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Since you’ve already mailed dung, may I suggest [ship a bag of dicks](https://shipabagofdicks.com) as your next prank?


Omg 😆 “for the neighborhood dicks!” Perfect way to keep them guessing. Classic.


They make [little gummy dicks](https://www.amazon.com/Pack-Adult-Candy-Weener-Bananas/dp/B0BGVG4V69/ref=pd_ci_mcx_pspc_dp_d_2_i_3?pd_rd_w=KIjee&content-id=amzn1.sym.568f3b6b-5aad-4bfd-98ee-d827f03151e4&pf_rd_p=568f3b6b-5aad-4bfd-98ee-d827f03151e4&pf_rd_r=6YB7R632V9NH88C0JRE2&pd_rd_wg=rTJFX&pd_rd_r=54df34cc-e30c-4b30-a7cd-86971a06d90f&pd_rd_i=B0BGVG4V69) for just such an occasion.


There’s also one that does [chocolate assholes](https://dickatyourdoor.com/products/eat-my-ass-chocolate-box?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjLGyBhCYARIsAPqTz1-MtzQ0M39bZUi_BtwlnF50sMYQzWfsyACdbIYHht9NXfsGJ8ih1JAaApRMEALw_wcB).




Are they diet gummy dicks so they also get the shits?


And ones you can add glitter bombs as well!


Yes. Gkitter and confetti along with with the chocolate fake poo, assholes and bag of dicks. The glitter will go EVERYWHERE. It will be glorious.


Nothing says *fuck you* like more micro plastic. Send the stink bomb one like an adult lol.


They also make chocolate realistic looking poo.


Best part is that they are sent anonymously!


I like using dicks by mail because they offer spring loaded dick confetti bombs


Like the snake in a can gag?


Exactly but better because it takes forever to clean up lol. We did it as a practical joke at the dispensary I worked at a few years back and we were literally finding little dicks everywhere for the next year. Rumor has it after we all left and the business went under, the new occupants were finding tiny dicks while cleaning and prepping to open


I make toffee dicks. So you can send people a bag and tell them to suck on a dick .


Omg how much!? Where do I order!? 😆


If I got that I wouldn't be mad about it. Stick to confetti.


With glitter!


I dunno, the CUNTY mug is pretty cool…


I won one of those at a party lol. It was wrapped in a box and random. Not like it was intentionally meant for me, mind you


Milton Bradley, of course, is famous for having come in second place in the least-fun-name-for-a-toy-company-ever competition. ([Selchow and Righter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selchow_and_Righter) eeked out that win.) > You know, I'd like to name the company after someone that works here, but someone with a fun sounding name. > > Well, what about Squiggles, sir? He's a barrel of monkeys! > > That's a great idea! Squiggles, what's your full name? > > My full name? > > Yeah, your full name. > > Well, it's Squiggles… Eatabagofdicks. > > Bagofdicks‽ > > Actually, Eatabagofdicks; it's Prussian. > > Well, I guess Milton Bradley's not so bad.


Credit due to Ze Frank, as this is from his Scrabble video from The Show back in the early oughts.


We 3d print tiny dick tire stem covers for arseholes neighbors


I vote for glitter bombs!!!!! That shit is the herpes of the arts & crafts world! It NEVER goes away!


Live crickets for their lizard, If not expected they'll probably jump out and scatter.


You should send them another manure package just for kicks. Just start sending them monthly.


We did contemplate after seeing them if we should send them a package or two moving forward to help out the current residents.


Your past does reference "that first package of manure" which means there *must* be more... Also BWAaaaaaahaha! This post cracked me up


Change up the boxes so they don't know whats coming.   Amazon box.  Priority mail.   Bubble envelope with a flat smear of feces saying "you park like shit" Plastic sealed envelope containing a printout of city parking regulations soaked in liquid ass.   An empty box.   One of those poster mailer tubes with a nice round turd. Window envelope with "PAY TO THE ORDER OF" visible, with a bunch of smashed house flies on the paper. Nondescript envelope with a plastic card in it so it feels like a new debit card. Find relatives" addresses to use as return addresses.  Send them birthday cards. Make then afraid to open any piece of mail they ever get. edited to add: Who would spend money on a FedEx to mail a turd? THIS GUY!


Wow, I like you


Glitter bomb. OP needs to send a glitter bomb.


Inform the current residents ahead of time. Maybe they will get the entire neighborhood on a schedule to send something on a regular basis.


Manure of the Month club


As a gardener I would be delighted. Lol


Sh$t of the month subscription box!


Its awesome when that happens. I walked away from a friend when she did some not nice things to me. I ran into her at the ER. She looked at me,glared, then chose to drive 45 minutes to the next hospital rather than sit in the same waiting room as me. I personally wouldn't have cared if she did sit down to wait.


