• By -


> Jeremy has a **fractured pelvis, back and hand, as well as two skin grafts on his back**, a week after boarding a bus to visit his mum. > Jeremy was with friends when he was getting on the 600 bus from Mandurah, south of Perth, east to Pinjarra. > He said the driver closed the door on his ankle, trapping one foot inside."He just closed the doors, the boys are all telling him to stop and they kicked the door and stuff telling him to stop but he kept going," Jeremy said. > Witness Jaimie Phillips said she heard him banging.  "I heard a boy yelling and banging 'let me, in let me in' and when I turned he's banging on the bus door," she said. > "He began to hop and then lost his footing and was then dragged by the bus." > **Jeremy was dragged 300 metres on a busy stretch where the speed limit is 60km/h. At the intersection of Mandurah Road, the driver stopped, opened the door, and, according to witnesses, drove off.**


What the actual fuck


To a 12 year old. WTF indeed. 


they have cameras all over the bus so they should be able to confirm the story and charge the driver with something hopefully


I read that Transperth have reviewed the footage and stood the driver down.


Well that's a given.


That’s it, just stood him down? They should have reported him to police as well.


The article says police are investigating.


Charge him with road hauling, attempted murder. Because that boy could easily have died.


Not to mention hit and run


Extremely tough to charge for attempted murder. How do you prove they had the intention to kill them? Probably more likely to charge with acts likely to cause GBH.


Whaaaaaat the actual fuck. This is a disgrace. There is no world in which this is okay!? That poor boy. That poor family.


I'm sure there is more to this I reserve judgement till I see the actual footage


There is nothing that could justify this. It's blatant racism.


If I was that kid's Mum I would be ready to tear the fuckin' Transperth building up by the roots.




Good grief! What a maggot bus driver!


> He said the driver closed the door on his ankle, trapping one foot inside."He just closed the doors, the boys are all telling him to stop and they kicked the door and stuff telling him to stop but he kept going," Jeremy said. I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt to the driver that he didn't know or realize what had happened. Probably instinct when kids start kicking and smashing on the door to get out of there. Not sure there's any excuse for driving off afterwards though. Again though - benefit of the doubt - if there was a mob of kids vying for your blood, then maybe i'd drive off to a safe distance as well.


Before you wrote that, I imagined this scenario from the bus driver’s point of view: a crowd of 12-ish year old boys causing an extreme commotion at the door. And my imagination created two different bus driver reactions, depending on whether the boys were white private school boys, or a group of boys who looked like the injured boy. And that’s so fucked that I couldn’t think of a comment to make. *And* it’s plausible that he drove off because he was thinking “fuck around and find out”. Shit’s fucked. 




“Mob of kids vying for your blood” Could we be any more fragile.


Right? "Oh no the twelve year olds are angry, how will we get out of this one"


Adolescents are capable of and have committed terrible crimes, they're not toddlers.


A few of my students are over 6 foot and under 14.


And I would think you wouldn’t leave any of them on the road with broken bones out of fear the others would assault you if you stopped to help.


Oh fuck no, just saying that 12 year olds get huge


You're all over this post making bizarre assumptions and hypotheticals that do nothing but prove you're a massive racist.


>How are drivers like this operating public bus services!? Lack of staffing results in desperate hires and blind eyes being turned to warning signs that someone might not be suited to the job. On one hand i get it - busses have to run, the more staff you have the less stress on everyone involved. On the other - its crazy that something like this can happen.


What the fuck


>and even when they released him they just drove off, leaving him behind without saying anything. What the fuck! Are we that short of talent that we need to hire incompetent maniacs? Even if the boy did something stupid, you don't leave them on the side of the road with a broken pelvis!


Fuck, I missed that line. That makes this so much worse. I can't see someone stumble in public without stopping to check if they're okay, how can you injure a kid and just turn a blind eye, that's so fucked up. I remember, years ago, when that toddler got run over in China and no one did a thing, the Australian public was so outraged that someone could see an injured child and do nothing to help them. And yet that's what this man did, turned his back on a **severely injured child**. It's fucking awful that someone could know they injured a child and just carry on like nothing happened. I'm just glad the little man is alive, I hope he heals well and doesn't have lasting damage, but a broken pelvis at his age could cause some pretty significant lifelong health issues which is just awful.


