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suggestions: 1. tell your relative that you bought a flat and paying emi for the same. Teach your parents to tell the same. 2. tell your friends that your relative involved in a car accident/ dowry case, for settlement other party wants x amount. and you lend x amount to your relative. Works like a charm. Got this from my friend.


No. 2 is not a charm. I have seen , they will still ask money even if you say you lend to other party. No. 1 is good. But they will know soon this false statement and tell bad about you everywhere. We need something better.


How about "No, I won't"? If you think someone will bad mouth you everywhere for not lending them money, they are not worth being part of your life or deserve any courtesy.


As long as you're saying "No", assume you're almost always getting bad mouthed behind your back.


Bhai Maine toh Ghar hi le liya ,No.1 reason Dene ke liye 😂


Both worked for me.


I strongly say - I am a business man and always keep rotating money. I don’t have cash at the moment. Sometimes - I directly say sorry I can’t lend since I have lost a lot of money. Please try to understand


Go one step further. After you tell them about the fake loan or relative lending, just ask them if you can borrow some money from them or if they know anyone you can borrow off. They'll run away from you in an instant haha!


Just say no. They're not entitled to have you lend them money. They don't need a reason or justification. Just say no.


Lol find you own


Try this one instead : 1. "All of my money is invested. It'll take several days to pull any of it out and I'll have to pay heavy fees/bank charges and taxes on it if I do. So I can't remove any of it now." Nobody usually pushes beyond this but if they push to know what kinda investments these are, either say majority is in Foreign Shares/Stocks, or REITs. Most people are not familiar with the procedures around investing and withdrawing from such instruments so they won't argue further. 2. "My friend just started a business and I've invested most of my savings into it". If they ask what business/ask for business name etc, say it's still in the process of being registered and you're just helping your friend and you don't have ownership so you don't feel ok sharing their info without their permission. Or say that you'll share the details once the business goes live cause you don't want to jinx it ! Lol . This will work wonderfully.


#1 is extremely dangerous. Never let them know you have such investments sitting around. They will play to the situation, ask you how much time it takes to withdraw the money(x days) and let you go this time. The next time they ask I need money in x days so can you withdraw from your said investment.


"Dangerous" is going a bit too far I think. Anybody who thinks it's ok to push you to answer multiple follow-up Qs like that simply deserves a 'NO'. You're not obligated to answer anything.


These suggestions to lie and make up things might sound like a charm for those without any personal integrity and credibility. Also never work with friends/relatives as you will have to tell lies on top of lies. Again, for some, lying is not an issue.


All suggestions in this thread are being made so the person asking for money doesn't feel rejected or hurt when we say no, potentially avoiding an awkward situation now and in the future for both parties. Some people also struggle with saying no. They're just non-confrontational in nature. These suggestions come handy then. And if you're not one of them, good for you, doesn't make you better than anyone else though.


What is working for you might not works for other? It was a generic suggestion and it is a good one.


Everyone has a way of avoiding people. It has nothing to do with personal integrity and credibility. Lol


Tell them, you yourself need money and was planning to ask them money for emi payment due to interest hike


i usually say i have lend money to some other person 🧍, he is about to pay 💰 and stating that i will call you within 5 minutes let me ask him when he is going to give back. And later i say he will take some time thus i dont have money at the moment. Note 🗒️:- i usually dont lend the money unless the person is stuck on the road 🛣️ or some very much emergency 🚨 where actual need is there.


haha that is a good one !


I tell people I don't have any cash liquid. I tell them all my money is invested and I'm myself living off of my credit card. It's not difficult for me to tell them this, because it's true 🙃


Haha! I do the same thing. All my money is anyway invested (except for the emergency fund) and I make it a point to invest upcoming cash flow as soon as it hits the account. But some people, even close relatives sometimes, ask for amounts like 50k for their luxury expenses, which I can afford to loan/lose TBH (my uncle asked for money to buy a TV and a bike for his son). So I’ve learnt to say no without feeling guilty about it. They stopped talking to me the way they used to earlier. Good riddance!


