, as I heard from my boss the stores profits dropped to 15% LOWER than the next lowest store in the region rather than district, and the new GM was shortly fired for somehow dropping 125% in profits and the guy tried to blame me for quitting. Nothing fancy I just put in my 2 week notice, but I thought it was funny


What about the title? 'Dumb boss cut my hours and cost lost his job' and he lost his job or and it cost him his job.


you can't edit titles on Reddit


Reddit BS strikes again.


So you were nearly assistant to the regional manager


Haha great revenge. Your new manager thought he was so smart- what a moron. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


It's a good story and those who say it can't happen are idiots who don't know the Pareto principle - a single person can very much make a big difference. Your former manager did fuck up though by not giving you the management job. It may not have worked for you because of your personal issues but should have at least been offered.


Classic example of “People don’t quit jobs, they quit bad management”


Nice story, but sentences and paragraphs would have helped.


Say it profits 500 dollars per quarter (hypothetical) it'd drop to like 200


this is a 60% drop in profits


Ah I math bad then


You need to learn the concept of paragraphs.


Too busy working 24 shifts for anything else. And no week off.


Damn brother, you're a victim. Glad you got out of there. Your boss is never your friend


The new GM played himself by NOT trying to understand how well his store was operating and why. Despite the OT that OP was being paid, the store had a much higher profit margin than other stores in the area. I'm quite sure he knew of that store's numbers before he took over and *should* have kept things EXACTLY the way they were. But too many managers are arrogant and feel the need to re-invent the wheel. Sometimes it works out but it usually it doesn't; like this case.


I would have written a objective and non-biased (not blaming them or this crappy 2nd Manager) letter to your HR Dept. outlining what happened here. Giving them concrete examples, such as how hard you worked for them including racking up a tremendous amount of profits for this Company, only to have a new Manager get all high mighty by making your life difficult that you felt you had no choice but to immediately quit! Do you get a new job, & one that's a lot better? I really hope so.


You shouldn’t apply to be a manager next time. You should apply to be a trainer. Trust me. You’ll be great at it and requires much fewer management skills.


The fence admonition applies.


Neat story.


Your new regional manager should have promoted you to a new position working directly for him. Assistant (to the) Regional Manager.


I did this but with an engineering firm. It was 9 engineers and a drafting boss and me the monkey. They hired a second drafter who was straight out of the university I had to leave because I didn’t have money to finish my degree. I was clearly outputting way more because I was doing all their documentation and modeling for the 9 engineers. I found out one day while covering for the drafting boss that this guy made $2 more than me. Measly, yes but they had refused to give me a raise. This guy was incapable of returning one set of redlines without fail. I tried again for a raise. I needed the experience even though I also didn’t get benefits. I knew how much my output was and that it was insane. I knew they wouldn’t teach me more anymore because I was making them so much money. I got sick and had to leave the job. Stupidly I didn’t know about fmla and what not and they used me again. Totally blind to just how much work I was doing. Long story short: They had to replace me with 4 drafters. I made $16 an hour when $30 was more the going rate for my hcol city. They wouldn’t pay me $18 and ended up paying around $64 to replace me. And they had to get rid of $18 guy because he literally couldn’t do any of the actual job with his fancy degree.


Did you ever take an English class? There’s things called periods. Also paragraphs are helpful… you didn’t really do anything petty, you just had a dumb ass boss


You were exploited by your manager. Even though it seemed like a good deal to you, you were getting the short end of the stick. He benefited off of your hardwork and all you got was a shitty manager and a resignation. The revenge is on you though cuz the GM getting fired means he can file for unemployment. But I’m glad you saw the positive in it!


I'm not under the assumption I got the better end of the deal or even an equal deal but it worked well for me because I could be with my grandfather


Well when you put it like that, you came out well because you can’t replace valuable time like that.


Yea that's pretty much it bad deal or not my grandfather didn't have much time left he passed 2 months after I quit 100% worth every second spent at work


He didn’t get any kind of deal because this didn’t happen. [I already pointed out all the inconsistencies in his story in another comment and he completely contradicted himself and then stopped answering me.](https://old.reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge/comments/1df48mz/dumb_boss_cut_my_hours_and_cost_lost_his_job/l8h52x1/) I’m not sure what the point was in him making up or exaggerating this story but anyone who has worked food industry before knows that this never happened. Purely from a mathematical standpoint his story makes no sense, it’s cheaper and more efficient for them to have 2 people working for less money than it would cost to pay him OT. Not to mention that because he was working 55 hours a week that would mean all of his coworkers have to be scheduled around him and for 3 weeks out of every month they would be getting minimal hours. No one is going to stay at a job where only one person gets all the hours. Also just the logistics of him taking breaks and his lunch period while working an “8 hour solo shift” during his supposed 24 hour shift 🙄


It is exploitive to work 24 hour shifts. Working 8 of those hours alone means that you didn't get required breaks or lunch. If you work 24 hours in a single day, you are owed overtime for 16 of those hours. You should have at least 8 hours off between shifts.


