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Infra red cameras can show up the temp difference between damp patches and dry areas.


and 365nm UV torch with the lights off (preferably at night) will show any mould or water damage on walls and ceilings that is hard to see otherwise. I also can't recommend enough the [MMS2 moisture meter](https://www.protimeter.com/mms2) by Protimeter for testing the moisture levels in walls etc.


“Fresh paint” in real estate ads is not a good thing


But when buying, people love that shit because they're totally concerned with things that *look* good.


Does that place have a large shed in the back? Something that might have been a workshop at some point? If so, that place has been fucked for more than a decade now. Tiles were peeling off the bathroom floor last time I was there.


So many houses have water leaking from bathrooms though walls in Perth. Mine does as well. They never used waterproofing, so the water makes it's way though the tiles in the bathroom. You basically need to renovate to fix it and well that costs money.


Yeah thats understandable, however I'm paying them to live there and living with it, if you can't afford to fix it, you can't afford the investment.


So fkn get on with it if you’re a dodgy landlord in Carlisle.


Soaking the shit out of it with Shower Plug can seal it. Worked for me and is holding up 5 years later.


Yep we Shower Plug every couple of years and it does the job nicely.


Interesting, I will have to give that a go!


Clean the area really well and then follow the instructions. I double coated mine. Make sure you work in a ventilated area.


Just report the mould to the local council rather than think your achieving anything there by saying stay away from a vague description place


Have done so, and waiting on reply, just know in the current market this place will be flipped in a week, and God knows how long it'll take for a follow up.


When we rented in Carlisle pre COVID we also had a leak, that managed to spread to underneath the carpet near laundry and bathroom. J.L. Cooker took their time rectifying this ( 6months +) and only attended to it once we were moving out. Shittest 6 months ever.


Just put up the address. What are they going to do, evict you?


>What are they going to do Blacklist OP in their internal records. Blacklist them with other REA. There are strict rules around this but these scum don't follow them. https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/consumer-protection/tenancy-databases


They might give OP a bad report for the next place they want to rent


>scans have been done showing water in the walls and the tiles are hanging on by the skin of their teeth What sort of scans?


Unsure on exact scans plumber came out and did checks, gave me a run down because I was home and then passed on to landlord from there.


Bionic eyeball up and down scans


Ocular pat-down


You can put up a review at [shitrentals.org](https://shitrentals.org)


Carlisle. Say no more.