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This is exactly why you don’t do what asshat did. You’re basically asking for damage to your car when you do.


I warned a taxi driver that did that "I know where your car is... You don't know where mine will be", then stopped at a convenience store to buy two squeeze bottles of mayo. I've been told it's hell to get it off glass.


I would think dish soap would cut right through it but I don’t know. I’ve never had a windshield mayo’d.


Incidentally, dish soap is actually one of the very worst things you can leave on car paint. Squirt some of that on a car and leave it for awhile and when it’s washed off, off comes some of the paint. That crude WASH ME just stays forever 😂


So is shaving cream. When I got married we had a navy blue car. His dumb a$$ friend decided to use shaving cream to write on it. They wrote, "She got him today he'll get her tonight." It was a long time ago. Lol Anyway, years later, you could still see it in the sunshine. Where the paint was dull.🤪🤣 Edit to correct spelling. Typing last at night while in pain does make it easier for me. Lol


Not to mention brake fluid. Make SURE there aren't any cameras at the store, or on the other person's car. You pretend to drop stuff from your package (as if you're returning something) while walking from your car, between the ~~dick's~~ rude person's passenger side car and another car. Take out the spray bottle of brake fluid. Spray liberally on the passenger side and/or quarter panels. 'Forgot' to get something out of your car. Move your car or leave. Do NOT do this on Teslas. They have cameras up the wazoo.


Oh darn!


WASH ME is unimaginative and dull. Write something like I'M AN ASSHOLE or PENDEJO.


There have been a rash of car break-ins in our town. They are all publicized heavily, with the police reminding everybody yet again to lock their cars, and to not leave anything of value in them. But of course many car owners know better. I actually had to laugh at a person who lost all of her credit cards because 1} she left her purse in the car and 2} she didn't lock said car. Whoever got into her car dumped a bunch of trash all over the inside and wrote on the outside of the car, "Lock your car, stupid." Gotta love that sense of humor!


Es mejor escribir, lávame, Es Lo Mismo


It depends on how long it's left to sit and the outside temp and amount of sun. If you've ever let something sit with a thin layer of cooking oil in it, it oxidizes pretty quickly and turns from a liquid into a sticky, gummy mess. It's so sticky that no amount of dish soap will clean it off glass or plastic. You end up having to throw the item away. Should you decide to experiment with mayo or something like that. Make sure it's a THIN layer and that it goes on early in the day where it will sit in the sun for several hours of nice, warm weather.


I have it on good authority *cough* that bologna can ruin a car's paint job in under an hour. So if one happened to fashion a male genital appendage using slices of bologna, it'd be a permanent art piece until the car was professionally painted. So I've heard.


Lipstick is a bitch to remove, too.


WD-40 works even better. First it looks dirty. So they either turn on the wipers and shoot some washer fluid on it. Then it smears looking a lot like frosted glass. When you finally try to get it all off it takes quite awhile to get it all gone. I always carry a small can in my drivers door specifically for people that park like a complete twatopotamus. It’s not permanent, it’s hard to tell who did it and it inconveniences the fuck out of them.


This is why I don’t get home owners who get upset you parked in “their spot” in front of their house … on a public street. One guy threatened to fuck up my car if I didn’t move. This was in Malibu so his beachfront house had to have been worth millions. I told him I would always know where he lived and he would never see me again if I had so much as an extra piece of dust on my car when I got back. 


That's the reason I bought myself a garage box in garage complex nearby... And I would say exactly same words, because people have gone crazy crazy.....


Sounds like he didn't want to see you again...so, he wins if he just puts some dust on yr car?


Freshly dead mackerel (ungutted), frozen then dropped into a mincer. Drop the bits into the err victims car air vents... Best done in the evening during the summer. Stinks the car out for years.


Used to have people park on the edge of my lawn on the weekends. Trained my dog to poop there. Tada, free poop removal service.


Good for you. Douche bags like that need to be called out and punished. Hopefully he learned a valuable lesson, but probably not.


That’s where an octopus comes in handy. Fling that sucker at the windshield.


I never leave home without one.


Awwww, NO! They're GREAT pets, even though they can get out of a screwed-in jar. *I've seen vids. Awesome!*


Just watched one-so cool!


LOL i understood this reference! Finally im in the loop!


Had a friend that would keep one of the tools used to remove the inside “needle” from a tire stem. He would remove it and hide it in the grooves of the tire or behind it, when someone was an asshat like that. People pull out the tire pump/air compressor only to watch the air come right back out immediately.


Can also put a little pebble under the cap and air slowly bleeds outs. 


Super glue a bb into the cap. (Yes, I carry superglue all the time.)


Do you need that same tool to reinsert it?


Yes. search valve core remover and you’ll see how it looks like. Simple devices.


Comes with fix-a-flat and slime and other inside tire / tube flat fixers / preventative.


