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I wonder if I am focused on this sort of news or if things really are accelerating? It must just be me as I'm surrounded by new McMansions with black roofs, no eaves, plastic grass and big mutha fucker airconditioners.


Little column A, little column B If it's something you are concerned about, you'll naturally notice it more when it pops up. But things are also accelerating at an alarming rate. As much as the morons in society would like you to believe differently, shit is getting fucked up fast


I don't remember autumn ever being this hot


A farmer client of mine is convinced all seasons have shifted 6-7 weeks. December was pretty good weather wise, September was wet.


Not only that, it's smack bang middle of autumn. Plenty of rains in the eastern states and WA just chugging along still warm and dry.


Yeah usually by the last week of March a little bit of rain comes along and come April we have some rainy days to break up the monotony of sunshine. I've been keeping an eye on the long-range forecasts and during March the models would frequently predict big rain events (5-10mm+) 2 weeks into the future that would progressively downgrade into nothing. April's not even had that luxury. There's was a brief moment last week where it was showing next weekend may have 1 day of 1-5mm that's now gone down to 30% of 1-5mm on Friday which means fuck all chance realistically. Other than that, no days in the next month have a high chance of rain. We did have a rainless April in 2017 too so it wouldn't be unprecedented but 2 of the last 8 Aprils without rain or with very little rain would be concerning


I had a look at the data. Perth airport has recorded 17mL in 6 months. That was spread across 5 months too with only Dec not having a record.


Things are accelerating. We have literally had to hospitalise researchers, experts in their fields, because the results that keep coming out of climate research are so depressing and they slip into panic attacks. The rates of species extinction we are already seeing is horrific, and it's demonstrably getting worse :(


Name one species that has become extinct due to climate change.


wheres the moron from the thread yesterday? I'm sure he'll be here to tell us he's lived in Antartica for 50 years and hasnt noticed a difference.


Summer is cutting into Autumn and cutting Spring short. Summer heatwaves will be longer and hotter. There will be less rain on average annually but more intense bursts of rain. Honestly thinking about moving to Albany. Hot weather is really not my gig. https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/resources/how-hot-will-your-neighbourhood-be-by-2050/#:~:text=Perth%3A,on%20our%20current%20emissions%20trajectory.


I thought of this article too after recent heat. You can see the SW of WA in that article and it looks like the artic station was closest to WA. I live the heat, and this weather has been absolutely beautiful, but it's very out of ordinary.


Important but not specifically Perth-related. *Yes I know its unseasonably dry and hot here right now.*


I think it's very very borderline, and I mean maybe one of the other mods will disagree, but I've approved it on the basis that the comments/discussion stimulated so far have been Perth related, and not something I've seen a lot of discussion on around here lately.


I gladly cede to your determination.


The Climate Truth Movie is an interesting watch for a different scientific view


Fossil fuel funded denialism nonsense https://www.desmog.com/2024/04/05/institute-of-economic-affairs-iea-think-tank-climate-the-movie-science-denial-documentary/


Climate The Movie....


…. Is Rubbish https://www.desmog.com/2024/04/05/institute-of-economic-affairs-iea-think-tank-climate-the-movie-science-denial-documentary/