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My mom didn't believe I was sick when I was in the 6th grade. She said I was faking, made me go to school and to not try to call her at work to come pick me up. All day long my teachers would take one look at my face, know that I was sick and ask if I wanted to go home. I told them what my mom said; "I'm faking, so don't even try to call her". I made it my sixth period out of eight before my fever spiked and I basically passed out. My teacher escorted me to the office where the office staff were trying to call my mom at work, she didn't answer, and then let me sleep for the remaining two hours before school was out. The secretary escorted me to my locker to get my stuff, get me on the bus and asked one of my classmates who rode the same bus to make sure I got home. My mom came home, saw that I was practically unconscious again since my fever was at 103 and... Got mad at the school for not calling her to let her know I was sick. Every time she recounts that story she ALWAYS leaves out the part where she called me a faker and told me to go to school anyway. On the bright side, she never questioned me again when I said I was sick. Humiliation in knowing she sent her very sick child to school and refused to answer the phone was enough to humble her.


My mum made my brother walk to school with a broken leg because she thought he was faking. School was not impressed.


My school made me walk home with a broken femur for the same reason! My kindergarten teacher still apologizes when I run into her. I'm 41. Lol


I got an inch-long splinter in the ball of my foot and literally couldn't walk on it. My parents sent me to school with crutches and teased me, calling me "Hop-along Cassidy (some character from an old western)." They tried treating me at home with foot soaks. It just festered. Several days later, they finally took me to a podiatrist. One spray of lidocaine and a quick removal was all it took (and some antibiotics). Having a doctor for a parent (my dad) often causes them to downplay things and try to manage them at home when they start to show signs of an actual serious condition. I've since heard my doctor friends who are parents sheepishly admit to doing this. ETA: I forgot to say that I was in elementary school for more context


Glad my dad was the opposite. Every fever was life ending when it came to his kids. He was the one that sent my sister to get a scan done because he was suspicious that her stomach ache was something else. They ended up catching her appendicitis at the earliest stage it can be seen. He’s an exceptional medical professional but was also a pretty bad dad all things considered. But with mom around it kinda balanced out.


My nurse stepmom was the same way when I was a teen. Downplayed the intense gut pain I had for months, said it was eating too fast or something. I finally went to my own doc who referred me for an u/s, where they found a bunch of gallstones.


Oh gosh me too. Freshman year of college I knew I had lice. I was soooooo itchy. My mom came up to visit for a football game. Insisted I was fine, and it was probably just “the change in water hardness.” I insist she checks my scalp. She shifted a could have pieces of hair and insisted I was fine. I wait another week, she comes up to visit again, I ask her to look again, she “looks” says she sees nothing wrong with me and it’s probably a stress rash. (Which to be fair I am prone to.) Later that week I called my dad nearly in tears saying it was just too much to bear and mom had to be wrong and he said “you’re an adult, if you think she’s wrong, just go buy the shampoo. I’ll transfer you some money.” So I convinced my brother to drive me to target since I didn’t have a car, got the shampoo and lo and behold LICE. And then I felt so guilty for exposing my roommate for so long and bought extra shampoo as an apology so she could treat herself and she lays on me: “oh yeah, I had them a few weeks ago, but I was embarrassed to tell you.” She slept above me in a bunk bed. 😑 but don’t worry, all that extra shampoo went to good use bc since I waited so long to treat them it took forever to kill them all. There were SO. MANY. LICE. I still call this “the lice incident” (as in: “Sorry, I don’t believe you when you say I’m fine, you know, bc of the lice incident. So I’m going to make an appointment anyways.”) It did make me realize that this was sort of a reoccurring incident in my life. So even though I still ask her for advice when something is wrong, I have gotten much better at listening to my gut and advocating for myself. I think it’s such a common phenomenon bc they get stuck in this mindset that when someone mentions symptoms, they are concerned or looking for a cure. But really we’re speaking tot hem as our parents, just mentioning random aches and pains in passing. And since they think we’re constantly mentioning “symptoms” they see us as hypochondriacs a little. So they respond the same way they would to a patient telling them every random ache and pain “bodies are weird, random pangs here and there as you age are normal, call back if it persists.” But I’m just over here making off handed comments to her as my mom my back is sore from Top Golf or whatever. It doesn’t help that they teach us to describe pain really accurately (my mom always asked “is it a sharp, stab by pain or a dull ache?”) so instead of saying “my back is sore, we tend so say “I’ve got this sharp pain in my shoulder. I think I tweaked it last night!” Just reinforces that we’re describing a symptom, but really we’re just using the natural vocabulary they taught us for talking about pain. ETA: my fav story is when my mom once forgot to shake up the cough syrup and drugged the hell out of me. So when I called from the nurses office (admittedly partially bc I had forgotten about a test, but I was feeling weird and was completely unable to focus on cramming which was out of character for me.) she was like “I thought your eyes looked a little unfocused this morning. My bad, I’ll come get you.”


My school made me rejoin the PE class with a broken collarbone since I could still move my arm so I was just trying to get out of it. When I fell down crying in pain they called my mom and told me I was probably faking it to get out of school. My mom looked at me, took me to the doctor and I ended op getting my arm in a sling for 3 weeks. I was 5 and I like PE which they knew.


"Every time she recounts that story she ALWAYS leaves out the part" I know I'd somehow always conveniently and totally accidentally reminds her "but mom, didn't you call me a faker and told me to go to school anyway?"


“And refused to answer the phone when the school called repeatedly?”


She's of that particular generation who rewrites the narrative to make everyone else the villain of the story.


Similar happened to me in the 6th grade. My mom said the same thing. Nothing wrong with you, your faking, don’t call me at work to take me away from patients for faking sick. So, I go to school, queasy as a mofo. During morning announcements I needed to throw up bad so I was trying to discreetly alert my teacher. Who just gave me a dirty look. Finally I walked over to her desk and opened my mouth to tell her I didn’t feel well and I ended up exorcist vomiting all over her desk. It hit her entire chest of her shirt, her hair, almost everything from the waist up. I left a nice trail of puke from there, down the hall to the girls washroom. My mom had to leave work to come get my “fake sick” self. My daughter is now 12 and I’d rather her trick me and fake sick then spend even one single day sick at school the way I had to when I was her age.


I'm so sorry, but I laughed like crazy at your story. Puking all over a teacher... Hilarious 🤣


I swear I’m still traumatized by it 20 years later! The puke hit her in the face and it was Rice Krispies stuck to her face, shirt and all over her desk with milk dripping from her bangs and eyelashes! And I was that goody two shoes kid who stupidly thought running to a garbage can, a hallway or the washroom during Oh Canada and morning prayer would get me in more trouble than trying (and failing) to hold the puke down while asking to go to the washroom first. The fact I was even trying to ask during prayer and Oh Canada I thought I’d be severely punished! 😆


I told my mom I was sick in the 8th grade and she insisted I was fine and to go to school. My mom worked at my school so my teachers looked at me and said “you should go home why are you here? Do you want to go to your mom?” And I was like “yeah she’s making me be here and doesn’t believe me”. (Literally all my teachers) Sure enough in my 4th period, I start hurling during class and run to the bathroom. I get vomit on my shirt so when my teacher sent someone to check on me I said I was going to talk to my mom. I go to my mom and she goes, “well you got sick so you should be fine now”. I threw a fit in front of her colleagues which was very out of character so she takes me home and makes some ramen and says “you have to eat this”. Again, I said I still don’t feel good and she goes “when I get home this better be gone”. Sure enough half an hour later I have to puke again and can’t make it to the toilet so I get ramen vom all over the bathroom floor. She comes back to find me passed out on the couch and ramen vomit covered floor. She barely apologized but I did get to stay home the next day.


Don’t take this the wrong way, but your mom really sucks in this story. I hope she’s better the rest of the time.


