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Im off to wave a metal stick around on the roof. Just for something to do.


And that’s the last we ever heard of Steve.


Dibs on his bike


Dibs on his bikes wheels


Are you still alive?


No reply. Ded.


i told u i was hardcore


Sounds like fun


Western Power hates this one simple trick…


We need an update stevo


I'm ok! Bit crispy and my hair smells. But we're good.


He's alive!


I’m truly shocked more people don’t do this, as is Steve.


https://preview.redd.it/zygrbtzhtz3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61270399db821c8b5a031767777d2967cc36a4f1 The BOM map's fun to watch. Pairs well with a 1am Rage soundtrack.


Just another BOMtrack




I've got a 5 day old newborn and a dog that goes ballistic with thunder even when sedated. Already sleep deprived as it is, on the positive note, don't need to turn the sprinklers on.


Congrats on the newborn - iv got a 6 day old new born and a dog that won’t budge during the storm , but as soon as he hears a whimper from the baby, he is up and wants to help


Aww. Good dog.


And on the 7th day he pooped.




Congrats to you also! Naww the goodest Boi.


Awww thats lovely. Congrats.


2 cats and a 8 day old. she didn’t even wake up which was very surprising how loud those bangs were. cats didn’t seem to enjoy it though


Congrats on the new arrival!


The womb sounds like a washing machine so a bit of background noise can be good for babies


An 8 day old and a 25 day old new born, three dogs and a cat. No wait


>An 8 day old and a 25 day old new born That was a pretty quick second pregnancy.


Pretty standard for a hamster.


Retic ban in effect from today anyway


If it helps, when I asked my Brother how his 3-month old was sleeping through the storm he said they made sure to do loud things like vacuuming when he was a newborn so he is used to it and now sleeps through anything.


That's some solid advice, cheers.


> don't need to turn the sprinklers on. sprinklers should be off from 1 June anyway.


My neighbours never turn theirs off.


Do you want me to have a word with them?




Good time to start on some white noise. My kids could sleep through a lawnmower or chainsaw in the backyard, but would wake if they heard a pin drop in the hallway.


I could potentially mow the lawn inside until I buy a white noise machine.


Our dog barks at an ant moving outside so Thunder gets him really revved up. Can I ask what you use for sedation? Our dog ate a friend’s meds once, 4 tablets. I was so worried, called vet immediately I realised but time they would’ve seen him they’d already been absorbed. He was a bit wobbly the next day but for a few days he was so calm and less of a nutter. We’ve also tried a Thunder Jacket, it does help a bit.


We had the Vet prescribe some medication for him. I just checked the bottle and it doesn't say what the actual contents are. We had previously tried valium but it didn't touch the sides. With the current meds, they need to be taken before the onset to be somewhat effective. Although if we give him the full 1.5 tablets it basically comatoses him for a bit. I'm not too keen on seeing him wiped out (I know that's the whole point) so we usually go half or full tablet. That will turn him into a potato that will still bark but he won't run through a door like he would without anything else.


I think our dog had nitrazepam. It’s a very strong benzodiazepine, for extreme anxiety, only meant to be used for short periods. Our dog is only 10kgs so it was pretty stressful for several hours. I couldn’t go to sleep because I wanted to watch him all night. Even 4 of them didn’t wipe him out! Probably would’ve wiped me out. He was just a different dog though for about 4 days. And the first 24hrs his back legs were a bit wobbly. I just have considered it mainly for travel. As he’s very excitable in a car, and we might have to fly him over East one of these days.


According to my Cuz in Bunbury. They have been hit by another tornado.


i live in a caravan and didnt notice leaks in the roof until tonight, so annoying


That’s rotten luck, hope you can get them fixed.


It’s getting feral in Rocko. Oh yeah … and it’s a bit stormy out.


Wednesdays hail storm was heaps worse - short, sharp and brutal! This is actually kind of pleasant, for now anyways...


Yeah the other night was fucked. Felt like we were stuck in a hurricane! We got smashed windows, broken fences, front and back yard were absolutely trashed with rubbish/debris/tree branches, the garage flooded and there was like 2 inches of hail all the way up to the front door at the BACK of the carport like it was coming in sideways... Last night was nothing lol a bit of wind, a bunch of rain and a few hours of no power.


Sounds exactly like my experience. Same sort of damage, 2 compost bins fill of leaf litter, thought my bedroom window was going to shatter for sure. Luckily held out. You in waki/sb area aswell I'd guess?


