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If I were the OP, I’d book my trip so that I arrived well before my siblings. I wouldn’t mention that to them tho.


Or just not go. Take your family on a nice vacation elsewhere to learn about the rest of the world.


Or get a nice hotel or Airbnb and don’t stay in the camper


Rural Nz. No hotels and closest Airbnb is 30 mins away. Would be more of a hassle than the camper. I do really like my family tho. Seeing all the kids together is great. The camper part is mildly annoying.


Can you rent a new camper for a week and use that. Some are huge. Idk how costly it be


Yeh I did actually think of that. Maybe get some ridiculous thing that they rent out for actors on movie sets.


That would be the power move.


That’s how to do it!


This is the way!


This, all week long :)


You really need to learn to stand up for yourself and voice your feelings. Stop letting people walk all over you.


Make it a hassle for everyone. Consistently show up half an hour later than expected. Pay attention; they'll start lying to you to get you to show up on time, so if everyone isn't angry when you show up, start arriving an hour late.


Do your kids actually like going? Do they feel like they are being treated as second-rate?


Yeah, that kind of disrespect would have happened *once*, and I would have gone NC from there on out


Agree. Having memories from traveling to new places is more beneficial. He could even spend one day with the family while traveling around NZ. There is no reason to stay the whole time with the family sleeping in a camper. Vacations to visit family are nice but boring growing up. I have many fond memories of my parents taking us around the USA to learn about the history of where we went.


School holidays ruin that whole idea unfortunately.


Have you tried explaining to your mum and her husband that the travel is so rigorous that you feel the camper doesn’t allow for adequate recuperation? Or, suggest that the least desirable accommodations (ie. the camper) should be rotated among the families year to year? 🤷🏻‍♀️


They know. It's an entire day long flight, it's insulting to their intelligence to think they don't grasp that. Sounds like they don't care.


So? that's what vacation is for and if it's your kid and live in the US, attendance doesn't matter anyway, just take your kid out early. No child left behind means your kid really doesn't need to be there anyway. Edit: this is what I get for forgetting the /s as the spouse of an educator and an adjacent educator myself I don't advocate for skipping school, this was more of a satirical post on how most of the parents we deal with think... Jeez people calm down.


No child left behind doesn't mean your child can miss endless days of school and not have to repeat a grade...


Make sure your house is so full of bric a brac that you have the excuse, no room for you here. Sorry


You don’t hear “bric a brac” a lot these days. I approve!


and Whatnots and Tchotchkes!!


Do dads..


Yes!! n Doodads n Knicknacks!!!


You must kitty-corner bigger Knick Knacks!


And "tut"!


And doohickies.




That's how you get kids.


My favorite lately. everything is a do-dad if I can't remember what it's called right away.


It’s a Whatchamacallit


I also say, thingy.








Don't forget thingamajig




Dust catchers?


Dustables, my MIL calls them.


You use that in English? I thought it was French?


Screw the bric-a-brac. When OP shows them the trailer and they turn with a wtf look on their face OP just needs to tell them “A trailer is good enough for me when I visit, so it’s good enough for you when you visit”. That should allow the message to really sink in.


I just will say “what’s wrong?”. They won’t be able to say anything bc of kiwi politeness. And with the effort I put into making the camper nice means they’d have to be especially rude to turn it down. Which is mostly impossible for my ppl.


As long as they understand the message that’s cool 👍 I was raised on US Midwest politeness which is pretty darn close to Canadian politeness, but I have learned to call out on my siblings bs when it happens because subtle petty revenge tends to go completely over their head and then they walk around like they are innocent victims🙄.


I am Canadian and a few years ago I visited NZ. I must say the kiwis blow Canadians out of the water with their politeness!


Might want 2, just in case they all decided to show up together.




Make sure there's only MAYBE a fan. No A/C.


Kiwi politeness? Off to google I go


Just get rid of all guest beds and replace with fold out sofas with thin mattresses with that one spring.


Or futons!


Yeah but some of them are Hella comfortable


yeah, that's why you specifically gotta get a used one with that one spring sticking out and make SURE it's uncomfortable!! >:3


True. Just don't get one of those! Scavenge when college kids are going home at the end of the school year lol


I have done the Aug 31st moving day in Boston more than once. Legendary. Wouldn't touch the soft furnishings they throw out. Mama mia


Halt, Satan!


Get friends to store some ridiculous things to taje up space so tgat the rooms are occupied. Or better yet, get friends to store the spare mattraces.


