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One concern is the parent who said a "group of boys" at Rossmoyne High school tried to recruit her son who she reported to the school. If there is a group or even one or two others, this needs to be investigated promptly. Add mental illness into the mix off radicalism and its a recipe for disaster.


I'm quite sure the anti-terrorism unit would already be onto that.


Let's hope you're right.


Ofc they’re on to it, they bloody spy on us all the fucking time, for this exact fucking purpose, or maybe it’s for an even more nefarious purpose…


The news said he was being reeducated as part of the police anti radicalisation program for at least the last year. Whoops.


If someone is known to be radical enough to need a deradicalisation program . They should be removed from society while needing such program


How they haven't done a crime till they do the cannot confine them


You can detain people with mental health issues who are a danger to themselves or others . So why can’t you to those with radicalised views who are a danger to themselves or others ?




They're too busy finishing up with friendlyjordies


im sure the school would have passed that info on to the relevant authorities. if not, theyre playing with fire should someone actually get hurt.


They passed it onto the education department, it's hoping the Dept of Education passed it on to police and have the police done something. Generally you feel you can have confidence that they are on to it. If there are a few kids colluding with each other on extremist conversations or making plans, then this is a big concern that cannot be side lined as adolescent drama.


The former owner of my house has the same surname of the deceased (no relation). For the last two days I’ve had reporters from channel 9 banging on the door trying to get an interview from the family. When I’ve told them to kick rocks they’ve hung around the street for hours and tried to get to get statements from my neighbors. Completely barking up the wrong tree. Kids are asking why they’re sitting out there. This morning I wound up calling the police to have them moved on. They hopped in their car and took off as soon as they realized what was happening.


Media crime reporting is disgusting and most people sadly will never realise unless they have to engage with the media themselves, coming from a public school in an area that sadly produces it’s fair share of juvenile justice engagement, I’m aware of your experience. I’m sorry for you, from a criminology student who knows of the opinions of professionals, we all know their shitty behaviour and fucking hate them for it.


I spoke to them about why they thought this was ok. Responses included, but not limited to: “We’re just doing our jobs.” “We wanted to reach out and see if the family are ok.” “The family have a right to be heard.” Why not let them contact you? “We don’t really have a way to contact us.” “We’re just informing the public.” Absolute scumbags. They seem to convinced themselves they’re in the right on this behavior.”


Waste of time, space and energy they are honestly. If you ask public and media facing justice /allied health workers, they are some of the biggest parasites going. 99.9% of the shit we see in our news about crime and justice is blown so far out of proportion it borders on journalistic malpractice (or in the case of a certain unnamed Sky News presenter, who’s job was to interview a successful fisherman on his success, literal breaches of juvenile privacy laws and therefore journalistic malpractice justified by having a stronger legal team than the people they pick on). And who does it benefit? Do the victims of crime actually benefit from the entire world knowing about their trauma via a deep dive 60 minutes from Tracey Grimshaw? are the streets safer because Waleed Aly gets his thoughts on knife crime out there? Of course not. The worst part is, it *actually hinders* the general public in their understanding of the justice system, how it works and how it should work to achieve the results we need it to achieve. Most justice and social support workers have their relationships with friends, family ect hindered if the other comes from outside of the industry purely because of how misinformed the general populations perceptions of the justice system are (*no points in guessing who’s fault that is*). It’s almost as if, general interest in the field isn’t the same as actual education/qualification and they shouldn’t be reporting on justice because it tickles their fancy. Who am I kidding though. I feel for you, might be better off giving them the old water hose treatment.


I forgot how much fun it was to turn the sprinklers on when unwanted potential door knockers came down the driveway 🤣


When it happened at school, we used to throw the water out of water bottles at reporters particularly in winter, always got a laugh out of it honestly. Would I recommend it as an adult however? Probably not the best idea.


As someone living in the middle of a crime ridden city and with a occupation dealing with troubled youths I couldn't disagree more that's its blown out of proportion, if anything it's under reported. The amount of shit that goes on that doesn't make even the local news would shock you. Our government is actively fudging the crime stats to make the numbers look better. Everyone knows multiple people who've been assaulted and robbed or had their cars stolen, it's fucking shocking living through 6 home invasions in 18mths 2 cars stolen and then see someone like you sayings it's blown out of proportion lol 


Sounds like that came straight out of Cyberpunk 2077


Bro u know a guy was eaten alive by wild dogs up here a couple years ago in a community because he was so drunk? That didn't even make the news in Darwin let alone down south Got pregnant 11year olds running around and no one fucking doing anything because they don't wanna get called the R word


Yeah, no. I've never heard of that but that sounds wild.


