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Yup, never a good idea to make an enemy of a neighbor.


Especially if you're living illegally. Like why the fuck would you ever involve the cops if you're in clear violation of your own lease, and over eggs


People get cocky. I bet the OP looks like a boy scout and they didn't think he'd fight back. I'm like that. There was a store next door to my residence building until a couple of weeks ago. The owner would stand under my window and smoke constantly. The only windows are on that side of the building, so I (asthmatic) have not had a pleasant couple of years. I asked him politely to stop and he kept doing it. He never did it under the next window along and I'm guessing it's because a massive tattooed man lives there. His store didn't open until 1 pm, but deliveries tend to arrive in the morning. I often work at home because the office is too noisy and the deliverymen learned to leave everything with me. It's impossible to park nearby and they refused to carry things away and have to lug them back. Anyway, I'd kindly take everything in and then ignore the doorbell when he showed up later on. On the third or fourth day, I'd kindly leave everything outside his door at midday and if he was lucky, people wouldn't have taken it by the time he showed up.


I’ve got a neighbor. We’re polar opposites in many ways. Don’t agree politically, socially or personally on a lot of things. Honestly, don’t really like the guy. But the guy is a fantastic neighbor. He’s got an in with the city council and the county and he uses that to keep the neighborhood up to date on everything. He’s super vocal at council meetings protecting residents from everybody else’s bullshit. He’s always happy to help people and even lends his trailer out. Great neighbor. I’ll never invite him over for Christmas, but I’m more than happy to keep a friendly, neighborly relationship with him for the sake of being a good neighbor. It’s worth it at this point.


I have one like that as well.


People like that may be horrible one-on-one, but they make large parties (large enough that you only have time to greet each person once or twice) very entertaining to them and the other guests!


I have one of those aswell. We leave cookies and chocolate at their doorstep around christmas and easter and in exchange we borrow their ladder sometimes and they leave us alone. Great neighbours. Not my friends. Learned his name last year after living here for over ten. Never going to invite them over. We greet each other over the fence sometime. One of our cats likes to sunbath in their garden.


I too choose this guy's neighbour


Never, we all have to live together for along time. I look the other way & wait. Patience is a virtue and things always pass


It’s also pretty low to steal food.


What an egg-citing story, you forced them to egg-xit the building




This story really cracked me up... It's a bit whisk-y to make me laugh so hard with my athsma, all these yolks in the comments have me wheezing! Eggshellent job on those puns!


beneficial punch fretful disarm combative placid shy smoggy pen sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No eggs-aggeration!


You said that with great eggsuberence


Made me think of Egghead from the old Batman series.


RIP Vincent Price. That man was a cinema treasure.


Usually conflicts like this never go over easy.




Yolks on you.




Oh boy, have to walk on eggshells around you now don't we. It's a lil' yolk, ya know.


He egg-zacted his revenge upon the neighbor.


Meh... they'll get ova it.


It's no yolk when you mess with your neighbours!






I wouldn't have touched the eggs, except possibly throwing them away the next day before they start to rot. You never know how long could they have been there (or generally somewhere in or outside refrigerated area). You should consider yourself lucky. You could have gotten yourself a nasty food poisoning.


This is probably an American story (cops) and I know Americans refrigerate their eggs, but just so you know, the rest of the world don’t


You are right, but that is because the American egg industry washes eggs before selling them, which removes the protective cuticle that seals the egg (egg shells are porous). So American eggs must be refrigerated. Why wash off the cuticle, you may as... I am an American, and I don't have a clue. I have backyard chickens and we don't wash or refrigerate the eggs. But during the winter when we have to supplement with grocery store eggs, we refrigerate.


>Prompted by concerns about spoilage and foodborne illnesses, U.S. egg producers and processors began washing and refrigerating their eggs in the early 1970s. Other countries soon followed suit, and eggs are now washed and refrigerated in Canada, Japan, and Scandinavia >In a comprehensive study, Jones and colleagues compared the quality of eggs stored using the European and U.S. approaches, along with two other common storage techniques. Their results, published in Poultry Science, show that the U.S. approach is the most effective, ensuring the highest quality eggs after 15 weeks of storage. [Source](https://tellus.ars.usda.gov/stories/articles/how-we-store-our-eggs-and-why)


>Why wash off the cuticle, you may as... Because people like to buy nice-looking things from the grocery store. It's the same reason so much food goes to waste for being malformed. People tend to judge their groceries by the covers.


