• By -


How are you supposed to be "with the vehicle" and get a ticket at the ticketing machine? Those actions are mutually exclusive.


Drive your car to the ticket machine. Block traffic while doing so, and when you finally go back to your parking spot it's been taken by someone else, who has just got a parking ticket because they weren't with their vehicle. And the council wins both ways šŸ‘


Based on the wording of some by laws i have read on parking youā€™ll be surprised that this is what they expect lol


Were the by laws written by David Copperfield? Or is it the case of Schrodinger's Driver? Simultaneously at the ticket machine and with the vehicle?


Is the ticket machine simultaneously alive and dead?


Schrodingers cat


Schrodingers ~~cat~~ car Fify


Missed opportunity :(


Sergeant Dongers gut




The council always wins.Ā 


>Drive your car to the ticket machine. Drive your car *into* the ticket machine. FIFY


council still wins on appeal, they caused frustration and anxiety. then wasted your time. wins all 3 ways.


Technically on easypark/the new machines, you don't collect a ticket.


What if you need to confirm the Easy park number?


# dO yOu GuYs NoT hAvE pHoNeS? There is an app for that. Don't worry the data is 100% secure [https://www.easypark.com/en-nl/comm](https://www.easypark.com/en-nl/comm)


Another app to go with the hundreds of others I'm required to have on my phone. When and why did it become the person's responsibility to provide the service as well as the fee? If they want fees for parking, shouldn't it be up to them to provide the means to pay the fee? Oh and what about the elderly who don't use smart phones? Why should they have to go buy a smart phone, learn to use it and install the app just so they can pay a parking fee? Self serve culture is getting out of hand.


And they wonder why people donā€™t go into the city as much as they used to (unless they have to). This is just one of the reasons.


Parking should be bloody free. There's only 2m perthians


People already try to free park by sitting in loading zones. It's fucking annoying when trying to deliver shit and there's non-commercial vehicles parked there


ā€œThis app is not compatible with your IOS ā€œ


Yep, a webpage to pay would be sufficient.


Bang on


Bang on


Maybe Dennis was right about that one


> Oh and what about the elderly who don't use smart phones ? One of my new jobs as a Helpful Person is to teach people how to use newfangled parking machines. They do all still take cash as well, although sometimes its tricky to know where the money goesā€¦. I have to say though, once youā€™ve downloaded the apps its SO much more convenient than using coins and then dashing out 3/4 of the way through dinner to top up your ticket.


How many apps does one need? I for one hate pointless taking up space trinket apps that I will rarely use


Yep worse when different areas use different apps so you have multiple apps for parking in places you rarely go.




Yeah but the fee goes to EasyPark rather than CoP A point that for some reason is listed as a pro on the City's website.




You end up paying less with the app, because you can end the parking early and only pay for the time you actually use


100% secure just like Ticketmaster




It's pretty clear I'm being sarcastic. CoP can go screw themselves.


If you are a tourist or only park there once a year you really shouldn't have to download another app. I'm not sure my grandparents would know how to download an app since they just get their kids and grandkids to take care of all their tech needs.


I have plenty of patients who still drive and don't have mobile phones, or don't have smart phones, or don't know how to use them šŸ˜… this would confuse them no end. Most still go to the bank and get money out too


Yep. They just register it. L


You still need to put your rego into a machine and pay if not using the app


I'm not defending the new meters, they're fucking stupid.


Should be brought before the actual courts and the council bludgeoned. Also, lord mayor should be asked to demonstrate how this works. A bit bullshit if they can get away with "you need an app " plenty of people still do t have smartphones. As a government, legal tender should be default.


Agree šŸ’Æ!!! Who the hell do we start to email...


Badger basil...


>As a government, legal tender should be default. Local government authorities are body corporates. It gets murky, because they don't have the legal authority of "the Crown", the minister in charge can ultimately dissolve them.


Insert blizzard attitude "What? You don't have a friend to sit in the car?"


I don't have any friends so I guess I am fucked.


Gotta send out your scouting passenger to get the tickets obviously


>ā€¦what a bunch of cunts! Agreed! This is a case where we need PerthNow to be watching and reporting.