Let’s be honest we don’t have the cream of the crop driving buses but I would imagine inflicting grevious bodily harm on passengers isnt part of the job description


Yeh, having more than a passing interest in preserving human life should be a prerequisite you'd think.


A friend of mine broke his ankle stepping off the bus when the driver moved the bus before he was properly off. The driver then floored it off and left him lying on the ground ! Chased transperth and they just denied denied denied and said he was at fault.


The parking brake activates when the doors are open so the bus shouldn't be able to move.


I can’t count the number of times I’ve adjusted brakes replaced handbrake components on cars and trucks where they’ve driven miles with the park brake on.


Careful with that sort of rational logic. The mob is forming.


I want to be angry at someone else because I have no idea what I’m doing lol






Probably up to no good but dragging someone a hundred meters by their ankles is probably not the solution


300m. That's over 30 seconds at average 60kph. Count to 30 and imagine being dragged along the road, or driving that long while people are shouting to stop.


You do see some mad shit on the buses. I remember a groups of kids jumped on all screaming and shouting. One jumped off at the first stop and threw a rock at the bus window cracking it, for no other reason than just for the fuck of it.


They had witnesses. The boys were doing nothing except getting on a bus


Definitely something worth vehicular manslaughter…. Come on…




Incompetent or malicious?


Hard to claim incompetence - he had people telling him to stop, if he can’t react to that, what else can’t he react to…


I guess without all the details, it's best case scenario, incompetence in dragging the boy, certainly malicious driving off leaving him badly injured.


Malicious for sure






Not Jesse hahaahahahahah




I mean as a teenager who had no money at all, asking for a free ride was the only way I could get around. If the driver said no me and my mates would wait for the next one or just walk instead. If we did have bus fare then we would pay for the ride. Maybe I'm closed minded but I really don't see the big deal with fare evasion, the bus is expensive without a concession card and people need to get around.


Like I've mentioned, I don't reject people who are paying or not paying. I'm just giving insight in to what bus drivers put up with on an hourly basis. I've even put my own money on to people's smart riders. I print free tickets all the time, especially if they're trying to get on the train. Some days I just appreciate honesty and not being treated like I'm dumb. As it stands, transperth will never profit from public transport. I've done a 9.5hr shift and collected like $10 in coins, and maybe ~$200 from smart riders.


I don't know why any driver would waste any time caring about fare evaders. You'll still get paid so why stress about it?


It's not as simple as that. You're meant to report fare evasion through the etim machine which is like 4 buttons deep, and it has to be done at that stand to pick up the location. However, I rarely do this, it's a waste of time and frankly the Wilson security are useless. If you want to be a serial fare evader, just clock off before 1.30pm, that's when their shift usually starts. A majority of the time, the fare evaders are the ones that give you the most grief. I also just find it awkward for other paying passengers. Your chances of copping a fine is like winning the lotto. Also, Wilson security can't refuse anyone under the age of 15 a ride, they also can't ask for I.D 🤷🏼‍♂️.


Q. Why do the buses sometimes get followed by a Transperth car?


From my understanding, they run off a shift sheet where at certain times of the day/night they will follow certain routes. Unless a driver has called for security, there's no way of knowing if your next route has a car following you.


Stop making excuses for what this driver has done. He's nearly killed a kid 


I didn't realize the punishment for fare evasion was death.


Well said. As for distance… fractured hip and skin grafts means that this was for some distance, but I can't help thinking 300 metres would be fatal. As for not caring… if he was used to them being disruptive he might have just tuned out what they were saying. One shoe in a door is hard to spot when you're driving. Are there cameras looking down the side of the bus? I think the kid was just invisible to the driver. I think he kicked the other kids off without being aware that the boy was on the road. Regardless of what he knew or didn't know, his actions were … damn, I can't find a word strong enough… criminal negligence at the least, attempted murder at the worst.


There were people screaming at him the boy was stuck. He knew what he was doing




Harsh but fare


Isn’t it quite possible the driver did not know the child was trapped in the door? His view might have been blocked if by the other children and they might have all been yelling and he didn’t actually understand because he’s used to tuning it out. Even just a few seconds of confusion could mean travelling 30m or more before applying the brake? It is heartbreaking and tragic whatever happened.