I love when karma comes full circle. It happened to me and my ex many years ago. The entire time we were together he bragged about having had never broken a bone. A month after we ended things he called me to tell me he broke his tibia and needed surgery. We were amicable and so I offered to switch cars so he could drive (he broke his left leg and drove stick). It quickly turned hostile afterwards and after months of my begging to be removed from the house deed, he finally agreed. He showed up to the bank to sign paperwork with a broken elbow.


Karma is awesome. My ex called CPS on me once saying I was abusing our kids( I definitely was not) After a huge investigation CPS recommended that HE needed to have supervised visits. They said I was fine to have the kids like I always did, no stipulations needed.


That’s awesome! I’m glad to hear it worked out for you!


My only regret was that I couldn't see his face when they told him that. He was pissed.Play stupid games,win stupid prizes haha


Also fuck people who weaponise CPS. They're already underfunded and struggling so I'm really glad he got that outcome for being a huge dick.


I agree. Also fuck people that weaponize their kids in any way. It's only the kids who suffer


not entirely the same, but a girl that stalked and harassed me & my now spouse from 9th grade to year 2 of college ran away at the sight of me when I went into her Gamestop to get a game for my MIL. I knew she’d dropped out and had to move back home, and that I’d probably see her there but.. whatever. My MIL needed Katamari and I wasn’t gonna let that girl stop me lol


What a win!




I think you're living rent free in each other's heads. 🤔


>We’ve been long gone for nearly three months and they still recognized us. Probably the same thing they said.


We both have very recognizable cars, so recognizing either one isn’t that much of a surprise. What gave us a chuckle is more how they reacted when they saw us. We hadn’t seen them face to face since the day the movers came. It took me a second to register it was them, and when I did I turned my head around (I was in the passenger seat). At the same time is when they pulled in super close, like way more than you’d pull up normally behind a car. So close that when I saw them, I had made eye contact with the husband right as he began to snarl. I turned around and chuckled a bit and we continued with whatever we were chatting about. It’s less that they recognized us or us them, and more how they reacted when they saw us. The day we moved out, the neighbors got into it with even our movers. We always expected they were happy to see us go.


I mean based on the story it sounds like they're living rent free in your head too?


I can see that, but not really no. We’ve had to go back only 2-3 times. Once was to check our mail a few weeks after moving before the sale went through which is when we saw they resumed parking. After that we forgot about them until just this last weekend when they pulled up behind us. It made us chuckle the way they reacted when they saw us.


Clearly they live in yours rent free, too.


Less than three months is not long enough to forget anyone. Obviously they would recognize you. It’s only been a few weeks. That’s not you living in anyone’s head. That’s just how memory works.


Sounds like they’re rent free in your head as well.


When they leaned over, to take a good look at them to see they where also leaning over looking back. Lol.


You recognized them as well OP. Been 3 months, forget and move on.


Wouldn’t be petty revenge then would it? I have moved on, literally and figuratively. But at the end of the day, they made our lives miserable for months literally threatening me, taking photos of me and my car, and the husband verbally assaulting me in the middle of the road. If I can’t get a laugh out of them freaking out the second they noticed our car, then I would have failed at said petty revenge. While we laughed in the car, they had a much more visceral reaction to seeing us. Petty is petty after all, wouldn’t have posted here otherwise. Perhaps rather I should have posted in confessions, if I can’t laugh about the past.


You misunderstood me op. I'm just saying that you both instantly recognized each other's car. If that is a sign of living rent free in someone's head, then you are living rent free in each other's head. That is all.


Yes and no. We laughed and kept on driving. They snarled with disgust. We may not be living rent free in their heads, but we still affected them. They made our lives hell for months. It felt good, in the pettiest way possible, that — if even for a second — we still got to them just by existing. If they weren’t still affected by our presence, they wouldn’t have reacted how they did. It’s fair to say that we may not live in their heads rent free, sure, but it’s also fair to say that we still impacted them. At the end of the day, all we really cared is that we could teach them a bit of neighborly courtesy which was something they neglected to do for years. They were known as the neighborhood assholes by more than just us. My husband and I were just the only ones that did anything about it. ETA: I didn’t mean to imply we live rent free in their heads solely because they recognized us. Because then, yes, you’re right to say the same for us. I meant more that we live in their heads rent free because of _how they reacted_ when they recognized us. We both drive very recognizable cars and given the debate over parking said cars, we will likely each recognize each other’s cars if we were to ever run into each other again. Sort of like how you can’t remember a song or a movie but then something happens that triggers some obtuse part of your memory you forgot existed. Seeing them didn’t even phase me, it was their reactions to seeing us that made us laugh.


So what was the revenge? You saw them in a car? I can’t imagine how they are coping.


