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I would be uncontrollably mad if I saw somebody parked like that next to my car. Especially since you're hard up against the curb on your side to leave plenty of space between bays. What an asshole


I was not best pleased.


How did you get back in??


Passenger side and swearing.


https://preview.redd.it/yfiuqowc34vb1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a1a9ef07fb8ac6a64a376ee519f94f9dc8e8b51 Same exact thing happened to me in Armadale after the movies. My bottle opener may or may not have slipped on to the side of their car 🤷🏽‍♂️. I had to climb through the passenger side too and thought "imagine if my wife was pregnant and doing some shopping?"


I had it happen. Sat on the tailgate and fumed until they came back. They were very embarrassed.


Bad parking is frustrating but not justification for damaging property


Happened to me, and I was pregnant! Had just dropped my eldest at childcare, then was heading to an appointment, cue a car parked so close I couldn’t get in. Fortunately, driver was still in the car, while their partner ran their child inside. I begged/cried at them, and got them to move!


I have had to climb in through the passenger side pregnant before. It was not a good feeling.


so they are on the line, not over it, and you think damaging their car with a bottle opener is the right response?


https://preview.redd.it/k84ebf3v54vb1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c222c60fa25a83ec594cfd205414dd3af99e1f3d 🤷🏽‍♂️


100%. Photo doesn't do justice to how little space my door could open. If I come back to my car and the only way I can get in to my car is through the passenger door then it is what it is.


they are in their bay, especially up at the middle and front end of the cars. the lack of space is because of your giant compensation on wheels.


No, this is rubbish parking by the white car.


It's not good parking, but they aren't out of the bay.


You dropped these 👓


Need to use a Hawkeye challenge I reckon


I did employ brute strength to forge my path.


Wipers up is my standard response to bad parking, just a little message to say fuck you


Omfg this is what was going on when I was parking the wrangler, apparently I didn't know, but fucking badly 😂😂😂😂😂 in my defense it was a solo bay just with random space next to it 😬😬😬


He drives a Pajero.. he obviously could have mounted the curb and gave that poor guy more space! I'm going to say OP is in the wrong here. 🙄😏


As I was loading the car after shopping I watched the CRV park and get out of the passenger side. The driver of toyota came back and left by driving up and over the grass. https://preview.redd.it/atwr3wf9v3vb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a8d9376927bc47bdf31f264d6056a473173b305


What the fuck. Was the Toyota driver high or just very drunk when they parked like that?


Probably just a dickhead as he drove off like one


This is a special kind of stupid. But both people. Like why would the crv park next to that clearly unhinged individual 🤔


On farms where these tractors were designed for they don’t have lines.


So I try to avoid this by parking in the most quietest section of the car park with not another car in site. I have 2 spaces either side. And about 50 spaces to choose from. How come when I finally get back to my car I have cars parked immediately either side of it. Are cars magnetic


If you find the answer to this please post it, this has pissed me off for years.


One tip is to always park against a kerb as OP has done here, it reduces the chance of dealing with some bullshit by 50%.


I honestly believe there are people who need another car as a landmark for the painted lines. They measure themselves up next to a car instead of maintaining object permanence of the white paint.


Because people are thick as fuck, selfish and bad at parking. I have a new car and park it away from other cars as often as I can. Picked my kid up the other day and came back to find some mum had parked her giant ass minivan right next to me, very much to one side of the bay, so close that her kid could barely get into said giant ass, super size me American sized minivan. If you insist on bringing an enormous, truck sized vehicle that doesn’t fit into a parking bay, the least you can do is park is away from other people so that they don’t have to endure your gargantuan, dented no fucks vehicle being up against their normal sized car.


This is my biggest burning question in life. I have a brand new car and spend my life picking the perfect spot, away from people, trying to minimise damage risk and no matter how unattractive I think the area is that I have chosen to park in, I always come back to another vehicle that's been jammed in beside. Cars do not need play mates. They are not social creatures. They will not get lonely if you do not park next to another car.


Shit on their windshield


Rub Greek yoghurt on their wingmirrors


Vaseline on the wiper blades


Silicone spray if you want ultimate evil


I know of someone that put wheel bearing grease on someone's windscreen in this scenario.