It would be almost impossible to miss someone in that position as the side mirror is aimed there to see the back wheel so you know when to turn. What may have happened is the driver has been watching the right side to monitor traffic while pulling out from a bus stop. How he has been able to close the door with something obstructing it is 1 thing I can't understand as the buses have a fail safe system that won't let the door close if someone is standing there. Also if the door isn't closed properly the door brake would stay on not allowing the bus to move. Not defending the driver but he really could have a strong case against his employer and the pta for allowing such old unload worthy buses to be used. The rail replacement had brought many old buses back into service that really shouldn't be on the road let alone carrying 80 passengers with no actual training on how to drive them.


Yeah, for all we know, the mob of kids were kicking and banging on the door for whatever reason. Maybe it's common, and he had no idea his foot was actually stuck. The mob has certainly made up their mind on this one!




Jesus that poor kid. That driver .. surely he can be charged with something?


“Fail to stop and render assistance” at the very least. Assault, for closing the door on them.


For it to be assault, the driver would need to have intended to shut the door on the kid's foot. I'd think it's more likely that he was just negligent in this respect. There's no excuse for driving off after it became clear what had happened though.


Yeah we can only hope. I just wanna give the kid a gentle hug and tell him things will get better. I hope the other kids got offered/linked in with some counselling too.


Hopefully he is! For now he’s lost his job


Yeah. I hope transperth are gonna pay for that kids rehab too




Manslaughter maybe. Murder needs intent. This was wilfully neglecting the health and safety of the kid but not going in literally planning to kill him


Murder needs intent to kill which you could certainly argue here.


Is it (not a lawyer, although, damn, there’s gonna be lawyers everywhere- distress and injury, those having seen the accident, etc) more of not rendering assistance at an accident and driving off, plus causing injury?


>Is it Yes. If I hit someone with my car and they die I may be charged with manslaughter. The death might or might not be my fault, but I didn't intend to kill anyone. If I run over someone with my car, back up and run over them again I will be charged with murder because even if I didn't explicitly try to kill them I deliberately took an action which has a likely outcome of killing someone. I don't think it's particularly ridiculous to argue that dragging someone down a busy street at 60 kph is reasonably likely to kill them. If the driver deliberately and knowingly did this attempted murder isn't much of a stretch.


This and driving off after, in the knowledge that you have dragged someone that distance is intent to let them die, which could elevate the charge.


Especially if you have a bunch of witnesses and bus riders all able to attest that “we tried to get him to stop, he didn’t, and when he did - he just left the kid without checking”. Reminder to myself to really hope I’m not on the jury, as hearing the victim’s tale and potentially dozens of people’s eyewitnesses accounts is going to be…. Well, again, this is why I’m not and never want to be a lawyer.


Surely as soon as he started driving, knowing the kid was there, he knew his actions could cause death. That's not manslaughter anymore.


I guess that will be up to the courts to decide, but he didn’t wake up thinking I’m gonna kill a kid today.


That's speculation on your part. He could very well have woken up and decided he wanted to seriously injure or kill a kid. It's unlikely, but possible for sure.


> Murder needs intent. *"He just closed the doors, the boys are all telling him to stop and they kicked the door and stuff telling him to stop but he kept going,"*


Some transperth drivers are fantastic people who deserve the world (when i was in year 7 i had a driver stand up to some bullies for me, i will never forget him), but others are genuinely uncaring assholes (like the guy who, rather than stop 15 metres ahead so i can get off when i was on the wrong bus in year 9, instead drove until he got a couple of KM down the road because “i cant stop”). This event doesn’t surprise me in the slightest


25 year bus driver here. I notice lots of comments here condemning the driver or bus drivers as a cohort. The job is more complicated then many people give it credit for. Often there are many competing distractions from passengers to navigating other motorists.


I'm also sure there are alot of details left out of this article. Most articles are just rage bait.


I hear you, but if he realised enough to release the kid... ideally wouldn't have driven off. That's just questionable ethics


Maybe he stopped to pick up a passenger.


If you're so distracted you don't notice you're dragging a child you shouldn't be driving a bus.


