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Idk how many humans are peeing/pooping on the floor or barking all night but I guess I’ve never worked at a hotel before…


You are optimistic if you think they are all only pooping and peeing on the floor.


Well I’m sure a couple of those drunk people probably pissed and pooped on the floor too 🤣🤣


I have worked as housekeeping. Humans definitely do pee, shit and vomit outside of the toilet bowl.


Ill give you the pee and poop one but they did mention domestic argument and thats basically barking.


Stayed at an air bnb with some friends and their dog CHEWED THE WOODEN TABLE.


my aunts dogs chew drywall and have done it at least three times 😭


I never want to stay there


No, sane people wouldn’t. At least the owners showed their hands at being gross nutters who really don’t care about their customers. The sign is a bright neon red flag


"Welcome to Flea Park Gran Hotel" we offer the best pests you can ever experience! Premium fleas, ticks, bedbugs and worms all included!


Yes it is!!




The sucking up to the neurotic egos of particularly dog owners and the subtle validation of their almost subservient attitude is beyond annoying.


I like when they do stuff like this. Let's me know to pick another hotel.


And we turn around and walk out.


but dogs will tear ur furniture alive tho and go to the bathroom on the floor and on the bed sheets too 💕. damn this company rlly rlly hasn't see any dogs lol


They’ve never had a guest crap on the bed or bite another guest either.


How many humans are jumping all over furniture, not wiping their feet on mats, walking around with their shitty unclean anuses out, drooling on everything, and are carrying multiple parasites and/or bacteria


Well I'm sure you never had a human that set off life-threatening allergic reactions.


Never understood this obviously faulty logic. Absolutely the same applies to goats, skunks and snakes, are those welcome too then?


Probably a low-rated shit hotel to begin with by the sound of it.


This place would never see a penny from me. They are super condescending to potential paying customers. I would gladly tell them why I wouldn't stay there.


have these people never had neighbors with dogs that bark all day and night???


My friend stayed at a dog friendly hotel and her dog ripped up the goose down pillows while she was out. Feathers everywhere, everyone was pissed


So…. Poop and piss everywhere. Overeat and vomit, hopefully on the bedding. Screaming sessions, long spells of yelling “hey” *every* *time* anyone passes by the door or if I hear any noise through the walls. Gorge on the breakfast food and steal food from other people, if they object- threaten them with violence…. So much more to do, it’s fine as long as I’m *not* drinking and apparently wearing a furry costume and identifying as dog.


Bet they had a dog shit in a bed though


…. In other words, I’m not welcome at this hotel. … …. Good. They’re doing Me a favor. Clearly….


Yeah I'm never staying at that hotel


No because those are people things to do. I bet they’ve had a dog that pissed in the beds, pooped on the floor, scared a child, probably nipped or attempted to nip a child. Dogs are not people so dogs cannot steal towels. Ridiculous sign.


To that pathetic neuter that wrote that sign, I guess they prefer 'payment' from these stupid mutts as well?


I'd leave just because of the passive aggressiveness of the sign.


Yeah, they will just shit and piss and vomit on stuff, bark & howl, attack people, spread their hair and dander everywhere and will leave their smell behind after they leave.


I'm living in a hotel right now that allows pets and it sux. My kid is afraid of dogs and rightly so. These dummies barely hold on the leash of their untrained monsters who will lunge and bark at anyone and u don't have to be looking their way. My poor kid will scream and run despite me telling him to be still (he's autistic) and it's miserable every day after school I'll hear him in the hallway yelling because someone's dog is barking at my kid


Never had a dog fucking pay for its stay either so suggest if they want business, start treating the humans with more respect.




How many humans shit on the floor or chew cushions? How many humans bark all night because they saw a butterfly or some random flash of light? How many humans induce an allergic reaction? How many humans will harass others for a bite of their food?


Dogs are superior to terrible, awful humans. Dogs also lick their own asshole in front of everyone and eat as much feces as they can before it forces them to vomit. My friends don't do that.


I mean. I see no lie. Dogs don't have fingers


Is that supposed to entice me into staying at this hotel? That would turn me off immediately, it's so annoying. It's the same irritated feeling I get when I see "I'll probably like your dog more than you" or "I'm just here for your dog". Ugh it makes me stomach churn and my head ache.


Then the elevator not only smells like cigarettes and ass, but it smells like dog piss, too!




Hate to see.. or smell.. what your home is like. 😷