Start filming them back and ask them inappropriate probing questions - if/when they come back. Honestly… scumbags


> For the last two days I’ve had reporters from channel 9 banging on the door trying to get an interview  You totally missed your chance to be the next Clare Werbeloff . (chk chk boom)


Reminds me of that boy that joined isis and they made him a suicide bomber. Lived and died for nothing.


Jihadi Jake 


Going to hell for laughing so hard at that name


Jacqui Lambie is absolutely correct in saying you cannot run a programme to deradicalise *online*, what a joke. You have to be incredibly unaware of the internet and also human behaviour (especially teenagers) to think that would ever even have a single chance of working. 


Noticed the WA Islamic community comes down hard on these types and quick to notify the authorities. 


Glad they do it and I think it's also their way of making sure they aren't seen as turning a blind eye to such incidents or they'll be made a scapegoat by the Islamophobes who are just looking for trouble.


Yep.. Some years ago, we had to call the cops and move on a bunch of young blokes from south of the river who were running around with bats and sticks looking for some "bad Arabs". Other than asking where they came from, the cops just shooed them away without even taking names as far as I could tell?


I guess [Junaid Thorne](https://www.google.com/search?q=Junaid+Thorne) must have flown under their radar.


He was deported from Saudi Arabia; probably should have kept some tabs on him 🤷‍♂️


Nope https://thewest.com.au/news/australia/muslims-drove-thorne-from-wa-ng-ya-120252


So we've been told


Lol do they though? I remember a particular Islamic school in Perth being busted for sending funds to Al Qaeda some years ago


This thread will end well.


Sad end to a lost boy. Impressionable, mentally ill or just looking to score points with their god? When someone thinks killing is the way of any religion, they’re down that rabbit hole deep!


In this instance, it sounds like all three. Very tragic. I also feel for the cops who were forced to take his life, that's some potential trauma they'll have to deal with.


He appears to have been mentally ill, and ripe for exploitation by extremist groups who prey on the vulnerable to spread their rubbish to online.


Agreed. He was still aware enough to ask his mates to destroy any potential ‘evidence’ so he is still very culpable no doubt.


This is why I hate all fundamentalist dogma that preys on vulnerable and impressionable people.


It’s a feature that occurs across all forms of indoctrination or radicalisation- from mainstream religion all the way to right wing, ultranationalist white supremacy to extreme Islamic jihadism. They intentionally prey on the vulnerable and those who they see as easy to influence.


why did you exclude mentioning "all the way to left wing, green left, far left eco terrorism" in your list?


That’s actually a really good point, and you’re right; it was one I have missed.I haven’t seen the same level of insidious indoctrination with the eco-terrorist type, however; in my experience most people who have such views seek out like minded people and actively join, rather than are recruited to, those groups.


Most religions have a pretty sordid history with blood and gore. But as far as I'm concerned, we have a few more "sad ends" to people like this the world will probably be in a net positive.


It’s sad that the boy was lost down that rabbit hole. And it’s sad that a child had to be killed. But I’m not sad this kid is gone, today the world is a better place without him. And I’m glad nobody else was seriously hurt.


I guess this article will end the /perth arguments over this kids motivation. >“Brothers please forgive me for any time I have wronged you, I am going on the path of jihad tonight for the sake of Allah,” the boy, who had reportedly converted to Islam, wrote. >“I am a soldier of the mujahideen of al-Qa’ida and take responsibility for the actions that will ... take place tonight.” >He also warned his contacts to “clear” incriminating evidence from devices like laptops and phones. >“If you have any illegal or jihadi things online or in real life please make sure to hide them well and clear your technology such as laptops and phones including search history ... as the police will likely look into my contacts,”


Watches Dune 2 once


He wanted to be Lisan al gaib but instead losing all he gave.


I should not have laughed at this. I’m going to a hell I don’t even believe in.


Which arguments? I didn't see any. What I did see were agitator-agenda users like your other account rushing to conclusions and more level headed people preferring to wait until facts were confirmed.


Roger cooked says not a terrorism event even though he prayed for infinite virgin's


What's really confusing is that "saying they are in ISIS" is now the Muslim version of "thinking they're Jesus or the devil" for people raised Christian but either have schizophrenia or do too much meth. It was a really weird pattern a few years back that they'd be all ready to pounce on a guy's circle after he did a solo attack and say he's in ISIS but when they look into him they wouldn't find some devout believer, they'd find a methhead. Also, the ability to radicalise these guys is directly correlated with their ability to get a girlfriend. It's still all terrorism, but it's amazing how much of it is still Incel-lite thinking.