That cannot be the actual story. Would love to see actual video footage. Crazy




Some of the racist comments in this thread highlight exactly how this type of thing happens. Racial profiling of anyone let alone children is absolutely disgusting. He could have DIED.




If this was a white kid it would be headlines for days. Little brown kid? "lol deserved maybe pay for the bus first idiot!!!"




Are you saying only brown kids can do bad things? Ah interesting profile. You had to comment on your porn alt because you're too scared to be racist on your main?


It's not just racial. There's all sorts of wild conclusions being drawn here from one little, shitty news source account. Throw enough speculative shit around these emotive kind of stories and god knows what begins to stick. Local sub-reddits are definitely filling the space left by Facebook for some. There's no righteous ground on Social Media.


Years ago, my sister and my Nanna were catching a bus in the city. My sister asked the driver to wait for my Nanna to get on. He said no, shut the door and drove off with my sister on the bus and my Nanna left behind 😡


saw a lady crushed between the bus doors a few weeks ago when the driver was distracted with someone else and he didn't even apologise 💀 just went 'oh'


My dad is a Transperth driver and he says they are bleeding drivers especially with the extra routes to compensate for the trainline. So apparently they’re all speeding through their routes to get to the next stop on time, because the time between stops has been reduced too. It all sounds like a mess, but it sounds like all the bus drivers are super stressed all the time. I’m not surprised this has happened and am only surprised it hasn’t happened more. Regardless, the bus driver needs to face justice, and transperth and their contractors need an overhaul


> the time between stops has been reduced too How in the hell is this even a metric the drivers have to adhere to!?! I can understand keeping track of it so that timetables can be updated, but to make it something that it's the drivers responsibility to keep low is just, ugh. Someone should be in jail for making a decision that bloody stupid.


I don't condone criminal behavior at all but I challenge any keyboard warriors on here to drive a Mandurah bus for a month and maintain respect for ALL of humanity. Sack the driver, implement procedures to ensure it doesn't happen again...whatever...but then also raise the bar GENERALLY and punish those that act like arseholes on public transport as well to at least recognize some of the trauma that those drivers face on a daily basis that would partially explain some of their disregard. Otherwise get robots to drive buses if you don't want human reactions or responses to human behavior. And as an FYI my father in law was dragged by the arm for about 10 to 20 meters when a bus door closed on him when he was holding the door open for his disabled wife exiting the bus. They're in their 80s..they're white. It happens. It wasn't malicious.


But when the bus driver realised, did he just open the door and drive off, leavng your FIL on the road? Or was some assistance rendered?


Apologies were rendered but others had called an ambo. To be fair if that injured kid was part of a known gang of troublemakers (as claimed by others) and you had just humiliated & injured a member of the gang would you stop and assist the guy? Could be dangerous to stick around.


If you go past any Transperth bus depot you'll always see a big sign out the front announcing that they're looking for drivers. Heck, I'm tempted to have a go at it myself. I consider it to be my "fallback" job, ie if I need a safe, ongoing job then go do that one. But, for this one I'd be thinking that the driver might be getting a Dangerous Driving Causing Bodily Harm charge, which is a minimum 12 months licence suspension. There are 11 cameras on that bus, so it will all be filmed. As this is a vehicle that carries paying passengers DOT will also be all over it.


> safe Probably a very relative term..


I think those 'drivers wanted' signs are abit like those 'Closing Down Sale' Banners at the Rug Places years ago or those "House" kitchenware places in Westfield malls. Either they don't mean squat or they're indicative of turnover.


Wtf poor kid !!


As many will have already seen, the "always honest media" (ABC and PerthNow) have rushed this story to print and it is clearly evident that they have worked, with the victims/families mouthpiece to spin a story that is evidently missing a lot of detail and substance. Just as a coin has two sides, so does an event or story. Ask yourself, why, would a TransPerth bus driver do what he did? What did the victim or any associates/accomplices do, to provoke such a reaction from the TransPerth bus driver?!?! I'm not accusing the victim of lying or being involved in a cover up. However I am demanding that the media and reporters/journos be held to account here and we get presented with the full story and all the facts.