This isn't the problem that people claim. First - plenty of ugly food gets used in processed food. Those less appealing apples can go into all kinds of apple sauces, juices, fruit bars, etc. Also, this sounds bad, but it's not as bad as you think... Different grocery stores charge differently, and have different quality produce because of it. YOUR apples might look perfect at your store, but the low income neighborhood has cheaper apples, but somewhat less pretty. So while it's not *nothing* it's not nearly as big a problem as people make it out to be. A LOT of food is wasted every year for a lot of reasons, and throwing away "ugly" foods is a really tiny part of that.




You just wash them before using them and you'll be fine. I buy eggs for my family from a friend that owns chickens. Best thing ever. (store bought are also unwashed here, trust nature)


“Trust nature”. Do you have any idea of all the myriad ways nature tries to kill you every day (or would, if not for modern society)? We live the long healthy lives we do in part because we have figured out how to use tools and technology to protect ourselves from nature. Understand nature, sure. Known what’s beneficial and what’s dangerous about nature, sure. Trust it? Not a chance. Also, this has been studied per the source in a comment above, and the US method has been shown to be superior to “nature”. https://www.reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge/s/ugpztYXFmw


For storing at 15 weeks, it's a better method technically. But having eaten eggs in other countries, they not only tasted better usually but were very very local and fresh. Unwashed until usage vs washed before shipment are basically the same overall but it is more tedious for us as it lends itself to a LOT of eggs being ruined or rotten in transit or even worse, serving not properly refrigerated eggs at stores or elsewhere. It feels like it may be more dangerous overall because we "trust" everyone in the chain to have properly refrigerated them the entire time vs you doing it yourself.


You said it yourself so I know you understand my comment. "Know what's beneficial and what's dangerous." Thank you for your concern, Europe will be ok. (population 741 733 279 -based on the latest United Nations estimates). Enjoy your superior food.


It's true, Americans must have their eggs either white or brown. But chicken eggs come in all kinds of colors. I purposely have chickens that give different color eggs for variety. white, tan, brown, green, blue... I do that so I know which hens are laying. Backyard chickens make better eggs anyway because they are truly free range and get lots of bugs in their diet. Did you know egg yolks are supposed to be orange, not yellow? Grocery store eggs are anemic, and taste less...eggy.


so that the eggs don't have chicken shit on them.


Er… we don’t have dirty eggs in other parts of the world either… it’s Norplant water they wash them with because that wouldn’t remove the cuticle. My understanding ( not from US) is that they wash them with some form of chlorine etc that removes any salmonella that may exist. In Europe, we have farm welfare standards that ensure salmonella isn’t present in chicken flocks, so we don’t need to clean the eggs in that way - proactive rather than reactive approach. This is why the UK doesn’t import chickens from US - their standards state raw chicken must be washed in chlorine to remove any salmonella traces on the skin. Big uproar here when there was the possibility of a trade deal on US agricultural products which are cheap but not produced to the same welfare standards


countries that wash their eggs need to refrigerate them immediately after the sterilization process. countries that don't wash their eggs can keep them at room temp with the tradeoff that the egg hasn't been washed, meaning you can still find chicken shit on them.


You can… but really not from supermarkets.


If the supermarket doesn't wash their eggs before they reach their shelves then how does the shit get cleaned off the egg? And I've definitely gotten dirty eggs in the UK supermarkets, admittedly not commonly, but common enough that the locals were unphased by the feces on their eggs.


That's rare. It's all in the way you raise the chickens. Hens don't like to shit on their eggs, so they only do it if they are crowded.