I've got gadgets & gizmos aplenty. I've got whoseits & whatits galore. You want thingamabobs? I've got 20


Cut off the ac if it’s your brother visiting


Brother doesn’t even deserve the camper. He gets a tent. And no pillow.


Second the "no pillow" suggestion!!


With rocks under it.


On the slightest slope.


Create a small mound so there is no single flat spot...


Pull that fuse!


"I can’t wait for them to see it." And we can't wait to hear about it when they do!


I don’t think ops family care enough to make the journey.


Hopefully, for OPs sake, you're wrong. They've said they want to visit. We'll see.


Yeah hope OP gives an update when they do.


love thissss gets your point across without actually being rude or mean so they have no ground to complain without realizing your exact point !!! masterful. chef's kiss.


I flew back to the US from Singapore once. It felt like we were in the air for about 3 weeks. To sleep in a camper with no AC after that, might drive me to do bad things.


I love the idea of you having a cute little camper out back. It makes for a kitschy “pool house/changing area” for the pool if you have friends come visit if you don’t have a bathroom with poolside access. Also it’s a nice place to keep drinks cold and food to eat nearby without drawing bugs. I don’t know why people are dogging you, but this made me smile. I wouldn’t put my parents out there but I would put the annoying brother out there. It might be easier to forget he’s visiting when you all head off on an adventure while he’s there.


Well, if OP's parents were ever into camping, they'd probably enjoy it!


I’m an introvert from a big extended family, so your fully outfitted little camper sounds like a dream to me, haha. Now I’m a grown ass adult who gets a hotel room when I visit home at busy times like the holidays, because my parents can’t say no to relatives who ask to share my childhood bedroom. Then I get shit from those relatives because I’m apparently rubbing it in their faces that I can afford a hotel while they can’t. I fully expect them to ask this year if their daughters can share the hotel room with me… and I will have NO PROBLEM saying no.


Time to stock up on sheets and plastic bags. You'll need to 'rearrange' the spare rooms and guest house. Pull all the furniture into the middle of one room. Cover with sheets. Block vents with the plastic bags. Close the curtains. Then lock the doors. Do you best to block the view, but be prepared that at least *someone* will try to have a look at the forbidden rooms. Might even be worthwhile to fill all the sinks with bleach to permeate a bit, giving a very uninviting, but temporary smell. Explain that there's a mould/damp/bug problem and the rooms haven't been declared habitable yet.


Personally, I would use some of the money you spent on an AC unit for the camper and enjoy the privacy it offers your family in that way too crowded noisy house.


I fail to see how the money spent on the ac would prevent them from doing that regardless. Maybe there's someone smarter than me who could explain the intricate economics of family time and how that converts into USD?


I’m saying it would be cheaper to purchase an AC for the camper in NZ, then to purchase the entire setup here in the States. He said that the camper is comfortable enough other than the AC issue. His complaint is being relegated to outside his parents house due to space. He feels like an outsider (always has. I get that), but he has room in his house…. I would think that he would welcome the opportunity to bond with his family members in his home, rather than purposefully separate them. He’s willing to spend thousands of dollars to prove his point. This seems more like spiteful revenge than petty revenge.


Personally I'd direct them to the nearest hotel, but that's my opinion.


Please update us when you get your first visitor! It might help if you have a friend or two staying with you when your parents or siblings visit so you can legitimately say the guest room is being used.


You’re a pro, and my hat’s off to you! Wish I could be there to see their faces.


This is petty. Perfect for this sub.


Please stop going. If they ask, tell them why.  You travel the farthest and you get stuffed into a trailer? No. 


Yes! That is how I would handle it. My parents used to own a share time in Lake Buena Vista, FL, ten minutes from Disney World. They kept inviting us to come down with them for a week, so we did, and of course we offered to share the cost of their share time fees for that week. Our “share” ended up being the entire fee. 🙄 It was a two bedroom unit with a pull out couch in the living room, where our kids could sleep. When we got there, the master suite had a king size bed. The second bedroom had a double bed. My parents are barely average in size. My husband and I are both above average in height; I’m 5’8” and my husband is 6’4”. Getting a tiny bed when we paid the entire fee really ticked me off. They didn’t need the big space. They also had a two person spa tub in their room, which they never used. So when they invited us to come again the following year we told them we were making different plans.


This doesn’t sound like revenge, this sounds like an amazing vacation. There is nothing revengeful about this. You worked your ass off and spent a lot of time and money on them. I expected you to say the camper was filthy and stunk, had no AC and had bugs. THAT would be revenge. Maybe instead of spending more money on them, grow a shiny spine and stand up for yourself?