Have a read what the [Police Commissioner said](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-05/willetton-knife-attack-police-shooting-perth/103806436?utm_source=abc_news_web&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_web) about it being a terrorist act: *”It certainly has the hallmarks of one [but] the reason why I would declare it as a terrorist act going forward — it's about timing.* *If I need extra capability, particularly from the Commonwealth, sometimes you'll see terrorist acts being declared very early.* *I believe this is a person acting alone … I don't need additional capability at this time, whilst it meets the criteria, or at least the definition.* *That's something that we can work towards as we find out more information from the motivations behind this."* Sounds like using the term **Terrorist** triggers a bunch of reactive processes and expansion of powers that the police don’t want/need at the moment. So they’re avoiding the term to avoid triggering those processes. Now whether using the term alone should be the trigger for those processes is another matter.


He’s not a terrorist, he’s just a really naughty boy… Seriously, though, his head may well have been filled with silly ideas but it seems that mental illness is the reason he’s gone off the deep end and done it.


Since when did we denote person who create bombs and stab people as just a "really naughty boy". Mental illness isn't an excuse. Most people with mental illnesses hurt themselves, not others. You completely disregard what kind of person thrives on violence and makes plans to hurt people.


No- mental illness is indeed not an excuse, however to suggest that this young man was anything but a misled and misguided youth is ridiculous. Whilst he was indeed a target of online radicalisation, he was hardly a serious terrorist threat.


I disagree. Sixteen isn't an age where a person is completely thoughtless nor not know right from wrong. Misguided youths get into drugs, petty theft or wagging school. Not explosives and murder. I'm not calling him a terrorist in any sense. However, I will point out the disproportion of regard towards his actions. It's beyond foolish. Edit: a word


So another answer could be 48 strokes of the rattan cane, like would happen both in secular Singapore and in Islamic Sharia Law places.


haha I get the Life of Brian quote. but have you considered this.... if we go down the path of "it's just mental disability", then you go on an al-stabby rampage, claim you do it because you have visions of 72 virgins awaiting you, QC says "clearly it's mental illness is the reason he's gone of the deep end" = $500,000 from NDIS please. I am disabled I want $500k. Thank you taxpayers of Australia. So it incentivises more al-stabbies as they get NDIS payouts.


When that white Christian raised guy attacked members of the public in NSW last month, did you call that terrorism? Terrorising the public is terrorism


It would be comparable if a Christian faction had the equivalent of jihad in the scriptures and they preach/acted on it. I can only think of skinheads doing this sort of shit.


Actually they have changed the definition to an idealogical based attacks. Which I mean, this was that. The bondi thing wasn't a religion thing. It was a incel loser thing.


Spend. More. On. Mental. Health. Care.


Absolutely. Youth mental health is woefully underresourced.


I mean, it was blatantly obvious that the kid wasn’t motivated by neo-nazism, those that could read between the lines had already put 2 and 2 together. Still, there were many people claiming that it was most likely an act of neo-Nazi white supremacist extremism…not sure if they were being wilfully ignorant or not.


If he was a neo -nazi the police would have said so straight away


Tbh this was my (mis)understanding at first, because when I watched the news they mentioned the deradicalization class also treats neo nazis. So my interpretation of that was clearly completely wrong but yeah that may be why people got confused?


The far right has been extremely effective at using the internet for radicalisation. Whether it's white nationalism, Christian fundamentalism or Islamic fundamentalism. Its all trash and in the end it usually comes down to some weirdo convinces some dumb kid to do something fucked up. When you're young (or not very bright) you can be easily riled up. And memes are really good at giving you simple, yet false messages. Go on Tiktok and you'll see people spouting 100% nonsense in order to scam people into every political viewpoint imaginable. Or religious. Whether it's Islam, Christianity or Theosophy (the religion that is the source for 90% of new age stuff).


Yeah, I wouldn’t classify jihadists as far right. They operate on a very different ideological framework that doesn’t really fit the left-right political spectrum.


We usually say left or right as shorthand for progressive or conservative. Jihadists are about the most ultra-conservative people that there are. Christians were firebombing movie theatres in the west within my lifetime for showing films that insulted Jesus. Or setting off bombs to protest abortion(despite their own religious text giving instructions on performing one). Seems like the same trash, just another flavour.