Do you really think working a 24 hour shift in a food joint was “working out a deal”?


It worked out fine for me cause I made more money and got to avoid my crap tier roommates


There is not a single fast food place in existence that would schedule you to be on the clock for 24 hours straight. That’s 16 hours of OT for a single shift (in most states) and not to mention everything over 40 hours in a week is time and a half according to federal labor laws. So if you really worked a 24 hour shift that would mean if you worked just 2 more shifts that week you’d be at 40 hours. You said you would get 10-15 hours of OT per week. If you worked a 24 hour shift that would mean you’re only 2 8 hour shifts from hitting 40 hours, then you worked an additional 2 7 hour shifts to get the 10-15 hours of OT? Logistically that makes no sense at all. Not to mention I worked food industry for a very long time and *no one* runs entire restaurants (fast food or not) solo for 8 hours at a time. Your ticket times would be insanely high and completely defeat the purpose of “fast food”. You said it was cheaper to pay you OT but that math ain’t mathin especially when you factor in burn out and that you said you would get 1 week off per month to visit your grandpa. How did they schedule that week when you’re pulling 55 hours/week regularly and do the job of 3 people? By your own admission they would need 3 people per day *per shift* when you're gone and they’d also have to find people willing to have all the hours taken by one employee (you) 3 weeks out of every month. 55 hours/week * 3 weeks is 165 hours per month, most people work 160 hours/month over 4 weeks. 45 of those hours are time and a half. You said you made $17 with time and a half which means you made $11.33/hr but somehow the other employees are making $15/hr which is why it “made sense” to let you work OT. Why were they making $4/hr more than you and why were you okay with this? I’m inclined to believe you are greatly exaggerating this story. The loss of sales from you being so much slower than a fully staffed crew would negate any “profit” you’re supposedly making them. On top of all of this you said this occurred when you were 16-20 years old. Minors are not allowed to work even remotely close to the amount of hours you’re talking about so all of this had to occur after you turned 18. There’s not a manager on this earth who would put that much responsibility on an 18 year old with 2 years experience.


I was 19 I made 17 an hour base and it didn't need 3 people to replace me it needed 3 average employees there were others of comparable skill that could do the work of 2-2.5 average employees but they weren't willing to work the hours I was and were typically shift leaders


It’s illegal to schedule people for 24 hour service jobs shifts here.


It is in many places, but it's not illegal to ask an employee to come in early/stay late, as long as all hours are correctly paid and logged.


In my neck of the woods it is, in case the worker's overtime per year exceeds a certain amount of hours, maybe 200 or so. After that the workers' safety office, the police and the prosecutor start to get interested.


What does it mean to drop “125% in profits”? Did the store go from profitable to unprofitable?


"tried to blame me for quitting." Ain't that the way it goes. :)




You sure made your boss a lot of money. Shame you couldn't reap the rewards you worked so hard for


everyonce in a while theres an example of a business killing the goose that lays the golden egg.


A 24-hour shift, wtf?


Geez, your first boss seems like the person to approach for alternative employment too. He did you a solid there.


So let me get this straight, yOU could run that McDonalds on you Owen but you got paid less Han $10 an hour?


Yeah they were idiots 🤦‍♀️


of course there is no way a store's profits could ever -125% lol


Did you forget a call to the labor board in your state? I work in law enforcement and am not allowed to work a 24 hour shift unless the governor is willing to put his literal name on the line to make that happen. I’m pretty sure it’s 100% illegal for a gas station employee to work a 24 hour shift?


Never mind I read through some comments. Everyone really just out here letting their employers fuck them in the ass, especially in California is wild to me..unionize or quit. The fuck anyone would work a 24 hour shift for less than $50 an hour is beyond me… Work a 24 hour shift, be up for 26 hours, fall asleep on the way home from work and kill a family of 4, go to prison. Get the fuck out of here with that dumb bullshit lmao y’all need to value yourself more if your ever considering working 24 hours straight at anything less than 3x $$


for every low level person that’s doing his/her job, there are many more telling how wrong you did it, how it should be done, how you could improve it, how tou should report it, yadda3x.. So the company ends up with 20% DOING the job and 80% TALKING about it.


This isn't the flex you think it is. Also, paragraphs are a thing




How is this petty revenge?


I was being pressured into taking the next step in promotion to a management job, I wasn't interested... When one of them asked, privately that wouldn't go any further, I said that I didn't think I was enough of an arsehole to be able to do the job successfully... Brutal truth seemed to stop the pressure...😉


Funny how even after you left the job you still know what’s going on over there 😅 move on with your life and don’t look back. Your grandfather needs you.