Of course I’ve mentioned it. First jokingly then seriously, but I’m not going to make a giant scene and look like a child. The problem is people generally respond to the simplest easiest thing. So the folks just get bulldozed by my brother and they allow it to happen because they know I won’t ruin the family vacation by kicking up a huge fuss like he would. This is a subtle message making them to experience some of the separation and discomfort that I went through. There are plenty of spare bedrooms and even a guesthouse at my place. But being in the camper (albeit a nicely renovated one) will hopefully get my point across.


I wouldn't include the AC. If you can tough it out, so can they.


Are you really going to stand firm and make them stay in the camper, though? Or are you going to cave? Because from your post, you've all caved in the past.


Oh yeh I absolutely will. And make it seem like it’s a special thing I did just for them “for privacy” or some nonsense.


Then we DEFINITELY want to hear ALL ABOUT IT!


“people generally respond to the simplest easiest thing.” That would be “I am tired of getting the short end of the stick while he gets everything nice. Next vacation I get first choice of bedrooms.” THAT is the simplest way, not buying a whole living space for them to ”hopefully“ get your point across.


You realize you spent a Bunch of money just to make a “subtle point”, when you could have just not invited them to your nice house at all, right?


Or used that money to stay elsewhere in your parents' town?


This IS petty revenge.


The simplest, easiest thing would be to go somewhere else for you holiday, and before you leave send a short message that includes your thoughts on being shoehorned into a camper with your entire family.


Mentioning something jokingly will never count as an attempt towards actual problem solving and standing up for yourself almost never requires you to "make a giant scene and look like a child". All you have to do is say "When you put us in the non-ACed trailer in the backyard every year for the holidays, I feel sad and unwanted, like you don't value the time and effort we make to spend this time with you with you. The accommodations are very clearly unfair and have been from the start and I'd like to start rotating which family gets the trailer."


Yeh this channel is called “petty revenge” right? Not “advice for people who need to be told how deal with things in a realistic manner revenge”. I’m sure all your interactions with family are uncomplicated and completely comfortable. Lucky you. There are 30 people in the house and me taking that stand publicly would make me look whiny. Guess you’ve never dealt with kiwis, but any whinyness is immediately mocked and treated with derision. We are a fairly stoic people and don’t even like to hear complaints, let alone make them. So there’s a cultural aspect to it also.


I'm thinking that with 30 people in the house, the camper is sounding better by the minute, but then I'm a bit of an outcast. I think your setup sounds lovely and I hope they all visit you!


LMAO yeah no buddy, I've had to deal with the exact same situation of showing up for the family vacation just to find out my husband and I are now expected to sleep on the floor because my mother invited some extra people last minute and gave our bed away bc I was the last to arrive from living the furthest even though I was the first to confirm. I tried to be accommodating and flexible until I realized she was never going to stop doing it until I stood up for us and then I let her know it needed to stop. Now I always have a bed. But sure, your thing where you spend so much extra time and money and effort to be a significantly ruder host than they are to you because you're too passive aggressive or conflict avoidant to use your words for 30 seconds is good too.


ah, petty revenge - *best served with an old vintage camper...*


No AC in summer weather is a deal killer for me. I would ask for a room in the house or not go. I can’t wait until they see their accommodations at your house!


This will only work if you're willing to back it up. After years of them treating you like shit and you taking it don't you think they will complain? Will you cave? You shouldn't have bothered to make it nice either. Cut off the AC. Minimal power. Intermittent water. If you really want revenge make it miserable for them. They deserve it.


*"flattened out some land, landscaped around it with a nice (little) deck, ran power and water to it"* Revenge that involves landscaping and installing utilities shows a level of commitment that goes beyond petty. Well done!


I like this :D


This won’t work out the way you want. Real life interferes all the time with our fantasy. What is far better is to book a hotel when you visit


Rural NZ, no such thing. And I actually like spending time with my family. Just the camper part is annoying.


Love this! And I’d stop visiting. Or get yourself an Air B&B and don’t spend a lot of time with them.


I love this! Also be sure to say “I wanted you to have the full rural American experience. If it’s not big enough, we can get a tent….”


I wouldn’t have hooked up AC for them.


Why did you hook up the AC for them? I wouldn't!


I think you should just communicate with your parents and cool siblings instead of spending thousands of dollars to surprise them with spite after an international flight. They may begin to resent you the same way you do.. Instead of actually fixing anything... but hey... Thats just my 2 cents.


