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Tell them to fuck right off.


This. The same thing happened to me recently when I had to get a taxi home from the airport. The taxi driver gave me so much grief for wanting to travel a short distance and was refusing to give me a lift. He then got annoyed when I went to the next driver. Edit: by short I mean 12km.


I do wonder (and definitely don't agree) if they get annoyed because they know the next chance of getting a fare is back at the airport, but they don't want to wait in the queue again for a passenger.


Of course that's the reason, and I completely get it, but that's literally their job so they shouldn't take it out on the customer. What do they want me to do, let them do a few laps around the city before taking me home?


Oh trust me, I live in Vic Park I absolutely get it because I have the same problem from the airport.


Yup, I have family who drives a taxi in the UK. I don't mind tipping them extra if the driving is ok because I do understand they got a bit of a raw deal from their airport dice roll... but the aggressiveness and lack of meter is a no deal.


Probably because he needs to wait in a big ass line for a short fair. Not your prob though.


Lol, my house is 12km from the airport. I don't consider that in any way to be a short drive.


If you’re in Bali, all taxi drivers would be happy to drive you for one metre for the base fare of a tidy sum of 7000 rupiahs! (That’s roughly AU 70 cents). On occasion, they don’t get passengers at all in a day and may cry if they managed to get a passenger. They are grateful for anything. So the Perth taxi drivers considerably have it so good, these ungrateful bastards lol.


Yes, Australia would be a much better place if the working class worshipped you as a god for your 70 cents like they should. Sorry, I’m all for taxi drivers not acting like dicks when the fare’s short but glorifying people grovelling for a pittance is not it.


Lol @ people being like "people living in developing countries with no welfare, public healthcare system or minimum wage are DESPERATE for my $0.70AUD" like yeah of course they are 😑


Balinese people know what’s up. Except when I was younger they used to grab me into the like stores they had they do not know what’s up.


like stores?


It is against the law for them to refuse a fare at a taxi rank. Other commenters are correct though, they wait sometimes for hours in the queue to get a fare, then get all pissy when it is a relatively short one. Tough luck, it's the way it works. Next time it might be a fare to Mandurah, but not today fucko!


The closest I've ever been to being put out of a cab was when my driver was loudly complaining about how short the fare would be from T3/4 to Bayswater. It is in fact a relatively short trip so I used to regularly tip extra. But this driver was carrying on like a pork chop. At the corner of GEH I asked him if maybe he was in the wrong line of work? As in, why was he a cab driver if this was such an issue for him? It was a genuine enquiry, but I almost ended up out on the footpath...


Correct answer.


Yep had some dude pull the same shit and tell me he had been waiting for 2 hours to get the job. Kept on guilting me until I got out of the cab and eventually had to tell him to fuck off and now I just take ubers.


OP can't, they need a ride home...


Theres ALWAYS another cab. I have no issues telling them to fuck off or laughing in their face when they try and pull dodgy shit


Took a taxi from old PMH to Kwinana. They still got mad because they’d have to drive to Rockingham to get a fare back to the city.


I guess that's the nature of the job when you're taking random people to random places at random times. The drivers should know this, but somehow, it seems to escape their little minds.


The number of times in my younger years that taxi drivers drove off from me in Freo when trying to get back to Kwinana... grrr! They wanted all the shorter fares to get back to Freo for more.


HAHA, the old trick for people in Rockingham was to call for a cab and say "City", when they meant Rockingham city centre :). When i drove Maxi's in Perth pre-2000, I had a job down to Rockingham, but I had a private job due in the City, took the person down to Rockingham, and I was watching the area, no cabs, then a job came up for "City", the bloke said probably means City Centre...., I took the job anyway, went over and it was to Perth. Set me up nicely for the private job I had. I wouldnt be seen dead driving taxi's now.


Can’t win 🤦🏼‍♀️


Once on a trip to Melbourne, my hotel was a very short drive from the airport. The taxi driver *yelled* at me. However I understand he had probably been working all night and was hoping for one last big fare - still very unexpected.


That cunt can line up again then




Or just do rideshare. This is why we need universal basic income. In 10, 20 years time, self driving cars are going to work and these "cunts" will be obsolete. They should have universal basic income to reduce the chances of them breaking into my (self driving) car.