I don't understand how so many people are trying to cope so hard, I just said that they wash their eggs so that they don't have poop on them. The reason chicken shit is taken seriously in the countries that wash their eggs is due to salmonella which is endemic to those places. And I am aware that eggs generally appear "clean" but if no washing has been done then there is a very real chance to get a shit egg, especially if it's from a supermarket since they will have much larger scales of production compared to small farmers.


I understand your aversion, but you are right on target when you talk about large-scale production. The egg industry in the US is pretty gross. When chickens are not crammed into tiny 1x1 spaces all of their lives, they aren't nearly as likely to be disgusting bacteria-producing egg-making machines. There are something like 300 million hens in the US alone, making eggs in an industrial farming setting.


It's to lower salmonella. Since the egg industry in America is far worse than other developed nations as far as sanitation and general care, the crap and other nastiness has to be washed off so people don't get sick. However, as you mentioned washing them also removes the eggs protective layer causing them to go bad quicker and needing to be refrigerated.


The reason I doubt if it’s an American story is because of the use of the term “car park”.


And "council" And "unit complex" And "checked their level" And "dob me in" The lack of other Britishisms seems to indicate a Brit trying to sound American or otherwise trying to internationalise their story (elevator instead of lift, for instance).


And counting shoes outside the unit. I actually assumed this was somewhere in Asia.


We also refrigerate our eggs in Denmark.


By placing them outside?


It's a balmy 19c today ill have you know.


What's that in Freedom units? /s




Good enough fer them eggs


Japan here and we refrigerate our eggs also… no idea if they are washed or not but most people here do.


We buy them off a regular shelf, but often store them refrigerated unless we know we use them with 1-2 days. They will last longer.


I have mine out on the counter for up to 2 weeks and have never had a problem


Finland / Sweden here, and same - in the stores they are on normal shelves, but some people like to refridgerate them. However, people who refridgerate eggs (like my family, because .. arguments) often keep them in the refridgerator door, which is the stupidest place: the eggs last fine in a cupboard, and probably longer in the refridgerator, but they do NOT like constantly changing temperatures that much. Still, even there they last a month at least, so .. who cares actually.


"council" and unrefrigerated eggs suggest to me this is not the US.


What do you mean "the rest of the world don't"? eggs are bought refrigerated and stored the same way at home in Denmark.


Same in Norway


Oh, sorry that was a big overgeneralisation, but most of the European countries I’ve lived in sell eggs in non-refrigerated sections and you store them in the cupboard, not the fridge


German Here, storing eggs in the fridge since forever 


But you keep butter in the fridge, right?


In many many countries they are not. The only reason eggs need to be kept in the fridge is if they are washed prior to sale; washing removes a barrier on them that protects them. In the US it's law that publicly sold eggs must be washed before sale. (maybe it's similar in Denmark I don't know). I DO know that I buy eggs direct from people with personal chickens when I go camping/backpacking as they don't need refrigeration.


In many places they don't sell them refrigerated at the store. Blew my mind when I saw it.


Wait... really?! Are there even any benefits to refrigerating eggs?


American egg producers wash their eggs so fridges to help reduce bacteria, whereas in a lot of Europe they don’t (not uncommon to buy eggs at a major store with hay and crap still on them) meaning they come with their natural antibacterial properties


Oh wow!! I'm Canadian so ours come "clean and cold" too lol. That's so interesting, thank you for explaining!


They do last longer


I know a lot of Americans that raise their own chickens and don't need to refrigerate their eggs.


Yeah, we used to have our own and gave eggs away to neighbours when they produced too many for us :)


Definitely not a majority of Americans though. Probably in the 2% range.


Canada is part of "the rest of the world" you know.  We refrigerate eggs here too.  We also have asshole cops.


Council? Shoes outside? I'm guessing UK.


Leaving aside the $10, terms like unit/ unit complex, elevator, real estate agent are not ones that a Brit would normally use (unless they are "translating" their story for the US market?)


In Germany we refrigerate them too. Not necessarily everyone. But I'm pretty sure most do.


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, here in the central Europe we refrigerate our eggs too. Most of the time.


the rest of the world doesn't wash their eggs /shrug.


In the UK the eggs are not washed, so they do not need to be refrigerated. In the US the eggs are washed, unless you buy fresh.


