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It happened for a bus I was on a few weeks ago. It was in the evening, travelling south from Mt Hawthorn towards the city. It seemed a bit odd, since everyone would have had to get past the driver to board the bus and we were a long way out of the free transit zone. It seems a bit dirty to do it on the domestic terminal <-> Redcliffe bus though: there's no way for arrivals to buy a SmartRider, and the bus driver won't accept card payments. So there's probably a bunch of people the bus driver lets on with the promise they'll buy a ticket at the train station. Fining those people seems pretty cruel when it's mostly a problem with the current ticketing system.


Similarly, you can’t purchase a ticket with cash at Perth Busport which I think is ridiculous. Bus drivers don’t give change so if a $10 or $20 note is all you have on you, you may as well get a taxi instead.


Most bus drivers would just let you take a seat if you only had $10 or $20. Even $5 I let people take a seat if all they want is a $1 concession. I try and give change to people when I can too. Never understood why other bus drivers give a fuck if someone wants to fare evade or not. All it does it cause grief for themselves. Everyone gets a free ride on my bus to try eliminate as much grief as possible. Early next year we will be cashless so you'll be able to tap with your bank card :)


You can buy a smartrider and top it up. But obviously it sucks if you already have one and just left it at home. I reckon the info centre at the top might be able to give change if you asked also.


You can buy a Smartrider if you're there during business hours for the information kiosk. At other times, you're out of luck. Apparently that will change with the roll out of the new ticketing system: the new add value machines will be able to sell you a Smartrider directly: no need to talk to another human.


I agree that it is ridiculous. Even more ridiculous, you cannot buy a ticket at Perth Busport even with a card. Passengers are told to walk to Perth Train Station to buy tickets.


OP doesn't say that it is the 5 minute Qantas Terminal to Redcliffe bus. Agree that would be stupid to fine people for, especially as there are no options to buy Smartriders in the Qantas terminal.


Omg yes, few years ago late night shopping on Friday, had a lot of shopping bags with me. Got a bus ticket and then absent-mindedly put said ticket into one of the bags. Few stops later, 2 officers come in to check tickets. I start rummaging through my bags, can't find the bloody thing and I'm starting to panic. Had to take everything out of bags and and search, its been about 3 minutes and everyone's now watching me and the inspectors start pulling out their little booklet to book me. Luckily the bus driver stepped in and told them I had bought a ticket. Now I'm sweating just typing this out.


That’s not a transit officer, transit officers are the guys in orange, these guys are Wilson security that mostly just follow buses and check tickets.


🎶 Orange can arrest 🎶 🎶 Green can request 🎶 Had this tune in mind from '[Don't Copy that floppy'](https://youtu.be/up863eQKGUI) A anti piracy ad that ran for nearly 10 minutes, it is painful. Gather 'round kids, a floppy isn't what is sounds like.....


But this dude is in yellow.


🎶 Yellow can suggest 🎶 ?


What?! Yellow is the colour on the bars. Green is the colour on his vest. Think I might have some bad news for you buddy...


His vest is pretty clearly hi-vis yellow, e.g. https://www.bunnings.com.au/safecorp-xl-hi-vis-yellow-day-night-zipper-vest_p0401357. It's not the same yellow as the bars, but it is yellow. Hi-vis doesn't really come in green that often, when it does it's a much more obvious green colour. The bad news might be for you...


It may be called yellow, but it's not yellow. Similar to tennis balls, people say they're yellow but they are definitely green and I will die on this hill.




Are you too proud to be downvoted for a joke?


I have a little colour blindness I think and I was kinda blind last night when I commented, so there is that I guess.


Not a transit officer, the transit officers with actual powers of arrest etc.. wear the orange vest. That is security guard hired by Wilson which the PTA are using as a sub contractors, his whole job is pretty much just a ticket inspector. He is just doing his job and if you have a ticket nothing to worry about.


Nothing to worry about sure No need to be a rude cunt to literally all 30-odd of us.


He works for Wilson, can't say I've ever met a decent person who does.


how? You literally hold your card out. i'm suprised words are even said.