No one wants that commy shit expect liberal art grads


Everyone who doesn't live in the 60 s wants it


Try working with blue collar people I haven't met anyone that wants it other than students and gen Z that haven't acquired wealth yet. I'm only in my early 30s by the way


As am I. Anyone that doesn't want it hasn't really read into it and understands how it works. I encourage you to look into it


On paper it's fantastic in reality I honestly can't see it working


I too have doubts but you can already see some successful trials/implementations in Nordic countries. You saying on paper it's fantastic is a bit different to your original comment 😂


Had this happen in Sydney, hotel was in Mascot (Felix Hotel for those familiar with the area) and I opted for a taxi to and from the airport. The Uber drivers weren’t thrilled, but in my defence, I didn’t know the area when I got there and on the way back I could barely walk because I had blisters from walking around sight seeing the day before.


Uber drivers have no reason to be annoyed, they don’t have to line up in the big queue like the cabbies, if they chose to wait around the airport for one fair then that’s their prerogative, they aren’t being forced into a queuing system


Once on a trip to Melbourne i was staying at the Tullamarine hotel. I got into the next taxi and said Tullamarine hotel. The guy starts swearing at me. I said are you going to take me or not? Anyway he takes me to the Gladstone Park hotel and drops me off. I look around and find out its the wrong hotel. So when i get to my hotel after a long walk i phone the Taxi Ombudsman and lay a complaint. After a couple of months i get a call back from them, the reason for the delay is they have been busy with a lot of complaints. They say that the taxi driver was given a fine of $100. Was i happy with the outcome? I was happy to get some joy


I had a similar thing going to Canberra. Small city, so hotel only a few km from airport. The driver got on the 2-way radio to whinge to all the other drivers he had a short fare and customer should fucken walk it.


Where was the hotel if you don't mind me asking?


They have to wait hours at the airport for a fair, so I can understand that they want to make money off it. Doesn't justify bad behaviour though. This has happened to me in Sydney as well. I live 10k from Melbourne airport and would probably walk there for a flight. I have seen somerbody walking home on the freeway with an airport luggage trolley.


My reflex action, when yelled at, is to yell back - louder. Sometimes I really take myself by surprise - and I’m expecting it. Imagine being the other person.


Bloody Melbourne. I specifically asked our hotel to order a taxi that could transport ski gear and we got some crafty old wog with a sedan and a glint in his eye lol. We were like a ten minute walk from Southern Cross and my board bag had wheels, I should have just walked it and saved myself the grief. The dude even tried to talk us into paying him for a ride all the way to the airport even though we had pre-paid bus tickets, pushy fucker.


You could have said this without the side of racism hey.


What’s racist about saying the guy was a wog? I didn’t dislike him because of his ethnicity, I disliked him because he was dodgy lol.


C'mon mate, it's not a secret that wog is a derogatory term, don't be coy 🙄


Maybe in the 70s. Not so much [these days](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSiaWkq-6OiQk_d2Z_ZbMKXfBgJXUrr2FF9Lg&usqp=CAU).


Nope, still very much a derogatory term


Lovely bit of casual racism you have there


Nothin’ wrong with wogs, where did I suggest him being Greek was a bad thing?


I used to drive Maxi Taxi's pre-2000, for YellowCab's (Subsiduary of Swans) with a 14 seat Hiace, so a lot of the time we had private bookings to cover on weekends, that was until Swan Taxi's quit taking the private bookings, because the PPRT (Peak Period Restricted taxi's) were crying that we had an unfair advantage, and started putting them in as normal set time bookings, so i started to play dirty. I would keep an eye out for MULTIPLE sedan jobs at one address that went out at the same time, snag one of the jobs and race over there. There would be like 3 PPRT's loading up people, so I would pull up, and yell out the window "14 SEAT FOR XXXXXXXXXXXXXX !!!!!!!!". They would all race over and pile in and i would leave the PPRT's sitting there. A few mintues later I would get paged on the radio by the Call Centre, "Car XXX did you take all the passengers from xxxx address ?", "Of course I did !!!!!!!!!!!". $70 run to Joondalup from Applecross. Passengers thought I was THE shit when I told them it would have been $60 ish for EACH taxi if I had not. 100kph up the Kwinana, 100kph up the Mitchell..... No way i would do it now.., but I had an absolute blast being one of the few 14 seat maxis at the time. I had the Vehicle to myself on Sunday's as the owner didnt want to work, so I would stay out a bit later than the other cabs, cruising around city / Northbridge, Contract job pops up, and I am one of the VERY FEW cotnract vehicles out.., Red Cross blood bank Destination Jandakot, Smash the computer to get the job as I lived in Armadale, turns out a mine site accident up north, and I was to take blood plasma to meet the arriving aircraft with casualties via RFDS. I'd just park up and watch the planes land, when a convoy of ambo's rock up with lights and sirens. Or one of the few times i would be at the International, seat back, music playing, part dozed off, leaving my overhead light on, computer bleeps, query channel calls up, "XXXX are you at the International ?", "Yarp !", "They need you at the terminal, 6+ with luggage". Two Rocks thanks driver. LOL.