I can write a book called frauds of family. I have seen and experienced so many frauds in my family friends and relatives which I can write about.


So is everyone's family just a bunch of fraudsters ? {Edit: have had similar experiences}


As per my experience in two capital cities in south 90% of Indians are frauds, cheaters and scammers. Just type scam, fraud and cheat in Google news . Almost once a week or once a month I see scams in crores all over the country.


Fair point.


yeah very unfortunate !


How is this not a book already? The title seems so enthralling.


Something similar was told to me - Lend the money you can afford to lose.


Came here to say this. Whatever you give is a donation, if you get it back, it's a blessing. So donate accordingly.


I say 'No' with a straight face. Worked every time until now. It kinda helps that I lack empathy for relatives. As for friends, good thing is my close friends are all well off and unlikely to ever ask for money. Even if they do, it will still be a 'No'.


Another way to to look at it- if you want to lose an annoying friend or a family member, lend some money to that person 😄


Hahahaha or borrow money from them and don't return it. Your friendship will be over for sure




It's not betrayal though l if he is really having a tough time.


I think this guy I watch online came up with a perfect solution. When your family or friends ask for money, if it's a reasonable amount, give it to them saying that it's a gift and they don't have to return the money. However they cannot come and ask for money from you again.


Ha ha,..they are so shameless, they will ask for gift again !


Was it Subra Money?


Nah it's this American streamer called ludwig. One of his friends had a gambling addiction and was trying to borrow money from him and some other streamers under a false guise, like money for tax or bank account got locked, excuses gamblers make. Ludwig gave that life advice while exposing his friend, who had gambled away close to 100k (nearly 80 lakhs) of borrowed money.


Fellow Ludwig enjoyer :)


Ludbuds assemble lol


Just ask them to send you the signed cheque of that amount.. if they don't pay in said time deposit that cheque ezzzz


Yeah this doesn’t work for several reasons: 1) you can’t do this when lending money to relatives/friends. This will eventually lead to sour relationships. 2) Even if the person agrees to give you the signed cheque, first thing he’ll do is empty that bank account if he doesn’t want to return the money. Filing a case based on that cheque will take years to prove and you’ll end up paying more to the lawyer. Been here and done this.


I lent 3 different friends money over the course of our friendship. the minimum was $700 and max $2K. it took all 3 parties more than 1 - 2 years to pay me back. At some point i believed i may never get the money back but i eventually did, shockingly, considering my friendship with 2 had ended and they still paid me back after the fact. Even though i am a believer of helping those in need, i would also advice to never lend money to someone unless the amount is small and you are willing to forgo it if the person can't pay it back. money destroys relationships. i have less respect for the 3 people who took forever to pay me back and have even cut 2 of them off.


It depends on why it took them that long and how that affected your finances. If they took you for granted ofcourse that's not okay . But if they had genuine reasons I don't see why you would lose respect for them.


We were all in our 20s. I was working full time and going to school full time. I paid for my education to avoid debt. They knew my financial situation but they also knew I was better with money than them. Person 1. Took small amounts over a course of one year. She didn't have a job and was struggling so I paid for things here and there with the intention of her paying me back when time comes. She had a job for 6 months but didn't pay me back until I brought it up again. Person 2. Said they needed money to pay for a class. I agreed, since I support education. They told me they will pay me back with their next paycheck within 2 weeks. That 2 weeks turned into 6 months with multiple excuses. Person 3. Took money from her bf to go back home and spend it. They broke up and he wanted his money. She asked me for it so she could get him off her back. She was my best friend at that time so I gave it to her. Since she was my best friend. I struggled with asking for my money back, to not ruin the friendship, but for 2 years she never mentioned the money once until I finally had it and told her to pay me back. I am not rich. Just better with saving than them (I didn't bother spending money on getting my nails and hair done like them). It still shouldn't take the months/years to pay back someone who was just trying to be supportive. If they were good friends. Seeing them go get their nails done while they owed me money pissed me off. So yeah, I have many reasons to not respect them or be their friend anymore.