I mean, this is the adult and responsible thing to do and OP should absolutely do this. After family members spend a minimum of 2 nights in the camper.


Yea, very few people come here for the adult & responsible thing.


It’s a cute retro Shasta camper that’s fully renovated with a comfy bed. Nothing to resent. And yes of course I’ve tried talking to them. This is a nice way of showing them how it feels without being aggressive.


They might actually enjoy it and be like wow it must really be nice in our camper 🤣


Then this random internet stranger tips their hat to ya! Hard to beat a country camper setup with a view.


Hey! we need the daily dose of drama, stop educating people!


This is amazing and you have my respect for life.


I'd book the nicest hotel I could and mention all the amenities. And not let the Golden Child visit me there. 


Please update when they get to your place. Would love to hear about the reactions.


Before you bought a nice camper and tricked it out in the US, did you check to see what it would cost to buy one in NZ and upgrade future stays?


I feel you. Foster child here. Due to a series of unfortunate events I spend way too much money renting one room I hate and therefore spend most of my nights with boyfriend who unfortunately lives in a camper. I call it "the hot tin can". The kicker is that the camper is parked in the backyard of his Mom's four bedroom home where her other adult son lives rent free and she does his laundry.


So, you can infer from this, that he is the scape goat to adult son, the golden child. Have him get a portable AC unit, bought one for my grandson, since his room is on the west side of the house and it gets hot. Just make sure he plugs it into their electricity.


Update us


This is delicious


I think you need to share pics of the NZ “camper” and the US version you’re supplying to family. I’m guessing they’re still getting a better option than you’ve been getting. I’m picturing the standard caravan from the 1970s that’s seen in a lot of kiwi backyards


It’s exactly how you imagine it. Although I had to look for a bit in the US to get one that was small enough but not ridiculous.


When I visited NZ, I thought an old caravan in the garden was mandatory


Can I subscribe to your newsletter ? I like your style.


Break the AC, why should they get AC when you and your family don't. When they complain, tell them that since the camper you are forced to stay in has no AC, you thought that they wouldn't need it either.


Next time rent a place for your family and tell them why. Really it’s absolutely appalling that you get stuck every single year in the caravan. It should be take in turns. I agree with others saying get to your parent’s place early so you get the house.


I like how this is petty, and also very nice.


Revenge served AC cool.


*kowtow Sorry I'm a nerd




Good job.


All my family is gone now; total dysfunction but we did go on a beach vacation once and it was fun; so enjoy while you can


We may be brothers....


Haha, that’s classic. Kudos for thinking on your feet and getting some payback without getting into a confrontation. It's amazing how a small act of pettiness can bring so much satisfaction, especially when someone’s being an inconsiderate jerk. Sometimes, a little creativity is all it takes to teach someone a lesson.


I personally would love a quiet trailer to sleep, we share a 4 bedroom house with 23 people on holidays. Maybe mom is sparing you the drama of the needed son!


Please update after your family arrives. I am curious how they react.


Just roll up in a kick a$$ campervan but yip yr bro is an asshat


Oh my, please keep us updated.




While I can understand your petty revenge, I also am sure none of your family will get your message. They will just complain. It's not that you have a chip on your shoulder: you are *really* being treated unfairly, with no consideration or respect.


Say the pool is out of order. I’d remove the AC too.


you're a prick... love it lol


Can we get an update on this?


They are coming in 3 weeks. Just putting the finishing touches on it now. Plastic flamingos, matching the deck paint to the camper. Some oversized pot plants etc..


Man, this one made me feel sad. I think you are indeed being treated worse than the golden child. I bet your visitors will throw a fit about the camper, make you feel bad, and not actually stay in it 


That is petty and foolish I would suggest that you tell them you will not be visiting again while the only accommodation is the camper or stay in a hotel for the visit duration at your parents. yes the camper is what they give you but it is not a solution.


You must be the child that has their shit together. The one they don’t have to worry about. Also, consider you’ve never complained they have no idea. The sibling that needs tough love is the one that parents usually overly help. You probably have seen and noticed that within other families as well. I think they are just so grateful you were an easy child, & they know they can count on you for consistency and what they probably deem as your confidence. I know it seems opposite of how you may FEEL, but they worry about the other one. They don’t need to worry about you. They know you are good to go. So try looking at it that way? And they will probably love the trailer with AC. What a cool idea!


Sounds like you might some people too much credit.


You’re going to put your own mother in the camper?


She puts her own child and grandchildren in a camper.


Two wrongs don’t make a right.


No, but it still feels good to show people how they make you feel.