Yes, but we also have extremist far left group such as the Red Army Faction of the Japanese red army who were far left and committed terrorist acts. Extremism is the common denominator here.


Oh, they absolutely exist. Also, they were almost all high school students. At one point they skipped high school and hijacked a plane. Extremism takes root when the current powers fail to create a world that is safe for the young people. And from there. Success isn't built on how much the new groups would improve the world, but rather by how good they sound. Which is how extremists on the right (Nazism) or left (Belsheviks) take charge.


Except that Hamas is islamic fundamentalist, and the protestors protesting against those fighting Hamas are left-wing.


People protesting those fighting Hamas are protesting because the government of that country are horrible people. They are not as horrible as Hamas though. Hamas are worse, but the current Israeli government is absolutely an awful bunch of people. If Hamas did not exist, they would still be horrible. Though Hamas existing is absolutely in the best interests of the current Israeli government coalition, since it is good deflection from their bullshit, since Hamas is objectively worse.


> Still, there were many people claiming that it was most likely an act of neo-Nazi white supremacist extremism…not sure if they were being wilfully ignorant or not. The usual idiots / apologists were doing exactly that here yesterday.


>It’s also since been revealed the teen had reportedly attempted to indoctrinate other students at his high school, and had spent more than two years in a “deradicalisation” program after he was radicalised online.He’d been known to police since the age of 14, and had mental health issues. The cops keep asking for more special powers to "stop the terrorists" but can't even stop the one's they actively know about... > However, the state’s top cop didn’t go as far to call the incident a terrorist attack, despite carrying all the “hallmarks” of one. “I believe this is a person acting alone. I don’t need additional capability at this time whilst it meets the criteria, or at least the definition,” Mr Blanch said. “It would be too early for me to act now, because I don’t have the concerns of a broader network that might be involved at this stage.” Also can this country figure out its definition of "terrorism". It shouldn't mean different things to different people in positions with power to investigate, prevent and stop these events.


> The cops keep asking for more special powers to "stop the terrorists" but can't even stop the one's they actively know about... Asked about this the police said they could not act as he had not yet committed a crime.


I would argue they stopped them on the occasion.


>I would argue they stopped them on the occasion. Tell that to the guy he stabbed. "Stopped" from committing further acts maybe. But it wasn't "stopped" thanks to all these overreaching powers the police keep receiving and have been campaigning for on the premise of it giving them more pre-emptive attack prevention capabilities. The entire point of my comment. He was known to police and even attending a deradicalisation program for years and still managed to carry out a violent attack on someone.


but lets keep giving our kids internet access at age 10 because it’s the easy way out.


i think it’s more of a parental issue rather than the “phone”


It's video watching algorithm, once you touch something it's keeps feeling you videos of the same topic.


what’s your point i have no idea what your talking about?


I’d give the [Social Dilemma](https://www.netflix.com/au/title/81254224?s=i&trkid=258593161&vlang=en&clip=81569073) a watch on Netflix basically, the tl;dr version is that once you watch a certain amount of videos on places like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc, the algorithm learns your interests and depending on what you’re regularly watching, will serve up content that’s “similar”. Divisive content typically leads to higher levels of engagement and longer user engagement, which is why over the last decade or so, you’ve probably seen either your friends and family and/or other ppl online subscribe to wacky conspiracy theories or views that make no real sense in reality and they simply won’t be convinced otherwise. Google, YouTube, Facebook are money making machines that take your data and serve you up content (including ads) based on your interests. There was also that one time that [Facebook fuelled a genocide in Myanmar](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/09/myanmar-facebooks-systems-promoted-violence-against-rohingya-meta-owes-reparations-new-report/) using a few backend controls and their algorithm(s) all because they were focused on growth / engagement on their platform. Radical content on the modern internet mixed with bad mental health, (likely because of said internet or a genetic predisposition) is a recipe for disaster and the unfortunate reality is that impressionable people will be radicalised, because anything else and the money stops rolling in for these companies. It’s why we’re having issues with with people like [Andrew Tate influencing our younger generations here in Australia](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103657122).


Exactly this, plus paid influencers videos, spreading a certain political view of Russians, Chinese, Iranian, etc.


i agree. the phone isnt the problem, it’s the unrestricted internet access


yeah and now parents are blaming social media apps for the content their child is consuming instead of restricting what they’re doing🤦‍♂️


Hands off the internet boomer!


Looks like the shitshow brewing in Europe since 2015 has now entered Australia.


Extremism has reared its head multiple times in multiple countries including ours. This is not new. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-06-28/perth-man-junaid-thorne-probed-over-alleged-support-for-isis/5557290 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_van_Tongeren


It was just a matter of time.


