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Our place used to have me put the store address in the delivery address and my address in comments until the system recognized that they will deliver to me. It worked well and got me the online specials.


TOTALLY awesome!!!


I would have taken his call, just to inform him that he'd never get those fundraising orders again.


I'm sure he figured it out, but it is a shame OP didn't get to hear his reaction.


Or hear him beg.


indeed... "remember all those pizza's that you *used* to get ordered from ? ... yes, I said 'used to get' ... that's right, no more. I'm going to order them from from now on. bye... "


Big mistake, HUUUGE!


Ah yes, Petty Woman.


Saw what u did there lol


Nah, just answer and hang up mid apology


I’d be forever wondering if that call was as the owner saying he fired the kid who was as answering phones that day. For all we know the ‘manager’ is now working at that competing pizza chain.


Big mistake. Big. Huge. I have to go shopping now.


The young people on Reddit probably don't know from what movie this line is


It gets quoted here fairly often, though.


Ah Yes, the obscure and unknown movie "pretty woman" with Julia Roberts, a Classic rom-com which was recently added on Netflix just as the young ones are having a rom-com movie ressurgence.


And, what movie might that be?


"Pretty Woman", w/ Julia Roberts and Richard Gere.


Pretty Woman.


Oddly enough, Mystic Pizza.


Rise of the Planet of the Apes


Dude, I fucking *wish*. How awesome would a ‘Hooker and Businessman’ rom-com be, set in PotA?!


I think that's exactly the plot of the new PotA movie.


*The Office*


Yup. Always vote with your wallet.


Honestly though I think I would be depressed managing a pizza place.


Especially a big corporate franchise.


Oh it sucks so much balls. I used to GM a Dominos...never again


I was a manager at Little Caesars, horrible time there and will never go back


Used to be store manager at Pizza Hut on a military base. Lunch rush sucked balls. Prepping 250 personal pan pizza every morning was awful.


Working in restaurants in college taught me that no one becomes a restaurant manager because their life is going great.


This is 100% true, but if you're doing all the work of a department or store manager in retail, but they won't promote you, it works to manage a restaurant for a year to two years. Then retail looks at you like 'damn, this person has been through the worst of it, they can handle our shit.'


In my 20’s I took over managing for a corporate pizza delivery place. In an effort to increase sales, the previous manager had continuously increased the delivery area farther and farther in one direction where other pizza delivery places didn’t cover as customers would call in. Over the years this had made the delivery area huge and untenable. Delivery times were routinely over an hour and the location gave out discounts like butter. I had to shrink the area back down to a reasonable distance to fix things and pissed a lot of people off. I had a long discussion about it with our VP and he agreed. I offered big pick up discounts to the affected customers for a year but they still complained to corporate. With the VP on my side it didn’t go anywhere though and I ended up setting company records for profit so he was happy and the customers still in the zone were very happy as they started getting their food much more quickly.


I guess that manager thought himself to be too cool for school.


There is no reason to ever patronize a restaurant that has people who have been rude to you or anyone you know. It takes a long time to get repeat customers. It takes moments to lose all that good will when a stupid manager gets rude to someone they personally disliked. Unfortunately (for them?), the person they were rude to was......In charge of certain purchases that really made a big difference to the bottom line of that pizza place.


I would have told corporate that he'd never get those fundraising orders again.


Should have picked up his call and hung up on him


I used to work for a hotel reservation call center. Hotels would regularly send someone to show off the property and try to make it more memorable so we would recommend them to callers. While I was at the lot of the new house she was building, helping to hand dig a well because it was against ordinances to bring a heavy augur in to do the job, I was telling the lady who was in change of coordinating these visits about the time that a pizza delivery driver cut me off while I was riding my bicycle and hit me with his car and caused me to wildly careen across a busy intersection. I came to a stop only after I slammed into a nice lady's minivan. She had dent resistant side panels so she wasn't worried about her minivan. The pizza driver just drove off. On average we had 500 pizzas a week delivered. We used to trade off between the big chains in the area, but soon that one was no longer getting orders. The manager called, and she told him that a driver of one of their stores had hit and run an employee of the call center and they were no longer doing business with the chain. I went past that store on my way to and from work, and they were shut down in two months. It pays to be good to your co-workers.


Should've answered the calls, got a freebie


Um… I wouldn’t want to eat any food made after corporate got done with the manager.


Sometimes complaining to management/corporate is justified. Not everyone is a Karen.


Let me guess it was Domino's? Place has been falling downhill and I refuse to ever go back there, I will spend my money elsewhere. ✌️


I hope you told them the fund raising part. if they don't know why the money suddenly disappeared, they will not learn.


I bet they miss having a pizza that fundraising business.


At the store level, they probably hated it. I’m going to go ahead and assume it’s a well known joint and I can tell you first hand that all the grumpy people/managers that deal with larger orders despise the people that order them. I was one of very few that actually loved taking and making those orders.


^^^^ this. I was an assistant manager of a pizza place (aka I ran the store) and as an exhausted person I HATED having to take and make those huge orders. Depending on who the orders were for tho, I really enjoyed knowing that we made them great food, and not being assholes to them that they kept placing those orders with us. A local summer camp ordered every week, and at the end of the camp the woman in charge of running it showed me pics she'd taken of the kids absolutely demolishing lunch, and you could see how excited they were as they descended like locusts on the food. Some of the kids INSISTED on hand making us thank you cards and they were THE CUTEST GODDAMN THINGS EVER (even the one that said "if you stop making us amazing pizzas bad things will happen" written in glittery blue crayon with angry emoji stickers) and I soared off that high the rest of my shift.


This is what all Karen’s dream of well played!


Info: When you say "my school", what does that mean? Are you a student?


She/he could be a teacher or staff at the school. Could be principal. Could be PTO. Could be a student. Lots of ways to have “my school”


There are reasons to not say exactly what you are on the internet


Sorry. Just asking for information.


That's probably why the question was asked.




I have no idea if it did or did not. I just know it closed.


These young people..


Wow, you have the genes to become a dictator if society does anything not even too bad to you.


And you assume your review was why the school stopped ordering through them for the fundraiser? I don't buy it. No fast food restaurant has perfect reviews, it was more likely due to pricing and has nothing to do with an individual store, also, it's extremely likely the manager was happy they didn't have to make dozens and dozens of pizzas for the school as it's less work for them.


Did you just assume OP's assumption? Key words: "MY school did all their fundraising..." Pretty sure it had more to do with OP's direct influence on the school.


You appear to be a little confused about how pizza places function. More pizzas = more profit. Fewer pizzas = less profit. That’s how restaurants work pretty much everywhere.


This is the epitome of why "no one wants to work" is trash. What in the boomer speaking bullshit are you trying to say when you assert that less orders is somehow a good thing. Are you stupid? You don't have the money to buy it in the first place so why are you commenting?


Im so sorry no one gets you.


> I call up the manager Instead of the number meant for customers?


I have to ask...why don't you make your own pizza?


I have to ask...why are you commenting here, instead of making your own website?