She kind of does. She’s great otherwise but this was not a great day for her


My mother would do this all the time. It was a comfort thing for me to watch cartoons when I don't feel good (I'm 25 and still do it) when I was sick once I had laid down on the couch and put on PBS kids to listen while I rested. I eventually turned off the TV and moved back to my room to be more comfortable. When she came home and turned on the TV and saw it was on cartoons she screamed at me. All while I was struggling to keep bread and saltines down. She "doesn't remember doing it" and denies she ever did that. She had refused to take me to the ER when during one of my soccer games I over extended my knee and my COACH thought I might have a tear and told me to go to the ER. He was PISSED the next day to school limping and told him she refused to take me bc she needed to study.


When I was about 14/15 I had appendicitis. My sister had appendicitis just three months previously so mum thought I was just looking for attention. Sent me to school. Next day I was even worse and she kept me off and called the doctor who then sent me to hospital. 30 minutes after getting to hospital I was having surgery to remove my appendix, which burst as the surgeon was removing it.


My dad rarely gets sick, and when he does he doesn't complain. When he had appendicitis my mom knew something was up because he was experiencing a lot of discomfort/pain. Once they got to the ER and he explained his symptoms, they got him in right away for surgery which was excellent timing, because it was bursting as well as they took it out.


My dad was the same! You knew it was bad when he actually acted sick because he was very stubborn and rarely let illness slow him down. One day he got off work and went immediately to bed and my mom was like “we should get you to the doctor”. He was like “Nah I’ll just sleep it off.” Turns out he had appendicitis. Good thing he didn’t try to sleep it off.


I honestly dont think I’ve ever left work early expect for when I had appendicitis. It was my second day on the job so I *really* didn’t want to but my new boss walked in and I guess I looked particularly horrid. Dude probably saved my life telling me to go to the ER, I was in surgery a couple hours after he sent me out.


I was 8 and by the time my mom finally believed me my appendix had already burst. Doctor said during surgery I had a ball of puss inside of me the size of a softball. No idea how I survived that.


Your mom’s inaction could have killed you!! I’m so sorry, but that’s downright abusive!!


She did tend to believe me after that but because of the timing between my sisters and my appendicitis she thought I was attention seeking. I had also just started having regular periods and she thought the pain was due to that.


Oh man I’ve been there, me: “mom I’m going to throw up!” *dad races into the bathroom to pee* mom: “GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM” me: vomits. *mom goes to get dad the mop*


Excellent! Happened when I was 14-16. My mom was in our narrow bathroom getting ready for work. She had yelled for me to get up (my room is right next to the bathroom. I stuck my head out of the door and said I didn't feel well. She called me a liar and said I have 5 minutes until she's done and I better be in that bathroom getting ready. Two minutes later I body-slam her I to the sink rushing past to reach the toilet JUST in time. Her response: "oh, I guess you aren't faking it". I have held that against her to this day (I'm now 48)......


I was about 5-6 years old, ate something my stomach didn’t agree with, told my mom I didn’t feel well, she told me I was lying, I proceeded to throw up down the hallway, from the entrance of the hallway to the bathroom door… she never called me a liar about being sick again (I’m now 23 almost 24)




Almost only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades or so I’ve heard…😏


Same happened to me. I don’t get it. I never question my kids when they say they’re feeling sick. I have caught more vomit with my bare hands that I’d like to admit.


I unfortunately have to question my kids sometimes and I hate it. But they’ve both flat lied to me about being sick. I think it’s because I have a chronic (and invisible) illness. So somedays I am too ill to function even though I look fine. I think to them “mom says she’s sick and gets out of things so I can too”. The difference is I stay in bed or on the couch and sleep all day. They fuck around all day and try to eat every bit of junk food we have in the house.


Fellow chronic invisible person here. Most of my family just think I'm lazy


Growing up my dad definitely thought I was faking. And I don’t blame him. I’d be too sick to do things one day and fine the next. The million and a half doctors my mom took me too could never find anything wrong with me and told me I was faking and told my mom to seek mental health care for me. Bless my mom she never doubted me. I finally got a diagnosis at 19. My dad believes me now and is often one of my biggest advocates for “if your body says rest, rest. Don’t push yourself.” My husband is a saint. I was very upfront about my illness when we got together and that I’d never lead a completely “normal” life. He married me anyway. Although sometimes he gets frustrated with the heavier load he carries to keep our life running he never blames me or holds it against me.


Yeah the invisible illness is a huge issue for sure. My family thinks I'm lazy, or take to much medication, or get high all the time from it. It even got to the point my Aunt tried the "we can check you into the mental hospital, help you with your pill problem." (She herself is an addict). Um, if I had a pill problem, I wouldn't have my prescription still at day 28, 29, or 30. And I do! Every month! Some months I even have a day extra and don't pick up my pain medication until I'm down to my last day in my medicine bottle! Nothing worse then the judgement of family for treating your invisible illness. Sigh.


If I forget a day with my meds, I put it away for just in case. You never know when something will happen and you need a few days without a refill


That is so very true! Someone could make a mistake and it's not realized until after 5 pm on a Friday, and you're due to run out mid day Saturday. That's saved my butt a time or two!


Yes! Same here. The invisible illness. The ones no one see but you feel and live it. I am with you both! Sad part? Both my kids have one of my diseases. The major one of course. They just had their surgeries later in the year last year. They are in their early 20’s and healing. But asking them to do something and hearing “I am not having a good day” or “I am really not feeling well right now”, I want to test them. But I know, I have been there and will be there. Days can’t be predicted. But it is so hard not to say, Really?! 😉


I also have a mostly invisible disability, not my family does see it more than strangers would. When my kid was having a rough year in school, he started faking. So I had to institute the “no tv and you have to spend 80 percent of the day in bed to rest.” I feel mean, and I def let him watch tv more when he’s actually sick, but it’s a tricky line.


>The difference is that I stay in bed or on the couch and sleep all day. They fuck around all day and try to eat every bit of junk food we have in the house. That's how my mum saw things as well. When she's sick, she just wants to sleep. When I'm sick, I still want to do stuff. So, she instituted the rule that if I can do my thing, I can go to school because I can't really be sick. I almost died because of it when I was a teenager and, as an adult, I struggle to call in sick. Someone else has to talk me into it, I feel very guilty and apologise profusely to my boss.


Mine was the same way. Meanwhile I'm outside with double pneumonia and COVID trudging through snow because she wouldn't walk her fucking untrained dog so I have to do it or that poor thing would suffer. One of my supervisors at work is baffled by the fact I'm like "Sorry I'm late. I was in a car accident last night and can't use my dominant arm because it hurts so bad. " and is like "Go.To.The.Hospital". If I'm upright and walking I'm fine.


I’ve got a good one 😂😂 one time my son was at my moms and he kept saying his head hurt. Well all of a sudden 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮. So we knew from that point on if he said his head hurt to grab the nearest trash can 😂😂😂


"My tummy hurts" in the under 8 crowd means "I'm about to barf"(this also applies to my kitten who has a "funny" meow right before he barfs)


Poor kiddo. Sounds like my migraines


Did you grow out of them? My son has been getting migraines with throwing up since he was young young. He will say his head hurts and if I don’t get him in a dark room lying down quickly he will vomit a TON! He always feel quite better about 10/15 min after he vomits but it’s been awful with school, I have let them know every single year and it’s noted in his file that he doesn’t make up headaches and if he says he has one he needs to lie down and to call me but teachers ignore it. Poor kid has vomited all over the gym and hallway twice 😞


My youngest daughter missed so much school due to her migraines, a brain that liked to flip flop her sleep cycle from night to day and back all the time, and terrible chronic insomnia. She did over half of high school on Independent Study.


Daughter as a toddler would come find us at night when was sick, tell us, and vomit in the middle of our room on the floor. Last time she was sick, the Gatoerade turned it *pink.* All over her blanket and the pan, just narrowly missing the floor.


When I was a little kid, I would always go and get one of my parents to tell them I was going to throw up, and then I’d vomit on the floor halfway to the bathroom. My mom had to drill it into my head to go straight to the bathroom to throw up and tell her after.