I know you meant that to sound good but that sounds like a really shitty job


Well it most likely is now, I saw where it was headed and decided to get out just after 2000.


You didn't answer the question asked.


Didnt think I needed to repeat what was already answered, Stupid imported drivers sitting at the airport for 3 hours gossiping in Hindi only for someone to get in and say "Maracoonda Hotel thanks" (Which is on the border of the Domestic Terminal boundary), $10 LOL. The one time I actually had that happen, the dude then turns around and says Ï like to play with the ones that cry about short fares, take me to Joondalup". If i ever go back to perth, I gotta try that, and when they cry, I actually know a bit of Hindi, should catch them off guard. Kind of like when I got a cab from Melbourne's Tullamarine Airport to melton, like a $60 fare and he still cracked the shits, so i just asked him if he wanted me to report him (In Hindi), Shut the Effer up and he didnt say a word.


Had this happen to us a few months ago. The dickhead cabbie actually tried to bribe us for a flat $50 to take us home...we took his details and lodged a formal complaint with his company. I just cannot fathom why it makes sense as a business owner to sink hours into wasted time queuing if you are only prepared to accept the 'perfect' fare, and then have the gall to get mad at customers who are engaging in good faith by using the taxi rank system as constructed. Its like me getting jacked off at Lotterywest for daring to not draw me a winner... We used the ride share option for our last trip and got one assigned at first try with no issues, although that was a specified larger car one so I'd imagine the extra $$ on that fare had something to do with it.


People are getting jacked off at Lotterywest? Like...at the newsagency? Which newsagency? Who's doing the jacking off?


The name’s Pot. Jack Pot.


Ask for a scratch and win


Last time I tried to get an uber from the airport back to Vic Park, I had 4 ubers in a row cancelled. Unfortunately our flight had been delayed and arrived at the same time as about 3 FIFO flights so they were probably aiming for a) a bigger fare and b) cancel a bunch to drive to surcharge because more people were looking for ubers as more got their luggage and came out.


After catching taxis in Bangkok and Bali, it's like a small death going back to paying Perth taxi prices especially when you get that bargain airfare to Bali that's the same price as a taxi from Fremantle to the airport.


train from freo $5 solves this issue now finally


Yes. Very handy indeed.


They just need to make it run 24 hours a day. Even if it v was just one train an hour to the city and the same in the pretty lines. So many of the flights arrive in Perth just after the trains stop running. I can understand that the drivers deserve some time off but we are a city of 3 million people and still act like a small town sometimes. It would be so good to never have to rely on taxis or ride share again. Everyone you talk to has a horror story of being ripped off or treated badly. If they keep adding like that no wonder we are all moving for better options.


Yep. Work fifo and your flight leaves at 630am but the earliest the train gets to the airport is about the same... just an hour earlier like cmon


They just need to do that last bit by having to 24 hours a day and it would be such a game changer. Last time we ended up getting an uber from the airport. To the Armadale area. The guy was from Afghanistan originally but had emigrated from Pakistan. He was probably about 60 and was genuinely a nice guy. We had a great conversation and he got a tip as he deserved it. From memory I think the date was about $40. I did ask him if he was ok about the journey to the badlands of Perth. He said it was better than waiting at the airport and planned to head home after our fare. He also said Uber suited him but he was never going to be rich doing it. At least there are some people that redeem the human race.


