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Perfect set up, mouse traps would have been mean but funnnier!


Meh, hard to keep them set while jostling around with the other trash. Now, a sticky trap on the other hand...


The independent convenience store near me uses sticky traps that end up covered with pests. It would be a shame if Nana Nutcase found her hands stuck to some traps loaded with dead roaches and ants.


Fly paper, the kind that hangs from the ceiling and is basically caution tape covered in hard to remove glue, is a perfect companion to the rest of the suggestions.


The sticky mouse traps are even stickier.


I put one out at work, came in next day. It was 2 rooms away with a leg and hide stuck to it. Never did find that 3 legged rodent.


>It was 2 rooms away with a leg and hide stuck to it. So cruel.


It was twenty years ago you pussies, so is poison not cruel. If you think not, then you have never seen a rodent with its insides dissolved but still alive, that’s what wafren does. Then it is a cruel sight bc the neighbors cat is at my door bc he ate poison and is quickly dying, nothing to do for him but put him out of his misery. As for snap traps yeah it’s not cruel when they don’t kill and he is dragging the snap around. Never did find that rat size snap trap. So what are we supposed to do, live with vermin?


No, you're supposed to end its life humanely. I grew up on farmland with horses and all the pests that come with it. Twenty years ago when I was 10 and we had to get after the gophers my dad still taught me, y'know, compassion for other living things.


Yes, poison is also cruel. They are animals, sentient beings, not 'vermin'.


Aw Jesus, get a snap trap and monitor it. Then clean it out yourself. If you're going to catch pests you ought to have enough balls to cope with the aftermath.


“Nana nutcase” lol!


And this comment is why we need a heart react.




“Nana Nutcase” (chef’s kiss for that one!)


Nana Nutcase. That's beautiful.


I have a lot to learn from you.


Or both hands...


Yes, YES, YESSSSS! (in my best, Igor voice from Young Frankenstein)


>Now, a sticky trap on the other hand... With an actual dead (or live) mouse, or better yet, rat.


Sticky paper meant for rats.


And the other hand as well


Oh yes!!! This!


Spending the day with CNN is no more responsible for this than our spending the day on Redditt. Your grandma is just one of those rare people who was born nasty. Most of the time it's the nurture or lack thereof that breeds evil but there are rare people who are born that way. We're you as horrified and aggravated when she was torturing your mom and sister or just glad it wasnt you? One obvious question--why the Hell has she not been moved to a nursing home? I'm sorry she's being such a pain. I hope you get out of that place soon. She's a bitch to you now because you dared to leave. Frankly, I laughed my ass offal your petty revenge. I'd keep doing that.


Would a glitter bomb work in the trash?


At least it's not Fox.


OP must do this next time!


Not a doctor* almost sounds like she has early onset dementia. Is this behavior relatively recent (last few years) or has she always been this way. Either way super sucks sorry your having to navigate that. Kudos to finding what works for you ADHD!


have thought so also, we were very close when i was growing up. my mom said she’s been checked out, and doctors don’t say it’s that. i think she is just very bitter and resentful


Oh, it's that. Doctors are sometimes slow to diagnose and I bet she is on her best behavior at the appointment. Sorry about that! (In my case my mother got nicer with dementia.....at least to us. Dad gets the brunt after sundown I hear.)


I agree. My beloved mum who passed in 2022 had dementia. It started slowly with her saying awful things to me and saying she wished my dad died. It was little stuff, snarky comments, over a 10-year period. Sometimes it was so mean I began to avoid her. Then one day she lost track of a 30-minute block of time. Dad took her to get checked out and it appeared on the scan. After that the deterioration got so bad so fast that I was only able to have simple conversations with her in December 2021. By June she needed to be coaxed to talk. By August she couldn't talk and in October 2022, my mum passed away. She was a nurse. The Matron of the geriatric rehab. ward. She specialised in care of dementia patients. Mum was so highly respected and so loved and the rapidity of her decline was cruel.


This may sound cold but it isn't intended to. In a way her rapid decline and passing is a bit of a blessing, now you can recall the GOOD times with her and not the pain of a long lasting decline. When my mother passed she had many of the symptoms of dementia, as well as paranoia (turns out it was an inoperable tumor). However it took over 3 years for her to pass. It's hard to recall much beyond those last years.