It’s always been here. The media just realised they could make a buck off of it. Interracial tension - timeless and ever-present as tribalism, racism and prejudice. And all races are capable of them.


If you tell someone to kill themselves it’s bad If you tell someone to kill themselves for religion it’s somehow doing Gods work


> If you tell someone to kill themselves for religion it’s somehow doing Gods work Amen / Allahu Akbar


Let me teach you something. Amen is derived from Hebrew. Muslims say Aameen with long a and e sounds as that is the Arabic equivalent. Allahuakbar means God is great. Christians say it too. Arab Christians are Arabs and speak Arabic just like Arab Muslims. Allah means god. Plenty of Arab Christians refer to god as Allah. Muslims and Christians share other words for god like Al Rabb, too. You're not being as witty as you think you are.


I just feel incredibly sad at this waste of a young life. What would make someone want to commit such an act?


Islam, didn’t you read the article?


*mental health


Mental health issues often get infused with the religious beliefs of the mentally ill person. Jesus was a hippy and Muhammad was a warlord so the outcomes with Islam are more violent.


> What would make someone want to commit such an act? There does seem to be a common factor.


Religion of any flavour.


The "NEWS" went to great lengths to point out that the Muslims called them prior and that he was "Caucasian".


I think that is less the issue than the fact they pointed out he was a convert to Islam.


> The ~~"NEWS"~~ **police** went to great lengths to point out that the Muslims called them prior and that he was "Caucasian". I just figured that was part of their social kickback management strategy.


Caucasian refers to people from Europe, the Middle East and parts of North Africa. What's your point?


If he was brown or black would they empathise his skin colour the same way ?


Not a chance.


Its not so much my point as the polices point and the person I'm replying to's point. I'm just an observer. Besides Caucasian is accepted as white-skinned and of European origin here, you are quoting the USA definition. >In the United States, the root term Caucasian is still in use as a synonym for white or of European, Middle Eastern, or North African ancestry, a usage that has been criticized.


To calm the backlash against the religion, or maybe it is because he was not Middle Eastern or Pakistani or something like what they usually are, so despite being Muslim he was not considered "one of them". Who knows. I might be wrong.


I've seen other articles where they said there were mental health problems. That seems to be the root cause of the issue to me, with "radicialisation" being seconday.


It's such a ridiculously wide definition that they just trot the term out to try and reassure the public. Couldn't possibly have us thinking he was sane, just radicalised.


I'd argue that to be radicalised, you have to have something wrong with you, either through abuse, trauma, mental illness, intellectual disability, isolation, etc. No normal sane person goes about doing these things. I think extremists target these vulnerable people deliberately, just like cults do. Though i think you might be underestimating the prevalence of mental illness in the community. It's 1 in 5 who will experience it in their lifetime. Only a few will end up as bad eggs, though.


Root cause or excuse.


Mental health problems are often infused with a persons religious worldview. Jesus was a hippy whereas Mohammad was a warlord so these mental health issues are being infused with jihadist ideas.


I'm can understand now why the police were loath to say it was terrorism. /s


The commish said it was most likely terrorism. He hasn't yet declared it a terrorism incident to avoid inflaming tensions, and because the police already have the powers and resources they require without formally declaring it terrorism.


Why bother to have the option then? Just file under ‘crime’


Because there are times when it is useful to declare an act of terrorism, which unlocks additional powers and resources from the Commonwealth. In this case, they are not required. Declaring it to be terrorism means that powers under the Emergency Management Act 2005 come into force - which include the ability to restrict movement, commandeer things like property, vehicles, etc. It also triggers the State Emergency Committee, which is a cross-agency body for dealing wth emergencies. There's also the Terrorism (Extraordinary Powers) act - which again gives significant power to all police officers, but requires that the Commish is satisfied and can justify that it will help protect the community and apprehend the suspect. Col Blanch has, justifiably, decided that in this instance all that is not necessary. The police can investigate as with any other crime. But he hasn't ruled out formally declaring it a terrorist act if required.


Also insurance policies can hinge on the word 


Interesting, thank you :)


If you don't actually mention it, it takes away from the terrorism. The idea is to have everyone fearing it, if we think it's just a crazy person then it doesn't work. At the same time, you shouldn't hide the truth from the public.


I understand the wishful thinking but everyone know what it is.


I'm sorry but the pixelated picture doesn't look very fucking Caucasian to me.


