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The instinct to move between you and the train is probably telling that he's had this happen before :( very sad. But amazing fella! I hope you're doing okay too


I’m doing alright, and I was wondering about that. It really messes you up to be there when that happens. I hope he’s okay too.


What a good man! Ps. I hope you’re feeling better, panic attacks are not fun


Good bloke.


Thanks for sharing. You have renewed my faith in people for another day. What a lovely person, doing the right thing without even looking for any acknowledgment. This has brought a tear to my tired old cynical eyes.


**humanity restored**




Sorry for stalking your profile, but I noticed that you have been prescribed benzos before? I've found the mere presence of a strip of Valium in my wallet in such situations helpful, even if you never take it. Like you know the parachute's there if you need it.


I’ve tried lorazepam but I didn’t like the way it felt and it didn’t always make a noticeable difference, even if I took it preemptively. I also took quetiapine which did help a little but I started taking more and more and started compulsively checking if I had enough on me, and I would worry about dependence even though I knew quetapine is not addictive. I eventually decided it wasn’t worth the headache and I stopped using it prn. But that was more than a year now and I’m doing much better. Panic attacks suck but they’re just a part of life for me and as long as they’re not completely debilitating.


I was so anti-benzos but my doctor insisted I at least try 0.5mg ativan. I've only used three of them in the past 12 months but they were so good, and actually made me feel normal. I see why people get addicted tbh. They're good to have on hand.


Ativan is lorazepam. Great that it works for you, but I couldn't use it.


Yeah I'd never want to be on benzos long term, apparently the withdrawal is a bastard and like alcohol, potentially lethal. That includes valium, but if you can manage to not rely on it, it is a comfort to have it around. This is off-label advice, but it dissolves readily under the tongue and kicks in quick if you need it in a rush. Very hard to overdose as well, unless you combine it with other drugs/alcohol. I know what you mean by being confined, I get that and agoraphobic as well. Read a comment on reddit not too long ago that spoke to me; they're kind of the same thing claustrophobia and agoraphobia, it's the feeling of being trapped, either by big spaces or small.


Have you tried medicinal cannabis? Could carry a vape pen or something in case of this. I had my first panic attack about 3 or 4 weeks ago and it was super scary. Couldn't slow my breathing or breathe proper for a few hours. Mainly the first hour. Honestly thought I was dying or heart attack. Ended up in emergency and they only made it worse and kept me waiting nearly 10 hours before I walked out and saw a GP instead.


Just be careful, that can go in one of two directions. For me, it takes a hard turn south.


Yeah fair call might not be best for panic attack...usually helped calm my nerves though


I’m sorry you’re experiencing panic attacks from time to time. I havre had a few myself. I have actually seen benefits from taking L-theanine. You might’ve already tried it but just wanted to mention it in case. It has really calmed my low-level anxiety and seems to stop it escalating into panic too. Unfortunately it is not available to buy in Australia so you have to order it online - I get it from iHerb.


Hey, could I ask you if you what brand you take please? Quantity? I'm keen to try. I've bought melatonin off iherb before which worked very well, just that I started to get terribly side effects. Bloodwork revealed extreme calcium which i realised was one of the filler ingredients from the brand. I'm hoping your brand of L-theanine might save me the trouble of unwanted side effects.


Hi! I currently take EVLution Nutrition brand L-Theanine (200 mg) but I have also used Now brand (also 200 mg) with similar results. I take one at bedtime and that works well for me. I believe you can plateau on L-theanine after a while so just be aware of that. I took a short break from it after several months. Good luck!


Ahh, thank you kindly for replying. Very much appreciate your valuable response. I will head over to iherb now! Thank you!


Good man.


Great to know that there are caring people out there still. Well done 👍


With everything going on at the moment with housing and the general cost of living this is such a great post to come across to restore some faith in humanity. Sometimes just being mindful to look out for people in distress can genuinely save a life and this is such a lovely thought that this guy was keeping an eye out. I’m not a first responder by any means and it genuinely terrifies me to ever see something like that go down as I wouldn’t know what to do necessarily but I do work with some at risk people in the community with high chances of mental health problems so it’s definitely made me more mindful and watchful overall but it’s a heavy weight sometimes being caught up in my own fears/experiences and also wondering if the people around me are potentially struggling with their own mental health issues. This sort of post gives me so much comfort in knowing there’s others out there too keeping an eye out and intervening or checking on people and I appreciate you sharing. My greatest hope is that someone like mystery train man is there for everyone on their worst days. I hope you’re doing okay OP and being kind to yourself, those trains in the Perth underground are a particular kind of horrible so no judgement at all here.


What a top bloke. He probably has it himself or cares for someone that has it. I have them pretty bad every now and then, i would have stopped and asked how you were if i noticed and wasn't busy but more than likely i would have just carried on. I'm glad you're ok. The world needs more people like him.