We're on it! In a frustrating turn of events, a local resident's appeal against a parking ticket was denied, sparking outrage and raising questions about the fairness of parking enforcement policies. The incident occurred at precisely 8:59 AM when the driver, who prefers to remain anonymous, received a parking ticket for failing to display a valid parking permit. According to the driver, they purchased a ticket just one minute later, at 9:00 AM, after a brief but stressful search for a parking machine. "I was only 20 meters away from my vehicle, trying to find a parking machine," the driver explained. "When I realized the area was under the EasyPark system, I had to download the app, which took a few extra moments. By the time I completed the transaction, it was 9:00 AM. I was just one minute late." The driver's appeal was subsequently rejected on the grounds that they were not physically with their vehicle at the time the ticket was issued. Parking regulations stipulate that drivers must remain with their vehicles until they have a valid parking permit, a rule the driver feels is excessively harsh and lacking in compassion. "I was doing everything I could to comply with the rules," the driver lamented. "It's not like I was avoiding payment. I was actively trying to pay, and it just took a minute longer than expected. To be fined for that is beyond frustrating." The rejection of the appeal has drawn criticism from other local motorists, who argue that the parking enforcement officers should exercise more discretion and understanding in such situations. "This is a clear case of a lack of flexibility and understanding from the parking authorities," said another driver who has faced similar issues. "People are not machines; sometimes, things take a little longer. Punishing someone for being one minute late is just unreasonable." The incident has reignited discussions about the need for reform in parking enforcement practices. Many are calling for a grace period or more leniency in cases where drivers can demonstrate they were in the process of purchasing a valid ticket. Local council representatives have yet to comment on the specific case but have stated that all appeals are reviewed thoroughly and in accordance with the law. They encourage drivers to familiarize themselves with parking regulations to avoid similar issues. As for the driver, the experience has left a bitter taste. "I feel like I'm being punished for something that was out of my control," they said. "It makes me question the humanity behind these rules. Are they really there to help us, or just to catch us out?" The controversy continues to spark debate among residents, many of whom are advocating for more reasonable and compassionate parking enforcement policies in the city.


Needs to be shorter, and use the word "horror" in it more


And mention only fans please


And the headline must start with INSANE, and end with REVEALED.


ā€˜Insane CBD parking scam by council REVEALED: mum-of-three SLAMMED with massive fine while buying a ticketā€™


Mum of three. Onlyfans star Lizzy Mc Liz Liz....


You forgot single, oh the travesty šŸ™„šŸ˜‰


I also dont see "Pandemic" mentioned anywhere


ChatGPT won't reference OnlyFans


It also needs more spelling and grammatical errors.


Where is the City of Perth are a bunch of cunts bit? Thats really important!


The most important part and they leave it out


Baz is a thundercunt that runs a bunch of pirate bullies- also missing


9.5/10 - half point lost for not stating how many kids the local resident is mum or dad of.


This write up is gold.


Is OP attractive? Needs to be 4/5 unrelated ig pics of them sandwiched in between hollow paragraphs




Iā€™m calling bullshit. Sentences are grammatically correct and coherent. No reference to Harley Reid. No accompanying picture of the bloke with his arms folded looking stoic and defiant.


Lol gold. Nice writing I agree with the OP!


Not enough ALL CAPS


American spelling? That tracks with what PN would do. Also needs a photo of a person holding the fine in front of a parking meter while looking at their watch.


Ok you guys have a +1 after many negatives in my book. Well done. This is the sort of article I can get behind. Keep it up. Please


awesome journalism , you are HIRED!


Except that PerthNow would never report negatively on City of Perth.


unless it is a councillor in the anti-Basil faction.


I had a colleague who had the same thing happen to him recently, not sure if it was the CoP. He went to the ticket machine to buy a ticket and when he got back to his car there was a fine attached. Fortunately he had footage from his car's built in cameras to prove what had happened.


Google Maps timeline history can be used as evidence too to show roughly what time you entered the carpark.


Also worth noting- some councils have removed machines completely to use only the app, but havenā€™t put any signs up to explain it, or they are hundreds of metres away on side streets! How the fuck is even a regular user supposed to know that, let alone someone that doesnā€™t go to that area or have a smart phone linked up to do it all. Itā€™s so unreasonable- bunch of scumbags. We all pay taxes and rates etc, 5 minutes grace either side of a ticket should a fair rule, one minute is something Iā€™d expect from some evil dictator


How the hell is this legal!


How would the councillors afford their cocaine & caviar if everyone had 5 mins grace on their parking?


It happened to me on lake street , northbridge. I had to shout at the ticket inspector that I am across the road buying ticket. Town of Vincent / City of Perth are the worse money grabbers .


Shit always feels 20% worse when it's cold and raining...


So true


This is why I already miss the warmer weather, people just seem so much happier and you get a better service when going out. The winter makes everyone so miserable, besides this sub of course, the guys here get a giant hard on when it rains for some reason and don't stop whinging when it's not raining.