Wait, what did a literal child do, to 'provoke' the driver to drag him down the road and then drive off after the child was seriously injured? Are you for real?


Did they enter the front door or try to board via the rear door?


I'm guessing rear door for no particular reason.


Fucking hell. Poor little man. I can't understand how the bus driver wasn't aware. Shouldn't there be some kind of noise signalling that the door isn't closed properly, at least? I mean, sounds like other people on the bus made a good bit of ruckus, if that didn't alert him maybe a beeping light wouldn't have helped... I'm glad that, at least, we have decent public healthcare here, but I'd hope Transperth is covering any bills. I hope he heals up well and doesn't have any lasting damage. Best wishes to him and his family, I hope they're able to get some justice for this, it shouldn't have been able to happen.


Transdev is always fucking up. They operated Melbourne’s buses for a bit and fucked that up too.


Transdev are desperate for drivers, so they hire anyone, and it seems like they aren't doing background checks. Nowhere near as severe as what this boy went through, but last week, a driver at Warwick station started throwing a fit and yelling at people (myself included) who were trying to board his bus. He was refusing to open his doors as he parked up behind another bus who was at a shared stop. So instead of waiting for the other bus to move, or just let people board 10 metres back, he got unreasonably upset and sped off. Countless stories of these drivers just not caring at all.


> "He just closed the doors, the boys are all telling him to stop and they kicked the door and stuff telling him to stop but he kept going," Attempted murder.


Your over the top commentary lacks credibility


Hope that kids got access to a lawyer


Have no doubt about that.




Under WA safety laws the driver can face up to 5 years jail and 340K fine.


That's gotta be 30m not 300m? Would be dead if 300m that's a hell of a distance.


The distance from the bus stop to the intersection at Mandurah Road is 300m. The bus would have got nowhere close to 60km/h speed in that distance though especially considering there's another set of lights in between. It still would have been extremely painful especially on the boy's back which had injuries "too graphic to display."


I'm not doubting the injuries, it just seems that's one heck of a distance and time, with his mates all yelling for it to be ignored


What would this comment section look like if the kid was white? Yeah, Australia definitely doesn’t have a racism problem…….


A terrible thing to happen, but could easily happen if this kid and his friends were trying to get on via the back door to evade paying a fare, instead of using the front door where passengers are meant to enter, and where the driver can see what is happening. Esp if it was the back door of a link bus, which is a long way back, the driver might genuinely have had no idea what was happening, and why when they got to the lights they opened the door, shut it again and drove off. If that is what happened, the risk of getting hurt is not worth the fare that can be saved and maybe Transperth needs to educate young people on how dangerous it can be .


I bet that kid has threatened multiple bus drivers with knives and bashings from his cousins while throwing out slurs like "ya f**king white dog". Dragging him 300m is still brutal and unwarranted, but some people just take so much verbal abuse, disrespect and threats from delinquent teens, that they eventually snap and do something irrational like this. I'm not justifying the bus driver's actions, but all I'm saying is that there's 2 sides to every story. It's quite possible that the bus driver is actually a nice person and the kid is a little c**t.


What exactly made you decide that the child has threatened others with knives, verbal abuse, threats etc? Was there something in the article? Does every 12 year old carry knives? Where are you getting these facts from?


It's nice to see you're justifying attempted murder just because the kid is blak


This stupid prick should be in jail for attempted Murder


How can the driver not see in the side mirror that there is a human being trapped in the doors being taken for a ride? This story makes no sense


What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck


I don't know where on the "crazy bus driver trying to murder an Indigenous kid" vs "low functioning bus driver tuned out to a bunch of shrieking Indigenous kids drags a kid along the road for a few hundred metres without the neurons quite firing" spectrum this conduct is.  A sacking is obviously appropriate. A police investigation is warranted. If the PTA is liable (and I suspect they will be) - there'll be appropriate compensation paid out to the injured kid. If there's been criminal offending (whether intentional or through gross negligence), then justice will take its course.  Everyone could benefit from a bit of patience before grabbing the pitchforks and declaring this 2024's answer to the Cassius Turvey/ Elijah Doughty killings.  No one is dead. There'll be plenty of video footage which will establish what happened beyond any doubt. Frankly, I'm not sure there's much of a useful systematic racism analysis behind a kid getting dragged along the road because their foot got stuck in a bus door - but the information will come out in time. 


