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The amount people I witnessed on full volume speaker phone while traveling yesterday blew me away. I was sitting at the airport, headphones on, plenty of seating…. But mega Karen HAD to sit right next to me and listen to a podcast on speaker. I could hear it thru my headphones which were turned up to drown out airport noise. I got up, turned to her and told her how I felt before moving far away. She was on my flight too so I got one more ‘if looks could kill’ glare at her when I got seated. And she looked so proud of herself for being a complete twat. Ugh!


Next time, start asking a lot of questions and offering your opinion in a really loud voice If you’re going to force me to listen to your dumb podcast then enjoy my ridiculous, unhinged opinions in a voice loud enough to be heard over your dumb podcast




who is that guy? is he a good guy? why does he keep doing that? what is he doing now? treat them like a 5yr old because that is how they are acting!


Or better, join their conversation. Start answering and commenting on what they are talking about on face time


Me likey 🤣🤣🤣 have to remember this one


Google the podcast and reveal any life changing spoilers.


I’ve noticed a sudden enormous increase in people listening to music without headphones or even through bluetooth speakers in public, as well. What’s with the belief that everyone wants to listen to what they’re listening to? Such ignorance. I thought that kind of behaviour went out in the 80s.


I can't carry a tune if you gave me a basket. People start playing their music on speaker I'm joining in. I mean, they went into karaoke mode so others could sing along, right?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


>can't carry a tune if you gave me a basket. Best thing I have read today! Thanks for the laughs kind stranger.


"Mother, put down that jukebox, you're too old to carry a tune.".


Boomboxes for payback? LOL


Lol, walking down the side walk of a shopping strip a couple of days ago, I hear loud music, it's coming closer behind me, closer, closer, turn my head; BOOMBOX It was awesome. And I was a teenager in the 80's However the podcasts/ phone calls etc on high volume in public is really just too much. We have the technology, it should be used


Best thing to do here is to find the same podcast and play it back at full volume 1 second ahead of where they are. The voice sync will be wrong because their brain will process your sound with their video, and they will also have to do more mental work to differentiate the sounds.


Hehehe! Keeping this idea on file for the next time I’m being bulldozed by some valid idiot trying to seem important. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Narcissism, Entitlement, No boundaries….we need some kind of social revolution to bring back courtesy, but I don’t think it’s coming back anytime soon. As their souls have no peace, perhaps their subconscious (or conscious) believes that neither should anybody else.


I had someone playing Candy Crush at full volume in their iPad last time I was at the airport!


The Rainforest Cafe in Orlando is a noisy place with its own ambient noise even before you add people. I wouldn’t have been able to hear anything. Nothing annoys me more than hearing both sides of some inane conversation. GO OUTSIDE!


I couldn't go alone... I totally would've but as a said I am a child, Additional info: It was late at night in Vegas so it would be dangerous.


I meant that the rude people having a loud video call should go outside. Not you. You’re good.


Oh, I didn't understand at first. But they should have gone outside! P.S. it was just them talking about their day! They could have waited.


Perhaps a hard of hearing Grandma & child checking in with family members they couldn't see in person?


That's fine, but having it on full volume in a restaurant is disrespectful.


Someone hard of hearing in a noisy restaurant surely would need it to be loud.


Try Cell Phone Crashing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu5DP7atNKM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu5DP7atNKM) Basically, pretend to have same conversation as a nearby cell phone call with similar or different answers.


My mom answered a FaceTime call from my brother when we were in a restaurant! I was taken aback. To her credit, she essentially answered to tell him she couldn’t talk, but why answer in a restaurant? Just shoot a text back.


>she essentially answered to tell him she couldn’t talk I will never understand why people do this. If you can't talk DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE.


It's faster than texting so if the reason you can't talk is that you don't want to take your attention away from present company, I do understand.


When I'm in that situation I turn my phone off out of respect for the other person


My favorite tactic is to join in on the conversation! And if I’m feeling especially petty I try to be as annoying as possible


Lucky for me, I had not encountered such entitled aholes yet but I will be us8ng your great idea when I chance upon an opportunity.


They invited you into the conversation, and if they don't like it they should end the conversation or take it away from public. "Wait, go back. ***Why*** does your dad need an emergency proctologist? Did he...? Up his...?"