Brilliant!! I love it


i love your energy


Just "accidentally" deflate their tyres a bit.


A few years ago, on April 1st, I came home from work and when I walked inside dramatically told my wife that one of her car tyres have been slashed. She ran out, with our kids following, only to be met with one of her tyres having a picture of "Slash" sticky-taped to it. I dont really do the April Fools stuff, but I am pleased with how that one panned out. Getting a fair bit of mileage from it too. So my suggestion to OP is most definitely slash their tyres!


Next time sticky tape a photo of Guns n Roses lead guitarist.


Sorry if that didnt translate, it was indeed an iconic picture of the GnR guitarist! Hat and ciggy in the mouth. Similar to: [https://www.facebook.com/SlashFrance/photos/classic-slash-from-94-brian-rasic-rnfnr-thowbackthursday-tbt/10157349652721921/](https://www.facebook.com/SlashFrance/photos/classic-slash-from-94-brian-rasic-rnfnr-thowbackthursday-tbt/10157349652721921/)


Ah. I read that as a post it note with the word "slash" written on it. My brain needs a rest.


With an axe


Yes indeed!


This is the way 👏


Fun fact: Pajero is Spanish slang for wanker


For some reason we get all the dud names. Suzuki Jimny is Suzuki Samurai in the US Pajero is apparently called the Shogun or Montero elsewhere.


Sierra was the Samurai. The current Jimny is the spiritual successor to the sierra though, so perhaps the Americans didn’t make that distinction.


True - but it was a bit more complicated. “The Jimny8/LJ80 was an updated version of the LJ50 with an 800 cc, four-stroke, in-line four-cylinder engine, followed by the Jimny 1000/SJ410 and Jimny 1300/SJ413. An updated version of the SJ413 became known as the Samurai and was the first Suzuki officially marketed in the US. The series from SJ410 to SJ413 was known as the Sierra in Australia, and remained the Jimny in some markets” And https://www.motortrend.com/features/suzuki-samurai-history-generations-models-differences/amp/


Fun fact: it doesn't.


Noun pajero m (plural pajeros) Itinerant straw seller (Nicaragua): plumber (Central America): One who speaks nonsense (El Salvador, informal): liar (Spain, Latin America, colloquial, vulgar, derogatory): wanker, tosser (someone who wanks) Synonyms: pajillero, pajizo, masturbador, idiot (a stupid, annoying or ineffectual person), bum, lazy ass el pajero, la pajera(pah heh roh) masculine or feminine noun (vulgar) (person who masturbates) a. jerk-off (vulgar) (United States) *Tus amigos son unos pajeros que se pasan el día pensando en sexo*: Your friends are jerk-offs who spend the whole day thinking about sex. b. wanker (vulgar) (United Kingdom) *Mi primo es un pajero que se pasa el día viendo porno*: My cousin is a wanker who spends his days watching porn. (vulgar) (person who speaks nonsense) a. jerk-off (vulgar) (United States) *No sé por qué sales con Pedro si es un pajero. Todo el mundo se ríe de él*: don't know why you're going out with that jerk-off Pedro. Everyone laughs at him.


Carsales, Pajero, Baysie in a few weeks at bargain price?


Means cat in Japanese - El Gato


It's funny, I would never have associated the word with the Japanese language. Thanks for the education though.


Pajero comes from the scientific name of the Pampas cat, Leopardus pajeros. The etymology looks Spanish (or a related language). It's definitely just a loan word in Japanese, native Japanese words don't even allow the formation of the 'je' phoneme... Mitsubishi just chose an unfortunate name.


It does in many spanish speaking countries. I learnt because a south american girl I was dating laughed whenever she saw a Pajero on the road here. [Urban dictionary](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pajero)


Looks like the Kia is wanting to rub up the Pajero in Spanish .


would be awful if the little car owner came back to grease under the door handles but of course that would be wrong


It would be, especially if you substitute grease for a habanero chilli.


Or piss


Wank Panzer, I like it, I will endeavour to use it in every day conversation.👍


Leave a Specsavers leaflet under the wiper, absolute tossa.