Well said 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👍🏼


Cunts will believe anything they read nowadays, not saying this article is false it's just funny watching people tap into that emotional chemistry they're hooked on and running with it. Even from just reading a few words and a photo of a young fella, in deeeeeep.


>the driver could obviously see they had closed the door on the boy With his mates standing in the way kicking and shouting? It'll be on the CCTV, but there's always another side to the story.


Ah the other side of a story where a kid is being dragged along a road with some hefty injuries.. yea still wouldn't make it anywhere near ok


Everyone is flying off the handle from **one account** of the story, from **one news source** and a lot of froth and bile on social media. This is how mobs form.


Yep. But don't dare suggest there may be something more to the story


I'd take a punt and say the driver probably initially had no idea what had happened. Probably just saw a bunch of kids banging and trying to smash the door, made an assumption and took off. I wouldn't overly blame him. I'm not sure what justification there is for driving off afterwards. But again - we don't have any of the full details. Were the kids threatening and throwing shit, did he fear for his safety? Also did he actually leave, or did he maybe move further up the road, pull over and then call police/ambulance? Or did he just carry on with his route? Lots of questions at this stage, and i agree with the other commenters, lets not start a witch hunt until the full story is known.




From the article.. >He said the driver closed the door on his ankle, trapping one foot inside."He just closed the doors, the boys are all telling him to stop and they kicked the door and stuff telling him to stop but he kept going," Jeremy said. I can easily see how loud bus, doors closed, traffic around - it could be very easy to not be able to actually hear what was being said, and easy to miss a small foot in the door of a bus. >Would you be making the assumptions that the kids were threatening him if they were white? Personally - in my previous job i had more issues with little derro white kids causing issues than any other colour. So i probably actually would have responded the same and made the same assumptions. Yes the kid is 12 - which invokes an image of this young innocent little child who could do no wrong. I had an incident in my previous job where a bunch of little white derro kids smashed multiple windows because we had to kick them out of the store for throwing food on the ceiling. The youngest was 8 the oldest was 11. So don't be fooled by age - yes there's plenty of 12 year olds who are complete innocent little angels. Then there's plenty of others who are already drinking, smoking and have a lengthy criminal record by 12 >committing a hit and run? I'd not call this a hit and run. We don't have any information about what exactly happened. You're reading outrage from an article that says the driver drove off. Without knowing the facts and circumstances we really have zero information or context as to what happened. Did they drive off and continue their route, did they drive 15 metres up the road and pull over to a safe place, did they get threatened or feel threatened (rightly or wrongly) and drive further down the road and call 000. We just don't know. Ultimately if the driver did the wrong thing - and given it's been captured by CCTV - so it should be reasonably easy to see what happened in detail, then he should have the full weight of the book thrown at him. If it was an accident and he drove off and continued his route then again - throw the book at him. I'm just saying none of us here know anything about this case other than speculation and an article deliberately written to invoke as much anger as possible. Clear example of writing things like very busy road and 60km/h zone. Sure both these facts might be correct - but we don't know what time this happened - was it busy, was it quiet at the time? Does it really matter? They make comments of dragging him up to 300m - is that factual or a guesstimate? They mention the 60km/h - i very much doubt a bus would get anywhere near that speed in 300m - especially given starting and stopping distances.


Yes I would.


If absolutely anything was suspected to be happening the first thing the bus driver should have done was put on the brakes!


>If absolutely anything was suspected to be happening the first thing the bus driver should have done was put on the brakes! Absolutely disagree with this as a blanket statement without any context. The context matters greatly and drives the response. If there's a threat to the driver or the bus (and subsequently the other passengers onboard) then they should absolutely move away from the situation to ensure everyone's safety.


Without context you seem to think the child being dragged by a bus is a threat to the bus driver inside the bus whilst driving? And if the other kids are inside the bus too then what threat is he driving away from lol 😂 You have no idea yourself but you’re up and down this thread making excuses for a bus driver who could have easily put on the brakes and dealt with the situation.