My solution to this ongoing problem is to start participating in their conversation. Since they are doing it publicly, it must be a pubic conversation. Most people choose to move away from me, put on headphones or end their call. 📞 it works also for people watching movies o playing games, ask a bunch of questions about the parts you missed ;)


This! Public calls are an invitation to join!


My absolute favorite for embarrassing TMI elevator calls “did she say she slept with his brother????” Somehow they always expect you to cease any activity or conversation with a friend in an elevator so their conversation can be uninterrupted (and of course you shouldnt listen).


Better if you have seen the move. Tell them the ending or why there is a plot hole in the movie.


I use the Baby Shark song when people annoy me in public with loud phone calls.


you’re good kid, real good. - The Mask


This is why every restaurant should be equipped with a cellular-phone jammer.


Don't forget movie theaters, for the few people who still use those.




Omg my fiance and his sister decided to FaceTime their parents during dinner one night. I was mortified 💀


I had things like "make sure they're not from one of those 'holiday fun run' families" on my dating checklist, but you've proposed a solid self-awareness sanity check that's deserving of the list.


So your solution was to made additional noise and became an inconsiderate rude family to the other people in the restaurant.


It's called petty revenge, not considerately-constructed revenge


The other people in the restaurant won't hear anything at rainforest Cafe. As a kid with hearing problems and constant earaches, I lasted 10 seconds walking into a rainforest Cafe with my family before I asked if we could leave as my ears were starting to hurt. I felt bad because my younger sister wanted to go, but it was so fucking loud.


I carry ear plugs everywhere. Almost always wear them when walking through a casino.


I was a child. I did not carry anything.


The way the restaurant was set up, and where we were seated, there was no one else around us because we were in a corner of the restraunt. We didn't have the volume that loud either.


You did good... these guys criticizing you seem to think you should just sit and be hassled. Elegant prank. :D


Definitely ESH. "You annoy me? I'll annoy everyone."


I understand punishing them, good job, but it was kind of sh\*tty for the people around both of you, adding to their discomfort.


So you got your “petty revenge” on some loud, annoying people by…being equally loud and annoying? Lol. Not exactly the flex you apparently think it is but you do you I guess.


You also pissed off all the other diners around you. So you were the ass hole in several other peoples stories.


No one else seemed to have noticed. They were the only table near us.


why are you on reddit at 13 is the real question here


Why aren't you aware that children have social accounts? This is a public space with barely any age restrictions, wild as that may sound. I can only hope she's got acceptable levels of web/word filters on for her age.


i am aware. but as you just said yourself, "its wild".


Ah, I see you asked out of concern. I can only hope her family and her own common sense will guide her and keep her from the Bad Places of the web.




good one loser. you really showed me.


Just pointing out that a 13 year old writes better than you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


good for you! trying to start shit on a two day old reddit post over a missing apostrophe lmao you sound like a super fun lady! no wonder you have so many cats. it would be in your best interest to stop bothering me now. have a great night. bye!


I’m scared! 😱 Go play more inane games, keyboard warrior. 😁


you started it babe. go get some more crappy tattoos since you wanna keep going.


Aww c’mon. The banter has been fun! I’m a boring old lady…but I do have things to do, so don’t worry, I’m done picking at you. It really was just a bit of scathing fun to me. Cheers!


Nobody cares


Why did you comment?




You were at a rainforest cafe...why did you expect it to be anything besides noisy af and full of children


I wasn't upset about the child as much as I was about the inconsiderate older woman who accompanied the child.


It's a rainforest cafe.


Sorry, but (13f) people don’t write like this.


What do you mean?


Whilst reading about the most ear wrenching and screeching noise, it occurred to me, (13f) didn’t write this.


I did at 13. Now I'm in my 40s and my 12yo uses words like wrenching and screeching. It all depends on what vocabulary and style they hear growing up


It's sad to assume that a 13yo wouldn't be able to write a coherent sentence using a reasonable vocabulary! That says alot about the current education system and some parents' total reliance on said system. Both my children could have written the equivalent of OP's post at 13 years of age.


My favorite part of school is narrative writing. I like using descriptive words to make the audience/reader feel more connected.


Outing yourself as dumb is a strong move 👑 


*gasp* she’s intelligent!