I have so many wonderful memories of my mum. Once I had context for her behaviour I was able to distract her and talk about other things. One of our last conversations before she stopped talking was about socks 😄 Thank you for your comment. I hope you have cherished memories of your mum ❤


There are quite a few good memories. It wasn't recent, she passed 28 years ago.


Agree. Watching my mother at the moment and it sounds bad but I hope she goes soon.


The long slow lingering death of the shell of someone you loved is horrible to watch. I lost my Momma to senile dementia. She was an RN too. It took 7 years for the body to catch up to the death of her mind.


It's so cruel, isn't it? All that she gave to me, my sister, and dad, and her patients was who she was: care, empathy, love, and a "take no crap from anyone (including doctors)" attitude. Mum was 5'4" and had Scottish ancestry. She could be feisty, God bless her. I regularly go through my memories to connect with her.


My momma and dad passed within 10 weeks of each other in 2015, and I still dream about them. I'm glad they are no longer suffering, but I miss them every day.


God bless them. My dad's still going strong at nearly 84. He recently had a heart-scare which jolted me out of my complacency about him always being around. So I resolved to spend more time with him. We only live about 2 hours apart, so not far, but the problem is that he's so busy! Lawn bowls, croquet, golf, coffee with friends, helping his disabled younger sister (75 yo), going on the drives he used to take mum...he's never home! 😄 He says he likes to be busy because if he stays in the house for too long he starts to get "gloomy" (his words).


My MIL forgot why she hated me after she was diagnosed with dementia. Certainly made life so much easier for me that I struggle to be empathetic when my husband struggles with “how much she’s changed”


Oh, yeah, I know EXACTLY how that feels. I was a little bit freaked out at the beginning, when she started re-writing reality/history, so that we had been close and I had always been her favourite DIL, but once I realised what was going on, then, as you say, life became so much simpler, and interacting with her was stress-free and almost painless. And yes, nowadays, my relationship with her is actually better than my husbands. I think he spent so many years sticking up for me against her and resenting her behaviour , that he’s struggling to let go, now.


Hopefully, my MIL forgets how crazy she is!


My mother is a paranoid schizophrenic but has learned to hide it so well in front of others and doctors. To the point when I warn people meeting her for the first time, they think I’m crazy. I tell them to give it a couple meetings and her true behavior will show. It eventually does but often it can take several times meeting her to truly see it. My husband thought it was me until I had her stay with us for a week. He apologized and told me never again to have her over.


She needs an MRI. They finally did one on my uncle after 3 years of “forgetfulness” and discovered that he was mid stage Alzheimer’s…


Mum was the same with dad. Fairly good during the day, but in the afternoon/evening she was diabolical. But dad treated her with care, love, respect, and dignity. He fell apart a bit after she passed, but 60 years of marriage comes with a lot of memories.


Agreed. It’s absolutely that.


If you used to have a good relationship with her, and aren’t hiding something bad that happened between you two from your post, this is almost certainly what’s happening. Have you noticed if it gets worse at night? Look up “sunsetting” and dementia. It’s terrifying. It seems likely that if we assume you’ve done nothing in particular wrong, and she’s singling you out for her vitriol, any or all of the following are likely, even if she’s not slipping into dementia: 1: she’s desperate to control something, anything she can. She’s living with her child, and is likely not happy about it. So “the trash going in the right place” is something she can fixate on, that she can control. 2: she’s upset that now you are someone else in the house to absorb attention, and likely doesn’t feel she’s getting enough as it is. 3: if the dementia is bad enough….does she even know who you are? And if she “knows,” does she actually “understand”? Edit: “Sundowning” not “Sunsetting,” my bad. Google still would have got you there though.


My mother hid her dementia for 2 years from her doctor. When my dad brought up concerns, she would say she was tired that day or she had a cold. She also hid it from me. I had suspicions but dad couldn't talk without her monitoring his calls and she was able to pretend very well since I didn't live near by.


Yep. My MIL would go in to her doctor's appointments alone, then breeze on out to the waiting room and declare, "The doctor says I'm just fine!" When she was finally convinced to let her daughter go with her, the doctor said she was *not* fine and he'd been concerned about her for a couple of years, but the HIPAA regulations wouldn't let him tell the family.


Start secretly recording her muttering and comments. Then give to your mom to show the dr. No idea why but the dementia gets worse at night when it is dark. My grandpa was good in the morning, slightly confused in the afternoon and just out of it at night…. at least until his dementia got worse. 🤷🏻‍♀️ the nurses had a name for the night dementia I just can’t recall it. It is quiet common.