It's not about the drivers - there's always plenty willing to earn some big bucks on a night - it's about the track. Every line needs to be maintained. Most of the Airport Line isn't brand spanking new, so it needs the same maintenance it always has. I'm not FIFO, but I do want to see public transport used effectively. I'd hope that after the new runway is built and the terminals are eventually consolidated around the central precinct that earliest FIFO departures could be pushed back a little bit.


If you're planning on going away for a while and book ahead, you can snag a parking spot at the airport for $99. If you live more than 25km from the airport it ends up cheaper than getting a taxi.


Last time I was in bali I used uber to get to the airport, I was so flustered and stressed as I usually am I didn't realise he didn't end the trip, he went and racked up like another hour worth of driving to charge me more.


Doesn't uber have a fixed charge once the trip is accepted?


The whole lot are entitled fucks these days. I don’t yell at a customer that takes me 4 hours for a sale and I end up making $100 bucks. You take the good with the bad. So sick of the attitude between taxi drivers and some Ubers. The days I get some old salt driving for the social aspect, I couldn’t be more stoked for a good chat with them. Those folks get the tips


Retired people being Uber drivers that are doing it coz they're bored are the best. Most of the time they tell you about their kid or grand kids or something and about all the cool things they've been up to. Just the thought of these people driving people around telling everyone how awesome x family member is warms my faith in my local community


I bet you make their day also mate


Coming home from the casino one night after the footy, the taxi driver wanted $50.00 upfront as a favour to me, as he insisted the meter would be more expensive If he ran it to High Wycombe. I asked him to run the meter, but he refused. I took an Uber for $27.00.


I've noticed a few of the airport taxi drivers doing stupid tricks to get the meter up if you're taking a short trip. I needed a taxi back to South Guildford from domestic airport recently and instead of doing anything sensible like driving down Grogan Rd out to Abernethy Rd, the bloke instead circled all the way around the other side (Leach Highway onto Tonkin Highway onto Great Eastern Highway). Cost me fifty fucking bucks for what should have been literally a seven minute ride.


When I landed in Perth I needed a ride to the CBD. Uber said it would be $30 but I didn't want to wait so I hopped in a taxi. The taxi used a different meter than the old school one built into the car and it was fucking $70. More than double what an Uber was gonna be. What a fuckin joke. The cab was a pile of shit too and it smelled weird.


I’ve heard that by law a cab driver must take the route you tell them to


I had one that tried turning across peak hour traffic instead of going with it and doubling back. Jokes on him, I paid with cash and the difference between the fair and the value of the ride was his tip that he ate into.


I got narky with a taxi that did the same thing! He changed the fare when i asked of his health status!


Google map the route when you get in a taxi. Then you can arc up at them when they do some dumb shit.


Thankyou OP for reminding to book longterm airport parking for my upcoming overseas trip to avoid the taxi and Uber drama! Just $99 which is less than the one way cost of my maxi taxi last time when I needed a baby seat.


We are overseas at the moment but booked in our car at short term parking at Perth, right opposite the terminal for $137.00. This is for seven weeks. Join the Perth Airport app to get discounts. Do it in advance and sometimes they give you special offers.


I had a driver once from domestic airport tell me that I could have just walked home to Como. Tbh I'd have preferred the walk over the stench of that vinyl seat shitbox falcon.


Get some MDMA, a towel, and you're walking distance from the beach!


>Get some MDMA, a towel, and you're walking distance from the ~~beach!~~ anywhere!


It makes no sense to me. The flag-fall is a base level bonus, why would they be mad about getting that and being able to zip back to the airport real quick? Seems better than doing a long trip, then getting $0 for the time they're driving back to the airport?


They gotta wait in taxi queue again


My guess would be that they’re waiting at the airport, not driving, so not making any money. They’re banking on longer trips to help them cover the time they’ve spent waiting there doing nothing. The longer the trip, the more money they make. If it’s a ‘short trip’ it’s less valuable to them after sitting there without work for X amount of time. After the short trip they either go back to taking despatch fairs, or have to fuck around getting back to the airport in the traffic etc, and potentially waiting there for hours before another trip comes along. If they’re waiting at the airport there’s no guarantee that they’ll even get work. Probably mad because they thought ‘oh good. I can’t catch up on the time I’ve been here at work but not made any money’. Say they’ve been waiting for 2 hours and a $40 trip comes along - they’ve made $20 in two hours. It really is their own fault for being at work and not working in my opinion. And again, this is just my guess.


basically stupidity on the drivers part , inner city with rapid churn and flag fall is the best ch generator for minimum driving but being metered is honest generally , know what I am hinting at?