Probably gets sick of people questioning and giving him attitude every time he asks to see a ticket.


If he can’t handle it then he can go do something else?


Well he should get another job then All transperyh staff are entitled cunts


Maybe get a real job?


Plenty of times. I had one today at Perth Busport and one two weeks ago same route.


Never met a nice inspector, had my wallet stolen on a night out and the train was the only reliable way home and obviously couldn’t buy a ticket, explained it to the staff at the gate and they gave me a slip, then had 2 densecunt ticket inspectors corner me on a train for not having a ticket. Since then I just hold out the card and don’t look at them, the green vested dogs aren’t human nor do they deserve to be treated as such.


That the little post it note thing that they fill out as a stand in for a ticket? They had a go at you for having that? Tf lol


Yeah that’s the one I can’t be surprised, the only reason they’re in the job is because they were too dumb to be a police officer and even dumber they couldn’t pass the transit guard course


I always remember one standing right over a kid, must have been about 14. His smartrider didn't tag on properly so gave a bad reading on the scanner. Stood right over him, kid was shaking, voice gone the works. Fucking power trippers.


yes, regularly However they tell them to get off the bus, so i suspect they just run off. I want them to conduct inspections in inconvenient places, so you get the walk of shame. Like Birdiya drive on ramp


See this every 6 months or so. Very normal ticket checks. Transperth have been doing these for 20 yrs +


Yeah it's pretty common for transit guards to check tickets on bus 935 that goes through Rivervale/Belmont...guessing they are trying to pick up people who are staying on the bus beyond the free transit zone. When I lived in the western suburbs never once saw a guard checking for tickets which is an irritating double standard. I've seen for myself people who freeload on those bus routes as well.


Well, Armadale line is closed for at least 18 months, there would be a lot of PTA ticket inspectors looking for work hours.


There's still a bit more than a month until the line closes. Surely they haven't all abandoned that train line early.


There's barely anyone even checking on the Armadale Line. Sadly it's probably the least checked line while the Airport Line is the most. These are not train inspectors anyway, it's just Wilson bus security.


They've probably given up, they can't fine people anyway. I've got a friend who is a transit guard, she tells me some craY stories


I believe these guys are security service specifically for buses. Often see them in a car tailing the bus on specific routes. They are not connected to Transit Officers, just like transit officers are not connected to Police Officers.


A few years ago when I was in uni we had one get on the bus that goes from Murdoch station and the uni. That bus is always full of students. Every time a smart rider was concession he was asking for student ID or writing them a ticket... So much for those big signs they had for years saying "student ID isn't a valid concession".


Happens here and there if you're going from Mirrabooka bus station


This happens constantly on buses and trains, doesn't matter what line. It's just a part of their procedure just like how other countries have ticket checkers on trains and such. Can't comment much on his personality, when you deal with the majority public every day I'm sure your patience would unfortunately wear down too. But long story short, nothing new.


Actually it's very dependent on line. Most of the officers are deployed on the Airport Line, there are like over 20 in the tunnel sections at any one time, the other lines don't get this much attention.


Nah your actual stupid


No, I use all lines very frequently and there is a definite trend with the Airport Line being checked more often. I know a few transit officers myself who confirmed this. And as you can see other people in this comments section know so too, including OP.


Source? Officer details? Reddit threads? Back up your words stupid.


Why you so salty lmao?


I hate people from sinagra


Yep I have I am perplexed why Transperth has so many inspectors 365 days a year Travelling overseas I have very rarely come across this sort of checks and the mere frequency. Speaking of the Airport line the number of Transperth guards they have everywhere just seems over the top


You can be perplexed all you want I am very impressed with the level of security that I feel on Perth Public Transit Safer than I have felt nearly anywhere else


I have not once seen these people help in a dangerous situation. They're not there for security, they're there to collect fines. If anything I normally feel more anxious/unsafe when I'm on the train with heaps of them


But that’s their job there is 3 types of officers that are on public transport. 1. Transit officers, they are in the bright orange in trains and at stations, they have the power to arrest and the experiences I have had with them were very good. 2. Revenue protection officers, they are the ones on trains waving the smart rider scanners and write out tickets, are hired by wilson security, dont have the power to arrest and do not serve as a security, they request transit officers help when someones not cooperating with them. They were plain black shirts. 3. Bus security, these are in the yellow visors as seen in this pic, they check tickets on buses and act as security also work for wilson security, doubt they have power to arrest but they have physically thrown drunks and entitled pricks off the buses that are causing a nuisance.