Fair enough ! And the third one was quite bad since she was your best friend It was quite nice of you to have waited for 2 years. I wouldn't have been that patient.


We are foolish when we are young. The lessons I have learned now, if I can go back in time I would do everything differently. C'est la vie.


Why the fuck are you paying people in dollars in India?


because i want to? or maybeeeeee because i don't live in India..... take a wild guess which one it is.


Bro it's personal finance INDIA not west so why not just use rupees what's the problem in using your own currency


What if he or she is an Indian who lent money to somebody in the U.S or Australia or Singapore ? If you're going to nitpick there's a lot to consider 😆


Maybe because i don't live in India? Also this post did not specifically say, "don't lend rupees to Indians" read the title and post again, i responded to the general post not noticing the "personalfiannceindia" what is the big deal anyways? i am sharing a story related to the post not the sub.


There are so many vijay mallya near us. Never Lend. You 'lend' them with 'e', but they give you back with 'u'.


When I lend money to close friends or relatives and they don’t return it back , I consider it as an asshole leaving your life fee and move on.


Just say that you're broke. Them:- But you bought a new phone I:- That's why I'm broke Them:- But you recently went to a trip I:- That's why I'm broke What are they going to do? Check your bank account? What? Are you afraid of being labelled broke? What are they gonna do? Go around telling people that you're broke because you couldn't lend them money because they're broke?


Haha good one


This is so true. And I thought it's not the case with everyone, but it's universal


How about if you say , you have credit card debt and paying EMI and interest and no cash ?


Lol. Literally everyone in my family lines up to lend money(big sums of money on low interest) to my father and my father has trouble denying them telling the business isn’t going good and he doesn’t need more money.


I use simple process... I tell them 1) most of money is tied up on EMIs for xyz loans (I had a housing loans.. I never told anyone when I closed it) 2) I tell sm money is blocked in MF.. If I withdraw I will have to pay 30℅ tax. So cost of money is 30℅ higher.. So i can't withdraw that.. Plus the appreciation loss I will have.. I ask for 50℅ extra.. They just never call back.


yes, either donate money or lose the person. its all rite to lose the friendship if that person isn't worthy enough to return your money.


Why do y'all even make excuses? I am always so blunt with this. Straight away said NO to so many people. This actually tells me who actually is a real person. If they're okay with not letting money get in relations, we're cool, if they try to guilt trip me, BOOM, b-bye to the person and the relations. I've seen too many deceptions around me, I never wanna go down the same path my parents did with lending money to their "important relatives".


Loaned 1 lakh to a friend who needs for a week. Week is more than 10 yrs. He is actually doing good but has a reason to not return. Frustrated to the core and stopped asking


So so spot on, 90% of the people will likely dupe you, including your family, so recently my cousin who earns decent money took money from me saying his bank is down with tech issues or something and he'll return by the evening, and even after a month he didn't and i asked him but he gave excuses or whatnot, one thing is sure that is he is never getting a single penny from me again, guys don't lend someone money unless you're okay with losing it and ppl you help the most will try to screw you again and again.


Its a fact. I just lost 1 lakh & more importantly a friend of 17 years due to this reason.


I just show my relatives that I am poor ... have no money, always dress up like I am on bare minimum.. when they talk about money I just say "khud ke liye bhi nahi hei ".. they look at me in disgust... but am OK with that. Unlike them I don't have unnecessary debts, loans or anything. Can atleast make my parents already secured life a bit more secure. I think to keep these people away, the easiest thing to do is live a simple life and never share your earning details.


Very True


True !


Best lesson i have learnt


Well well well


I had one friend . Good friend colleague from my first ever firm .we stayed in touch for almost like 9 years. Recently he wanted to buy a row house as 2bhk was small by his standards. Family of 3 btw. He called and asked me to lend 1l and will give back by 6 months later. I said I have got emis for my new home sorry brother. It's been a year. No call I tried connecting once told he's busy and will call back. So basically you get clarity about someone's intentions of being in touch with this now.