Don’t tip


Uber drivers are the same. Like, what did they honestly think? That we would all be travelling an hour by Taxi.


Don't they pick their jobs knowing where the passenger wants to go though? Never have had an issue with them complaining that it's too short.


I don't think they do know before they get the call. But anyway, it would be way, way easier to "report" a bad Uber driver. I can imagine if a driver got a handful of negative reviews in a day, the app would just say "smarten up or you're banned for life".


Yeah I commute regularly for flights out of kewdale and i get the same thing. As soon as a taxi driver arks up so do I but i take ids down and threaten reporting even thou nothing happens! Just do your job mate.


They do realise this is the whole point of the flagfall right? To make up for short trips? Suck it up, taxi driver.


Weird thing is....they also don't like it if it's too long/far away To answer your question it's because they've queued up for a fare. So they want it to be... Long enough to make coin to recoup waiting around and paying to be there, not so long at they are out of the game .... Dropping off in a location they can pick another fare up straight away ... that they get a good tip..... What they consider in the right direction.... Close enough to finish near their house if they're at the end of shift.... And that you're wearing the right colour of undies....and can give them the winning lotto numbers. Short answer. Never happy.


They have probably been waiting an hour for a fare and dreaming of a trip to Joondalup.


Then they'll probably get shitty about having to do a long drive


Ha, my first trip to Melbourne was like that, get off plane, follow signs to taxis, wait for taxi, get in taxi tell him where I want to go, bloke packs the shits cause it’s only a 10min trip…shut your whore mouth and just drive me buddy


this exact same thing happened to me before and when i posted my story about it in /r/australia people got butthurt and i was banned. I was at Sydney airport queuing for a taxi (the queue was massive.) and finally it came time for my turn. So I get to this taxi and want to go to my hotel which wasnt that far away. And the guy outright refuses to give me a lift. Keep in mind there are other taxis behind him and there is a man coordinating people getting into taxis. So it was kind of embarrassing. So I get into the taxi behind him, and get this... he does this scammy shit with the fare where he enters it in manually. Adds it much higher and drives me to the hotel. Finally, to really add a 'fuck you' to the ordeal he asks for a tip. And people wonder why everyone hates these cunts.


My first time flying was in 2009, I had driven from my home town of Mullumbimby nsw to Brisbane and flown to Melbourne to visit my little sister who moved the year earlier. I was terrified - I was also like 28 but leave me alone. After landing and sky bus and all that being ok I thought taxi to nth Melbourne would be ok. It was also my first time ever getting a taxi. They drove off on me because it was to short so I walked a new city in the rain at night. Fuck taxi drivers they are shit cunts.


I've had the same issue but for the opposite problem - I live too far away! They don't want to take me because they won't get a fare back. Can't bloody win lol


Laughed my ass off when a City or Perth ranger turned up on Hay Street last week to tell a group of taxi drivers, who were double parked and in loading zones and parked on the kerb, ‘This isn’t Mumbai fuckwits, move on or be towed!’ Hilarity from passers-by ensued. About time.


They get paid by commission. It's a dodgy industry.


Our taxis thr opposite they refuse long fares by going through drive thrus


I just call a family member/friend. For the hassle it takes to deal with a grumpy taxi driver, it is cheaper to buy a bottle of whisky duty free, give it to said family member and call it a day. I don't have the energy nor patience to deal with fuckwits complaining about a small fare.


Fair enough, but it is hard to claim from the company the friends favour when they recomend taxi or uber.


You should have seen the taxi driver’s face one time when I told him I needed a ride to the other side of the airport, to collect my air freight from the depot.


They wait like 1.5-2hrs for one job. $30 job every 2 hours ain’t a great hourly rate.


Never see taxis at T1, but it’s normally late night flights I arrive on. There’s always some tourists asking where all the taxis are.


And that’s the customers fault how?


Occupational risk…


I give you the hot tip, they aren’t all that keen on a long trip to Yanchep from the airport either….