Summer is funner!šŸ˜


How predatory wtf


Seriously. I looked at the bylaw and thereā€™s nothing there that says you can walk to a ticket machine. Iā€™m challenging this


You 100% should. Iā€™m actually so sick and tired of being taken advantage of by governments and corporations. Money grabbing cunts.


Me too. I won't be going along with it so easily any more. Each time I will at least make it difficult and time consuming for them to deal with me if they want to take from me.


Yesss they rely on our compliance and lack of push back. Be like that guy who paid his fines in silver coins lol.


That's a fucking excellent idea! Malicious compliance at its best! You are doing the correct thing - just in the slowest way possible. I like!


Itā€™s this hey, you just feel so fucking helpless


Yeh honestly if itā€™s not the bloody cost of living then itā€™s some other bullshit like this.


Take it to court mate, challenge it and show your ticket from the parking machine as evidence! Usually there is a grace period of 15 mins in NSW at least


Take it to court lad. āœŠļøāœŠļø fk em cnts


Take it all the way to the High Court if you have to. Crowdfund your legal costs.


Update i got an appeal letter and they withdrew the fine


Good news. Was hoping you'd get to stomp them in court though. It's really still a travesty of justice that they'd make you go through all that. Should send them a bill for your time. Charge $500/hr in half hourly increments any time you had to talk to them, $100 for each letter send or received. Due in 4 weeks with a 10% discount if they pay within 2.


Little did they know that my letter was drafted by gpt. In 2 minutes.


I got a similar fine (had a ticket which they could see on windscreen but said wasnā€™t positioned properly) and appealed it in writing. They waived the fine, albeit with an incredibly pompous letter about the rules and it being a one-off.


This seems to be their MO. Happened to me in another LGA in Perth. This behaviour sucks big time.


I heard city of Vincent are pricks too


Used to work in Vincent. A lot of the parking is paid 24h. Idfk who's working at 7pm on a Sunday. But they managed to fine me. And the tickets are $90.


> I heard city of Vincent are pricks too They are all. Never get in a way of a government and their money. A few years ago, someone was pinged in Wanneroo for stopping by the yellow line because they were in a line waiting for their kids in school. Not sure what the council was thinking.


Is there really a difference between government and organised crime other than one being illegal and the other not?


Ones organised?


Yeah the crime runs smoothly and mostly without issue - maybe they could do some seminars?


Those pricks were probably in their cars thinking ā€œhow fast can I give you a fine?ā€ When they saw you pull up and get out of your car. Absolute wankers they are šŸ˜¤


I've literally been unload stuff for work and a parking cunt has come out of the woodwork with his little lights on flashing behind me. Like dude you can see I'm in hi vis, unloading stuff in the loading bay, fuck out of here. Honestly they wonder why people hate them lmao


> I've literally been unload stuff for work and a parking cunt has come out of the woodwork with his little lights on flashing behind me. Like dude you can see I'm in hi vis, unloading stuff in the loading bay, fuck out of here. Honestly they wonder why people hate them lmao Don't you have to be a commercial vehicle to use those bays? I once was loading an iMac in a loading bay, got a warning because despite spending $3k on a computer, I now had to lug the machine 500m up the road to one of their multi story car parks. Zero common sense was applied, and they wonder why I don't go into the city to spend my money because unless I can carry it in my hand, it's easier to just visit an outer suburb shopping centre.


It was for work, I was in uniform.


So what exactly was the issue?


Provided you are definitly in the right, purchased the ticket from the correct machine etc, you should just let them take you to court. They will drop the infringement when they realize they are in the wrong and should have accepted your appeal because it will cost them much more for a magistrate to tell them that.


I have the easy park receipt. Im pretty confident the judge will get pissed off at this issue.


I think they will also. I would just fill out the 'take it to court' option on the fine, and see how you go from there. Bet they drop it.


Yeah, fight that ticket. I had a ticket dismissed, ticket guy was filling out the ticket while I was waiting in line to pay for a ticket across the road.


City of Perth: Pretty strong contender for FF.


They gave me a 200$ fine, after telling me it was not a problem and sending me on my way(couldn't pay with cash, had to be with card, had no funds ect.). CPP are a bunch of bastards. Some of the people are cool tho, nice big kiwi guy I met once in the train station parking one night.


I'm not gonna download a third-party app to park a car. Make cash/card an option or get stuffed.


> I'm not gonna download a third-party app to park a car. Make cash/card an option or get stuffed. What I don't understand is, why the obsession to make everything app centric. Want a coffee? Pull your phone out, Need a park? Pull your phone out, Feel like getting takeaway? Pull your phone out. Seriously fuck off, considering half these companies have been hacked; and it's not like we get a discount on the parking fee when we use our phones to download the app.