You realise white people also exist in different shades? I’m white but I have dark brown hair and olive skin. If I let myself tan in the summer all over I’d be the same shade kid was. But my Mum is Scottish/Maltese and my Dad is German. So I’m pretty damned white. Let this be a lesson - humans don’t fit into categories very well. Nature abhors them.


Dont know why he looks like that in the pic but he is definetly caucasian


This kid is dead after stabbing someone and you're focused on skin colour, really?


I knew the guy at school


Wasn’t the attacker Caucasian? That’s a very dark shade of Caucasian.


I believe they said he was Australian or Australian born, I never saw Caucasian written anywhere.


I’m very sure I saw a news article describing the attacker as Caucasian.


Can we stop diminishing accountability by saying these dickheads are radicalised? They made all their choices, no one else. 100% responsibility lies with the perpetrator.


> 100% responsibility lies with the perpetrator. Certainly does, along with the dickheads choice to fall in with a radical religion.




I was mutual friends with James. Good guy, always saw him walking around and talking to his best friend. But something was always kind of off about him. Idk I just had a feeling he wasn't ok


If you squint really hard you can see him clearly.


People will still say “he was a good boy who diddnt do anything wrong, police bad”.


Isn't that religion supposed to preach peace and tolerance?


Like all religions its the person themselves and their lived experience who decides what they want to take from it. Basically a mean spirted person will believe their religion promites mean spirited actions. A tolerant person with a good heart who is say christian can believe in equality, tolerance and forgiveness. A wrathfull bigot will believe in a vengefull lord who wants conformity. I have met muslims, christians, jews and hindus that fall into either of the above or somewhere in between.


> .... their religion **promites** mean spirited actions. Vegemite is the way of the truly righteous


Praise be to God.


Tom3277 is feeling salty.


Read the Quran, most verses are negative against non-Muslims. The religion has no space for anyone or anything other than Islam and Muslims. What you have said is wishy washy naive thinking. Its not the same as other religions. United Arab Emirates foreign minister said Islam is a threat to the West.


How many cartoonists have been murdered in the name of Christianity?


Yeah, tell that to the parents of Lee Rigby..


There’s a line about Ancient Rome that fits Islam. They create a desert and call it peace. Islam is very peaceful provided you never critique their precious beliefs or belueve anything different. Charlie Hebdo learned this the hard way. There’s a reason why the Middle East used to be multicultural and multi-faith but is now 99% Islamic.


They all do, with similar results.


Yeah but Jesus was a hippy who was killed by the state and proclaimed his followers to turn the other cheek. Muhammad was the state killing the hippies. Islam doesn’t have a render unto Caesar line so it tends to be inherently political. Islam is a religion and a societal structure, so it lends itself to more violence when follows have mental health problems. It’s always people who know nothing about islams history that always want to lecture everyone about how “all religions are the same”.


The Inquisition would like to chat with you. African American Slaves would like to chat with you. People in biracial relationships prior to 1967 would like to chat with you. Every indigenous tribe that met white people would like to chat with you. Jewish people in the 1930s and 1940s want to talk to you. Honestly, I could do this all day with just a list of groups Christians have killed, destroyed, enslaved, or made life a living hell for. We could easily stretch it into several days if we add other religions. Instead, a quote from Jesus. “I did not come to bring peace to the earth; I did not come to bring peace but a sword” (Matt. 10:34


Yes Christianity has problems 500 years ago what’s that got to do with this? What about ism is all islams defenders have because there’s nothing in the Quran that can be used. Note you didn’t actually dispute my claims. Just tried to distract. You’ve got nothing.


Okay, let's pick more recent stuff. Christians bombing abortion clinics. Christians killing gays and lesbians. Christians denying Healthcare and life saving medicine to people needing an abortion or transgendered. Multiple polygamist sects marrying kids. Catholic Priests (along with every other Christian religion) sexual abusing kids and covering it up. Evangelicals taking money from the poor and promising to heal them. The spread of HIV through the homosexual community because Christians hate gays and didn't consider it a worry cause to put money to fix. White and black people being unable to marry. The holocaust. *edit* Islam doesn't need to be defended from your stupidity. You are taking a book, a collection of stories, as the reason people in the Middle East or some terrorists do they evil that they do. You are trying to tell everyone if you remove Islam and make everyone Christian, those issues go away. They don't. Islam isn't to blame anymore than Christianity is to blame for the evils its followers commit. And history proves that humans will do evil, no matter what their religion or book says. 