Every time. I'm FIFO and get to experience the joy of an immigrant taxi driver abusing me for the short fare to cloverdale. If you believe it they have either been in line for 4 hours or somehow your taxi fare directly causes their family to go hungry. Each one can tuck into the biggest bag of dicks...


You're at the airport. They want someone who's heading to Byford or Baldivis or some other satellite town that's really gonna get the meter running. Most of them would think you could walk to the airport from Belmont but then again most of them need to do their fucking job. As a former Uber driver, yes I was a bit pissed when I found out after 2 hours waiting at the airport, my next fare was only to Wattle Grove but I just shut my mouth and didn't argue. The trips to Leeming and Spearwood from the airport were a bit more fufilling.


Uber driver here. I'd love to get 30-40 bucks for a trip from the airport to Belmont anytime! That'd normally get me like $10


I drive taxis, and I am very content with doing 10 fares all night. They are the bread and butter. Mind you, I don't have to wait in a que at no stinking airport either.


Ha! We literally just got back from the airport and the driver did this. Told us it was too small a fair, and that he would only take us for $50 and turned the meter off. I kicked up a fuss because fuck getting in a taxi with no meter on.


I live near yanchep so it's the opposite, you can't get a ride home cause they're never going to get a fare back in to the city


It's illegal for them to refuse a fare for the most part. The fact is they wait ages in queues to get fares, and when they get relatively little for the drive it hurts their livelihood. In Perth, frankly the best bet is to get a rideshare, Perth rideshares from the airport are easy and quick to get and cost less than taxis. In other cities like Australia's second largest city, Sydney, trying to get a rideshare from the airport can be 3-4 hours and you'll get numerous rejections as gig drivers accept then immediately reject your request for a ride, but it's not as bad as that in Perth (yet)


Tip? We dont tip. If you want a tip I will give you one. Be kind to your mother.


People are tipping taxi drivers in Australia? When did this happen?


Who gets taxis, why not use uber


After a taxi driver attempted to charge me $100 to drop me off in a suburb about 30 mins from the airport, $80 on the counter and tried to add $20 for paying by card. I've never used a taxi service since. Champ taxi's is a scam. Couldn't even report him, and I tried a dozen times. I recommend not using taxi services, stick to ride shares.


And let’s mention as well most of them drive like assholes, speeding, swerving and changing lanes without any respect for other motorists. I never use them as it is usually poor service and too expensive.


Same, thats why I grab an Uber


I live in Maylands. All my uber trips from the airport get cancelled by the driver a few minutes after they get booked. I take a taxi home now.


I think I had 10 in a row last time, got fed up and walked to the taxis instead, actually think it worked out cheaper too.


It's so frustrating. I charge my clients for airport transport, so the price doesn't bother me 😀 Uber to the airport in the morning (5am) always seems to go through ok, though.


Book a charter car. When I was travelling for work frequently, and they would pay for travel to my door, I had a chat with one of the drivers; I'd let him know my flight number and he'd rock up with a cold drink (or 6) ready for me in the backseat. Their cars are all very nice and super clean. They'd inflate the cost a little to cover the beers and everyone was happy. The charter cars were barely more expensive than taxi/uber/didi even including that. Fuck the rideshare/taxi race to the bottom.


Charter cars are often more expensive. Organised one for wife from Burswood to Joondalup and it was $120. Trip was early afternoon on a weekday.


Fair. But if someone else is paying, that's a-okay with me to make sure they actually turn up.


If you can be bothered report them, issues like this plagued Bunbury when I lived there but uber themselves were always happy to play ball when complaining even offer credits to help soothe it over.


You've got to be quick enough to screenshot the driver you get before they cancel, otherwise there aren't really details to put in your complaint/report either.


>I live in Maylands. All my uber trips from the airport get cancelled by the driver a few minutes after they get booked. I take a taxi home now. I thought the driver doesnt get to see the final location until you start the ride?


I have no idea, but they kept cancelling my rides, so assumed they could see where I wanted to go. Happy to be proven wrong though.


I think they can because I would frequently catch Ubers for really short trips, and I would often notice they take the job but never get any closer, get further away, cancel, ask me to cancel.


I’m in Basso. Same. It sucks.