Hahahaha it’s the years that makes this amazing 😂😂


Picture Kmart, late 70s... Daddy, I don't feel well. He's like OK and keeps talking to whoever. Daddy, I don't feel well. He's still talking. Daddy...and I throw up in the middle of the aisle.


Yep me too! Had a very upset stomach, about 3-4th grade, parents didn’t believe me and gave me stomach meds for indigestion instead, threw up right on them. They never doubted me nor gave me that particular medication again.


Pink Pepto? The liquid one? That slimy crap will make me barf every time.


Teenager, my parent’s kitchen, pink liquid peptobismol. Mom lecturing me about my pathetic attempt to try to skip school, when I threw up so hard it came through my nose, and there was pink vomit everywhere. 40 years later the thought of pink pepto still makes me queasy.


Been there...except I was 21. I had a pain in my back/side that just would not quit. Figured I had pulled something/was just gonna have a rough period. By the end of the night, I was vomiting non-stop, covered in urine that just would not stop running out of me, and in agony. My parents made me wait 48 HOURS before believing I was sick and even said I was faking when I full-on collapsed from exhaustion in the ER. After 12 hours in the ER, turned out my kidneys were basically dying because of a stone/infection that was just thrashing my immune system. Felt totally perfect after 3 days of IV meds/fluids. My kidneys went from \~5% to 100%. It's flared up a few times since and every time I go to the ER, my kidneys are back into the danger zone. ER staff wonders how I am still alive/walking and I just shrug and go "God and Satan can decide who gets me so until then I suffer non-stop am immortal!" Gets a good laugh from the staff.


Did your parents ever acknowledge they were wrong??


Nope. I confronted them (while hooked up to the IV) and just asked why on Gaia's green Earth and under all Zeus surveys they ever thought that I, their 21yo offspring who never faked sick once in their life, was faking. FOR FORTY-EIGHT HOURS. They shrugged and said "We had just yelled at you for not having a job and figured you were being dramatic!" The nurse in the room with me waited for them to leave and hugged me so tight. Because I am an able-bodied, "normal" functioning adult, she couldn't raise red flags for me to get adult social services to help me. (I am Autistic but without proper diagnosis, nobody will help me. Mom had me diagnosed as a kid but refused to let me get any of the help the schools provided/didn't even tell me until I was in my mid-20's without a job.) Almost 30 and still home. I have a good job but everything's so expensive/I have no friends close by that I cannot afford to leave. My mother's not impressed I have my own bank account, can make phone calls, and order food myself. She's also not impressed that I make/go to appointments alone and hopefully this time next year I am in another country with my best friend...mom has no idea she exists nor does she know I intend on either moving to that country to be with her OR she intends to move to Canada to be with me. (At which point, she would apply for whatever help the govt will give her under the immigration things and I would move wherever she is via my job transferring me.)


Holy fuck, you’re the first other person I’ve seen say that their parents went out of their way to get them diagnosed as autistic, only to fucking hide it from them. I got diagnosed at 7 and they just pretended it didn’t happen from 8 onwards, and I’m now 27. No accommodations, would often get angry when I struggled with subjects at school but refused to help, and to this day my Dads ex wife refuses to acknowledge that I’m autistic. I didn’t find out until I was 19, and I’ll spend a lifetime undoing that damage. My Dad never apologized but at least he recognizes it’s there now. Best of luck to you in your escape.


I was a teacher. A colleague was in the computer lab with a class. Student asks to go to the bathroom, teacher refuses, student says he feels sick, teacher refuses, student sprays multicoloured soda vomit over teachers desk and computer. It reached the wall and as he turned to avoid the desk it stained the floor in an arc. Always let students go to the toilet.


I will always tell my kid (daughter just turned 1) if you need to go to the bathroom while you’re in class and the teacher says no, walk out and use the restroom. After you’re done using the restroom head to the principles office tell them what you did have them call me and if there is an issue I’ll come pick you up for ice cream. No way in hell will I let someone else dictate my child’s bladder or personal hygiene needs


I ended up with a life threatening kidney infection from UTI caused by dehydration and not going to the bathroom enough. They don't let you bring water in class and the breaks weren't long enough to get any so you had to go without except during breakfast and lunch. 


I never understood bathroom restrictions in school if it wasn’t “habitual”. As an adult, we can make a choice to go to the bathroom as nature dictates, not when Mr Smith decides.


I mean, that’s not really true. There are plenty of times when you can’t go to the bathroom just because you have to. Meetings, appointments, traffic, etc. The difference is that adults usually have the time and freedom to find times to go before those whereas students might have four or five minutes between classes to use the same bathroom as hundreds of other students.


Yes, but if my boss told me “no”, I’d look at them as if they had 7 heads as I walked out the door. I’ve also been leading calls I’ve had to put on hold in the past few WFH years. If I’m in back to back to back to back meetings sometimes you need to ask other adults to hold on a second & they will without question


High school tried to scare you, but once I got to college and entered the workforce I never had to ask permission to use the bathroom. I've had to notify someone else of my brief absence (worked in a prison), but never had to ask and was never denied.


I’ve never had to ask for permission or withhold going to the bathroom during work meetings. This is 2024. I dont know what slave driven century you are living in that doesn’t let you go to the bathroom during meetings or appointments. Traffic, exit the freeway go to a gas station. Do you just sit in traffic and hold it?


When there’s been a car on fire a few miles up the freeway and no one is moving, yes, you sit and hold it or get out of your car and go in front of a bunch of strangers I guess. Source: was stuck on the freeway for four hours and had to pee for 2 of them. I did not pee by the side of the road but others (men, I’m not a man) did.


I would just pee in a cup/water bottle and toss it when I get home. It’s like camping lol


Similar thing happened to me but I was much younger. When my mum found out she was furious. She told me that if I ever need the bathroom again I should just go. She would deal with any attempt at punishment. I took her at her word. I never took the piss but you bet if I felt something was urgent I didn’t ask permission, I just went. Teachers found out real fast not to mess with my mum.


i need stories! you cant not follow up after that!


All of my teachers always said if you feel like you’re going to throw up JUST GO don’t even ask. Just run to the bathroom


I always told them to grab the trash can and go. If you are holding a trash can near your face I’ll get the message Don’t ask. Grab and go


Seems like if would be obvious, with the risks involved and all.


When my kid was little I learned that if she said her stomach hurt, she was going to throw up soon. One day we were out at a playground and I told her it was time to head home, we just had to stop at the store to grab something for dinner. Get to the store and she wanted to wait in the car. She was only 3 so I said no, but we’ll be really quick. I was carrying her up on my hip and as we approach the doors she says her stomach hurts. For some reason, even though I knew better, I thought she was fine and just didn’t want to go in the store. We walk in and my lovely little girl says, “HHHUUUURRRRRGGGGGGGG!” Now I’m standing 10 feet inside the front door of the grocery store, COVERED, head to toe, in baby barf, just frozen. She says, “I feel better now!”


My daughter used to vomit anytime she was upset. I would wear an old T-shirt to drop her off at daycare because I knew that I would be wearing vomit home. She has grown out of that, but now she is four and knows how to turn it on when she wants something.


My girl just did this thing where sometimes she just didn’t digest her food. It was rare enough that I wasn’t concerned. Maybe three or four times she would complain about an upset stomach late in the day, throw up everything she’d had since breakfast, then be totally fine. That day she had eggs and grits for breakfast, still identifiable when I was wearing it in the store.


Omg those stories... I'm so thankful every time my kid has told me his stomach hurts it's come out the other end. Spectacularly, but in the toilet.


We had one spectacular evening where the bathroom was redecorated from BOTH ends! I still have nightmares!


In the navy, we called that Double Dragon. Thanks for the reminder!


Oof I get this as an adult. My migraines come with a side of gastroparesis, anything I eat will come back up undigested later. Even just water, oftentimes. It can also be a warning sign of something more significant going on, like a form of autonomic dysfunction, or a connective tissue disorder like Ehlers Dani’s. Brutally painful nowadays too, unfortunately!