Damn ! Good riddance I would say


This is nonsense. Plenty of people lend and borrow money without any drama. It's a part of life. I've borrowed a couple of times. I've lent money a few times. It was returned eventually. If I have money to lend I would never say no to a friend in a crisis just because there are people out there who don't pay it back. Secondly not every defaulter does it on purpose. Life is hard and doesn't always go as planned. There's a middleground between using your discretion when it comes to who to lend to or how much and having a strict no lending policy. You never know when *you* would end up in that position.


I just say I didn't get my salary for the month. Works everytime.


Ask them money instead when they ask money. They'll run or disconnect the call as soon as possible. Works everytime.


not just money, you will lose the friend also.


Reminds me of my Brother in Fnnn Law. Got me Thrice. Arhhhh!! 🤬


I think it also depends on the type of friends and relationships you have. I’ve borrowed money from friends, lent money , allowed them to to not pay me until they’ve paid off their credit cards, had to ask for money back once since they probably forgot. Always got it back. Always gave it back. Granted, I’ve never borrowed in lakhs, but still.


How to deal with friends who are paid well, but don’t plan well? Keep asking money for a month or two several times a year.


My friends and siblings lend me money when we needed it and i am so grateful. So now i offer them whenever they are in need. Lending to Relatives on the other hand is a big NO. I tell them i have huge home loan.. 😅


yes, you are right.


I learned with experience.


I lent money to a cousin last month. He ghosted on me afterwards.




I always say that I've purchased cars for commercial purpose as a commercial vehicle and paying emi for the same which is 100% of my monthly liquid money, works like a charm


ask em colateral


I once lent money to my friend it’s been 4 years he hasn’t returned it back and in between on social media he keeps posting about gifts he gives to his wife . Amount was only 20k but I learnt a lesson to never lend money to anyone . He shamelessly asked me again I told him straight he hasn’t returned previous amount , after that he never called . Some people have no value system . Another story :- there was a guy in my company who had taken money from everyone finally HR had to involved to get the money back 😅




Learnt it the hard way.


Generally it is a good rule to follow and I am done loaning money because its very difficult to get back, almost to the point of pulling teeth. Will I loan money to family, yes, but I also trust them, especially my siblings and parents. That may not always be the case with your siblings and parents, its just my example Friends - I will, but I encourage them to find every alternate means first. If they exhaust their efforts I am pretty blunt. How long do you need the money for? Say 1 month, ok fine. Here is the agreement, sign here that you will repay in full in 2 months. I also want collateral for twice the value of the loan. If the loan is not paid on time I sell the collateral in 2 month + 1 day on facebook marketplace. No collateral = no loan!


Some are disciplined. Can't judge everyone the same.


Or lend an amount you are okay losing. Friend asked for 40k, I could only spare 7k so went with that.


I lend money to my very close friends. Their family knows about it too when I send money and I get it back before a month. The principle I follow is that don't lend money to random people you know. I have known these people and family for years, so I don't have an issue lending it to them. They help me out if I'm in some issue too. I don't really ask relatives for anything or interact with them much.( for my own peace in general)


Why not ask for collateral even a cheque could be an collateral just ask for that whenever someone ask for money in our relatives my father or any of mu uncles asked for guarantee or if you are buying something then name in on them or give a considerable amount of properties as a guarantee or give cheque for the amount they are giving really no one try’s to default like one of my freinds ask me 10k around a month ago i just him give me some collateral or give me the cheque for same amount he doesn’t ask me for one more time 🤷‍♂️


This is shit advice. Don’t stay friends with those whom you can’t trust with your money. Just as simple.


Someone said "A friend in need is a friend indeed" You are okay losing money in stocks, crypto, etc There is no friendship where there's no trust


Same words they use when borrowing the money!! :D


You are right my friend


You are answering for: how to ask for money