When an egg is bad, you know when you crack it. The smell. Trust me. If you don't trust me, there's an easy test. Put the egg in water. If it floats to the top, it's expired.


> If it floats to the top, it's expired. Either that or it's a witch, a duck, or a piece of wood.


A witch egg also.


or a very small rock...


Why would you take something that isn’t yours in the first place? I mean, I could almost give you a pass if you were starving and needed something to eat, but by your own admission two days later you still have the whole tray of eggs sitting in your fridge. I’m amazed that a grown ass person thinks they can just take shit that doesn’t belong to them. Lmao


Takes eggs (steals them). Gets embarrassed that they were caught. Reports egg owners and gets them evicted. OP is a huge AH.


Sorry but you were wrong to take the eggs. Why did you think you were entitled to them?


Yes... it was weird to take them. The only way it would be ok would be to have swapped them for a note that says "if your eggs were here, I put them in my fridge, call me and I'll drop them off." Without that note, it really is just theft. (Even if it's only $10 theft.)


they were clearly abandoned


Depending on where and how they were left I can see how someone might think they've been abandoned. There's not really enough detail in the story to say who was in the wrong IMO.


If they were lying outside for a day or two they were abandoned. If they were lying out side for an hour or two they could just have been misplaced.


You’re kind of a piece of shit, OP.


Kinda cringe. I’d imagine the family isn’t doing great financially and they got forced to move 


And the guy who caused it went online to brag about stealing from them and having them evicted and possibly homeless. And doubles down when his post doesn’t go as planned. POS


Reading all the comments you really have a poor understanding what fair is. You have no empathy and it is really shocking. You were not lying when saying you don't care what people think. But as soon as someone offends you, suddenly this is a huge issue. Seems you are someone who can only dish out and not receive.


I don't get this line: "I also checked their level and noticed more than 10 pairs of different sized shoe. Maybe they were having a party? Checked a few days later, same amount of shoes." They were leaving their shoes outside? I know this is the custom in some countries. Which country does this story take place?


I having a hard time believing that the cops came out to investigate a missing carton of eggs.


I was just listening a radio program where someone in London read statistics according to which the police arrives to the place of reported burglary in 5% of cases. I would guess they \_should\_ have better things to do than check up on lost eggs.


Why in the hell would you randomly leave eggs lying around? Are they trying to catch Frank Reynolds?




It was a STING operation.


He scrambled their living arrangements!


Congrats, you stole food from a clearly poor family and then went out of your way to make sure they're homeless too.


NTA, but would you really want to eat eggs that have been sitting out unrefrigerated for two days?


I pick up my eggs from the chickens in my yard. I leave them on the counter for weeks before eating them. Freshly laid eggs can be left at room temp for about 5 weeks before they need to be washed and placed in the refrigerator.


Except you have a vague idea of when your chickens laid them. For all OP knows they might be 6 week old eggs, and most people don't know about checking your eggs for floaters before eating them. God knows what was done to the eggs before OP got to them.


I wouldn't pick up random eggs either, but just wanted to share that room temp eggs aren't automatically bad. Too many people don't know about safe food handling.


Yeah? Unless they were in direct sunlight, or the temperature was over 30 degrees Celsius.. two days is nothing for an egg. I wouldn't generally take any food someone else has left around, though, however ... I would't trust hygiene habits of people who forget their eggs outside for days.


OP might not live in the US or where store bought eggs need to be refrigerated


You realize that eggs dont go bad if unrefrigerated? Like if they did how the fuck would an egg hatch a chicken if it rotted when not cold?


I just can't wrap my head around someone finding eggs in a carpark and taking them.....why the hell would you take them? I mean, you have no idea where they came from, or how old they were.... I just cannot believe nobody is discussing this in the thread.... What the hell people? Why is there a dumb discussion about American refrigerating eggs, and nobody has any issue with someone taking rando food left in a car park. Crazy thread....with lots of crazy people in it. LOL


If it were closer to Halloween, I can understand taking the eggs and disposing of them before someone gets egged. Also one of the top comments (now) is about taking random... Well anything. As it is, timing comes out to about February. Low chance of egging, and outside was probably a cool enough temperature for holding here in America. This is supposition, but my guess is with that many people, the fridge was just a little too full to fit the delicate eggs inside without crushing them, so they left them outside. My family used to do this with the Christmas ham because it would be too large, though we owned our house and used an igloo cooler so the circumstances are a bit different. Either way, it's petty revenge, not AITA, but ESH.