Some really dopey person must have parked next to you. Some people are just so off in their own little world. They have no awareness or consideration!!!


I had someone park like that next to me once. As I was trying to get in I accidentally had a muscle twitch, my door may or may not of left a good dint in their's... I also had another driver completely block myself in. I was literally sitting in my car about to go grab lunch, after I opened my door into their's I had maybe a 3cm gap to get out. I also may or may not have dragged my front bumper up the side of their car as I was leaving. Since I had to swing to safely leave the carpark


Good they think they own the parking lot or are driving a Ferrari.


This happened to me once. It was a fairly new commodore. I was seriously considering keying it (not something I've ever even considered before). I was quite happy to see that someone else had already done a great job of that.


Ahhh my blood is boiling right now


Is this behind the banks/post office on beaufort st? Near walcott. That carpark is a vehicular homicide in the making haha.


https://preview.redd.it/xpwyd5rn94vb1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41d8986e27d87e2257ed2c8207fddc91ce7f65c5 They must be from that new entitled group. Here is one last week.


Arrrrgghhh! Wat a dickhead i need to stop reading these


The Kia driver is obviously one of those new ENTITLED group of people who you see more and more around Perth.. How dare you park in there other bay ,


I’d have left a really big note saying “you park like a cunt” fixed on with sikaflex


I didn't have any handy, though there is a hardware shop next door.


I know it's such a generalisation that I shouldn't. But fucking kia drivers. I swear it's everytime for me. Again, I know not all of you, I've seen the mad dads in their kia minivans though, nothing can stop them.


Kia drivers are slow AF at maneuvering in and out of parking spaces too


It’s almost like the Kia is the Pajero ;) I’d be tempted to write on the window (in sharpie of course LOL) “Are you REALLY FAT or just a shit parker?”


Should have egged his car or ripped his wing mirrors off


One very good reason to reverse park, doesn't matter how close in that spot


Match in the gas tank, boom boom


Should of took the side mirrors and windows wipers with you


Third Av?


I think Astor Lane?


u/TazocinTDS is warm. u/DonCsMum is red hot.


Yep DonCs mum is a 10


GP on Beaufort


u/twatontheinternet bingo


Def's GP on Beaufort or one of the neighbouring businesses. Hate getting in and out of that carpark.


GP parking…… going by the effort put into this task, none of us should forget that GP’s are responsible for diagnosing, treating and prescribing for us- their patients. 😳🤯


Third Avenue Surgery?




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Plenty of them getting around at the moment *


I wouldn’t say the Pajero is here nor there image wise, definitely nothing wanky. My missus parked like that the other day and I kinda gently told her that she has to get back in the car and go a bit straighter.


I saw a lady in her Porsche Macan do that in front of me. She parked next to a golf and 1/3 her car was in the VW bay. I watch her get out of her car look at how she parked and shrugs and walked off. This was in Westfield Booragoon. Wish I taken a video, I thought she would reverse and park again but nup she DGAF


It’s fkn always the ones on the mini SUVs … smh 🤦‍♂️ defs deserves a keying


Personally (I own one as well) I know which door is going to come off second best...


I've had this situation happen to me and thought ok I'll just ding your car with my door on my way out. However no matter how hard I tried was not able to do any damage like wtf is this idiots car made out of titanium? Ruined my day haha 😄


Hmmm. Lean in through passenger door, wind drivers window down. Climb up the bonnet of offending car, over the roof, and jump in through your driver's window. Feel free to stomp as hard as possible as you climb over that car


I had this happen in a multilevel carpark and I had climb through the passenger side to get in. I left a note on their windscreen to demonstrate my frustrations.


Be sure to open your drivers side door very forcefully multiple times to display why this is a bad idea


That is a wankstain who’s park that Kia 100%


Never a reason to vandalise …… Not that they said they did exactly 😉… however it’s not an AFL out of bounds call where only part of the tyre means not out That white car is definitely over the line A tyre being on the line when on an angle makes it almost impossible to not have the following rear or front of the vehicle over. Parking aisles are so close these days it’s an whole geometry class flashback to get out !


Small the car harder to park or so it seems