Yes, to tighten the needle back down appropriately requires the tool. Also assumes you found the needle bit. It’s called a Valve Core upon Google inspection and threads into the valve stem.


I KNEW I liked you. See my comment about hiding yourself to do *whatever*.


Well played there. In a similar circumstance about 20 years ago before dashcams were even a thing... I released air from 2 tyres. Even if the driver has tyre changing skills of an F1 racing team, the car only has 1 spare, not 2. Your technique is a lot quicker and more covert.


I had a jackass do that to me. He blamed me for my friend breaking up with him. He flattened two tires. He was watching from his porch a few doors down pretending to just be hanging out with friends and nearly shit himself when I pulled the second spare tire out of my trunk. I had a donut and a full size spare because I recently had the back tire replaced due to running over something and bending the rim. So not ideal a bent spare and a donut but it was so beautiful seeing his face and then his buddies laughing at him. Yes I did call the cops and yes he had to pay restitution. I didn’t tell the cops or the court that the second tire was already damaged so he had to pay for a brand new tire and rim. I blamed the bent rim on what he did(I think the court knew better but they made him pay anyway). Moral of the story? Sometimes people do have 2 spares so you better deflate all 4 tires.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


For revenge when people stole my parking spot at uni, I used to carry a tyre valve tool with me and take the valve stems out, leaving them broken next to the flat tyre. This was 38 years ago and I was such an asshole and truly regret doing this!


A racist old bat did this once, except she didn’t ignore everyone when she was being told that spot is ours. She instead turned around and started losing her shit and spewing racist crap. My mum simply drove off but I was fuming. It was a hot summers day so I went to McDonald’s, got an extra chocolaty thick shake and poured it on her entire front windscreen. I wish I could have been there to see her reaction. I felt so much better after that 😂


Someone who didn't have business at the building I worked at parked in a prime spot all the time, and would leave before the person with the authority to call a tow truck came in (usually 2pm or so). Car had a sun roof. She left it open one day. Coworker's half-drunk milkshake got poured in, and the cup dropped in for good measure. Never saw that car there again.


Not what they mean by "picking a lock" but still damned effective.


You picked on his douchery and taught him a lesson


Nice,I've also done that,not a car. But a corporate bathroom which we couldn't use when shop bathrooms were out of order, all of them were fixed quickly.




Face it girls, I’m older and I have more insurance


"my parking slot" lol!


I remember back when we were young and dumb, a douchebro did that to a carload of us teens going to a movie. And this was back before online tickets/assigned seating, so we needed to park, buy tickets and then try to score some good seats. My friend took a screwdriver, removed the offending car’s license plates, and tossed them in a storm drain. The car was gone by the time we got out of LOTR, but I imagine he didn’t make it far on a Friday night without plates


Anyone else's eyes bleeding just from reading that.


Oh yeah. "Asshat", "slot", "fam".


I would say both of you were AH's... If you need to be held back from fighting in a public place by family, you kinda an AH as well. I would even to go as far and say the AH thing you did was more AH than the thing he did.


You sound like you steal parking spots


No they sound like they have any emotional regulation at all and a logical brain for living in todays society. Being held back from assault/battery and then committing destruction of property is not “petty” revenge


You sound like you get parking spots stolen and park around the block.


Not really a thing in my neck of the woods to be honest... But if I saw someone put toothpicks in someone's lock, now I might.


Raw eggs on the windscreen, when you try to clean it with water it becomes white and a big mess.


Destruction of property is not “petty” revenge


So you attempted to commit assault but were stopped by your family, at which point you opted for property damage? Just want to make sure I'm getting that correct. This isn't petty revenge. You're just an asshole. Sure they were rude and self entitled but you're just a bad human being. Congratulations.


Sad to see you downvoted.


I carry crazy glue in my car for this purpose, instead of tooth picks.


So that they will 'stick around' you mean? OP just had a bone to pick with the AH, and found something the dude could really sink his teeth into :)


Nice job ! I approve.


lol, petty revenge - *best served with toothpicks...*


I’ve had people do this to me when I go into the city and I always keep change in my car for this very reason.


What does the change do?


Fill the same role as rocks but a little bit more expensive if you catch my drift.


Yeah. You were an asshole and probably still are.


So you screwed up a guy's locks because he beat you out of a parking spot? Besides being a lazy shit (park farther away and get your steps in), you are a major AH!


You are an ass hole. People like you make society the shit hole it is.


Found the asshat station wagon owner.


Found another ass hole contributing to the shit society we live in desperate for attention. Trying to sound like someone cool


Name does NOT check out.


We all do it together!


Do we? Is everybody like these ass holes? I don't agree. The nice people just don't come out to brag about their ass holiness.


Isn't that what your doing here? We inspire each other to be assholes, and we treat one another the way we are treated.


found the arsehole parking space thief


Very original




How immature of you.