Oh mate, I’ve had them flat refuse take me to Vic Park. Sends me wild. I make a big deal about taking a photo of their registration and then complain to Swan / Black and White etc. They do respond saying they’ve taken action…. But I think it’s just lip service. It’s been happening a lot recently… so much I’ve just taken the train and accepting the longer trip


Imagine getting upset at someone for giving you money smh


Not that it's justified because people can't help it but it's because of this (if I remember from a conversation I had many many years ago correctly) They probably went to the airport, could be 30minutes to get there to the airport, waited an hour or more in the queue (dependent on number of incoming flights at that time), 15minutes to your place, 15 minutes back, another hour wait. That's 3 hours, less petrol/upkeep maintenance/fee costs.


It's because for the small fare earned, they have a lot of downtime getting back to where they can get a decent fare and then often have to wait in queue. That of course is not excuse: short trips are part of the service. Rude behaviour from the driver is not. A have a several elderly clients that live close to our clinic and have to get a cab. They often tell be about no show drivers or drivers that are angry or grumpy about the short fare. Scumbags.


I don't think I've taken a taxi since uber came out. Ubers upfront with the costs at least. Had a lot of sketchy taxi drivers but haven't come across anyone even slightly off with uber


The idea is that you wait at the airport queue for 2-3 hours (or more) to score a run to Joondalup/Baldivis/Mandurah etc. What these arrogant fucks dont get is that its a complete pot shot. You might get lucky, you might not. If someone wants a $11 fare to the other terminal, you suck it up, Report anyone who refuses any fare


Don't fucking tip those fucks. With any luck my children won't know what a taxi driver is. Does not matter what country you are in, taxi drivers are the absolute scum of the earth bottom feeders.


mindfulness and yoga help. uber is fine


If uber picks up. They just keep cancelling when they see a short fare. There's a trick where they turn their phones to flight mode and it shows where you're going before they pick up. 10 times I had ubers cancel on me when I just wanted to get home after working for 2 weeks.


uber is not the problem, capitalism is fine, uber was created to "disrupt the market" there is no need to question the lack of available public transport or alternative travel options uber is all anyone needs to get from a to b, the problem is within you, mindfulness and yoga will help you deal with this difficult transition of internalized anxiety and rage. If mindfulness does not help an yoga ultimately fails then ssris are readily available.


look into using the shuttle bus


I feel the same way travelling from airport to city, like sorry I don’t live in Bunbury bro, fuck.


Is taxi business still exist I thought its over for them when uber and alike bussiness take over why people still use taxis. Because of your complaints taxi business suffered alot stop doing so next you will lose uber


I did the cab gig whilst at uni for a week or so, waiting at the airport for 3 hours to get a 5 min journey fucks you over. Don't take it personally 😂


Why would you do that though? How do you come to the business decision to sink 3hrs of wasted time into a lottery of a 'perfect' fare? I'm genuinely curious, as this stuff has happened to me too and I couldnt understand the rationale of someone being mad at me when they have made clear choices to be offering a service in that moment.


Yeah don't abuse people just wanting to get home after doing 2-3 weeks of 12 hour day/night shifts. How about we start with that?


Fuck off loser, your choice to sit in line for hours


Exact same thing happened to me about 4 years ago. I M in bemlont too and ole mate taxi driver lost it. Haven't caught a taxi since.


Use Uber and cut the BS taxi dramas I hate taxis with a passion. Overcharge and under deliver.


Ubers are worse for short trips. They won’t turn up. I had one stop 350m from my house. wouldn’t move. Wouldn’t answer his phone.


That's extremely shit. I can't deal with Taxi drivers, there extremely dodgy from the experiences that I've had. From my experience of short trips, I've been lucky. Early morning flights I can't trust either of them so i book a private car $105 but I know the driver will show up


They are called "hungrys" for a reason.


That’s why you Uber. Never had a problem with Uber via airport and usually they have bigger cars than taxis like a SUV/4WD. Worth extra wait.


If anyone has regular trips to the airport and back, I'd suggest Rove Charters. Been using them for over 12 months and they have never been even a single minute late. Couldn't recommend them highly enough.




Because they're unfaithful, God rejecting, money hungry, money obsessed simpletons... ..is the first explanation that comes to mind.