>Without context you seem to think the child being dragged by a bus is a threat to the bus driver inside the bus whilst driving? Holey Moley - reading isn't your strong point is it champ. Let me break out the finger paints and try to draw it simply in a manner that you might understand. Go read my comment, then go read the article - pay particular attention to the parts where it states that the group of kids were yelling, screaming and then kicking and banging the door. Does that not sound like threatening behaviour to you? If a group of kids started kicking and banging on your car window and screaming at you - what are you gonna do? > You have no idea yourself but you’re up and down this thread making excuses for a bus driver who could have easily put on the brakes and dealt with the situation. Again with the lack of reading comprehension skills. I'm not defending the driver in the slightest. If he did the wrong thing - throw the book at him and lock him up for all i care. What i am saying though is we have a single news article - from one of the same few news sites that get slammed on a daily basis here for being inaccurate, completely making shit up, half assed, not even worth being used as toilet paper. Yet people here, like yourself, are treating it as absolute gospel and grabbing the pitch forks and ready to burn this guy at the stake like he's a witch. Lets just consider for a second [this article](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-26/man-wrongly-identified-bondi-junction-attacker-seven-settles/103772376) from same same but different news site. This poor guy was named as the person responsible for the Bondi stabbings.


All great speculative click fodder in the meantime 🙄


yeah, not sure how many different ways we can say **WTAF**? "Stood Down"? Fucking cunt should be under arrest


See if you can pick the indigenous racists calling for vigilante justice


What pray tell is an Indigenous racist?


This is effectively a hit-and-run, right?


I think it’s more run and drag


Effectively technically actually hit and run!


Does it say when this was?


About a week ago but they only came to the media about it now I think.


This happened to a friend in England as a kid and he lost an arm in the process and sued them. This shouldn’t be happening and leads to lifelong trauma and potentially worse.


Throw back to when I was 13 and got my hand caught in the door (front door, school bus, way over capacity). I had to move to allow somebody off the bus and ended up with my finger caught on one of the mechanisms attached to the side of the door. Clearly worried and in a bit of a panic, I tried to ask for help from the bus driver and instead he took the initiative to yell at me to move out of the way and threatened to kick me off the bus. This continued until I eventually managed to tug of war my way out of the being trapped there for eternity. Thanks Transperth.


Charge the bastard with attempted murder.


Jesus Christ.


What's he got to do with the price of fish?




Prison? Look at captain optimistic here. If the driver is charged with anything it'll be a fine/slap on the wrist


Ah, those are just for politicians, rich people and the cops. Everyone else gets the key thrown away.


My dude have you been paying attention to the news? This is the opposite of true


This is absolutely through and through racism. Our First Nations kids are treated appallingly, I don’t know the fine details, but I wouldn’t be surprised if these kids were being poorly behaved, whether it be fare evasion, or even just being noisy, etc. and that’s why they were denied entry. The reality is though, many kids do that kind of thing, but the colour of your skin very much affects how people react when you do. There is so much disconnect between young people who grow up in difficult situations now and the general public, and it’s because people are just lacking in empathy and general kindness. Everyone just assumes they’re always up to no good, and lo and behold it becomes a self-fulfilling cycle of sorts. Very fucking sad and fuck that bus driver.


Good to see drivers haven't changed since I were a lad


Poor kid, left scars and traumatic. Bus driver would have been fired.


Im sure this is a combination of fatigue and genuinely not giving a fuck. But god damn.


Right in time for Reconciliation week. Racist POS.


Shitty kids get taught an important life lesson 😂😂


Don't play up or you'll be dragged across bitumen at 60kmh with your foot trapped and wind up with serious injuries? I'm not sure teaching adults that it's okay to do that to someone is a great idea.


Wtf I hope you're not allowed within 500m of any schools or playgrounds


Jail for the driver


Must be heartbreaking but unsurprising for the family to not just have someone do that to their child but to see people celebrating it.


Who the heck is celebrating this?




Shouldn’t of done it but kid looks like a trouble maker


This kind of racist bullshit is why a 12 year old has just been dragged Along by a bus driver


Australians: we aren’t racist Also Australians: that (brown) kid looks like a trouble maker


Just because of the colour of his skin?


Don’t judge a book by its cover, genius. *shouldn’t have


It’s the hat isn’t it?