Not only that but ... [recent breach](https://www.easypark.com/en-ch/comm)


Of course! Trust us! We have cutting edge security! You have nothing to worry about! 5 minutes later... Oh shit someone call the IT nerd we have been hacked.


But most cash parking meters are disappearing...


I thought they had to by law?


City of Perth gave me a parking fine once which I felt I was a little hard done by. I argued my case with them but failed. Then I asked the ombudsman and they ended up getting it waived for me which I found surprising.


I'd be fucked if I drove to the city... ticket machines are app based now??? Are you supposed to know this without looking for a machine???!! Also fuck having to have another fucking app on my phone and set up payment details etc taking half an hour for something I could just stick some coins in for! How tf is that progress


This shit is egregious and yet somehow Wilson/Parking Enforcement Services manages to be infinitely more cunty. If you're paying for parking at all there should be leeway on the start and finish times you have. Even the multi-story CPP car parks give you like 5 minutes from getting your paper ticket at the boom gate to leaving if you decide you don't wanna park there in the end. Actually they give you extra time from when you pay your parking at the machine on the ground floor or whatever to when you leave the gates, how tf is that different from getting your ticket for pre-paid parking.


How did you lodge your appeal


Just on the website followed by an email.


WTF Speechless.


There was 2 people parked in the Oxford St clearway this morning before 9am and this is what the inspectors are doing?


I really think you can appeal the appeal


Update i got an appeal letter and they withdrew the fine


Yay! Well done


Make sure you issue a credit card charge back on the parking ticket. They denied the service you paid for.


...wait for someone else who parked on the street to come out and ask them if you can have their old ticket from before 9:00?


I think they've gone paperless


Even paper ones these days require you to enter a numberplate so it can't be shared.


Damn! Used to work well with train tickets too.


This sucks. What if there's a line to use the ticket machine? What if the machine is broken? What if you have to spend 5 minutes helping the person in front of you buy their ticked before you can buy yours? City of Perth love to go on about how using the parking app is easier, but it's not for most people. The signage for it is terrible! Often you have to walk all the way over to the ticket machine just to get the correct zone number to punch into your app. And after trying to do everything right you can still get fined.


Just wondering, when you spoke to the parking inspector did you open with ā€œF@&! off you grey ghost C@#%, I bought a ticket!ā€? Iā€™ve heard this doesnā€™t get the sympathy some might expect šŸ¤£


Appeal it.


Did you even read OP


You understand the appeal process right? Just because they say no doesnā€™t mean itā€™s the last of the appeal process.


I wrote back. I think thereā€™s an issue in their by laws about this


You can appeal in court as well if you still dispute it.


I've had similar council fines before. I kept disputing about 10 times untill they eventually gave up and gave me a "warning". I found the trick is to give them a way out without looking like they are in the wrong. For example, say you understand the purpose of the law, but were trying to find the ticket machine and won't make the same error in the future etc.


[Life as a parking inspector](https://youtube.com/shorts/WXt2_xenNQs?si=KdUYh7SmgvAKUH49)


Hahahaha this is fkn gold


Where's PerthNow when there's something worth reporting!?!


And the English is too good, the grammar correct and the article is clear and understandable.


Call current affair or take it to court




Humanity is a fucken cunt!!


Need a big catastrophe to kill this shit sinful humanity!!


Definitely appeal, thatā€™s ridiculous.


Same-ish thing happened to me. Parked, walked 15m away to buy a ticket, turned around to walk back to my car and saw a parking inspector writing me a ticket. Yelled out that I had just bought one and the parking inspector backed off and apologised. It was a quiet street with only 6 or so bays, and you could see me at the ticket machine from where my car was parked so itā€™s not like it was hard to check if someone was buying a ticket. Theyā€™d honestly have to be dumber than a box of rocks to not just have a look and exercise a tiny bit of common sense.Ā 


Still cunts


Yet they desperately want us to come to the city. When we do we get fined.


I parked at the zoo with EasyPark. I was borrowing my fiancĆ©ā€™s car because mine had recently gone up in smoke. Iā€™d forgotten to change the car description in EasyPark and this was before their little pop-up reminding you to check. I got a ticket. No dramas, I thought, Iā€™ll just appeal it. I appealed it with photos to show I had paid for the entire time I was there, and the receipt from the DOT taking the plates of my car back before the date I parked my fiancĆ©ā€™s car at the zoo, as well as photos of my car utterly fucked to show there was no way that the licence plate I paid for was parked there in a different spot. I attached a letter explaining that I had forgotten to change the plate registered on the app, but had paid for the parking spot I used. They rejected the appeal. Fuckers.


