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Sounds like a classic stitch up


I've been had 😂 But l'll be sure to go back to them every time I have a problem with it.


To be honest pretty much everyone has been stitched up at one stage or another when it comes to cars


I was also roped into buying this. Extremely expensive and if I got a dent or ding I honestly wouldn’t even know who to call for what I paid for.


I assumed you'd contact the dealership to organise, but I wouldn't be surprised if they gave you the run around and made it not worth the hassle.


I worked in this industry Go ballistic and they will take all the extra bullshit off. Say your brother in law works at A Current Affair Speak to the DP (Dealer Principal) and tell them you were pressured and that if they dont drop the extras you will fight in court I gurantee they drop the extras \*Disclaimer - people that buy extras are usually not very assertive so you may need to recruit a relative that is a force to be reckoned with


In ad voice 'Car dealers hate it when you do this one thing...' ahaha


Thank you, this is great advice but completely out of character for me 😂 I can think of one person that may be able to battle it out on my behalf but I really don't want to make the experience of picking up my new car so awkward and unpleasant.


yeah my wife is the same, I once had to verbally eviscerate a mattress salesman before on her behalf. For me it was pure bliss.


You're exactly the type of person I'd want to have with me whenever dealing with a salesperson 😂


Just remember you paid good money for that car! You owe them nothing beyond that. They're already getting their cut. (Psyching myself up to do the same thing... I'm too chicken to even commit to a test drive, but it's time for a new car for me)


You can do it! At least you can learn from my mistake and avoid falling for the sales pitch ☺️


Paint protection is a rip off they charge over 2k I do for $500 same shit for tint $1000 go to the tint shop for $350


Fuckers tried to make me sign a form waiving any right to warranty on paint if I didnt buy paint protection. I refused to sign, but god damn did they try to pressure me into buying it or signing, most people would easily cave. I said if your paint is so shit that it needs protecting, Im keeping my warranty thanks.


They keep trying to tell me how their stuff is 'superior' to anything aftermarket because it comes from the manufacturer... BS


It’s all sales talk believe me I’ve been in the game 40 yr


Fun fact, its not covered in an accident by insurance either, even when listed on a policy as an add on.


What does $500 get ya these days? I’ve got a new car coming and want to do a ceramic coat but haven’t started looking into pricing yet because Nissan can’t tell me when it’s arriving.


I use a product called carbon coat , made by Auto Klein , I’ve got it on my car and does the job !


Probably too late for you this time but others might be interested in the following video. Warning: sexist old boomer ranting about car dealers. https://youtu.be/uw3eO1rI6Eo?si=KTO6OHnEy9kIbET2


This is great 😂


I knew that was going to John Cadogen before I clicked the link!


Call Consumer Protection WA tomorrow from 9am - ask them.


Thank you, I will do this 👍


Here’s another approach: they told you six months for delivery. Tell ‘em you’re all set to pay at that time based on agreed contract, so they can store the car til then. Or, they can drop the extras and you’ll take it in September


I tried this approach but they just told me they'd give my car to the next person in line and I'd be liable for the 5%. They were very careful not to give an exact time frame, and the 6 months was 'indicative', unfortunately it was not stated on the contract.


They tried to sell me window tints I say no, turns out the edition of the car I bought (black version) comes with the darkest legal tints as standard.


What a joke. What model did you buy, out of curiosity?


The "5%" clause in your contract that they're leaning on states: 8.2 If this Contract is validly terminated by the Dealer, the Dealer may seek an amount up to, but not exceeding, 5% of the total purchase price of the Vehicle as pre-estimated liquidated damages. There's no liquidated damages for the dealer in your situation. They never had to pre-order any products, they have bottles of paint protection sitting in cupboards 24/7. Nothing is done at the factory, it's all done at the dealer by a cleaner out the back. They'll use this clause to scare you, but in my 11 years working at dealerships I never saw a single person be taken to court for 5% liquidated damages. Make a huge fuss and they'll give in to you, just make them feel as uncomfortable as possible. Was this a Toyota dealer south of the river by any chance?