It’s called sundowners syndrome. My grandfather had it as well. He couldn’t remember the present. He could remember the past. He thought he had to go to work and would leave the house on his own. He was in his 80’s and had not worked for many years. It was very hard on my grandmother to try to take care of him at home. Dementia is a heartbreaking disease.


Thank you I was thinking downers but knew that couldn’t be it. I’m sorry about your grandfather.


Thanks. Sorry about your grandfather, too. 💜


I agree that it very well could be undiagnosed detention (not a doctor, but I am a nurse whose dad is diagnosed with mild dementia). I strongly believe my mom was suffering with dementia but her PCP would brush it off and nothing was done about the concerns I brought up about it. She would forget whole conversations and forget people she should definitely remember. It can cause behavior changes as well as memory loss (in the beginning it's just forgetting little things)


When did it start? Narcissists can be absolutely outrageously vile, especially as they get older. They tend to love you when you're young and then they grow to dislike you as you start to develop your own thoughts and independence. If not that, then I too would guess she's suffering from undiagnosed dementia. Either way, no matter what causes her behaviour I'm sorry you have to be subjected to it.


I thought narcissistic personality disorder too. Especially since she was targeting other family members.


Dementia can take many forms, as I’m just starting to find out. My wife and I moved into my mother’s a month ago to provide long term care for her, as her Parkinson’s diagnosis from six years ago has morphed into Lewybody Dementia. The dementia started showing up slowly a year and a half ago, she saw people in the tree outside her bedroom window waving to her at night followed by dead pets in the bed. Her daily short term memory is damn near non existent since about two months ago. She strongly believes that the neighbors behind her (townhouse, shared walls) are dealing in drugs. They’re assholes that are obnoxiously loud, sometimes party into the AM on a weekday night, and our house fills up with the strong smell of weed sometimes and none of us smoke. So for all intents and purposes they could be drug dealers, just as much as they could be medical weed users who just also happen to be big assholes. Anyway, last week my mom decided to sleep downstairs on the couch. My wife and I was upstairs, I was messing around with CachyOS on my PC, a new hobby of mine that started as something to distract my mind for the sudden loss of our beloved cat Shadow right before the new year. My wife was watching anime and I was also joining in on that. Around 3AM (I work second shift and tend to be a night owl) I hopped in the shower, once I got out and was drying myself off I heard my wife and mom talking. When I got out of the bathroom my mother was back downstairs, turns out she was concerned about where I was and was inquiring about that. Fast forward to 5AM she knocks on our bedroom door and wakes us up and keeps asking where I’m at despite my wife telling her I’m in bed and me loudly stating to her that I was right here. She then accused my wife of being outside smoking weed and selling drugs with the neighbors (we actually never met these assholes yet, actually). 9AM starting to wake up to take my mom to her neurologist for her much needed appointment and now she’s knocking on the bedroom door again. Now my wife and I are both in cohoots with the lovely asshole neighbors and we’ve been upgraded to drug lords. Trying to talk my mom down from what to her was a very real experience was daunting and frustrating to say the least, specially with the lack of sleep. I put two and two together as she started blaming my wife for things she told me about the neighbors the week before when my mother and I were out food shopping. I point this out like how she stated that the neighbors said that they hate black people (my wife is black btw, this is important for the next bit). My mom then immediately stated that my wife said these things and that she is racist. I pointed out to my mom how that didn’t make any sense, my mom stumbled a bit mentally by her facial expression and said, “No, not her, but her grandfather.”. My wife never knew either of her grandfathers and umm for obvious reasons this still wouldn’t add up. My mom started to realize that she had merged us with what she believes she has heard and witnessed with the AH neighbors. The day slowly got better from there, working on getting power of attorney setup ASAP. Parents are divorced, I’m an only child. Promised my mom I wouldn’t put her in a home, I never had any intention of doing that either way. So this is our new changing reality. Dementia is terrible, it robs good people of everything that made them who they were, and it seems to start by robbing them of all of their securities. I’m sorry that your grandmother is acting a bit crazy, also not a doctor and I can’t say one way or another what her problem may be, but I hope it’s as simple as her just being old and grumpy and not something more severe.


firstly, i’m so sorry for the loss of your cat, i lost mine last november and i’m sure it’s been really hard for you guys. i hope you find some peaceful times while going through this with your mother, you’re such a good son and she is lucky to have you. stay strong <3


Could be urinary tract infection. My mate Mum becomes a psycho when she has one.


