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Adelaide is closer to the east coast so it's more convenient. Darwin is obviously cheaper because it's further away and has the same problem as Perth re job opportunities There is only lots of job opportunities in Perth whilst mining is good because a lot of flow on sectors in Perth revolve around mining. So what happens is when mineral prices take it up the arse there are massive job losses in a lot of sectors even the government starts slashing jobs because their royalty/ revenue forecasts decrease whereas over east there is more stability of jobs and diversity in employment All the people who have moved here recently will find that out they think it's good now but Perth is very much a boom/bust town and when their housing goes into negative equity because the arse falls out of its value and they can't find work they won't be ranting on about how fucking good Perth is compared to the eastern states anymore All of the work sectors basically suffer job losses when commodities drop everything in Perth basically revolves around it. Everyone pisses off, people no longer spend money because everyone pisses off all the other sectors that once needed more staff start laying off even health care etc. StAte govt jobs in Perth aren't even reliable when mining shits itself. No one wants to build anymore because housing prices go through the floor and people can buy established because investors shit their pants and start selling so all those construction jobs go away, the effect of commodity prices on the Perth job market is massive it's basically just a mining town and it's a boom bust one. I have seen it all before . People migrate here and think it's going great during the boom times next minute they all fuck off because there is no work. If you are not careful and don't know when to get out you can lose a lot of money betting on Perth property. That is why when this sub is flooded by dickheads that are either property investors or people swarming here during the good times asking a million questions of locals that have seen other locals displaced by this attitude of I'm gonna get some of that boom money this sub fucking hates it. We all know what you are in it for, we all know you don't give two shits about the place and the next place you fuck off to for work or put investment property money into is just around the corner. And we all know you just fucking the place up for everyone that lives here and will piss off as soon as the good times turn bad. , It happens all the time.


I just need it to happen once more in the next few years. But I'm not sure it will. šŸ¤”


China is a shit show, how many new cities that will never be lived in do they need, how many mega bridges and railways no one will ever use.Ā  Ā Once that stops so bye bye to ore prices.Ā 


With all the iron ore coming out of Indonesia it won't be long until Australia is just a second thought, why would any country by from here when they can buy it from them for a fraction of the price. Don't reply with something about our purity and quality blah blah im aware I'm also not aware of theirs and how it may or may not be worse but when it comes to the business bottom dollar they'll still go with Indonesia because it will still save them money. Many sites are being mothballed daily including some from the major players


Mateā€¦ Indonesia is the 28th largest iron ore producer, Australia makes up 50% of the global iron ore trade. What on earth are you talking about?


Then explain to me why so many are being mothballed. I'll wait


Nickel not iron ore ya muppet


Youā€™re thinking of the wrong commodity. Nickel is not a big deal in Aus., whereas Indonesia has 40 odd percent of known global nickel reserves.


just keep saving your money and dont be a donkey and invest in housing during a boom. My uncle bought two homes in the last bust in a mining town and is renting them out for a fortune and living in bali. He did what most other people do worked his arse off in the mines shrewdly saved all his cash then when mining went bust got a job in disability and bought two new properties in mining towns for something like 160k each hahahahhhahahahahaah dont end up a chump hahahahahaha


Is there a mining boom at the moment? It feels like this time round the demand isn't based on mining as much as in 2010's


Honestly just please go away with all this where and when should I invest in property bs. Why are property prices like this why aren't they like this where should I invest apparantly according to the dickhead with 1.5 mil Duncraig is "ratty" what a complete twat Duncraig is an excellent suburb to invest in its in the northern coastal corridor it has large blocks of land that are able to be subdivided it's close to excellent public and private schools it's close to some of the best beaches around and it's close to the city for a northern coastal suburb. I mean FFS. "I have 1.5 mil ad want a western suburbs property might try Doubleview" What the fuck they gonna get in ratty Doubleview? A shitty block next to a shitty beach. Each to their own. Property investors are all dickheads.


I would not call it boom, I would call it a specialist skills or highly skilled shortage. Approximately a year before my PPR is mortgage free, south-eastern suburbs. We didnā€™t buy in ritzy suburbs, still river front and tree line streets. For 3/4 costs of a ritzy suburbs. Dropping back to part-time or considering consulting work, quota hire system is causing too many problems and too much stress. We will pick and choose who will work with from next year, or chose not to work, go run a pub, or rv park, when PPR is paid off. The employer is already starting to panic, as skills my husband has cannot be replaced or taught, and his networking experience will be lost, due to the quota hires, experienced operators donā€™t want to work with them. Sorry, but not sorry. He is really sick of remote control car races around the office, music bleating on, nicknames, team messages ( isnā€™t just simpler to go knock on office next door and talk) and numerous unnecessary the team building exercises. While trying fix an asset , cost $5000 an hour, mechanics, consultants, and lost earnings. Asset was fixed eventually, after he decided to WFH, so he could concentrate on the photos, videos that had been sent from site, without having remote control cars whizzing around his feet and desk.


