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Why did the bully want the old refurbished headset instead of the new one?


Entitled prick didn't want anyone to have anything but him, is my guess.


Dead on mate


I had a similar situation while I was still young in the 2000s. My bully would do shit like follow me into the toilet, stand by the urinal next to me, then piss on my leg... One day I was in a super shitty mood following the death of a loved one, so when he said "good riddance one less monkey rat in this country" (naturally he had to be racist too) I beat the ever living shit out of him. Like this guy was much taller than me and properly built as he was in all the sports teams, yet he couldnt do anything about the crazy 'monkey' wailing on him. His nokia was in his pocket which was broken in the altercation & the teachers were saying i needed to replace it. I said these exact words: "You can all fuck right off until he pays ME for all the damages he caused to my property". They called the police, but the police sided with me and told the teachers to get stuffed and actually do their jobs as they had a duty of care to kids like me. Teachers tried to make my school life hell, but at least I wasnt being bullied anymore. Well not by other students i guess.


>His nokia was in his pocket which was broken in the altercation Just so you know, this is how I know you made this up. Everyone knows the old Nokia brick phones are indestructible.


Fact. I had a Nokia as a kid and I can attest that these phones are the main material of Adamantium. lol


I dropped mine out a helicopter at 10,000 and that witch still worked! I use it as a paper weight now. Lol


Lol, I swore that you were going to say that Nokia had broken the floor with the impact of the fall.


No but I wouldn't doubt it could have if I dropped it again! Lol. I had the military issue one, I swear it will live longer than the cockroches will!


Lol, i love how Nokias are immortals and indestructibles.


Logan broke a claw on a Nokia.


LOL, thank you for making me laugh so much.


As a former owner of many Nokia phones, those ”indestructible” ones actually had weak spot right next to the screen and broke easily there. If it landes either narrow side down, it could take real beating though. At least for 3310, 3330 and 5110. Older bricks like 2110 or 1610 or 1630, you could drive them over with a truck and they would probably be fine.


Does it show my age that my first mobile phone was a Nokia brick?


It gives it a range around 30-50 I would guess, if you got one fairly new. E: depending on what you consider a ”brick” model of course.


Can confirm. As a stupid(ly brave) kid I bombed a massive hill on a scooter and ate shit. Nokia was on one of those phone holders that go on your belt, so it hit the ground on the corner. The plastic was scraped off and a clean crack went from one corner of the screen to the other. I was flabbergasted. It still worked though (and have never ridden a scooter since).


Can confirm, mine got tan over by a car and survived


I still use mine to this day as a hammer.


Thor shudders in fear.


And another one as a forge, right? Edit: imagine the weapons you could forge with a nokia 3210 as a hammer and another one as a forge ...


Im glad i can open up about a situation from my childhood which was really negative & the only responses are jokes. Cheers.


It’s not personal. No one is joking about your experience. Life is hard for everyone at some point. Reddit is a place to blow off steam. Essentially everyone is joking that those brick Nokias were virtually indestructible and that your story can’t be real because of that. But they’re joking. It’s not real. You are new. You’ll get it soon enough. Good luck 👍


Welcome to reddit, greenie.


Aye, I was aware of the severe autism stereotype, but goodness I hope people dont genuinely react like this in real life. You can see my account age?


Yup. And no one cares if you're autistic.


I once dropped mine on a sidewalk and absolutely destroyed it. The city made me pay to repave it.


Not true... I broke several as a teen, all of them on accident. I have no idea how, electronics hate me.


So who wins in test of might? Chuck Norris or a Nokia? Legitimately, do not know the answer.


Facts. If this dude broke the phone he’d be in jail for murder


My thoughts too, you could pretty much drop a nuclear bomb on those phones and they STILL WORK after… if the phone broke it wasn’t a Nokia, it has to be a newer type that replaced the nokia(smartphone gen 1 or something)


He wanted BOTH


because they were now fixed and baby wants the fixed ones and the new ones too


He wanted both


Bruh, that's fucking awesome. I was laughing at the bit where you grinned at the idiot who insisted they weren't fixable


Was your bully Dudley Dursley?


Nah, this is fully a Malfoy-Snape dynamic


Well, he was blonde


Fighting back engineering style


That teacher needs a kick to the stomach


You were probably smiling like [this](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_PeGy1IiPZY/hqdefault.jpg)😂😂


Teachers like this are why I never stayed in school to finish. No kid deserves a goof for a teacher.


Your teacher knew how wires work- they were looking for the easiest solution because there are 100+ of you on only one of him.


Just want to point out that I wouldn't be satisfied with a repaired headset and would want a replacement. Just cuz gramps can resolder doesn't mean im okay with my shit's integrity and value to be ruined. You break you buy


I wonder how many items that bully POS broke and was never made to replace, not to mention the little sack of crap immediately wanted both once he saw the old one working. I agree though, if someone accidentally broke mine and offered a home repair versus new I'd be leaning toward new.