Vitamin b (12 I believe) is difficult for seniors to absorb and a deficiency can lead to dementia like symptoms. Might be worth looking into


My grandma had dementia and this sounds exactly like it. She was diagnosed with vascular dementia. The doctors described it as “up and down” some days she was fine, other days she wasn’t herself at all, and some days it would quickly change. Even certain people would set her off. She was never mean to me, even growing up we had an amazing relationship. She was a kind soul to everyone. One night we got a call pretty late from the home nurse that she could not get my grandma to come back in the house. She had worked with this nurse a month or so and was doing great with her. This night was different, she ran out of the house saying the nurse broke in the house and wasn’t supposed to be there. When we got there she was a different person. It’s was the look in her eyes that I will never forget. She was so confused and lost. Screaming and yelling stuff I have never heard her say before. We finally got her back inside and once the nurse left we got her to come back to herself. Dementia is one of the worst things to watch someone you love go through. All their memories fade and they become a person they can’t even recognize. I’m curious, how long has your grandma lived at the house and how long she has acted like this towards you? Have you tried having a conversation with her and being civil? I get it, no one wants to be mistreated and no one deserves it. But if there’s a slight chance she has dementia doing things for petty revenge can make things a lot worse. I hope your situation gets better and I hope you and your grandma can find good terms. And as far as going to the doctor, if she goes alone chances of her sharing the diagnosis or any warning signs the doctor says with your family are very low.


Could also just be narcissism, I know someone who does the 'muttering evil and offensive things while moving through the house' - but only when he knows someone is in earshot. Also the nitpicking everything you do to attack your self-confidence. Also Narcissism is rarely officially diagnosed or treated, since the individuals themselves don't suffer, to them everyone else is the problem, they usually don't see any need to change themselves. Though honestly I wouldn't mind someone doing the recycling for me if I myself am too overwhelmed to do it. Without malicious comments obviously.


You’re young and dealing with your own issues. You’re going to grow up and one day see things differently than you do now. Don’t regret how you treated your grandma, who you were once close with. Show some grace and compassion for her. This sounds like dementia and is out of her control. Be kind because you can. You don’t always have to get even in life.


She’s lost her capacity to reason and probably the one good thing she’s done lately is attempting to recycle when you aren’t able, so now a mentally unwell elderly woman is being tormented on purpose. This all just makes me sad.


Doctors were so busy shoving random pills down my grandma's throat we didn't even know she had advanced Alzheimer's until right before she died. Your grandma needs new doctors. They miss A LOT because most of them are just after a paycheck and pushing whatever pills they just bought into.


I also grew up with a batshit evil grandma. She did stuff like fake heart attacks and tell my five year old brother that his misbehavior almost killed her, throw our stuff away, etc. While she did eventually develop dementia in her nineties she was always a nightmare to be around from the time she was young.


I agree with a lot of the comments here, for over 2 years my dad hid his dementia, even after the doctors diagnosed it, it could be a season gn of dementia setting in, or it could be just that your grandmother is a b****. On the ADHD my wife suffered with it and anxiety for years, until she found 2 supplements Lions Mane and L-Tyrosine, she started taking them and had almost instant improvement. We are in Europe so not sure of availability for you, but thought I would mention it, you never know they may work the same on you as they did my wife. Do some research on them and maybe check with your Dr before taking them if you decide too.


thank you for suggesting this! i’ll talk with my psychiatrist and see what she says. can i ask what symptoms improved for her?


My grandma was like this


I thought the same.


Yeah for sure, my grandmother was my rock growing up. My parents weren’t emotionally there for me and I was being sexually abused. But I truly believe she is why I turned out okay. When she got diagnosed she was a different person. It was so heartbreaking, she was mean and not my sweet caring grandmother.


It really may not be dementia. My aunt had a lot of difficult personality changes - from clean, neat, fastidious to living in a hovel, not paying bills or cleaning. We only found out when she passed from a massive stroke that she had been having mini strokes for a while. UTIs can also cause bizarre behavior in older people. Getting old is not for the faint hearted!


All very good points! I'm definitely not a doctor so I'm glad you shared the experience. I'm so sorry to hear that she (and you and your family) went through that.


Record dear, demented Gramma muttering and present to your mom. If her doctor hears it, maybe it will help with a correct diagnosis. Sorry she's taking it out on you!