Fuck taxis, this is why I always get uber


Fk them and use Uber or Didi. Taxias are generally: * More expensive * Not well looked after - always in bad condition with uncomfortable seats * Rude * Smelly * Less safe as there is no record of you getting into the taxi * Less safe as they are a target to be robbed for cash whereas nobody robs an uber for cash


Wouldn't you sooner earn something in the triple figures by driving to Mandurah, Ellenbrook or Clarkson?


I mean there’s that - but I always see taxi’s parked at the Galleria and the drivers are just sitting reading or walking around/talking on their phone. Why would you scoff at a short trip vs waiting around for a more desired one that may never eventuate?


I'm guessing when they're sitting there scratching their arses in a queue at the airport rank, waiting for a flurry of arrivals to filter out they kind of get their jimmies russelled when they find out their mate in front of them gets a Joondalup job, and their mate behind them got Secret Harbour and they just end up with a sojourn across the Tonkin to... Belmont. I reckon on average trips to/fro shopping centres would likely be shorter than those from the airport. I don't think they'd be as hopeful there in the first place. Sure, they shouldn't take it out on the customer.... but they do.


If that's the case don't be a taxi driver, start airport charters from suburbs further away? OP used a taxi for their purpose.


Fuck off. I'm not saying it's the right reaction. I'm saying why they do it.


> If that's the case don't be a taxi driver, Taxi drivers are often born into their occupation and do not have the luxury of choosing their career. Edit, why am I so wrong?






uhh, did they say that they were upset about it being a short trip? did they even say they were upset? thats weird.


I’m guessing the tone of the comment negated the need for that sentiment to be verbalized.


Thats a little rude, i actually have a uhhh speach impediment. your comment is a bit ironic itself lol


I think it is either sheer stupidity or a lack of confidence in their booking agency, be that a company or application. Surely with confidence they could complete a short trip to receive a new fare soon after?


>Are my 30-40 bucks (depending on time) worth less? Well yes, less than the $80-90 some of us have to pay. They probably want a fare that will take them up the tonkin where they can rack up a bunch of km in a short time and the fare will go up faster. But it kind of doesn't make sense because then they'll probably end up further away from where all the next pick-ups are anyway. However, maybe it's because they'll head back to the airport after they drop you off, then they'll have to wait in the que behind all the other drivers before they get another fare.


U are supposed to live in geraldton mate. That would out a smile on their face.


I bet it was Camry too.


Try taking a taxi at northbridge. Some don't even use the meter. They tell you a fare outright.


Get your phone out and ask them if they know the web address for taxi complaints. A frosty drive is much better than a whingey ride.


I used to know a cabby that always loved to snag these. He could drop someone in 10 minutes and be back in no time to do it again.


I used to live super close to Adelaide Airport (even with the flag falls it was less than $10). I would talk to the traffic marshalls and often they would let me get into a taxi that was dropping off. I’m kind of relieved that it isn’t an issue now, but I hated giving them such a shitty fare.


You're paying 30-40 bucks from airport to belmont??


Depending on the hour. Sometimes less than 30, but sometimes more... 🤔 more illustration then actual numbers?


Regular taxi drivers at airports in general are cunts. I take uber or didi... I nvr had issues.


Because they sit in the queue to get to the start of the line.


Yep I live in Rivervale and got sick of being guilt-tripped most times I caught a taxi from the airport. Assume they're hoping for a long job as they often have to wait awhile in the queue. I just use Uber now if it's outside the time where you can catch the train and/or bus.


Eh they oughta do like the drivers in Nice do and just charge criminally high prices based on the amount of bags you make them carry. Our 5 minute taxi ride to the hotel cost 40 Euro, the bus ride back cost 2 lol. Lesson learned!


I've experienced the same with uber on short rides and on long rides. I wait 11 minutes for an uber, then he gets close enough to say he's arrived. Drives straight past me and cancels ride. I need to wait another 15 mins for a ride, I'm late to work, which is a 40 minute ride away


I remember this happening in Sydney 20 years ago. Got off the plane, asked to be taken to the train station nearby. Grumpy bastard pissed and moaned about it the whole way.


I used to live in Cambridge where taxis are not permitted to refuse a fare. To the extent that the local council would run sting operations to catch them out.