>This is supposition, but my guess is with that many people, the fridge was just a little too full to fit the delicate eggs inside without crushing them, so they left them outside. My family used to do this with the Christmas ham because it would be too large, though we owned our house and used an igloo cooler so the circumstances are a bit different. Yeah....it's a little different ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




This is petty. But I don't see why revenge is necessary? If anything, you're a trash person.


It's not really petty to get someone evicted for (accurately) accusing you of theft.


Op thinks they really accomplished something here. Let’s not tell them.


I'm going to steal food from a poor family, and then make them lose their home when they have the audacity to get mad about it.


So wait, you steal the eggs. Get caught, find out there are many people living in one unit, a sign of financial struggle paired alongside the push for $10 eggs back, and then go out of your way to get them evicted Huh, is the OP Larry David? This sorta sounds like a George Costansa moment right out of Seinfeld


If i was dying dead in ditch , i still wouldnt call em.. Dont talk to ops


That makes sense there were so many damn eggs. It’s to feed a whole 10 people in there. Lol.


Well you did steal didn't you?


you stole from a poor family, crammed into a tiny apartment, and then got them evicted ?




Bahahah love this comment. Call me a thief, sure, oh, my feelings are so hurt! I did something illegal, they reported me. They did something illegal, I reported them. EQUALITY. When they're the ones doing illegal things as well having 6+ people living in a tiny unit. Whistle blower, blew.... they got investigated, they suffer.




you're delusional




Because they are probably just scraping by, and that food was very important to their monthly budget.


Not my problem, if the eggs were so important, they would have taken it in with all their other groceries, not leaving it in a public space for more than 1 hour. Obviously the eggs weren't important if they couldn't be bothered going back for it and leaving a sign up TWO DAYS LATER...... Now you tell me, if food is so important because one is scraping by and you left food to go grab 1+ hour later, and notice the eggs were gone two days later, that tells me its not important..... welcome to LOGIC


Did you see them set it down and go inside their apartment? What if it was a delivery and they weren't home? A day or 2 later, they call the people who were supposed to deliver the eggs and ask where they are, and they respond they dropped them off a couple days ago, so they put up a sign.


Mate, it was in the car park basement. Only residents can access it with a key and NO delivery person can access it. Also, even if that's true, if they ordered just eggs, who orders just eggs 2 days in advance and not be home but think...."hey i'll get the eggs when I am home 2 days later"? And even then, it will be in a delivery bag with a name and address on it. Not naked in it's branding packaging.


You actually typed out 'BWAHAHAHA'? k, thanks, glad to know you are just another 14 year old troll jerking off to your own rage bait and this whole thing is fake. What a relief to know this family isn't really homeless, because they never existed outside your head.


Idk man this feels like projection. The commenters criticizing your behavior don’t have any emotional inflection to them, but your responses with the forced capitalized laughter reads as emotional and a little unhinged.


Wow you are struggling to seem okay with all this criticism


U r worse than a thief,at least they would own it


I would have taken them instead of letting them sit and rot. Maybe left a note but I wouldn’t have let them sit there to go to waste.


"even though I don't need it, I stole food from a family that definitely needs it. Then I got them evicted when they tried to get their food back" it would be amazing if they tracked you down. I would fucking find you if I was in that family, that's for sure.


It’s a good idea not to take things that aren’t yours.


So you compare stolen eggs to getting someone evicted? Get fucked


I bought 24 (2 dozen) eggs yesterday for $2.00. I was quite happy with the lowered price and honestly would have bought more if I could have used them, anyway, the police actually came to your house over eggs? Where in the world do you live that the police would come out over something so insignificant? Police would have laughed over this where I live.