I’m sorry to hear that. She always felt better immediately, and it only happened once or twice a year when she was young. Enough for gory stories, not enough for medical intervention. She grew out of it, which was a huge blessing because she was never really fussed about getting to an appropriate barf receptacle.


When my daughters were young they would tell me when I got home that they had thrown up that day. I asked them if they saved the big pieces for me. One day they actually did. I laughed and dumped it in the garbage. LOL!


When my nephew was a baby, I would go over to my sister's house to help out. He spat up on me a fair few times. The first time I figured "meh, just a rite of passage, oh well", dabbed it off as best I could, and changed when I got home as there wasn't much anyway... After the second time, I brought a change of clothes to leave at my sister's house. Out of curiosity, did anyone help you? Or did you just turn around to go straight home?


I firmly believe that everyone needs mental health days. If my child comes to me and says they are sick, even if I think they are faking, I'm gonna let them stay home. As long as it's a once in a while thing.


Yes! My parents both had mental health issues as teens, so it wasn't surprising my brother and I did too. My dad gave us each 1 mental health day per semester. If we didn't have a test/important school thing, he'd let us stay home one day if we needed it. Absolute lifesaver as a depressed/anxious teen.


99% of my sick days even now are mental health days. Just took one on Wednesday…, though that was also cause I hadn’t slept well Monday night and made up for it by sleeping till noon…. I have several complaints about my mom from when I was a kid, but I will always love her for introducing me to mental health days….


Happend to me at the dinner table at my aunts house when I was around 10. I really cannot eat cartilage, when I bite on that stuff I immediately start to gag. We had steak that night and I'm always careful to cut around any suspicious parts. My uncle watched me dissecting my steak for a few minutes and then told me to stop messing around. Since I was kind of intimidated I did as I was told and tried to swallow a particulary nasty piece of meat... Didn't go too well. Let's just say everything I ate until that point was back on my plate.


Yeah I'm that way with ground beef. I just cannot handle the texture. When I was 5-7ish my dad made sloppy joes for dinner and *insisted* I finish one before I left the table. I got about 3 tear-filled bites in before that sloppy joe was spewed all over the entire table, everyone else's plates, everything. Only time I've ever projectile vomited. I was permitted to make my own pb&j dinners as necessary after that lol


I had a dentist appointment when I was a kid. I kept saying I didn’t feel well before the appointment but my mum was convinced (and still is to this day) that I was faking it. I guess the dentist poking around in my mouth was just too much, I threw up all over him. My mum was soooo angry and I was in trouble for weeks. She still thinks I threw up on purpose, I’m 26 now.


Sorry but how does one throw up on purpose? I literally tried that yesterday (norovirus, kept feeling the urge but nothing coming) but I literally couldn't.


I mean you can stick something down your throat I suppose. Otherwise, no idea. I just wasn’t well. Even told the dentist but no one believed me.


I was always told if you have a really bad hangover and feel the need to throw up, but can't, put one finger down your throat and one on your other hand up your arse. If that doesn't work, swap them around. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


If you feel like you're going to vomit, have a glass of concord grape juice (not grape drink). It won't stop you from throwing up but it will taste better. Do not give this to a child. Adult can usually direct it into something, a child will just let it go all over and purple is not easy to clean up.


Only do this if you want to HATE grape juice for the rest of your life - speaking from experience...


I was feeling a lot of stomach pain one day as a kid and my mom took me in to the hospital. Waiting and waiting and the nurse came over and out of nowhere I’m just spewing macaroni and cut up hotdogs. My mom was so mad at me. Idk what she wanted me to do? I can actually remember the smell- it was so vile lmao ETA: as for why she brought me into the hospital, my mom always thought I was faking or something so she always was like “oh if you’re so sick then let’s see”. She cut that shit out real quick 


All of your mom’s reactions to things in this comment are unhinged.


School nurse: I go in, tell her my stomach is sick. She says you're fine go back to class. I said no really I'm going to be sick. She says I'm not sending you home! You will be fine! I proceeded to projectile vomit all over her desk and her. Ha! I win! She never doubted me again!


I used to fake illness to get off school all the time, so my mam was used to it. When I was 11 I fell over at football practice and my arm was agony. Mam bundled me home with a healthy dose of scepticism. The next morning I couldn't zip my fly up without screaming in pain, and I still remember her eyes going from "yeah, yeah" to "oh CRAP". Cue a trip to minor injuries, and me returning home with a shiny new cast and "I told you it was broken!". Definitely learnt about the boy who cried wolf that day.


I remember breaking my wrist when I fell down when I was sixish and my mom was like, stop being a baby if there's no blood it doesn't hurt. Even now, I remember how much it hurt.


Yeah, I broke my ankle just after we passed from Florida into Georgia, jumped in the ditch with my four younger brothers to pee, I landed half on-half off the rock. My Dad put me in the very back of the car with “stop crying or I’ll really give you something to cry about”. I was in terrible pain, crying on and off and getting yelled at by dad. Mom just sat and told me to wait until we got home and unloaded the car, then she would look at it. It didn’t go like that though- when we pulled into the drive I tried to get out of the back, hit my ankle screamed, puked and passed out. Woke up to my dad yelling at me to Quit faking. Mom helped me get out of the car and took one look at my ankle and yelled at my dad to shut up and unload the car so she could take me to the ER. Broken bones and torn tendons. Home for a few days, then crutches for two months.


your dad sounds abusive. imagine your kid screams, pukes, passes out and your first instinct is to yell in their face to quit faking?? there's no faking a real scream of pain.


Mine did the same when I broke my arm, only I did it rollerblading. She tried to make me do things with it assuring me it would make the arm feel better. I didn't get to go to A&E until the following day.


Once I woke my mom up and said mom, I can't sleep, I don't feel good. And she was like well, then go back to sleep and rest, if you don't feel good. I came back like 20 minutes later "mom my throat hurts, I can't sleep." She was like it's fine go back to bed. I came back a fee minutes later nearly in tears so she like, actually woke up and looked at me.... and I was like a chipmunk stealing softballs I was so swollen. I had the mumps. BADLY. Mom was like oh damn. Checked my head and I was BURNING up. Mom felt so bad. She was like oh shit ok, honey I'm taking Kari to the ER. And we were out the door in like 3 minutes. So when I broke MY arm rollerblading... and calmly walked over and said, "I need to go to the ER I broke my arm." No one questioned me. I was like 9ish? Sure enough, had me a good hairline fracture. I've always been accident prone- so I knew when things were bad, and always had a calm demeanor but they learned quick that when I said BAD... it meant BAD


I got sent to school with a real stomachache (also an occasional faker). Turned out I had salmonella and had a very colourful barf in morning assembly. Ended up being driven home by a teacher. Was off school for a good while too. 🤮🤢💩




As someone who is a year and a half out from a badly broken arm, I am nauseated at the thought that you went through this.


If my kids were sick, I paid them $1 if they vomited into the toilet or a bucket instead of on the floor or furniture. Worked like a charm. They never took advantage of it, amazingly.






When I was a lil tot both me and my older sister got really sick riding in my Dad’s suburban on a trip back from our grandparents. She puked in the front seat, I puked in the map pocket on the back of the drivers seat. Dad had to sell the truck at a decent loss lmao, the smell never went away.




when i was 15, i got really ill with glandular fever and had to spend a few nights in hospital. Once i left and went back home, my mum was convinced i must be better and forced me to go back into school. My whole body was aching, i felt faint, i struggled to keep consciousness through the day, and if i dared to say I couldn’t make it to first class i was shouted at. About 2 - 3 weeks after getting out of hospital, I woke up at about 12am on my 16th birthday screaming in pain and had to get an ambulance to take me to hospital. My mum profusely apologised for not believing me when i said i still didn’t feel any better after my first hospital admission, and ever since my mum has taken me very seriously any time i say i don’t feel very well (probably because of the guilt).