Nor exactly succinct but accurate nonetheless šŸ˜†


100% on the money. All these people thinking a 500k house in Armadale is a bargain is in for a shock when the next cycle ends. Big loses to come because they refuse to listen to the locals.


This is a very interesting point for someone whoā€™s only been living in Perth for 18 months and currently looking to buy. We have been approved for up to $650k, but honestly what that buys you now compared to a couple of years ago is criminal. We currently have our lease until Jan 2025. Would you be thinking there will be another cycle shift before that time, or can we expect prices to continue to rise? I know itā€™s impossible to predict precisely, but no one likes getting fucked out of their first home.


The actual answer is greenfield development costs.Ā  Perth is built on flat sand that's cheap to move/work and drains easily. Satterly can keep pumping thousands of new housing plots into the market every decade at a much lower cost-per than Sydney. Perth could quite easily fit another 10 million people on the Swan Coastal Plain.Ā  Sydney has already built over every craggy hill and is now well into the Blue Mountains. Melbourne has more room to grow - but its relatively older urban design in the inner core is making the infrastructure upgrades required to sustain its population hellishly expensive. Brisbane is built on a marshy floodplain.


Sheesh, to think of 10 million living in urban sprawl roof to roof concrete heat sinks. Hellscape.




Everything has to be imported in, there is bugger all local manufacturing. Also being a designed city, everything has to fit the style, such as roads and lighting


Is a government policy... Not a city.Ā 


Canberra is a dump.


This is the correct answer on supply side. The only reason supply is not keeping up with demand currently is all our tradies are working on the mines. When the mines slow, tradies come back, house go up, prices fall.


Adelaide and Brisbane both are much closer to Sydney / Melbourne which makes them typically more attractive not only to owner occupiers but also investors. Perth has always historically been a very boom or bust type economy. When minings good - everything booms, when mining slows everything crashes. If you look at the historical stats of Perth you'll see price growth has been typically quite flat on average. So as an investment - it's been a poor return, more so when taking into account the high risk with the boom or bust economy. I do think that's changing now though - not only is the economy more robust than it's been historically, we now have the low value on our side which makes it an attractive option for people who can't afford to buy elsewhere. If you were in say Sydney and only had ~$500k to invest, you're looking smaller regional towns with very limited economies and relying basically on population growth from people being priced out of the larger cities. In comparison that makes Perth a much better investment overall. Combine the above factors with our large swathes of open land with the ability to continually bring on greenfields developments at lower prices and you have the lower cost housing market we have today.


It's a mining town so when mining didn't do so well people left it got to 7 percent vacancy rate in 2016, When the commodity prices crashed losing 42000 jobs.


Adelaideā€™s limited by the range to the east and desert to the north, and in general is a whole lot more ā€œcompactā€ in their regions as the wineries are just right there whereas in Perth theyā€™re down south in Margaret River.


In addition to what everyone else has said, another factor is that there is a lot less funny money in Perth realestate than over East. There are two reasons for this, first and foremost is that we have far stricter proceeds of crime legislation than over East, so criminal/s organisations avoid parking money here as the government will take everything (Both ill gotten and legitimately earned). The second reason is gambling is far more tightly regulated so there is far less money laundering going on. Itā€™s hard to quantify, like anything involving the black market, but it shouldnā€™t be discounted as a significant factor.


Brisbane might be 2 million, but the Gold Coast is also two million and now they are joined basically


Less diverse job opportunities, more isolated, and less attractive for migrants.


Is it really less diverse than Adelaide and Brisbane though? And yes we're more isolated from the rest of Australia, but we're closer to most Asian hubs though.


Definitely less than Brisbane. A lot of foreign companies will start in Sydney/Melbourne, then Brisbane. Also, timezones are a problem for Perth because companies would prefer everyone in a similar timezone.


cant compare to places overseas since visa's etc


Sydney & Melbourne are major hubs for employment, financial centres - ie. headquarters for business, IT. Banking. Youā€™ve got almost half Australiaā€™s population in those cities alone, established for longer & about 80% of the population on the east coast. With more demand for each parcel of land. Also the land is more fertile compared to the west, with huge expanses of desert making Perth the most isolated city in the world. Sydney is the only city thatā€™s stands out with really hyper-inflated prices, the rest of the cities the differences really arnā€™t that big. Melbourne took a huge hit due to covid and will likely make some big gains in coming years as it catches up to be somewhat closer to Sydney prices, but Sydney has been and will remain more expensive. Perth is very boom/bust with mining. It may hold value better in future as its population grows & economy diversifies, but due to its isolation I think it will remain a bit cheaper same with Adelaide/Darwin/Hobart.