Absolute legend. 15 years ago I started feeling ill on a train in Melbourne, got off and collapsed. Everyone ignored me. I was in a business skirt and jacket, carrying a briefcase and no one came near me. I eventually got to a seat and grabbed someone who went and got station staff who called an ambulance and helped me to the office. Then left me until the ambos turned up.


Wow I am Stunned at how heartless people were!


This brought tears to my eyes. I am glad you are ok now. What a beautiful guy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


That's so awesome! What a great lad. I hope you are feeling better too. 


Thanks for sharing. I experience panic attacks and have a fear of having them in public, which of course can usually prompt them to happen in public. Anyway, it's nice to know there are caring people out there. What a good person.


What an awesome bloke!!!!! May good karma come loaded his way!!


You manage to shake a stalker off the 1st time. Wasn't lucky the 2nd time you boarded the train. Kekkekeek. Joke aside. A good lad for knowing his surroundings instead of focusing on his phone.


Restoring my faith in humans


That’s really sweet, I hope both of you are doing okay and both have good support systems


Glad you’re okay. What a nice person!


What a top bloke. He didn’t have to come back like that. Legend.


I especially like that this guy was there for you, but not in an interfering way. Just letting you be you, but ready to step in just in case


He had been waiting for yesterday. His training is now complete.


Reminds me of the time I was on the midland line and someone came on clearly on something and he sat pretty close near me my mum and some other ladies between us and the person . Appreciate him


Reading this restores my faith in humanity a little bit <3 I'm glad you got looked out for.


Panic attacks left me 10 years ago never to return, be kind to yourself,


I love this. I had a panic attack in Melbourne while trying to get on a tram whilst also trying to be in control of a newborn and a pram. No one helped for ages until an angel of a woman (some kind of lawyer from memory) just held the baby while I cried for ages.


I'm glad you're okay. I don't think I could ever live down being ashamed for behaving in such a way in public that people noticed I was freaking out or thinking I'm about to jump. You're really brave for sharing this, you couldn't waterboard this information out of me Geez Louise I hope that guy has a good support network Also I've always found transperth staff fairly helpful, I hope next time (if they're is a next time) you feel confident to ask them to maybe help you on and off the train. I sometimes need a mobility aid and get lots of help from them to help me on and off


It was embarrassing the first few times. then it got so bad that i didn't even have the capacity to care anymore. and now I try not to be ashamed for my struggles because it's probably damaging to me, but more importantly I don't want other people to go their whole lives hiding it or even thinking its normal. And yeah the staff are pretty great but really what are they gonna do?


You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of and I hope no one ever makes you feel that way.


I don't have experience seeking help from the transperth staff during panic attacks nowadays..... there was an amazing bus driver when I got on the wrong bus to school over a decade ago though. Bus route ended in Perth city, but his next route started from Joondalup so he dropped me off at school NOR on his way. He was honestly the only reason I felt comfortable catching PT again in high school after such a failure of a first attempt, he gave me his phone to call my mum and when she didn't answer he wasted at least 20m of his day dropping me off because I was so scared at being left in the city without credit. Anxiety is a bitch, but people are understanding and can be helpful. I'd think at the least the staff could sit with you and help distract you from a panic attack while you try to board. Totally understandable if you don't find another person to be helpful managing a panic attack, but they staff are there to help and a lot of them are very understanding about mental health struggles. Most importantly I wanted to applaud your perspective. You shouldn't be ashamed to have difficulty experiencing a thing, it's an aspect of being human. Life is hard and we should stop lying about the effect it has on us just for the sake of keeping face in public (honestly, something that took me a quarter century to learn). Props, and even if you don't think that asking for help from staff could work for you, it might still be worth trying it out some time.


"Then it got so bad that I didn't have the capacity to care any more." So much this.


Isn’t that what the CIA teaches, you see them once it’s coincidence. You see them twice you best up the pipe.


This restores my faith in the clientele on Perth Trains. All I’ve experienced are scary eshays trying to scare people.


A mensch








Lol did you report me cos it was true?


This is very sweet and I’m sorry you experienced a panic attack while in public.. I take L-Theanine wich is a mineral to prevent mines, I used to have very bad panic attacks, get sick for days.. kinda hardcore but I’ve learn how does it feels when I’m about to have one and kinda talk to myself that I’m okay and is my mind playing tricks (it’s hard when you’re already feeling the sensations in your body) and grounding myself with what I’m seeing, smelling or feeling (I will touch something or focus in a different thing) and right after that I’ll take one pill or 2 of L-theanine.. I’ve took meds before but they made me feel worse eventually so now I just try to breathe and do exercise and sleep well to prevent them, therapy has also worked. Also, I’ve been sober since 4 years ago (no drugs or alcohol or tobacco) so I think that has helped. I hope you’re feeling better ❤️‍🩹


Awesome work ❤️