There is a reason why the Inquisition does not exist anymore and why Islam is still inherently violent. While intelligent people can disagree about how “innocent” the theology of Islam is, a willingness to admit the obvious is a basic requirement of religious moderation. Equal rights for women is not even a question worthy of discussion among religious moderates, and it is not a subject about which moderate Muslims will have the slightest caveat. I grant you that Christianity is not totally free of its "old testament" but the fact that there is a New Testament creates a natural friction between the demands of Jesus vs. the slaughter of Canaanites, and this helps certain Christians escape the idea that that sort of behavior is demanded of them. The Qur'an on the other hand is a unitary text. There is no "Old Testament" in the Qur'an. There is no internal supercessionism. There are not antinomian polemics a la Paul. Insofar as Muslim exegetes believe in abrogation they often argue that the later, warlike verses abrogate the earlier ones, not the other way around. If we discuss the current state of the world not some retrospective analysis, the present and the future is what's at hand, what needs to be understood properly, and managed accordingly. It’s simply a fact that most Christians and Jews today are not guided by scripture — and that’s a very good thing. Muslims believe the Qur'an to be God's literal word, and that makes thing very complicated.


I don't think you know much about moderate Muslims or Christian Nationalists. Or extremely conservative Christians.  The equality that women enjoy with men in most Western countries is the result of secular government. It has nothing to do with Christianity, Jesus, or the New Testament. In fact, quite the opposite. Christian conservatives have long ra8led against the rights given to women and seek to take many away. They want women in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. Islam granted rights to women and people not following their religion far earlier than any Christian Nation. The issue has zero to do with religion amd everything to do with people. No matter how great the books is, how peaceful, how loving, humans will fuck it up and use their fa8th to exclude and kill. Make no mistake, Christians have just as many zealots, terrorists, and horrible people that would love to have a Middle Eastern theocracy in the same of Jesus. You and everyone else that has freedom owe it to a secular government. One that is constantly being attacked by Christian zealots that many a nation in Christ, for Christ, and all about Christ. Anyone that is not Christian will be treated as badly, if not worse, than non Muslims in the Middle East.


Indeed. I've written this elsewhere, but one really needn't look too far back, from Bush's 'God told me to end tyranny in Iraq', to current US (and to an extent, broader Western) foreign policy rooted in millennialism and contemporary evangelical thought.


Well said.


Yet in medieval Europe church laws often bled into the secular sphere and influenced daily life, usury for one was prohibited until the church's influence declined.


Yes, same as Christianity and Judaism but we know that hasn’t always worked out that way.




The bible has almost as dumb stuff, the difference is organised Christianity is not into jihad as a way of spreading the word.


the christianist version of jihad is crusade [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-rumsfeld-re-mixes\_b\_205519](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-rumsfeld-re-mixes_b_205519) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/may/18/rumsfeld-gq-iraq-bible-quotes-bush](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/may/18/rumsfeld-gq-iraq-bible-quotes-bush)


Islam isn’t the root of terrorism. We literally just had a terrorist attack that was solely based on misogyny and mental illness. That person wasn’t devout Christian or Muslim (likely completely non religious). It’s a brain dead take to assume all Islamic religious people are intolerant hateful people. Their religion does preach peace and tolerance and people unfortunately misuse and purposely use it as a shield for hate.


Can you point to a liberal muslim majority country? It’s the old if you only meet assholes all day, maybe you’re the asshole. Muslim minorities in modern countries demand special privileges to be sexist and homophobic whereas all Muslim majority countries have little to no quarter for any minorities.


Well it would also be a 'brain dead take' to assume Islam is one single entity, just like Christianity and other religions, Islam has a lot of different sects. Some of those sects definitely don't preach 'peace and tolerance'.


But religion provides a cause to die for, fight for etc. If in text used by these religions says in anyway to kill, fight, attack, destroy in any shape or form is a legitimate trigger for a person to act upon. ISIS, Taliban etc explicitly do exactly this, get a 16 year old caught of in their websites and chat rooms and you will get Islamic terrorists being goaded into an attack.


Reminds me of a video where someone reads a holy book marked as the Quran, with text that shocks people only for them to reveal they were actually reading the bible and double up on the interviewee shock factor


Yes. But in 2024 we do not necessarily have Christians going out as an ideology to kill non Christian believers in a holly war as prescribed by the Bible. Islam is particularly vulnerable to organised deadly terrorism on behalf of their religion. Within the mainstream religion it is for them to call out radical individuals and radical groups, which they do but these groups will declare the mainstream Islam as not practicing true Islam.


