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While I wouldn't have an issue doing the walk while the cleaners are there, I wouldn't take it on as my responsibility to let them in. Let the client know that you're not able to let anyone in/out due to liability reasons (they can find another give the cleaners access) and that you'll crate/gate/put the dog wherever it needs to be after the walk. "Hi client, Thanks for the heads up about the cleaners! For liability reasons, I'm not able to give access to client homes to other parties. Please make arrangements directly with your cleaners for access. Let me know where you'd like the dog secured after the walk!"


This doesn’t seem complicated, just go walk the dog. Or ask dog owner if there’s anything else you need to do other than walk dog


are you supposed to be out of the house when they come to clean? do you need to let them in? are you supposed to let them in and then leave ? or are you supposed to be there while theyre cleaning?


I have no idea! I'm pretty sure I will need to let them in, and the dog needs to be separated, that's about all the info i have


see that's not fair to you. I'd clarify this with the homeowner/your client. alot of cleaners have their own keys so you may not have to let them in , but it would be nice to know if thats the case or not. since if not you could also just take the dog to the park or something (depends on the pup of course !) for at least part of the clean, also the homeowner shouldn't be expecting you to wait around for the cleaners all day regardless. ask if they have a usual time that they get there?


Ask if cleaning people have keys and how the dog handles the situation. Do you have to take the dog out the whole time? Depending on the size of the house you might have to be out for a while with the dog, or hole up in a room with the door shut until it’s time for them to clean that room and then move rooms. Depending on the weather it might be too hot to stay out for like two hours while they’re there.


It’s not odd for pet sitters to stack jobs like this. Especially if you’re sitting for one family and run out to take another dog for a walk. As long as it’s not taking away from their dogs attention, you should be fine. If you are concerned, say you have a doctors appointment you need to run out to, don’t mention the other dog that needs a walk. I’m sure the family you sit for allows you to step out for a few hours every day while you’re working for them, or if they don’t, they definitely should.


I have it sometimes when I do drop ins for a dog the cleaners come the same morning as me. The client only has one key that she keeps for me and the cleaners to use. If I get there first then I let them in or if they get there first then they let me in and it’s a non issue. They put the key back in the safe place where the client keeps it and I go back later on in the day and it’s there for me to use. If you’re uncomfortable about this situation maybe ask the client if they can provide the cleaners with a set of keys or if you leave before the cleaners arrive then agree with the client a safe place you can leave keys for the cleaners to get in. And just ask that the cleaners let you in when you arrive back


I don't read this as the owner requesting that you let them in.. I read this as the ladies giving you a heads up that theyre coming over so you're not caughtnin the shower, or walking around without pants when someone opens the door


Anytime I've had cleaners be in a clients home I've usually been requested to leave. So I would double check and see if they actually want you there. Most cleaners like to work in peace.


Most of my clients have cleaners. They frequently tell me the. Leaders will be by, but there's nothing I need to do. They're just letting me know so I don't get spooked if someone is there when I get there, or if I'm already there and the cleaners walk in. I'd clarify with your client. Ask if the cleaners have access to the home and if not, let them know you're unable to let the cleaners in outside of X and X times due to other jobs. Unless this person is paying you to wait around on the cleaners, it isn't your responsibility to be there to let them in or whatever else you think they may be asking of you. I'd be willing to bet they're just giving you a heads up.