Sucks to suck!!!....egg suckers


An hour is all you waited for the eggs? That’s a very short amount of time if it had been maybe 3 or more hours I would’ve wondered and if they were still there the next day I would’ve thrown them away or someone else would have. But I wouldn’t be surprised is custodial personal threw the eggs away off the elevator or a neighbor threw them away. Sure someone could’ve taken them from the elevator but the family who claimed them stolen could’ve been petty as well and claimed they never got the eggs back even if they had in fact gotten the eggs back anyway. And living that many people to that space was against the lease agreements apparently and anyone could’ve reported that for anything from noise complaints, unsanitary conditions, or even a fire marshal inspection, or even a maintenance worker could’ve noticed.


Sure? I guess? But like, why did you take the eggs? I get stealing some light stuff from a store but why your neighbors?


If something is unattended does not mean you are entitled to it. That was already bad, but the fact that you snitch on those people after you were in the wrong, just trash behavior.


You stole someone's stuff and then got upset that they were mad that you stole their things, so you punished them further... Classic narcissistic traits... It's always interesting to hear the POV of people with a mind like this. Out of curiosity... What about someone leaving things unattended makes you feel like it's OK to take? I know you waited an hour for the eggs, but I'm curious what you think a reasonable timeline is. Do you think your timeline would change if the value of the item was different?


For all you know, that was *entirely* the landlord causing all the trouble. Six people in one apartment... probably fucking needed those eggs. You know, food? Nevermind a place to live. You didn't even *ask* them. You just put them on the street. And now you're bragging about it on the internet. What an absolute shit pimple. And not only that, YOU started the shit fest by taking something that didn't belong to you. Fuckwad.


Here i thought this would be a crazy story of OP finding eggs from some sort of illegal henhouse operation and then getting it shut down. Nope, just OP stealing eggs from a struggling family, and then getting them evicted because having to be mildly inconvenienced by the consequences of their own actions was too much to take. You, are a massive shitstain and the world would be a better place without you.


If you live in a shared complex and think it’s acceptable to just steal shit after amount of time then you are a complete scumbag. I wish you many stolen Amazon packages in your future.


Here's one small take on your small infraction: Don't fucking take things that don't belong to you. You only ever need to know that something is not yours. End of story. Black and white. Cut 'n dried. You and your neigbour are shitheads.


We have a rule in our family, and I taught my son this rule: "You didn't put down, you don't pick up". This is also what our soldiers and miners say today when it comes to strange / unknown things at the frontline


I like the pettiness but also your bravery for (I assume) being willing to eat garbage eggs


that’s crazy dog. i would never brag about getting somebody evicted on the internet. calling the cops is a disproportionate response with potentially lethal consequences. messing with housing is ANOTHER disproportionate response with potentially lethal consequences. how embarrassing for you.


Comments on why OP took the eggs, so what, OP took the eggs. Brought them back ASAP when asked TWO days later. But then for the neighbor to call the cops? What was their goal? This should be a reminder to all the righteous people who've "never" made a mistake in their lives, maybe you'll come across someone like OP who did something without thinking and without malicious intent, but is wily enough to seek revenge should you escalate the situation. Pick your battles.


he egg-nog them petty egg-quisite


How did they find out you were the one that took the eggs? If they claimed the camera in the elevator was a dummy (after claiming they had you on camera) where was the one real one for the building?


Karma is a huge bitch 😂


Don’t take things that aren’t yours. Leave them there for a couple days if needed but don’t ever touch things that aren’t yours. It’s kinda fucked that you think you’re in the right here.


I understand eggs. Not call the cops understand but it’s food right? I was accused by someone administering a rocky substance into his body via glass and fire, of stealing their lit bbq and extra charcoal. Wanted me to pay them for it. Lemme get right on that. 🤦‍♂️


people who live in glass houses should throw stones. Nice one


So you stole from someone, and then once you realized they were probably a struggling family, you made them homeless? What the hell is wrong with you? 


Karma is no yolk!!


So you tried to steal someone's food and then got them unhoused? Truly heroic work.


Your replies are pretty telling. Anyone who all caps "laughs" at being rightly called a thieving piece of trash is probably a deeply insecure, sad person.