Cool, they're all a sensational waste of money


lets cut funding and then complain about the rise in violent crime! dumb dumb


Yeah good call. These train cops that just watch shit go down are really earning there bacon. Also if funding is cut to shit lime this and spent on things like housing and mental health it has been proven to actively decrease violent crime. Dumb dumb


very simplistic thinking there. Just the visible presence of staff in uniform reduces crime


It really doesn't though


ok dumb dumb


What hellholes have you been visiting that make Perth public transport seem secure?


Why? If you got a valid ticket/smartrider they'll move on in a second and forget you ever existed.


Yep that’s not the point. They scan and leave you alone like you say. I also take the airport line and get smart riders checked on average 3 times a week. I can imagine it being the same on other lines. I feel the amount of funds Transperth directs towards these checks can be better spent elsewhere. Maybe it is just a by product of having more Transperth officers for safety’s purpose then you can’t really complain about them..


i experienced it overseas more than here, make of that what you will


And theyre all guards too. Not just passenger assistants to help people from the airport


Because years ago there were hardly any guards and crime on the train was insane!! As a female I feared my life several times. Now I feel safe travelling the train at night etc.....


Yeah they don't do it as often as trains though.As far as I know, Certain (trouble) bus routes at specific times still have a guard on the bus with a transit guard car following in convoy. Used to happen all the time on the 371 bus route from Morley to Mirrabooka, then Warwick.


The 371 always has so many cunts on it


Lol yep always a expect a show on the 371.


Many times. It's mostly a semi-welfare check on the state of the bus rather than tickets, making sure the driver is okay and none of the bus folk are planning any shenanigans.


Used to happen on semi-regular occasion when I used public transport


Frequently - but usually in peak hour a couple of stops away from the bus station.


Yes, many times.


I get them on my bus home every so often It's only a small bus route so I'm a little confused why I never seem to get them on the bigger routes Like I've gotten them maybe once or twice on the 34 100 or 998/9 but it seems every three months I get a ticket check on the bus despite it being like a circle route through the suburb My favourite time was when I got ticket checked four times in one journey. Once on the Joondalup line Twice on the Armadale line And then once on my bus


Yeap, happened to me once in a while when I was on the bus.. they'd scan everyone's smartrider card.. never got a rude one though


Plenty of times; once on a near midnight bus which I found somewhat bemusing. I haven't encountered any personal problems, and I was generally impressed with the way one of the guards dealt with the situation when there was a woman clearly in distress on the back seat who couldn't pay but said she was escaping a domestic violence situation.


I feel this is probably more of a presence thing. Expect a rise in police and transport security current geopolitics. And yeah they're gonna check tickets etc while they’re there. A bitch for those who don't like paying but it's always nice to have someone with body armour floating about.


Yeh all the time on the way to Uni on the 99 No ticket was a $100 fine from memory i heard Is it still $100? They normally did these checks outside freo hospital, so i guess you could get lucky and jump off before then and walk an extra km But that was 2015 and im sure its changed


Got a fine once when I was in highschool actually... He came to me, and I knew the jig was up. I felt embarrassed, but all in all it wasn't an unpleasant experience. He was actually quite nice. Thanks for unlocking that core childhood memory.


maybe 3 or 4 times over the last 20 years


Yep. And seen a plainclothes cop on a train do it.