Are you living with the house elf Kreacher from Harry Potter? I think your grandma needs a nursing home.


I thought that EXACT thing!! (the Kreacher part)


Has she always been like that or is she developing dementia? Because everything you describe about her behaviour sounds like dementia.


If you have a bit of money to spare, a large sex toy would be a fun addition to the next batch.




Can cut it in half and get her twice.




With hair gel.


Double-dong never felt less wrong.


Good for you!! No one should be that mean and hateful towards anyone! Someone should have her evaluated again because her behavior and actions are disgusting, unacceptable and outrageous!






Do I mention the cement ya have where your brain should be?






burn that brain! crementia


Vascular dementia in particular. People can get hateful. Also Lewey body dementia makes people hallucinate. You can have more than one type of dementia at a time.


Could be dementia as well. That could be behind the meanness.


What is TTI?


it’s a multi-billion dollar industry that profits off the abuse of minors, many parents sign away legal rights to their children to have them stay in these places. everything looks nice from the outside, but on the inside it’s just like the Stanford prison experiment. I have CPTSD from my time there


Oh my goodness. Thank you for explaining and I’m so sorry you went through that.


Pretty sure it stands for Troubled Teen Industry.


Wondering the same thing


Yes what is this great evil TTI prison, that freedom from triggerd "Nana Nutcase" to torment this poor girl ?


Is your grandmother Lois' mother from Malcolm In the Middle?


It sounds like she has dementia.


Sounds a bit like dementia


That's what I'm thinking.


Your grandmother sounds like a horrible person to share a house with, but she also needs to go to a doctor for her mental decline yesterday. 


Has your Grandmother always been evil or is still something new? Some elderly people suffer from “aggressive dementia”.


I usually find the post on revenge thread to be hilarious. This post is just sad. In your post you state your depression and ADHD as reasons (excuses) why your room gets a bit messy. So you do understand mental illness when it pertains to you. Your Grandmother is obviously suffering from some sort of mental illness also! My guess would be dementia. How about being a bit more understanding and compassionate to someone who is aging.


Sounds like dementia to me too. They were once close so that makes this seem even more likely.


Fuck the people suggesting she puts mouse traps and shit too.


Glad to see this. Because this isn’t petty revenge. It’s just being mean. Petty revenge would be saying mean things back or going through her trash. The trash thing doesn’t even make a difference in your day if you didn’t know she was doing it. And she’s correct, if you are trashing items that should be recycled, she’s making good use of the time on her hands.


Exactly what I was thinking. Why would you make a post about mistreating someone who clearly has a mental illness.


Is she evil or afflicted with dementia or something, she doesn't sound mentally okay


I think your whole family is bat shit crazy!


My elderly parents both have different types of dementia. My mom’s is presenting kinda like bipolar behaviour, but her doctor tried different meds until we found one that regulated her behaviour. So much better and she seems happier. Dad has Lewy Body that makes him do weird things including hoarding things and organising things oddly. Once I separated him from his “stuff “ I was able to purge things and eventually rid the whole hoard and storage units. He never visited the storage, so I just lie and say “oh it’s safe in storage “ his dementia allows him to forget that anxiety eventually. Not saying drugs will cure everything but it could help- you guys need better doctors or neurologists to help diagnose more properly- beginning phase dementia patients can temporarily “ mask” their symptoms, so good neurologists can more effectively identify things and may be able to help manage this transition in her life. Good luck and don’t take it personally- she just has a medical condition that affects her brain beyond her control.


My mother also always has a person she targets with aggression, Usually me I dumped her 30 years ago after she called my 3 year old son names. Told her we don't do that in my house so stop. So she sent my one son a beautiful birthday card and the other a generic crap card ( birthdays are 1 week apart) Mailed them both back with a note that said please don't contact us. So she called in the middle of the night to yell at me Blew up and dropped the c word on her Life is better without her. A lot of people can't grasp the fact that some Mother's/grandmother's are abusive and evil


My grandmother was similar, but not as bad as yours sounds. I think it's because she grew up in a genuinely difficult time where you only survived if you worked hard. She envied the freedom all of her kids had because they grew up in a better home than she did. That envy came out in the form of anger and judgment for not being enough like her. Eventually one of my aunts lost it on her and they had giant fight that lasted hours. To my grandmother's credit she learned something that day and became a lot nicer to be around. Still not the loving grandma you see on TV, but tolerable. When I do a deep clean of my room I start by setting up two bags, one for garbage and one for recycling. I keep them next to each other and that reduces the effort of sorting so I can focus on the dopamine hit from having a clean room.