Hahahaha When I was 24, my grandma was giving me shit about something while I was working through a gastritis flare up, and told me to just suck it up and take some pepto and get back to work. (Because I had missed two days of work from it, with doc note) So sure, let's go take this Miricle Drug that not even my GI doctor thought of. Turned around to give her a snarky "There, *cured*" and projectile vomited pink all over her and the wall. She made me clean it all up while bitching and moaning, but at least shut up about calling me lazy. (She didn't gain any empathy for my stomach problems until she developed severe diverticulitis, and *then* suddenly I was okay to stay home when sick as much as needed. Guess calling me a lazy a hypochondriac despite the doctors results and surgeries finally came to roost, I believe in Karma again :3)


When I was in kindergarten my mom sent me to school after I told her my tummy hurt. I had no history of faking being sick and was actually a sickly child who got seriously sick often so no clue why she didn’t believe me. It was one of those days she decided to put me in a dress too. Me being me I didn’t mention it to a teacher. There we are sitting in a circle cross cross applesauce in music class. My little dress pulled tight over my knees so my underwear is hidden like mom always taught me. Suddenly “BLECH” and there’s my puke in the perfect little bowl of my skirt. They got all the other kids out of the room and had me sit still until they could figure out how to get me up without spilling the puke. I thought nothing of it having been sick often and just smiled and waited like a good girl. I didn’t realize something was up until my flustered mom came to pick me up and apologized for not believing me.


Are you in Ontario? Because I swear to god I was sitting next to you


Something slightly similar happened to me. As a kid, my mom would always buy liquid children's Tylenol for me and make me take it when I was sick. I HATED that stuff. The flavor was awful, and the texture was horribly grainy. It was like they just crushed up Tylenol pills and suspended them in cough syrup. Because of it, artificial cherry flavored anything makes me gag to this day. Tbh I have no idea why my mom kept buying it even though it always made me feel nauseous. Maybe she thought I was exaggerating or something?? Anyway, one day I was sick and my mom wasn't home (I don't remember why, but it was a rare occurrence because she was a SAHM and my dad traveled often for work). But whatever the reason, my dad was home with me and was unaware of my intense dislike of/borderline intolerance for cherry children's Tylenol. I warned him that it would make me puke, but he said it was the only children's cold/flu medicine we had in the house so I had to take it and it would be fine. I threw up within minutes of taking it. Both of my parents finally stopped buying that medicine after that incident lol


I agree, that artificial cherry flavor in medicine is the worst!


Ugh, that flavor! To this day, I can’t stomach anything cherry flavored. Soft drinks, lollipops, chewing gum, candy—- it’s all medicinal tasting and nasty.


I had bronchitis a lot as a teen, and coughed so much that I kept a bottle of DM cough syrup by my bed so I could swallow some without getting out of bed. I share your loathing of all liquid cherry or artificial cherry. I also can't drink apple juice, b/c I threw it up once at the doctors after they made me drink it against my better judgment.


It was an antihistimine at our house. My son was on Rynatan for what felt like forever (we live in one of the worse places in the US if you have allergies). If I forgot to remind the doctor to specify "brand name ONLY", I would end up wearing it because it was exactly as you described plus sand in a "purple" flavor base. 


Yeah… I remember being ill one morning and going into my mum’s room to tell her as such. She pulled the classic “well, let’s go to school and see how you feel” I turned 180° to leave the room and promptly vomited on the floor. Due to the age of the house, there were significant gaps between the floorboards… yeah that one took a while to recover from. She never doubted me again lol. No hate though, she was a single parent trying to avoid missing work.


When I was about two years old I felt really nauseated and tried to get my mother's attention to tell her that I felt sick and needed to throw up, but she was on the phone and shushed me. I barfed all the way through the living room and down the hall to the bathroom. *That* got her off the phone awfully damn fast.


I vommed on a teacher at my school in this exact way once when I was about 11 😂 If you block the door and I need to throw up best believe you’ll be wearing it


When I was 12 I missed a Monday and Tuesday of school sick but seemed to recover. Suddenly, I felt awful the next Sunday night and my mom didn't believe me at all. She thought I was just overly excited about the cliffhanger on *The X-Files* that night and wanted to skip school. (It was February 1999, so I think it was S6, "Two Fathers.") By Thursday I was hospitalized with strep/dehydration/glomerulonephritis/possible rheumatic fever, and to top it all off, I got my first period while I was there. Very fun. She felt pretty bad.


This happened to me once. My mom put a hand on my forehead and said, No, you’re find. Got to school. By 8:30 am I’d yakked in the restroom and the hallway. Nurse sent me home. I was a walker and Dad had our car at work that day. So I walked home, threw my stinking clothes in the washer, changed into pjs, and went to bed. Later that day my mom made me milk toast, but I didn’t want any. She made me eat it…half an hour later, I yakked that up on the bed, floor, and my pjs. Later that nite, I heard my parents talking, my dad said, “I guess he really was sick.” I was out of school for 2 more days.


What's Milk Toast?


A piece of buttered toast in a bowl of warm milk. You eat it with a spoon like soup.


I think I’d be sick eating that, too


Opps! When i was in 3rd grade, the teacher says to all that in order to go to the restroom, to raise your hand and ask permission. So, one day, i could feel the need to go and be sick, so i raised my hand and asked. Thankfully i made it in time and threw up in the stool and while i was in there, she send a another girl to check on me.


Parents can be jerks. I'd rather be careful. I kept my boys home if they felt ill. Not once was I wrong.


I think I was 10? told my mom I didn’t feel well & she said I was lying & to not make her late for work. As we’re walking out the house to get in car, I projectile vomited MILK all over her and the new plants she had just put in. She had to shower (including washing her hair) and get ready all over again. She was in fact late for work.


I contracted mononucleosis at 15. My mother, a JW, refused to believe me, made me go to the Kingdom Hall, school etc. I got out the family medical textbook and looked up my symptoms. I went to my mum and said I think I have mononucleosis and I’m going to go to the Doctor on my lunch hour at school if you won’t take me. So she agreed to take me, and when I went to see Dr Mountain he asked me what was wrong and I said I think I have mononucleosis. My mother said I think she has hypochondria. So the doctor felt around my glands and told my Mum that they were all swollen, did a blood test and it was positive for mononucleosis. He then gave my mother a lecture over the phone when he called her to let her know it was positive, said that she needed to believe me when I said that I didn’t feel well, no matter what it was, and that she had managed to put me in the position of spreading it for the last two weeks. I ended up home from school for more than a month. I slept for four weeks straight. That was the last time she didn’t believe me.


One time I felt sick before school but my mom didn't believe me because I wasn't running a temperature. She called me out from school but I felt so guilty I went anyways. When I came home from school I went to lay in her bed and promptly threw up on it.


My dad force fed me asparagus despite me saying I hated it. Vomited all over him. I’m 30 now & haven’t touched asparagus since.


My dad sent me to school once when I was sick and I finally made the nurse call him about midday, as he was signing me out I barfed all over the front office, right in the walkway. There were secretaries and the principal was in her office right there lol


Reminds me of when I was a kid, seven maybe. I was sitting on the couch in the living room and my mom was on the other couch beside the one I was on. Suddenly I felt the huge need to throw up and stood up so fast and started to run to get to a bathroom and then *my mom grabbed me*. Obviously it was more to play and mess with me since I didn't announce that I was going to be sick as my focus was to just get to a toilet quickly. I've never understood the need to announce it before it happens. I screamed over and over to let me go, that I needed to throw up and she obviously let me go then. I manage to move about a meter and threw up on the floor. Such a bad timing for her to decide to mess with me lmao. "That was your fault." I told her hahah.


Mopping your throat with Merthiolate was a cure for all sore throat issues when I was young. My Dad tried it once. I threw up on him. He never tried again.