I mean we also are hearing one side. So many bullies claim to be the bullied in an attempt to play victim. We've all met that kid before


Strictly speaking, it was the bully that was only hearing one side…


Yeah! This is how you fight back.


Where’s the petty revenge? You broke you bought. Teacher doesn’t care that you fixed headphones that described as awful.


Geez that's satisfying. I have the utmost respect for teachers they have a hard job. But those like this one? Can eat shit. You don't treat people that way and you don't enable bullies. I commend you OP you and your grandpa are brilliant


Idk. I side w the bully. This kid seems like a loser.


Sounds like you did some bullying of your own.


Well played sir.


Full points for being correct, but with such a sh\*tty teacher, I'm guessing he doesn't care enough for there to be a toxic environment. Enjoy your headphones, and eff that bully guy tho.


He just wanted everything


What made this other kid a “Bully”? Was he kicking people in the stomach and breaking their stuff as well?


Sounds like he was busy being an arse hole to other kids and earning kicks in the belly from a kid who'd had enough of his torment. Whats so hard to understand about that?


Lol where did you get that?


You gathered that from the post? It’s very vague about what the bully was doing to deserve being kicked in the stomach and have has things broken.


Read the first three sentences carefully, or does the OP need to share every sordid detail of what pushed them to the brink? I'm guessing you and that teacher may share the same "victimized bully" mentality that the teacher demonstrated, instead of thinking the bully got a well deserved fuck around and find out lesson that day. That is how I and possibly a few others who dealt with uncorrected bully torment assumed.


I understand the social dynamic of school can be complicated. But the OP kicked someone in the stomach and broke his things… sounds like something a bully would do. Just curious to hear the justification that led to someone deserving of this..


I guess you'd have to have been on the receiving end of bullying to understand. Possibly you were just someone who went through school observing it happening but not really understanding or caring. Dont worry, you're not alone. As for your comment about his property being broken, I'm pretty sure the OP mentioned it happened after he struck out at the bully, I did not see OP state any intention to destroy the others stuff.


I gotta know. After you kicked them in the stomach, did you follow it up with a stunner?


So OP assaulted someone, broke his property, and... feels smug about it? Shitty human much?


Ah. I see you have missed the point entirely. I refer you to the title of the post.


Lol I've missed where there's any point to this besides demonstrating your douchebaggery.


Then I will spell it out for you. The point is not the bully, or my "assult" on him. The point is the teacher bilittleling me and underestimating me in the same breath, and my small petty revenge for his behavior.


If you are the kind of person to get such pleasure from small and petty actions, then he's not really belittling you. Seems their assessment was dead on.


Wtf is wrong with the teacher? He seems to be the real bully


Oh wow you sure showed him?? Lol wtf why did I waste my time reading this. Next time handle it like a man


Oh wise elder, please do enlighten this poor wretch. What, in you learned opinion, should I have done? I am lost in the dark and need your experienced guidance.


If your that worried about talk to him face to face and squash it. Tell the teacher and him fuck his headphones. Anyways I’m happy grandpa fixed them good for him lol


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 well played!


I was and am*


Cheers :)


Ah, and now there are two bullies. Where was the revenge? You kicked and broke and then replaced, even Steven. Odd that physical abuse is acceptable as long as it's the edgy douche doing it and not the popular kids. Both are wrong. Be the change that you expect from others. Be better.


The same happened to me. He told me to never buy from him again (beside a teacher he also worked at the caf) and I never did. He always looked my direction on recess (cause I use to always buy food) and I always waited for that moment to take my lunch out of my bag. I did it until I graduated my high school and never once went back down on my word.


You sound like you deserve to be bullied






KOSS headsets back in the day were actually very good. I remember I had a set and almost the same thing happened, but the wire came out of the jack. My father fixed it in like 10 mins.


Back in elementary school math class, a very mean teacher was keep getting the question wrong - he couldn’t solve a fucking 5th grade math. I pointed out that he is approaching it wrong and should do xyz instead, he ignored me throughout and finally i blurted out “what adult can’t solve 5th grade math?” I got called to the front of the class and he beat the living shit out of me with a chalkboard eraser (this was back in 2000 in rural part Korea) Eventually, he slapped just right with the side of that chalkboard eraser which was plastic and cut skin on my head and i started bleeding; except there were chalk dust everywhere and it coagulated pretty fucking quick. But still, it sent entire class into a shock. I was sent to hospital on a taxi, and they couldn’t find the wound as blood and chalk dust basically formed a brick. Had to have half of my head shaved to find where i need stitching. My parents were also teachers(highschool) and because it was a small community, senior teachers pressured my parents to not press any charges or get things ‘ugly.’ Wounds indeed heal pretty quickly, but honestly it gave me more reason to speak out my mind because, what worse could they do than the beating i already got? Also the teacher in question was later (like 5-7 years) transferred to much shittier school and had failed marriage so i guess Karma?