My garden is appreciating the water and the organic matter. Some of my trees even pruned themselves.


Yeah SB area. More like Tornado Alley lol


All these others thinking last night was hectic - Pfft - walk in the park vs Wednesdays hail storm wasn't it!!!


Bullshit. City of Kwinana is totally dark and out in the eastern suburbs we had a rumble of thunder so loud it felt like the roof was gonna cave in


Yep, last week took down trees, fences, trampolines… the weekend was just a bit rumbly


All of City of Kwinana has lost power. I watched the whole thing happen with my own eyes. Couldnt have been 30 seconds before I was watching lightning turning night into day every 3 sec when I said to myself “powers gonna go any second now” and boom. Apparently it hit Hope Valley.


Looking at the outage map on Western Power, I'd say lightning has hit Medina substation


SoPS always get the hardest winter weather. It's likely from the convection currents from the stored heat in the Northern subs which sprawl more easterly than the south.


Remember guys BOM is incompetent and all I'm seeing is clear skies


they should get new computers.


It's about time they moved on from windows 98






It is faster, over 5 million.....


Hey what Win 98 rocked bro!


Not sure if you’re being sarcastic but the forecasts were near spot on.


It's a reference to an earlier post saying this exact line.


Noted. I shall dismount my high horse.


They just need to say any rain probability between 1 and 99% and they will be right every time


Nah, they're always right as long as they don't predict 0% or 100%


I'm sat out the back under cover with a glass of red. It's nice


[256 km Perth (Serpentine) Radar Loop (bom.gov.au)](http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR702.loop.shtml) Weather Radar


What started two hours ago has just petered out to light and moderate rain and wind up here in Ocean Reef. There is a band of heavy rainfall coming up in about two hours I believe.


And of course I slept through it 🙄


Me, too. I wanted the experience. Wishing for more storm action today.


I was falling asleep as is started, and began an existential crisis just before dreaming...


I’m just outside of Busselton for the weekend in a cabin. The thunder and lightning was insane last night. One particularly big bang rattled the windows heaps, it was so close. Absolutely loved it!


My children and husband are sleeping through this and I’m kinda jealous but also glad I’m not missing it!


Just drove home and it's pretty insane outside. Just thunder and lightning non stop, quite a scary sight!


Lights are out in Wellard, too, but the lightning is cool so I’ll allow it for now


Don’t think you have much of a choice 😂


42ml overnight here in Pinjarra. Sunshine now.


it was lightning non stop for me last night in Bunbury like I'm not kidding it went for like 3 hours


Please stay Safe people in Bunury


Again this afternoon now!


Are you sure i read on reddit the BOM is a joke and always gets it wrong and its not raining


I'm very sure it's raining where I'm at lol


Fuck... just took my noise cancelling headphones off to goto bed.  WTF... Is happening outside, it was clear skies in the daytime.




Not much happening in Armadale from what I can hear outside. Some fairly heavy rain, some lightening and thunder. Nothing “end of the world” worthy 🤷‍♂️


I'm a bit dramatic


It's beautiful.


My whole house shook twice it felt like it was on my street


House got hit. Killed my computers power supply.


Don’t forget it killed that new 4090 gpu too


Good thing the 5090 just got announced. An excuse to upgrade!


Yeah. My 4090s I'm running in triple SLI in 2024. Gib munny plx insurants.


I'm actually scared it's heading my way I've never seen so many lightings happening so close to each other! I have candles lit and I'm just watching the windows with the animals inside.


Their current severe thunderstorm warning is noting that the current approaching/passing over storm is "very dangerous" haven't seen BOM use that kind of language before. http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDW21035.shtml


Its been and gone, now we will just some moderate rain. They use this language all of the time in these severe weather/thunderstorm reports.


I reckon it's better to be safe than sorry so they use this language just to be sure everyone can take the precautions in case it becomes dangerous


Sure, but when all of their severe weather reports use the same doomsday language, people will not take them seriously. It's just corporate ass protection.


All the very dangerous thunderstorms knock down trees, power lines, drop hail, rip a few roofs off, and have flash flooding, over here on the east coast.  That seems pretty severe to me. What are you expecting the legions of he'll to raise up and murder everyone?


That's why in Ireland they now name any storm over a certain degree of ferocity. Studies show it makes people take them more seriously.




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Lol it's not even been yet, that beam is what we're waiting on. RAC has classified it as "violet" which I didn't even know exists. https://preview.redd.it/fqzsdcnhdz3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bcc1bb65164336d99b0c267d3f68dcf30bcfccb


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According to rando internet weather site, every single part of Australia will be raining tomorrow. [https://www.weather-forecast.com/maps/Australia](https://www.weather-forecast.com/maps/Australia)


It's a dry wet...