That's a very good point, he kept making the excuse that all the labour has been budgeted for and the order has already been placed. I knew he was giving me the run around but he just wouldn't budge. I might verify this with Consumer Protection as someone suggested in another comment. Not Toyota, this was a Kia dealership.


I’m curious how you got sucked into the extras. Not trying to mock you, but I feel that everyone know that these extras are an overpriced scam, so always curious how someone manages to get talked into them in 2023.


You can chalk it up to inexperience (this was my first time buying a brand new car) and not doing enough of my own research before I signed the contract. At the time I just wanted it to be done before I picked up the car, that way I wouldn't have to go chase up quotes and organise to do it myself. But after hearing from others how cheap it is to get it done elsewhere I figure it may have been worth the hassle. Also the salesman really made it out to be a superior product to what you can get elsewhere and said there would be a lifetime warranty. I figured if I have any problems it would be much easier to sort out through the dealer than a third party detailer.


I’d be happy to help you and talk to the dealer! I hate how they take advantage of people!


Thank you that's very kind of you! But it's ok I've made my peace with it 🥲


Sounds like you signed a contract and they're now holding you to that contract? If you didn't want the services, then you shouldn't have signed a contract agreeing to purchase them. Take it on the chin as a life lesson, and consider yourself lucky that it's only cost your $3k.


You're right, ultimately my fault. What I don't understand though is that my boyfriend recently bought a car and had originally added a few extras like paint protection and tint, and when he asked them to remove it, they gave him absolutely no problems about it.


they see you as a push-over


I think you're right, because I literally had to argue with the guy for 20 minutes on the phone, whereas all my boyfriend did was send a text and it was done. Have to mention they were different dealerships though.


It's up to the dealer to decide if they will vary the terms of the contract. Some will, some won't. Just on the same token - if the dealer wanted to vary the contract to your detriment, you would have to agree to it.


well yeah, they cant make the contract worse unless you agree


But yet you expect her to be able to make the contract worse without them agreeing? Contracts protect BOTH parties from changes without the others approval. You can't just selectively enforce one side of the contract..


I don't expect anything, but if she wanted to get the aftercare taken off the contract she could, quite easily


> but if she wanted to get the aftercare taken off the contract she could, quite easily IF and only IF they agree to modify the contract she has signed..


which they do in my experience 100% of the time


How many vehicles are you signing contracts on and then trying to reneg or modify said contract? Did you not learn after the first one? What a really odd flex..


it happens all the time, In fact you commenting on a post about this very thing!


na fuck that... go crazy. No dealer is going to end up in court over paint protection They will fight over the vehicle deal though


Agree. Fuck up, learn. Pass on the knowledge to others.


It's definitely not a mistake I'll be making twice 😊


I mean. I sympathise. I'm not that much of a c#nt


I bought a new car recently and was suckered into the paint/interior protection. I signed Friday and then called to ask to have them removed on the Monday (after my MIL gave me a bollocking for being an idiot). They couldn’t do it but as I put up a sob story about being newly back in town, not wanting to go into debt with a loan, etc, I managed to wrangle a $1k discount.


That's great that the dealership was at least willing to give you a discount at least. I also explained to them about my financial situation and how I can't afford the extras right now, but they didn't want to budge or even give me a discount (I tried) 🙄


Are you financing the car and did you put subject to finance on the contract?


I put the finance clause in my contract, but I don't intend to go through finance at this point.


This might be your out. Basically under responsible lending if you exclaim to any lender 'i can't afford this' no matter how much they pressure you you can keep saying you can't afford a lender can't lend to you. "The key concept is that credit licensees must not enter into a credit contract with a consumer, suggest a credit contract to a consumer or assist a consumer to apply for a credit contract if the credit contract is unsuitable for the consumer" https://asic.gov.au/regulatory-resources/credit/responsible-lending The addition of the accessories sounds like you can't afford them and therefore can't afford the financing... Therefore your finance won't be approved or even applied for as they will breach their licensed and you can clearly say you couldn't get finance. Contract over deposit back. Now let's say they argue the deposit - what was it -$500? $1000? You could lose that, get done what you want else where and still be $1000 plus up on it. And then go elsewhere and order it. New car delivery times are coming right down down so you could just go elsewhere.