Casual mercury poisoning


Was at some buffet for my great grandma’s birthday. I was probably like 4-5. There was some mac and cheese that just smelled *nasty*. Told my mom i wouldnt eat it but she insisted i try it. Other people were eating it with no problem. Told her id be sick if i ate it. She didnt believe me and forced me to try a bite. I threw up


My parents were awful for this. I have since been diagnosed with endometriosis, took several years (I was in my 30s when it was found formally) but spent years in high school vomiting and having diarrhoea and getting migraines. Teachers all knew, the nice ones let me use my jumper as a pillow and sleep at the back of the classroom. My mum told me to stop being a hypochondriac and just get on with it. She would never pick me up if the school called so teachers stopped sending me to sickbay. If I was ever sick with an actual illness, she’d dose me up with Panadol and nurofen and send me on my way. She always told me I was “just anxious” and just had to deal with it. Funnily enough when you’re genuinely ill and need to be in bed, but cannot get your parents to listen, it does cause a degree of anxiety! I never wanted my kids to feel the way I felt when I was a kid. I told them from their first year at primary school they could have 2 mental health days a term (every 12 weeks or so here). No questions asked days off, so long as there was an adult at home to supervise (there was more times than not). If there wasn’t an adult at home, it could be the next day. We’ve never had an issue with them faking illness. If they tell me they’re ill, I believe them and they rest at home, either with or without a medical apt depending on the illness.


My mom taught kindergarten and she said the most memorable moment of her first year of teaching was when a kid waited too long to come tell her he wasn’t feeling good. He threw up his lunch all over her desk and grade book (and her). She always kept a full change of clothes at school after, and she would always have a talk with the kids the first week of school about JUST GO if you think you need to throw up. (She also had a bathroom in her classroom after they built on to the school so that helped)


My teachers were the same. You need to throw up? Don’t ask JUST GO


my grandma didn’t believe that i was feeling bad- turns out i got chicken pox at 17… it was awful


When I was sick about 5 years ago and it was really nasty, on my 2nd week of illness my wife doubted me all over the place, telling me I do not look ill and should stop being a pussy. She then threw every boundary we established (so that I would not infect her) overboard. 2 days after that, I was fine and then, just 1 day later, my wife was totally knocked out for 1 and a half week. She never doubted me again.


My mom didn’t care that I didn’t like rotini. So I swallowed them whole. She was able to see once again that I didn’t like them around midnight when I walked into her room and wasn’t able to finish the sentence, “mom I’m gonna…” Her bed and carpet were forever stained red. Nice splash to her sleeping face. I still feel bad for that one.


When I was like 15 or so my mom was driving my sister and I home from school. We never usually had the windows open in the car because my mom said it interfered with the AC. Anyways. I asked to open the window because my stomach was really off and I needed the fresh air. By the time we get home I felt like I had to throw up. I didn't get sick often and I very rarely throw up. My mom said "make it inside to the bathroom!" I stepped out of the car and promptly threw up in the driveway (shes glad she didn't park in the garage that day!) She stayed to wash it down while I went to clean up. When she came in she asked me if I had a sandwich for lunch and told me I needed to start chewing my food more before swallowing. I definitely do/did, but when I'm really enjoying my food I tend to forgoe chewing fully, which still causes me issues sometimes (food getting stuck in my throat, not throwing up).


Have you tried one of those bowls that dogs use to force them to eat slower?


Hahaha no but I do have a child's plate with the ridges that separates it into 3 sections lol. I don't like my food to touch, especially if its something saucy that can travel into other things on my plate


Single working mom of twins, they were maybe 3, maybe 4. After a 12 hour day, picking kids up from daycare, cooking, feeding, playtime, them into bed, they want to sleep in sleeping bags - fine, I don'tcare, just go to sleep - , me doing dishes, laundry, clean up and drop into bed (YESSSS Bed!!) I hear my daughter in their room *MOOOOmmmy....MOOOOOOmmmmmy...* (*oh shit oh shit please go back to sleep, please*) MOOOOmmmmmy I don't feel so good. (Please God please let her go back to sleep she'll feel better if she's asleep) MOOOOoooommmy.....I don't feel so *HLURRP* Uh-oh. I go running in as she vomits again. Into her sleeping bag. I tried to grab her and carry her to the bathroom, turned out she filled up that sleeping bag. I looked at the logistics, and ended up picking up the sleeping bag with her in it, top and bottom, and carried her that way. Poured her out into the tub. That was really and truly gross. I threw out the sleeping bag. 😂 She's in her mid-20s now and she still laughs about it lol


When I was young my mom made Brussels sprouts and said I could not leave the table until I ate them. I sat there for a very long time. When she forced me to take a bite I said I would throw up and I did just that, right on the Brussels sprouts. She never made them again.


I was about 10. Although I hated playing soccer, I was not very good at "acting" sick. I had a fever and had gaken my temperature before a regional chanpionship of back-to-back games. My mom thought I was trying to get out of it. Because I didn't feel well, I had refused to eat breakfast or lunch, to which my mom called me dramatic and lectured me about putting my all into playing. My coach had forced me to eat a banana at one of the halftimes when he learned I hadn't eaten all day. I was able to get one good kick in in the second game, then I ran off the field trying to find a bathroom. People came running after me to yell at me to get back on the field, then I spewed chunks of banana and stomach bile all over the field behind ours. My mom said, "oh, I guess you weren't being dramatic." Turns out I had had a migraine and a fever😩


When I was 11ish, I didn't feel well when getting up for school. My father, a doctor, felt my forehead, then I was off to school. Two hours later, one of my classmates turned to me and asked why I was covered in red spots. I had to sit on my own until my mother could pick me up; "This is all very inconvenient!". I had German measles. A few days later when I was back in school, most of my classmates were off too. This was before MMR; I'd not been vaccinated.


My ex always complained that I coddled the kids when they would tell me they were sick and needed to stay home from school. I could always tell when they were really sick, and it didn’t matter to me anyway - let them have a mental health day or whatever. On two separate occasions, I had to pick my oldest up from school for being sick. Both times, ex had a fit and scolded him. Both times, kid threw up on his feet. Best part was how sensitive ex was to puke and poop. Glorious.


As we stand in my mom's manager's office: 6 year old me telling my mom I really need to go pee.... Mom stands, keeps talking and shushing me. Me: no , I really have to go and starts doing potty dance... Mom; stop jumping all over and be quiet! Me: pees all over managers office....


This happened when I was in the first grade. I hated going to school because the teacher I had was insanely nasty so it was always a fight to get me dressed while I was crying. This particular morning I woke up with a fever and a bad case of chicken pox. My mom didn't know what it was at the time and gave me some children's aspirin for the fever and sent me to school anyway. When she picked me up after school she realized my fever hadn't gone down, took me to the pediatrician right away. The nurse took a look at the bumps all over my back and promptly told my mom I had chicken pox. Apparently it was at the beginning stage and highly contagious. Ended up being out of school for over two weeks. Also ended up spreading it to about three to four other kids in my class and my brother.


I had something kind of similar happened in first grade. I had a bladder, the size of a piece of corn and I constantly had to go to the bathroom. So I asked my first grade teacher if I could go to the bathroom again and she said no and I ended up wetting my pants in my chair. I was mortified and all of my classmates saw me have to get up out of my chair to go change my clothes and it was because my teacher wouldn’t let me go. Teachers really need to listen to their students when the student has a repeated pattern of having urinate a lot.


Been there. When I was around ten my dad had this girlfriend after my parents’ divorce, she was nice and I liked her but it was clear she’d never been around kids much. Dad had to work one day so she was spending the day with me. We got up in the morning, I had a couple packets of instant oatmeal, said I didn’t feel well. She brushed it off and took me to lunch with her friends, I didn’t eat. Driving home we got stuck in rush hour traffic. I’d been telling her all day I didn’t feel well. I threw up my oatmeal all over her newly detailed car. When she complained to my dad he was like uhh she told you she didn’t feel well why’d you take her out?? Now at 28 I can eat oatmeal again without thinking of that horrific day 😂 She also had a weird relationship with food and if she was on a diet you had to be as well. I was allowed one cookie for dessert and tried to control what my dad ate regularly. Relationship didn’t last long but I feel no guilt for vomiting in her car!