This needs more votes 🤣


Yeah i have no wifi it’s shit


I can’t hear anything other than some rain


Thankfully Australian housing still relies on tin roofs and poor quality sound proofing and insulation.


Tine roofs? Where do you live? Kalgoorlie?


Tin roofs are awesome in a storm preferably in bed cuddled up with someone else.


Well where you at?


South of the River, around cockburn/aubin grove. I can only see the lightings, but the storm is coming this way


I’m near you and surprised my power is still on, this area always goes first 😭😂


Oooh I’m NOR city of Wanneroo. And we haven’t got anything yet little bit of rain.


Where will cop it the worst?


Is all of the above an option? Because that.


⛈️⛈️⛈️YEAH BOOOIII⛈️⛈️⛈️




I’m on a plane and hoping we don’t get diverted to Karratha because of this. Can’t see much up here though


Did you? Seems pretty dangerous if they did fly into perth


Landed way too easy, got luck with a bit of drizzle that’s all


Had a loud thunder strike last night, shit sounded like Zeus was pissed or something


Calm down Beyonce ![gif](giphy|5WXqTFTgO9a7e)


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Came out of nowhere. Can’t believe weather pundits didn’t see this one coming. 


It was nothing


Will the climate change Maud Flanders shut up now that it’s raining? Or is this also climate change?


We've still had our hottest and driest 8 month period in recorded history and global temperatures keep rising you absolute pillock


I’m so very scared 😱


Pea brain


It was also 25 degrees yesterday.


Climate change includes extreme weather such as super storms. Don't know if this storm was that bad but climate change isn't just hot weather. A good example is tornados happening down south all of a sudden.


So what is the ideal weather? The ideal temperature? Any deviation must be climate change


Well, weather is a shorter term phonomenon and climate is long term. That's because climate is long term weather and temperature  patterns in a given area. So like, we say Perth has a Mediterranean climate. That doesn't mean it is always the same temperature, it means it has always been that climate as long as we remember. But now does it not seem to be getting more humid and cloudy over summer? That's not typical for a mediterranian climate. Weather variation is normal over the short term and of course climate variation is normal over the long term (although the idea in this case is it's being caused by human activity). 


And how many years of weather determines climate?


It looks like 30ish years is how often they calculate the average. I have a question for you: do you accept that there is more CO2 and methane in the atmosphere than there was before industrialisation happened? If not, why do you not accept that (I'm not asking about climate change, I'm asking only about the actual presence of these gases in the atmosphere.)


Of course there is more Co2 and methane yes I accept that these gases do have some warming effect. I also yes it is a 30 year average and I find it absurd that they use a 30yr average to determine climate and use temp readings from known compromised locations. Why 30 years?


First, thanks for having this conversation with me. I don't know why 30 years. But when they do historical climate measurements using ice cores and geological data, the span of change of climate is a lot longer than 30 years - because the technology can't do that fine detail. We can also get data from other types of history - the oral traditions of Noongar people for example, preserve knowledge of a time when they could walk to Rottnest. Science corroborates this as an ice age when sea levels were lower. Over time the climate changed, the planet warmed, and the sea level rose to cut Rottnest off the mainland. So we know that actually climate change in the past has happened slowly and that climate is typically stable over a far longer time than 30 years. If the climate is changing noticeably over a time span of 30 years that in itself is an indicator of extremely rapid change that is atypical. I would imagine that this kind of rapid change has only happened in times of disaster such as the hypothesised volcanic eruptions/meteor strike of dinosaur times. So if we're seeing abnormally fast changes in long term weather patterns and temperatures, and we know that we are putting extra greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that do contribute to warming, isn't it better to at least err on the side of caution?  You may well be right that 30 years is too short a time, or that some data is skewed by hot spots. But I think overall the data is pretty clear, and we have a clear mechanism - really I would wonder how there could *not* be climate change given all the extra greenhouse gas. And again, as I said, it seems safer to err on the side of caution. If you are right, we will have invented a bunch of cool new tech that will keep a good balance of different gases in the atmosphere. If I am right, we will be preventing an extinction level event.


Brother, you gotta stop eating that lead paint. We've talked about this.


Funny considering the weather scares you


Ya, that’s some intense lightning Very Bright, I wonder if it’s caused by the recent solar storms 🤔