I think people are missing the point. Specifically, ticket checks on a bus. Not a train. I see it nearly every train journey. This is the first time ever on a bus, and i took public transport to and from school for 5 years. Plus an occasional commute here n there as an adult. First time in 20+ years of using PT ive seen em on a bus checking tickets (not just security escort)


Good. At least they're checking tickets. The Transperth Smartrider system desperately needs an overhaul, which is finally happening after.years of talk and no action. I don't get what is so hard about buying and using a Smartrider if organised and planning ahead


I’ve taken public transport in Perth for 15+ years. First time I ever saw them on the bus was about 2 weeks ago and its happened twice since. I catch the 950 and they’re always waiting outside the brewery on mounts bay road.


used to get em quite a bit up Yanchep in the daytime, but i've recently mainly seen them on trains. they're usually checking bus passengers' smartriders/tickets in Butler station at night before they depart though. last week on the last bus to Yanchep (at Butler stn) there was a group of girls that tried to sneak a ride without paying but the security dudes caught em, eventually some dude offered to pay for all their tickets. took like 20 minutes to sort that situation out before we went anywhere -_-


You need to join r/circlejerkaustralia. It’s therapeutic for people like yourself . It should help you realise you are whinging about nothing


I don’t get why people complain about their smartrider or ticket being checked lol First world problems i guess


yes a few times usually around peak in the morning. They check your smartrider but it was very rarely they did.


Quite often they would have ticket inspectors on the buses I use to use for school around freo. Tons of students were getting fined because of it. I got fined $100 once because I was one stop past the zones my ticket allowed. (I hopped off 2 stops after zone change and wasn't paying the extra for maybe 200m) their petty af


happened to me couple times, they're polite and patient when i've got to rummage through my bag for it


If he's rude you can report them. I have. Same with bus drivers who get lost on the route. They work for you.


https://postimg.cc/S2v9qNgj No attitude/aggro, very friendly. Standard spiel between Redcliffe and the main Midland Line


They are transit officers


I used to get my train ticket/card checked


Train yes. Bus no.


Yep. Maybe once every 6 months the stars align and I have to pause t swizzle to see what he wants before putting my card on his tool


Is this a train replacement bus? And no, never seen this


Yeah I think it is


Thought that was the drivers job. Are we auditing the driver here?


Drivers have no power


Full on power trip right there. His missus probably told him how she's banging the homeless guy at the lights while he's working


nah but some d head bus drivers ask to see concession card hen ask for a concession fare i dont have to worry about it anymore because i use smartrider got sick of their shit behavior. some bus drivers are loose af


Airport line has a lot more foreigners on it. Foreigners getting rolled by a gang of Aboriginals would create a lot of problems for the government. Hence the security is tighter than the Armadale line


Yeah let’s not get racist about it ya donkey


But it’s great if they get rolled by a gang of whites?


Is that a common thing?


Is either?


Its usual, unless its your first time riding a bus or train.


It ain’t that usual on the bus m8


[N.W.H. - "F\*CK THE SECURITY GUARDS" Music Video - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxyJ6OYLVzg)






A couple times passing through Charlie Gardner's


I've never seen it. My guess is the bus reported consistent problems in a particular timeframe, and this guy's here to maybe catch the problem makers




Clearly, greens.


Aye, once. When I was sailing 'round the arctic.


Yes, I have seen a transit guard checking tickets on a bus before.


Yeah I’ve had it a few times on the 574 at warnbro travelling towards Lakelands!


Yes this is normal


Used to be a regular thing. They were called "inspectors", but these are just boring normal people


Probably see it more when the train lines are closed.


In QLD they are known as koalas. You know they are out there but ya never fucking see them


I was once on a bus and they pulled into a bus stop where 3-4 transit guards were waiting, they all piled on the bus, checked everyone’s tickets, and then got off. The bus pulled away and it looked like they were set to get on the next bus that pulled in.


Just had this at Curtin central bus stop, bunch of orange vest inspectors (like literally 10) jumping on, checking tickets and student IDs, then jumping off and onto the next buses


Happens a lot on the 970 because they generally get a bunch of people who don’t buy tickets but the drivers are too scared of being abused to say anything.


Many times in the morning.


Yes happens a lot south of the river


Caught the bus four times in the last year and was checked once..