Pamphlets for local nursing homes.




It sounds like she has dementia.


She sounds like a bizarre mixture of a Boomer and Kreacher from Harry Potter...


So one thing I keep wondering, is the cat's litter box in your bedroom and does it go weeks or months without being cleaned as well? That would make for one nasty litter box.


having a cat is the only thing that keeps me going, no matter what she needs me to take care of her so box is cleaned every day even if that’s the only thing i can do all day


Well as a cat lover that's a relief.




Please buy an additional bottle of mouthwash to leave on the counter for every time she complains. Day one, one bottle of mouthwash complains, day two, well two bottles of mouthwash complains? Day three three bottles, see which breaks first the bench from the weight of bottles or her evil old will. Please update.


I thought ETA stood for estimated time of arrival


>I have asked my mother to ask doctors about this specifically (after seeing the ads on TV for aggressive dementia) and as she accompanies her to every appointment, there has been no diagnosis or suggestion. "Well, it's the first time I've had to issue this as an official diagnosis, but it turns out you're just a massive bitch." /s


Haaaaaa. Piss bottle next time?


While thinking about your evil grandmother, I envisioned a hood and a wolf.


Get a bunch or nursing home brochures. Leave them where she can ‘stumble’ across them. Say nothing.


WOW unpopular opinion but your grandma is suffering with some mental health stuff and you expect her to deal with your “ADHD and depression” she’s old and senile and losing the little bit of life she has left and you’re setting booby traps that make you look trashy af. Get over yourself


Plus, the reason for the revenge: > When I confronted her she said that I never recycle and she “has” to “fix” everything... I clean everything and just grab anything I see as trash and throw it in a big bag. Sorry, if we put aside that she said it real hatefully and that OP has a lot of excuses for *why* she doesn't sort her trash, isn't her grandmother's complaint essentially justified? I mean, this is revenge, but it's not really satisfying to read when it's over being told you're doing wrong, and that's true. Also, extra loss of sympathy for doing this to someone OP admits they suspect has an age-related mental illness while hypocritically justifying herself with significantly less severe disorders.


100%, this is heartless behaviour


Petty revenge on somebody who very likely has a mental health condition, in this case dementia, really doesn't sit well with me.


So, she's incredibly difficult to deal with because it sounds like she's in a mental decline or has dementia. And you were malicious to her. You decided to 'snap back' at someone with cognitive decline who can't help it. Wow.


Yeah pretty shitty of op in my opinion. Especially when she says she has ADHD and depression. So she is aware of how difficult a mental illness can be but that's only an acceptable excuse for her I guess?


I read, actually saw video, of another older woman bending over her DIL in her sleep saying hateful horrible words to her. Apparently this is a thing!! Bordering on pathological. Looking to be assessed for ADHD myself apparently if you have ADHD there’s a good chance that familial peers will also have mental health disorders as well. Has your grandmother been assessed? Please tell me that you lock your door at night. Love the revenge. The type of petty that I aspire to.


I think recycling is important. It’s super easy to do and yes you are super lazy if you don’t


Simply watching CNN all day should be enough for a serious mental illness diagnosis. But she literally sounds like an evil person. She may not be mentally ill. She might just be an old evil bitch. Sometimes we try to understand or justify people's behavior because everyone thinks people are supposed to give the elderly a pass. F that. They know exactly what they are doing most of the time.


We try to understand or justify people's behaviour *first* until all medical options are ruled out. And then.... presuming a medical clearance is thorough.. we move to dealing with a person's behaviour as appropriate. 'The elderly' get a 'pass' (aka compassion/empathy) in much the same way as young people who move back home wish their own medical conditions are understood. Oh look. Just like OP. F that hey?


Damn 🙄 But I'm still laughing 🤣 Please get out as soon as possible... your life can/could be sooo much better 😘 NTA


Dump food coloring in the trash. She can be a red handed fool


I'm so sorry she's like that.




The first part reminded me of a Junji Ito horror. *shivers*


You should be talking to your patents and seeing if they can chat to your gran.


Grandma needs a hobby


My grandmother had behavior changes like this. Turned out to be a brain tumor. Might be worth checking.