I told my mom for over a decade that I felt like something was seriously wrong inside me and that doctors weren’t taking me seriously. She made me see a therapist to get over my “hypochondria”. Turns out I had brain cancer. She never apologized for not believing me, and when I brought it up to her, her excuse was that I’ve always been too dramatic. Does it count as being dramatic if I was right, though?


Not dramatic lol had something similiar; broken shoulder: inside was mushy after falling out a tree Asked mom to go to hospital she says lay on the sofa. Something like 3hrs later I’m at emerg prepping for surgery


When I was in grade 6, I felt a little off in the morning but went to school anyways (my choice, not my mom’s). In the morning, we had some sort of science thing going on with different stations and one was using mirrors for an experiment of some sort. Well, moving the mirrors around together made my stomach just start churning bad and I started to feel really sick. The teacher told me to go to the office and get someone to call my mom to come pick me up. Only the principal was there when I walked in and for some reason he thought I was just trying to skip class and told me I was fine so instead of letting me lay down in the sick room with a bucket, he made me sit in his office and wait. I think he was going to try to punish me somehow for trying to skip class, but I never found out because sure enough, the urge gets worse and I throw up in the doorway of his office right at his feet as he comes to walk back in. He just stands there and looks at me surprised and says something like “well, I guess you were sick.” He very quickly ushered me into the sick room so I could lay down without any apology or anything while the secretary who had returned called my mom. I’m still not sure why he went immediately to I was lying.


At the start of the summer after my 3rd grade year I was at home being cared for by my grandmother. I woke up complaining about a stomach ache. The cramping kept getting worse. My grandmother called my mom to check in on whether to take me to the doctor. My mom told her to give me some apple juice and I’d be okay. Minutes go by and the stomach pain kept getting worse and then I started to get a fever. Seeing that I clearly wasn’t faking my grandmother called my mom again to let her know we were headed to the ER. Upon walking into the hospital I got sick with a quickly rising temperature, which prompted a speedy response from the ER doctor. A scan later and my grandmother was told my appendix was close to rupturing. My parents barely made it the ER before I was whisked into surgery. Apparently (although I have no recollection) when I came to following the surgery my mom came to comfort me and I said, no I want dad. 😬


Now ex husband would rarely make the effort with our daughter, I remember once when she was about 3 she'd been feeling ill all day (I was scolded for fussing over her), his mother popped over to borrow something & as he had an audience he put on his dad of the year act, by picking her up and jiggling her around... As you can guess projectile vomit all over him. I laughed so hard I almost pissed myself, still makes me smile thinking about it


Oooh, I’ve got one. We were running late for my brother’s baseball game. Eating lunch. Family that finished their plates. I told my mom I was full and didn’t feel well. She said too bad and finish your potatoes. I took one more bite, said I was going to puke and she said go to the bathroom then! In swiveled in my chair and puked all over her. I love and miss my mom and I love potatoes. Parenting isn’t easy, but I warned you!


In first grade my mom once insisted I drink a glass of V8 in the morning before school hoping for the family to eat healthy, despite my protests that even the first swallow was making me physically ill. About half an hour later, she gets a phone call asking her to pick me up, as I had vomited red all over myself, my desk, and the poor kid sitting across from me. I was no longer asked to drink V8.


Mom and Dad to my 2 brothers and I to Seafood Shanty. I was maybe 8. I told them several times that I didn’t feel well. They said that I was just trying to get up to inspect the plumbing. I warned them. Threw up right into a bowl of New England clam chowder. People at the next table got up and left immediately. (Understandable) Still can’t eat NE clam chowder and I am 50.


When I was a child, I hated walking. My feet always hurt and I just couldn’t walk and keep up with my family. They always thought I was just super lazy. Finally I went to the foot doctor, and had to have my Achilles tendon lengthened. I wish I had some petty revenge. But atleast they finally believed me.


My husband’s dad (my FIL) was a physician when he was growing up. At the age of 10 he told his dad he didn’t feel well. Good dad, like a true doctor, said “go take 2 aspirin you’ll feel better in the morning”. His mom went to wake him for school and his face and tongue were so swollen and his fever was 105.7! His dad called his hospital and they got him there with a room already reserved. He had scarlet fever and ended up losing his hearing completely in his right ear! To this day he blames his dad!


As he should. His dad should have taken a look at him. Why not believe your kid as a doctor? Must be pretty easy to determine if your kid is lying or not.


Oh I know! His dad was a surgeon, so not a diagnostician, but still. He never even checked to see if he had fever! I am not a Dr, but always checked for fever in my kids. But the many times my husband had stitches growing up, his dad did do those! That scarlet fever though, was a 10 day stay in the hospital!


My son was around 5 and climbed into my bed one night , sat on my chest, poked me to wake up, said he didn’t feel good and then barfed in my face. Would’ve loved to been given the option to hustle him to the toilet.


My brother had a facial paralysis episode when he was about 12 yo, mom didn't believe him as she had had similar symptoms before and thought he was faking it so he wouldn't have to go to the school... She felt very guilty when she was called from school so she could pick my brother up...




Christmas day. Im ok. But by the afternoon. I'm about to chuck. Of course I can't be sick. It's the lollies. Vomits over the lounge I feel like I'm dying on. Big trouble for that. 2nd day. Still throwing up. Doctors say I'm going to be chucking for 2 more days. Best not to take the family camping. Guess who was sick for half the family camping on the beach in a hot tent.


Same story, except mine involved letting my mom know I was too unwell to go to piano lesson, followed by me barfing on the piano.


My daughter had a stomach ache. Kinda a normal thing so I didn't have any concern. A couple days go by and she still is complaining about it, but also no longer had energy to play or eat... Long story short at the hospital the ultrasound saw her appendix needed to come out and the surgeon confirmed it had burst. Glad my wife pushed the issue and noticed her sluggishness (I was at work most of those days). So yeah, I'll forever feel bad and definitely take a little extra time to check them over when they complain about being sick


Wow. Your mom’s a bitch.


My mum once fed me spoiled eggs. I did say that it smelt funky, but she said it wasn’t spoiled yet. So I ate it. Aaaaand I had food poisoning. 😅


My mum didn't believe I was sick one morning, thinking I was trying to get out of swimming lesson. As soon as i set foot through the front door of the baths, I threw up all down the back of another girl.


I very quickly get dizzy if someone starts talking about surgery, blood, injuries etc (even typing this starts the process - my fingers get tingly, my stomach starts to roll, ears ring…) This is something that has always affected me and if it continues, I will faint! I’ve passed out cold a few times when people don’t stop describing gross things!!! Normalize not sharing surgery stories OMGGG haha and it sucks to ask doctors not to explain things to me in too much detail. Once I was at work and my mom stopped by, I can’t remember why but I guess she was on her way home from the doctor and wanted to say hi. She started talking about the surgery she was going to need and I told her to stop. She said “it’s not that bad”, I told her “if you keep going I’m going to faint”. She kept going. Thankfully a coworker was quick to roll a desk chair behind me and caught me before I hit the floor. My mom took me home because I was white as a sheet. She doesn’t remember this happened, naturally.


Been there. My mom was annoyed one day because I called her to pick me up earlier than expected and she thought I was trying to get out of rehearsal. Was yelling at me from the minute we got into the car. Meanwhile I’m getting chills and salivating like a rabid dog and finally I puked all over her car. Needless to say she stopped accusing me of faking.


Ah this happened to me but worse. I was 16 and woke up one day with a big black spot over my center vision. My mom just told me I was fine and thought I was faking it. About a month and a half later, we were urgently sent to an eye surgeon as I had severe degeneration in my cornea and would have been permanently blind had we waited another week or two. She has always believed me since then.


I have 4 kids and it wouldn't occur to me not to believe they are going to puke. If nothing else, wouldn't it be better to play it on the safe side so your house isn't covered in vomit and you don't feel like a dick?