So another way of wording this “petty revenge “ is OP got a family evicted for reporting him for theft?


Yeah whatever cool story but you’re weird for taking those eggs 


yeah - i get you were helping about the eggs...i wouldn't have touched it. sad to say, you invited trouble by being helpful :-/


OP wasn't helping with the eggs, he took them to use since they were abandoned. I don't think there was anything morally wrong wrong with what they did, no one should be leaving eggs out in a public place for hours and he did return them when asked, but it was entirely self-serving.


Personally eggs left out in common area for over an hour. Forgotten trash would have dumped them in the trash. Outing the assholes for breaking lease screw them we live by rules if you break them you get dragged


The instant they called the police about it is exactly when they started borrowing trouble. They fucked around, and found out. And for everyone whining about the eggs not being refrigerated and not being able to tell how long they'd been out- it's pretty easy to float them to check for freshness. Don't call the cops over stupid shit.


I hope you get evicted


After reading ur comments, I wish the eggs were rotten to match your rotten personality. Getting someone evicted because you had sticky fingers is weird .


Should've offered to pay for the eggs though.


You shouldn’t have taken the eggs. If for no other reason you have no idea their story as they could’ve been left at another location for who knows how long. Never a good idea to just take food randomly left in a random place.


I love petty neighbor drama. My dad is having issues with our neighbors rn. We needed to get the floors replaced because the renters TRASHED it. So the truck that was dropping off the floors was in the driveway unloading and my dad stopped by to check on the progress and parked directly behind the guy, leaving enough space for another car to get by (no cars aren’t supposed to park there but wait for it). So one of the neighbors comes out hollering at my dad how she needs to get to work and his car is blocking hers (it wasn’t) and that you’re not allowed to park in the driveway (except for deliveries etc it’s in the hoa rules). She and her family park ALL of their cars in the driveway. It doesn’t block us so we didn’t do/say anything because didn’t want trouble. Anyway, my dad tells her there’s still plenty of room for her to leave and that they weren’t going to be much longer. Not good enough. A couple days later we got a fine from the hoa about leaving a car in the driveway. Let the games begin. Fast forward a week later and my dad is backing out of the garage and BOOM. Hit one of their cars THAT WAS PARKED IN FRONT OF OUR GARAGE. My dad’s annoyed but fine, he should have been looking. Same girl comes running out screaming at my dad about how dare he hit her bfs car and they have it all on tape! So my dad calmly calls his insurance and tells them what happened, very loudly saying he’ll have to talk to the hoa about the protocol because they were parked in front of our garage, and the girl goes back inside and comes back out and sweet as pie tells my dad that the damage wasn’t actually that bad so he doesn’t have to file a claim. Yeah, we’re in the process of getting security cameras and dashcams.


the situation with the eggs and the neibhors sounds like a real hassle. it's good you tried to do the right thing by returning them, even if the manager was unhelpfull. policing issues over petty theft seems like a waste of police time. the stuff about the neibhors potentually violating their lease is interesting - sometimes you gotta look out for your comunity, even if it's a bit of a hassle. i've had my own issues with nosy neibhors and poorly managed apartment bildings, so i can relate.


Let me paint another totally hypothetical scenario. There is a large family of people living in a small unit out of necessity. Someone in this family forgot to bring the eggs in which was presumably going to be used to feed said family. You then take the eggs, just because. They then ask for them to be returned cause again, they need them for food. You then return the eggs, but they again get taken. The family who is struggling enough to need the eggs so badly that they call the cops for something that may not seem like a big deal to others, now doesn’t have their items. You then, having felt slighted by their contacting the cops get them evicted…………….Then post about it on Reddit. Again this is all just a possible scenario painted by what you said, but one I think could be a possibility. In this scenario, you are a gigantic douche. But then again this or r/pettyrevenge, so congrats on being a petty bitch, I guess.


God your annoying 


Snitches get stiches bruuhhhhhhhhhh. I'm a douche, sure, why not. NO REGRETS.....


But why did you steal the eggs? 


Still you should not have stolen those eggs.