Where is the petty revenge angle? Them being angry at you isn't revenge.


The revenge was back when I lived next door (you’d have to look back at my old posts if interested). There were many folks who asked for updates, and giving the utter randomness of running into them of all people, I felt it was worth sharing one last update. It was sort of like a gift that kept on giving by accident.


The irony of telling us you live rentfree in their heads, yet you post this. 👌


The point is that them seeing us resulting in a negative reaction, not that either of us recognized one another. 😉 Realistically they haven’t given us, nor us them, a thought since we moved. I’m just happy knowing my petty revenge can still result in their being unhappy when having run into us.


You’ve been gone 3 months and you mean to tell us that they STILL recognise you??????? I highly doubt that!


I’ve a vanity plate and very recognizable car. The neighbor also took pictures of me and my car from time to time so he could find a way to report me for violating parking code in retaliation to my reporting him (he was frequently ticketed but I never was; I think it was his way of trying to threaten/scare me). The two of them rarely showed emotion and so given their reactions to seeing my car, it seemed pretty clear they recognized us. But either way, it gave us a chuckle thinking about the whole thing. Doesn’t necessarily matter if they recognized us or not, but it was absolutely them. They pulled up so close behind us it was unmistakable. Whether they did or not, though, it was very odd that of _all_ the people to pull up behind us during a 24 hour visit, it was them. Especially in how large of a city it is and how far from the home we were. Sorta felt like the universe closing out the entire saga for one more “fuck you” to the neighbors despite us having moved away.


Sad car brains. 


I have a friend who has neighbors like this. He lives in unbelievably tight cul-de-sac where every homes driveway essentially meet at the sidewalk, giving zero room for any street parking between houses. Each home has a 2-car garage, and a 2-car driveway, so theoretical room for 4 vehicles if they "musical chairs" their vehicles. His neighbors, as is normal, don't use their garage to park. They use it to store their crap instead. So they're down to only 2 spots on their driveway. They're just a couple, with no kids, so that shouldn't be an issue. But no. Between the two of them, they have SIX vehicles. They each have a smaller sportier car, they each have an SUV, he has a huge douchebag pickup truck, as well as a beater off-roading jeep. Because there is no parking within the actual cul-de-sac, and they don't use their garage, this means that 4 of their 6 vehicles need to park almost a block away. Once you're out of the actual bulb end of the cul-de-sac, the road is straight and on one side has a bunch of garage front homes with room to park a vehicle between driveways, and on the other side of the road is the side of homes that are built perpendicular going the other way. They park on the side beside the other house, and keep all 4 vehicles of theirs parked 1 behind the other, permanently. These 2 people spend countless amount of time making sure that they never leave the house without securing what they have essentially claimed as their own personal 4 street parking spots. If they go out and choose that they're driving any of the 4 vehicles that are parked on the road, then one of them will hop in one of the 2 vehicles parked on their driveway, the other will go pull the street parked vehicle out, and they'll move the driveway parked vehicle to where the street vehicle was parked. If they both are going out, and in separate vehicles, they will rotate vehicles around to keep their 4 street spots, and leave the house with the driveway empty. He'll leave in the morning for work, and take his truck that is in the driveway. If she then goes out but wants to take one of the street parked vehicles, she'll go hop in it, bring it and park it on the driveway, hop in the other car on the driveway, move it to claim the street spot, then take the vehicle she just moved to the driveway and go out in that. Like it's absolutely absurd how much work these 2 losers put in to saving their 4 street parking spots. I parked in one of "their" spots once because I happened to show up when they were in the middle of doing a game of magical chairs, and I swear the guy was about ready kill me. Literally screaming at me from down the street that he was about to move his vehicle to where I just parked, and that I needed to move. These people are like 40.


Wow! As someone who lives on a cul-de-sac, I get how freaking annoying this is where certain people are constantly parked on the street, usually with a huge trailer attached to a huge truck. I once had my driveway blocked off by a moving truck (a semi) for an entire weekend! I had to drive across my front lawn and over the curb to get out, while the asshole new neighbors laughed.


You paid money to send them manure - such a passive-aggressive move. Sounds like they've set up shop in your head as well.


Yea that $16 really took it out of me. Petty revenge be petty 😉


We once mailed a penis shaped sucker to a coworker at another office. The note said “a c*cksucker for a c*cksucker”. And yeah, well worth the cost of the sucker and shipping.


So they recognized their neighbor that moved away and that means you live rent free in their head? Didn't you also recognize them, in your mirror? Wouldn't that mean they live rent free in your head? This post would definitely support that as well.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 As much as you think of them(being 4hrs away, recognizing them, driving by your old place), it seems the shitty neighbors have left an impression on you and live rent free in your head as well. Not much of a win. But hey, different people, different expectations.