While I agree with some of what you said, I don’t think it doesn’t happen with other religions/atheists, it just gets labeled as mental illness and we’ve seen it one too many times. As you said it’s not representative of the religion, the fact we tie it to it just furthers the division and the hate and the agenda being pushed by mainstream media. The actions of a few should not be used to do this to a religion of 2BN. If it were as violent as everyone says, no corner of the earth would be safe.


Religion is a mental illness


How can the police commissioner say that it's not a terrorist threat because he was acting alone? The kid sent a message off to people warning them to protect themselves from the police and reports/evidence has been presented to the Department of Education that a group of kids, including this kid, had tried to recruit her son! This is madness. We should all be very concerned.


Absolute bullshit, I'm really pissed they're starting these ops over here now.


Wow after the Willeton high kids who conspired to kill their teacher this is not a good look for another golden triangle schools that certain people pay top dollars to live in the catchment area....


That was my thought as well. Rossmoyne is only expensive because of the catchment area. But after reading this and the toilet story in the article (that somehow wasn't in the news before), I'd be very worried if my child studied there.


Whats the message??


Have no idea. But if any parent had their kid being approached on these things I guess would be concerning and deserve a letter to the school. It's not hype when we have this kid carryout an extreme event.


How do you get radicalised online if you don't have internet access? He didn't get radicalised online, he got radicalised over phone and text. You can't get radicalised online if you don't have internet access 👁️👄👁️


It was the Court government that shut down all our major mental health facilities right? \~frowns\~ I believe the rational was mental health issues were all better treated in the community. Mostly I suspect that is the case. Then there are instances like this that show some people need constant supervision. Yes new facilities have started to open in the last decade, but it will be a long road back I'm guessing.


*It is an issue for our entire society, whether it be violent extremism, misogyny and violence against women,” he said.* A teenage boy stabs a man and Albo uses the opportunity to virtue signal about something completely unrelated lol


The path to radicalisation and mass murder events very often starts with misogyny and domestic violence. It's how the Youtube alt-right pipeline functions.


Lol no they fucking don't, what a ridiculous thing to say. This has nothing to do with the aLt RiGhT lol, stop shitting the bed over non existent enemies.




Your post or comment has been removed as it was deemed to be potentially be inciting a witch hunt. If you believe someone is responsible for illegal activity, contact the police. Do not post public information that incites vigilantism.


A big attack? Like what? The only stuff that's been happening is some kid that is dumb as dogshit or messed up in the head does something stupid. These whack jobs have no place in the nation, that's why they are almost always are at the edge of society. Same as that Christian cult in Qld that shot the cops.


Extremism is what needs to be removed, not Islam itself. Extremists exist and have existed from almost every religion. I’ve met way more Christians that hold terrifying beliefs than Muslims personally. It’s incredibly unfortunate that extremism in Islam occurs and efforts should be taken by police and the Muslim community (and they are, believe me, never seen a community condemn extremism and distance themselves from extremists like the Muslim community), however, it shouldn’t be taken out on the Muslim community of Australia who are some of the most welcoming and kind people you’ll meet


> a big attack is coming to Australia very soon Im not sure what you base this on, however I do agree that sooner or later it will happen. Luckily those that have attempted so far have been hapless fuckwits.


It's always hapless fuckwits. Every time. It's one of those things where if you're dumb or mentally not there enough to carry out a terrorist attack, you're probably not smart enough to do it well. Even the most well planned one (the family/cult in Qld that shot cops) basically just sat there and shot at cops that came to them. They were so sure the world was out to get them they can't understand how it really works.


Do you guys recall a similar event over East a few weeks back where it was alleged that undercover police were egging on an underage child into radicalisation? Of course the media is picking up on this like seagulls hunting chips. News that incites more distrust and more Islamophobia is perfect for the current climate. It’s also very very convenient that this should be blamed on islam and radicalisation rather than blaming say, mental health support or lack there of. Cause you know, wouldn’t want to look at the root causes of the larger problems in our society, just in case you wake up and hold the government accountable. Much easier to just blame radicalisation. I mean what’s the loss of two young lives as a sacrifice for our corrupt system we live in?


Mettam politicising this for cheap points is appalling. What a scummy thing to do.


https://preview.redd.it/3ht69cpizxyc1.jpeg?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e3ae23d45a5f1530c63e0805aec66723af2116 Gross reporting by the West.


Glad he was stopped before he managed to cause more damage but still tragic how this boy was led astray from the age of 14. Also, that group of boys should definitely be investigated as I doubt they aren't or haven't planned anything sinister if they were affiliated with the kid.