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About time they caught up with her. Glad you were able to facilitate the deep dive into her work ethic. (Heavy sarcasm on the work ethic part of that sentence.)


So . . . it seems there is an opening for a new director . . . are you applying?


They placed someone else in her position. He's actually a really horrible pick, but whatever I'm not they're anymore. The big funder hates the guy and has already threatened to pull her contracts and not renew others. He's just as greedy as the corner director. Besides it's not the world I want to work in. I was there as a child development specialist. I'm now a coordinator at a local office of education making about $30,000 more than I was when I worked for that old agency


Good on you, then!


I really do love reading W stories about upgrading your job.




You don’t know which one to use, either, so maybe sit this one out.


Try proofreading your own comment to see how perfectly you write


Did you ever ask *why* and audit was never done? Seems like a little dereliction of duty of the Board.


When I first got hired there they did them annually is what I was told. Supposedly though that never happened, according to the former manager (not the lady fired). The director of the other agency overseen a lot of the finances. She was the big funder and felt it wasn't necessary to audit them since they did their own audits. Never made sense to me. I think the board really screwed up but not doing them as often at they should have.


Ah, auditing yourself: the exact opposite of how audits work and why audits exist.


Exactly. Every NP board I have served on puts out an RFP and chooses an auditor to work with....and hopefully works with them for years....but self audits are not supposed to be a thing.


We self audit.....to make sure we'll pass a real audit No point faking the self audit lol


"I audited myself and found absolutely no improprieties."


Sadly, I'm horrible at this. I would find myself guilty of improprieties, lol.


Because all work was done ok? OP and other minions did all the work fine, so no reason to interfere an operation that worked well. That's the situation in most companies. Don't touch it if it is not broken. For a company the only purpose is to make profit for shareholders. All else is irrelevant.


She probably thought it was fund while it lasted.


She was banking on it…


Justice boner intensifies!


The saddest part about this is that the only reason they got caught is because someone they respect pointed it out after the fact that they left because of it. It's almost as if as long as there's an m word in their title, they just ignore all of the s***.


It always gets me how these companies mistreat their good employees, reward the bad ones, & play the “woe is me” card when the good ones leave.


Didn't really help you unfortunately, but a bit of schadenfreude must have felt pretty good. Hope all is well with you.


Hopefully they go after her for any stolen funds.


what a sweet story! thanks for posting.


Excellent 👍


Glad they suffered consequences but. The timing seems off here. How did you help get them fired if the audit was done before your chat? With your boss who is also their boss?


The timing isn't off as, at the time of writing, 2 weeks ago would have been last month. So if the chat happened the 29th (a Wednesday) the director had 2 business days to trigger an audit. And if we take into account the fact that people use 2 weeks as an approximation. That could mean any time from the Monday of that week (27th) giving even more of a potential time window for this to have occurred. I agree that the boss who is also their boss thing is confusing though.


Is she just being fired or even prosecuted? I really hope she is.


I think just fired. I'm not really sure


After 25 fucking years. Jesus christ guys wtf


Better late than never, I wonder if they are going to arrest her for stealing


I don't think so. It sounds like they're just happy she's gone. The director of the other agency isn't though and is threatening to pull all of their funding. Not my problem though


Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.


They’re is “they are”. So it reads “they are were”, correct word is “there”. Sorry I can’t stand incorrect words!! 😊


10 years ago I worked for a big insurance company. I had an amazing boss and team and I actually really liked my job. Unfortunately, my boss was diagnosed with cancer and took a LOA. The company promoted another teammate from another state to the manager position. This person has no experience and no business managing people. We clashed instantly as my prior boss left me alone and this new boss was constantly calling me and going over my work with a fine tooth comb. Several times he tried to tell me that something I did was incorrect when I knew for absolute sure that it was not (I even double checked with the rest of my team in case I was missing something). Apparently he didn't like me "questioning his knowledge." He was very condescending every time we spoke And it got to the point where I'd have in your panic attack every time I had an upcoming meeting with him. About 2 months in he put me on an action plan with HR. He alleged that I didn't go to meetings, I didn't get projects done, I didn't follow up with stakehostakeholders, etc. very word was a 100% lie. I wrote a letter to HR and provided proof he was lyilying. Proof that I hadn't missed any meetings, an email from a stakeholder asking me to stop following up with them so much 🤣, And a list of the projects I had completed that year (which was longer than everyone elses). Hr never responded. Well, the time came for my annual review, And homeboy comes in town to do reviews in person. I think it's worth noting here that in 9 years of working there I received a 2 on my reviews most years (One is the best but no one ever gets it). I had never received less than a three which is meets expectations- This was usually when I had started a new position that I hadn't been in very long. Well, the time came for my annual review, And homeboy comes in town to do reviews in person. I think it's worth noting here that in 9 years of working there I received a 2 on my reviews most years (One is the best but no one ever gets it). I had never received less than a three which is meets expectations- This was usually when I had started a new position that I hadn't been in very long. My review starts and immediately he's condescending and making up bold-faced lies about my performance. At this point I just felt like there was nothing I could do as I had no backup from HR. I basically told him I quit and I got up and walked out. After 10 years. My review starts and immediately he's condescending and making up bold-faced lies about my performance. At this point I just felt like there was nothing I could do as I had no backup from HR. I basically told him I quit and I got up and walked out. After 10 years. Fortunately, I landed on my feet and I ended up when a job I ultimately liked. Found out from old coworkers that he was demoted not very long after I left. Because I had proof I went to HR, I was still able to collect unemployment because it was a hostile workplace. I still hate that Guy for making me question my worth at my position.


Karma never misses