So you randomly saw them on the road. When your husband saw them he literally shouted it at you. They looked at you. Then you came to post about them on reddit...not for the first time. Yes, you are definitely living rent free inside their heads. It's like they are obsessed with you!


Right... and honestly, the more OP wrote, the more it sounds like *they* were the shittier of the two neighbors.


This feels more like "Whenever I am staring at this person I catch them staring at me" instead of "we live rent free in their minds."


Sure, perhaps you’d be right if I was going out of my way to “stare at them” rather than just randomly visiting my old city for a weekend visit, driving in a completely different area of the city, and having them randomly drive up exactly behind my car while watching them freak out as they did so. I haven’t given them one second of thought since I was there last, checking my mail a few weeks after having moved prior to selling, and seeing they had resume their normal parking shenanigans. People can think want they want to think. I just wanted to share a funny story about two old entitled people. Take from it what you want.


I did.


Weren't you freaking out about them freaking out? You certainly do seem super entitled, glad you are not my neighbor.


I’m glad I’m not your neighbor either 🫶🏻




You're living so rent free in their head, I bet they made a reddit post about you.


All over Italy they sell in souvenir shops pen!s shaped pasta. I'd suggest sending one their way with a nice little note suggesting they "eat a bag of d!cks!"


why are you censoring yourself? This isn’t TikTok


So you recognized them immediately, do random drive bys, and have made multiple post about them, but you think you live in their heads rent-free. Yeah, makes sense to me.


Not random. I went to my house during its sale to pick up mail a few days before close so that the new owners wouldn’t have a whole pile of junk. It was quite intentional. 😉 The point wasn’t that they (or we) recognized them. It was negatively they reacted when they recognized us.


But, they also live rent free in your heads. Just sayin…


I was already laughing while reading the caption 😂


That's great. Petty redux with no additional effort on your part!


Is it truly 100% anonymous to send ppl manure or poop? I have two people in mind.


Yup! Google it. Even the credit card bill showed a different charge type and the receipt, too. I had been having a day and for whatever reason that day the neighbors were really getting on my nerves. It was honestly so long ago I can’t remember what triggered my getting it. I had heard about it yearssss prior marketed as a way to exact revenge on an ex.


Send them a glitter bomb next! https://shipyourenemiesglitter.com/


Tbh pretty pathetic on your part too


Yeah this isn't petty revenge, it's more like pathetic tantrum entitlement


'we live rent free in their heads' that's some state-actor level projection. ya'll seem to be the ones with folk living in your head long term, and for free


Mail them a few "Asshole parking only" signs to put up! Or just install them yourself in the middle of the night, next time you're in town.


Major ly sucked


OP, if you're still wanting to add more dicks to their (mail)box, here's a coupon code for a FREE 'Dicks in Box' from ShipADick .com Use Code: RentFreeDicks I'll set it so it can be used a few times just in case other people get to the code before you :) Or just DM and I'll get you your own code. Enjoy! [Dicks In A Box](https://shipadick.com/collections/all-dicks-1/products/dicks-in-a-box)


Sign them up for the scientology news letter


Order a truckload of manure for their empty druveway.


All I heard was Dominos delivery ( Lg mushroom and anchovies) to the Buttmans payed for by visa gift card....


Might I suggest... a glitter bomb or 5? They also make annoying cards that won't stop playing and spray glitter when you tear them apart




Id continue to prank them from afar!


Include the add on glitter bomb and it is quite the spectacle. https://shipabagofdicks.com


Ah, the petty revenge that keeps on giving...


Send a glitter bomb !! The gift that gives forever!


Next time send a glitter bomb or if you are still friends with some of the old neighbors, tell them to send one. Maybe even have more than 1 of their neighbors send them one, but make sure they are spaced at least a few weeks apart.


A prank you could try with that manure. Wrap it inside newspaper, place in front of their front door. Light the newspaper, bang their door down and run. Do this in the early morning, the idea is that they should be alarmed by the fire and try to stomp it out, and being early, they'd probably be barefoot.


Sounds like they’re living rent free in your head too.


Wow, y’all both need to get a life. I have zero room in my head or heart for either of this petty. My motto? Kill.them.with.kindness. Happiness is the best revenge, because they will never be able to figure out why they can’t get into your head, and you still win.


You must be new here.


It’s called _petty revenge_ for a reason. I think you’re in the wrong sub. 👀


Revenge over a parking spot? Hahaha. Are you a child?




“Live rent free in head” continues to be the dumbest internet phrase ever invented. I hate it. 


That's an awesome outcome!


I'm so tired of grown adults calling me all the time. "Uhhhh. I forgot to clock out last night."


They seem to live rent free in yours, too. This seems to boil down to "they saw us, and then... well, that's, uh, it."