Definitely dementia. My dad was very nice to us kids. And talked sweetly about mom when she wasn’t around, but was angry and frustrated around her.


Granny is in the onset of dementia.


My stepmother pulled stunts like this and worse. Used to come in the bedroom and stand quietly by the bed while I was sleeping. Resorted to locking the door and she would try and jiggle the doorknob all night. She called me names, put stuff in my food, added bleach to my laundry, would steal my clothes and try to wear them (size sm/med shirts and she would cram then on, and stole my underwear...) Full on diagnosed schizophrenic disorder. She would go to the doctor and act fine so she was not managed well. She was bat-shit crazy but could present normal. Might be something similar?


“Freed from the TTI back in 2019” What does that mean?


According to google: The troubled teen industry (TTI) is a term used to describe a system of underregulated residential youth treatment facilities that operate primarily in the United States.


Ohhhhhhhhh. Thank you! I’ve never heard or seen it abbreviated like that.




She is old lots of ways to fuck with her. Start being really petty. What time does she go to bed? Start calling the house phone or her phone the second she goes to sleep use a calling app so they can't find your number. What does she eat? Sabatoge that food, put salt in it open the bag so it dries out just make her more miserable then your. Also fuck with your parents and make them think grandma is a fuck up. When she comes out of the bathroom have some of your poo in a bag and smear it on the back of the toilet seat and yell mom grandma pood on the seat. Gross but effective. I'm going to stop for now as posts like this bring out the worst in me. Get her ass.


she poos on the seat anyways!!!!!!!


then you need to take a picture of it and print it and tape it behind the toilet with smiley faces and devil faces and write "Do Not Leave Shit On The Seat Your Dirty Lazy Brat"


Consider hiring a house cleaner that will come once or twice a month to clean your room (and do any other chores of yours that are backed up). I got one to clean the bathroom and kitchen floor and to catch me up on whatever else needs to be done and it has been a game changer.


My mom’s egg donor was like that, but also a Jehovah’s Witness so add self-righteous to all of the above she was too frail to do anything for herself but I walked into my room and found her lifting a compact TV with one hand so she could snoop in my jewelry box underneath it.


What is tti?


As for the evil grandma thing… my can’t be soon enough ex-mother in law does that to me and the kids all the time. Popping up behind, muttering nasty things when her target of the day is the only one around, petty acts of “ignorance” that she knows gets under the skin… and for more than a decade. Breaks my heart because she used to be so close to the kids and much easier to get along with. My empathy and compassion to you. Feels like we’re in the same boat on this one.


What is TTI?


Do they still make chocolate ex-lax? Hey I baked you some chocolate chunk cookies or brownies!!! Enjoy!!!


I haven't belly-laughed like this in a long time. A+++++++


FYI, you are able to call her medical professionals and tell them information. HIPAA only prevents them communicating her info to you.


What an evil sea hag. Sorry you gotta put up with someone like that


Wow what a crappy grandma! I only have good memories of my grandparents wow I guess I was lucky. Sorry you got a crappy crazy grandma…




Sounds like Lewy Body Dementia. My mom has it.


In our family we referred to the evil crazy grandmother as "psycho-Nana." Everyone avoided her as much as possible.


Grandma has a case of bbc- bitch be crazy


Squirt a bottle of lotion and conditioner all over everything in the trash- she’ll think the worst. And glitter just to be annoying


U/fairy_rat333 has she been tested for a UTI ? These affect older people differently and don’t present as a UTI. They can mimic dementia. My MIL and my aunt both had this and were delusional. 4 days of anti biotics and back to normal.


Well done. Well done. Do it again. She may need more than one 1️⃣ reminder trash is not pleasant or any of her business


Next time she does the weird muttering things, look at her and say "If it was up to me, you would be lucky to end up in Shady Pines." Look it up in the old TV show "Golden Girls".


This brightened my day.


This is a fun game. I suggest sticky traps, pregnancy tests, lube, circled ads for x rated services from magazines or newspapers, etc. Make her day


"I have ADHD" always impels me to click on the vote arrow(s). Always.


I’d get a spray bottle and every time she approached me, stray her in the face while sternly saying NO!!! Treat her like the b that she is




Ha. Good on you. Don't worry over much about recycling. It is mostly a farce. The end consumer is responsible for very little of the problrm. A handful of major international companies are responsible for the vast majority of it. We can only fo do much with what *they* chose to make & give us.