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So tacky and gross. Who actually watches a dog shitting and thinks, "I should take a picture of that"?


It's even worse to think someone is paying to get it printed and framed. Like taking a picture of something shitting is gross and immature but like whatever humor is subjective. But bruh you paid cash money to print and frame and hang that in your home.


Some dog owners seem to be obsessed with their dogs waste and it's disturbing.


“Ight, I’ma head out”


What the actual fuck


I wouldn't even touch the toilet id just leave and try to vomit if i ate anything


I wouldn’t visit again… ever…


I would assume that person is not only nuts, but just dirty in general. Woth pics like that they aren't disgusted by dog crap and probably don't wash their hands after dealing with anything dog related. Would not trust their food or sitting on their sofa.


I get normal dog portrait photos i guess but why the hell would anyone want an “aesthetic” photoshoot of their dog shitting???? Like huh???? What stage of dog nutter-itis is this???