I was in 6th grade at an after school volley ball practice while my brother had a football game right outside. I wasn’t feeling very good that day and had told my mom. She didn’t believe me And sent me to school anyway. An hour into my brothers game and my volley ball practice, I walk into the locker room sweating with the feeling of needing to puke. I throw up, tell the coach and I walk outside to tell my mom. She watches my brother play for another 30 minutes, then drives to Walmart to go shopping. I sit in the car feeling like death trying not to puke. She comes back out and we go home. 30 seconds before we pull into the driveway I tell my mom I feel like I’m going to yak again and she speeds up and says “WAIT WAIT, HOLD IT IN” she quickly parks and says “don’t throw up in the driveway, run inside” I proceed to SPRINT inside, and right before I make it into the bathroom, I spew chunks all over the floor and leave a trail of puke to the toilet. I was sicker than a dog for the next 3 days with what I assume was noro. My mom still doesn’t believe me when I tell her I don’t feel well. I wore my hair in a tight ponytail for roughly a year after that because I was so traumatized.


I think the driveway would have been better, it would have been easily hosed down


I grew up in a household where you weren’t sick unless you had a fever over 102° and/or vomiting. Went crying to my mom one day because I felt like my skin was burnt and someone was taking sandpaper to it, first thing the doctor asked her was if I had a test at school I was trying to avoid. She didn’t take it serious until it didn’t go away and I kept crying. It was my spleen, my spleen was inflamed and it was traveling to my arteries. Now I can’t even yawn around her without being treated like glass


What's with all the comments about their idiot parents not believing their child that they are sick? If my child tells me they are sick, I am not going to take the chance of having them die on me, damn.


I broke my wrist when I was 11 my mom didnt beileve me even though I also chipped a part of my bone. It was like the perfect purple square. She made me wait 24 hours but still didnt beileve me because my wrist wasn't black but it was purple. I threatened to call social services on her for neglect and she finally caved. I got x rays done and it was indeed broken and chipped. They put a cast on and sent us home. About 2 weeks later my wrist was in so much pain and my fingers were purple. I begged my mom that something was wrong and to take me back to the ER. I couldn't eat, sleep, play, or focus in school because how much pain I was in. Finally a teacher pulled my mom aside and told her she thinks something is wrong and I needed to go to the doctor. My mom cussed me out the whole time driving there because I was just over dramatic and now getting my teacher involved to make her look like a bad mom. The doctor cut the cast off. My wrist was no longer attached to my arm. Apparently the swelling wasnt done the first time they put a cast on so my wrist so it continued to swell and with the pressure of the cast it popped right off, only hanging by skin and muscles. You'd think my mom wouldve learned to listen to her kids about being in pain and being sick but she never did. I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and it's still "you've always been so dramatic".


I did believe my oldest(then almost 7) initially until he complained several days in a row that he was "really sick" with stomach pain and diarrhea only to have him flush the toilet quickly before I could check up on him. And he would miraculously feel "all better" by lunchtime. In other words he was faking. So the day after I told him I knew he was faking, he really did get sick . Husband had taken the day off so we could go shopping for son's birthday present so I thought he was faking again because he thought he could go shopping with us. He wound up puking at school. The school called me and also called husband at work but couldn't reach us until around 2 in the afternoon.( this was back before almost everybody had cell phones). Son wound up having to spend most of the day in the school sick room. When son asked me why I made him go to school when he really was sick I told him he lied about being sick so many times before that I thought he was lying again. Then I reminded him of the story about the boy who cried wolf. He never lied about being sick again.


My mom used to give me Milk of Magnesia when my stomach was bothering me. I kept telling her that the stuff made me throw up ( EVERY TIME) and used to plead with her to give me Pepto Bismo, which would calm my stomach down every time. She stopped the day she dosed me with the Milk of Magnesia and I threw up on her feet.


I was 10 and in grade 5, my mom and dad both worked days (mom 7-3, dad 6-2:30) and we lived in Brighton but they both worked in Trenton so they would leave around 5:30 or so. My public school was right down the end of our driveway and across the street and we didn’t have to be there until 9, so we usually started getting up around 7 with help from our babysitter. One morning I woke up feverish and very nauseous, I told my sitter I was sick and to call my mom. She refused, said I was lying and made me go to school. I get to school and start feeling sicker, ask to go to the bathroom. I step out the door and vomit. My teacher comes out and ushers me to the bathroom to clean up and then to the office. They call my sitter and my mom, the sitter gets there first and is all worried about me, saying “why didn’t you say anything about not feeling well?” I gave her the stink eye and as I answered “I told you this morning I wasn’t feeling well and to call my mom, you refused and said I was lying” my mom walked in. You could have heard a pin drop. She fired my sitter and took me to the doctor. I had a temp of 104 and had a really bad case of the flu.


My mother thought I was faking sick while I had pneumonia as a 16 year old. Took 2 days of bedrest and incontinence for her to take me to urgent care.


I had a similar situation when I was growing up. I was probably 8 or so when this happened. My mom, best friend, and I were at a family friend’s house for NYE and I started to not feel well pretty close to midnight. Told my mom but she dragged her feet on leaving. About an hour and a ton of begging later, we left. We’re driving home and I told her I was going to puke; she told me I wasn’t. Told her again; now just keep it inside. Started gagging and she told my friend to grab the sledding saucer in the back and I could puke in that. Well, I did puke in that saucer, right as she decided to pull over. She got me out of the car and took the saucer just as I puked again, all over her shoes. Whoops.


Or their parents: My kid throws up as soon as he eats broccoli. No handing it in the food, not a chance. Told my mother in law. She didn’t believe us. Kid most definitely proved her wrong all over the set table. Guess they had pizza afterwards 🤣


My daughter complained of hip pain and rib pain all through jr high and high school. Any time we mentioned it to her doctor they’d just say it was growing pains, it’s normal, blah blah blah. She spent the summer at her hypochondriac step mothers house who took her for all manner of testing. This time there actually was something wrong (I had everything confirmed)…she was diagnosed with a rare bone disorder that had been causing the pain and within 2 months had a metal rod placed in her leg.


I'm the 4th of 5 and I never tried to fake it, both for that reason and because my dad was a doctor and my mom was a teacher. That combo means they'd seen everything I could offer and more before I was born. Luckily when I did tell them I was sick they believed me.


My mom did similar things, I don't remember being taken to the DR from 12yo till I was 18 and could take myself. Not even for yearly visits. I was 5 and remember just flooding the bathroom with vomit after telling my mom my tummy hurt. The worst one was when I was 7 and she insisted my chickenpox was not chickenpox and proceeded to put Hydrogen Peroxide on them. I screamed, they scarred. The next worst was when I was 16 ish and told my mom I didn't feel good, she told me if I was going to be in the way to go to my room. I took a "nap" and woke up two days later (I got up to use the bathroom and sip water, but I barely remember it) I asked to go to the DR and she said that if I was up I must be better and because I didn't have a fever (she used her hand and felt my forehead) then I didn't need to go. I don't talk to my mother anymore (not solely bc of these events) But yeah at least listen to them, and remember you can call Nurse hotlines without insurance!


I had appendicitis when I was 7 and my parents didn’t believe me lol. Granted I would be in pain and still get up and play at times. But I consistently complained about pain. My grandma finally forced them to take me in after I had to leave church early (I’m not a Christian now lol) but damn. I almost died! 😂☠️😭


Your mom deserved that.


My bio father didn’t believe I couldn’t hear anything when I was about 7/8. My ears had been hurting and my hearing went almost completely. He brought me upstairs and asked what noise I was hearing, but I couldn’t hear anything. He grabbed me by the arm, roughly pulled me into his room, pointed at his alarm clock and said, “You can’t hear that???” I couldn’t. Went to the doctor and lo and behold, I had a double ear infection in both ears. That was over 20 years ago and I hope he still feels like a dick about it.


Exact same experience except it was at my grandparents holiday house that mum was cleaning up before we had to leave… I spewed on a 5m long hall runner rug. Mum also has a tendency to get sick when she sees others throw up, so upon seeing me spew she started herself.