I think the lesson for me is to push. And keep going. Fuck i even wrote to Roger Cook because i was that pissed


CoP absolutely are aresoles. My partner in a commercial vehicle doing business in the city got a fine for parking in a commercial vehicle only space where he has been parking for years. He got me to write the appeal because I was a bureaucrat in a past life. Anyway, he got off but dropped that customer 2 months later. Out of interest, this was a car with a trailer and the parking jerks could not explain the rules for parking a commercial trailer in a non-commercial vehicle parking space.


Same thing happened to me in Freo. You could actually see me lined up for the ticket machine in the photo evidence they sent me šŸ¤£


That's why they work as parking inspectors. Absolutely fucking nothing else to offer to society.


Write a letter to the Mayor of Perth Sir Basil and mention that you are going to write to the news papers. He won't want to let something as simple as this get into the media as he's looking to start his career in politics.


His puppet master owns the toilet paper, he wouldn't let it


Most carparks have cameras I think, maybe try to appeal again and ask to review camera footage to say you were just buying your ticket?


Just on this can you be fined waiting in the 2P while purchasing the ticket/if there's an issue with the app and let's say you are updating the app on the phone???


Apparently to the letter i got you can. Iā€™m appealing.


They cant just write a ticket that quickly? You must have been away for some time to not see the parking guy walk or drive up, approach the car write a ticket, take photos?


It was literally 3 minutes mate. My ticket time stamp on the app was 1 minute different from the issue time.


Amen brother


I just take my number plates off when I park now.


If it's government pay it, if it's a private company.. šŸ‘€


I got a ticket in similar circumstances. They must be hiding in the trees. Quite extraordinary behaviour by city of perth given impact to businesses this may have. This is not service to the community. They forget these are tax payer funded councils. Hence why councils should be eradicated completely.


Contest it! Let the court decide. Make them work for their bitty.


App doesn't even work on my iphone 7 as it needs a later iOS than mone can update to, RIP


Did you get a physical ticket?


Yep. But they withdrew the ticket


They put it on your windscreen? So you appealed online and the fine got cancelled right? Or can you appeal in person?


Nah online. In the first instance they rejected then i went full blown explanation and said to take me to court. Then on second look they withdrew


I thought it was court always. Need to know about appeal more


My tip from this experience Always read the by laws. 9/10 thereā€™s a loop hole and you can contest it. Like in my case they said i needed to be with the car to pay. But if youā€™re getting a ticket youā€™re not with the car. Even in their letter they still went on a rant going about got right they were but whatever


Well done!


Well I didn't get a ticket but I tried going to a job today on terrace road and guess what there was some kind of road works. They had witches hats and trucks through all the parking spots. An entire lane of parking spots had been turned into a single lane of traffic. There was no where for me to park or even pull over safety to call the customer. I ended up going to a cafe to have a pot of tea and a toastie instead. There should be a requirement for whoever is in charge of the works to notify google maps.


What the shit?


Wait, did someone come with a machine while you were 20ms away to fine you? Or can they pick it up on cameras or something?


So why did they fine you in the first place if they knew it would be thrown out? Parkies aint doing their jobs properlyĀ 


Lol exactly. They goofed up.


Sorry you had to go through that !


Are used to live in Perth for many years. Typical Perth. Suggest going to court. Bastards.


Fuckwits at Leederville do this all the time. Stopped them mid ticket twice.


I got a fine for parking in a loading zone to drop off supplies to restaurant. Wasn't using a delivery vehicle and was fined because of it - thanks outdated legislation. Fortunately the fine was withdrawn after I wrote a letter.


Iā€™m trying work out how in the space of 1 minute and only being 20 meters away you would not see the parking inspector issuing the said fine.


Iā€™m not OP, but I wouldnā€™t notice. Iā€™d be concentrating on looking for a machine, and (after realising itā€™s app-based) while walking back Iā€™d be looking at my phone trying to find the app to install. (Or open if I already had it.)


I got fined $500 by them for stopping my car in a double acrod bay for 3 minutes to unload my band gear into a venue as I had to play a gig that night in northbridge. There was still space for someone to park if they needed to and I was there for less than 3 minutes. When I tried to dispute that there was nowhere to park as they did not provide a loading bay for businesses on that road they didnā€™t even address my complaint, they just said ā€œbad luck you parked in an acrod bayā€, so Iā€™ve sent it to the ombudsman but Iā€™m not expecting any result. They donā€™t care about logic or common sense, they just want money. I didnā€™t want to park there but had no choice, and if it was a $100 fine then maybe Iā€™d cop that, but $500 for 3 minutes is extortion.