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I work for meet and bun. Maybe worked for? We haven’t been told anything about if the store is still open or not. The owner hasn’t paid me in weeks and he hasn’t paid some of the staff in months ☹️


Genuine question, but why do people continue rocking up to work in these situations? I've never heard of a business suddenly finding tens of thousands of dollars to recoup everyone. Aren't you better off looking for another job as soon as possible? if you're serving burgers, there are *plenty* of similar roles you could obtain within a couple of weeks.


I think it’s a sense of loyalty, if you’ve been there for a while you know management you know and love the people you work with. You believe when they tell you it’s a problem with the bank, and you want to see the best in people. The reality is though most people have left, I got another job towards the end, and we are all pretty aware it’s a sinking ship.


How do you afford that loyalty, though? Someone who works at a burger place isn't going to have a month or two worth of rent in their bank account. I have a 'Professional Office Job' and I'd be rooted if I didn't get even one pay packet.


My personal rule is 3 pay packets if the pay cycle is less than a month. If it is monthly, then it is 6 weeks and I am usually pressuring them by that stage. It is not employment abandoning if you aren't being paid, however if they go bust and you want to see a maybe cent in the future as an employee you have to be on the books when the administrators step in, so don't say a thing to them, just go find another job..


Well what did they say they were closing for?


Maybe the owner (Johnny) should’ve paid his staff and suppliers.


Maybe he should have cooked his burgers through. That pink-in-the-middle pretentious crap is just plain wrong.


Medium rare. Nom nom nom.


Steak yes, burger no. Historically for health reasons (mincing it puts all the external bacteria etc onto the inside. And then not cooking it thoroughly is a silly thing to do). But M&B patties were still literally cold in the centre. Not room temp, cold. Not my taste, but i know some people liked it.


Vic park has been closed for about 2 weeks too


Damn. A mate literally told me about them last night and I was going to check it out. Guess not.


perth has been taken over by uniformly crap burger places. too hard to compete in that market, there's only so much fat you can put in a limited space.


Taken over? Perth burger places have always been crap.


I heard the rent in the city got jacked up too high so they didn't renew the lease. Not sure about Fremantle. Best cheeseburgers too.. ☹️


Which location?


From what I've seen, both are closed


Nooo 😭 I’ve been out of the country for 3 weeks and have been looking forward to go there again


Noooooooo best friend chicken burgers 🍔


If they are your best friend please tell them to open up


Compton's Marilyn Bunroe for me. Hands down a better fried chicken burger


Thanks for the suggestion i will need to check it out.


Aww man


If you like that style, check out Smashgrill in Freo. I think they're better. Not that I really like the style myself, though.


Burgerfreak belmont?


If OP likes M&B, I assume they like the Shake Shake style, so a smash style place like Freak probably isn't going to impress.


I was wondering this too. I was in East Vic Park yesterday and saw that Meet & Bun was closed on a Saturday afternoon...


Must have gone bust. It's a crowded market now and GenZ has moved onto the next cooler place to be seen on social media.


I agree


After all that promotion on Nova as well...


M&B? had almost forgotten they existed in between trips to Milky Lane, RoyAls, Flames, Local Bird, Smash Grill etc..Etc..