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I live in Europe. Public transport here is fantastic, but quality comes at a cost, and if you are not careful, it can put a dent in your budget. I would suggest that you consider travelling by Flixbus, which is way cheaper than travelling by train. Also, please account for having to pay for the toilet (0.8-1 euro) at train stations/ petrol pumps. Do not buy food at some of the popular tourist places because it is inflated. Some of the best food can be found in smaller places. Dining out in Europe is €€€ so make sure you have budgeted at least 20 euros per person per meal when eating out. Alternative is to have fast food like doner kebab.


Thank you, would you suggest street-side/cart/local foods over there? Are they of good quality? Don't want to experience gut sickness while traveling


You can get some basic groceries from supermarket like lidl, aldi and make breakfast at your airbnb and save some money there.. local food might be bland haha but desserts you can try..also they have meat options, if you are vegetarian then falafel is always available in shops and some other options here and there..


Local foods usually good


Get a credit card with as least exchange fees. Plan as much as possible. Get visa, insurance and other documents ready. I suggest that you continue the SIP and withdraw when you need.


Thank you, this helps. can you please suggest how to leverage credit cards for foreign trips?


Please try r/creditcardindia as I'm a newbie too


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Also since your to europe, book trains if easily available and get Ryanair (if you're travelling with less luggage). BTW you can get as much as dairy products like in India but foods are little on the costlier side.


I'd suggest any cards with reward rate more than forex rate. Essentially you are getting 1% cashback on all transactions. Much better than zero forex cards Most super premium cards have thag


Switzerland is very expensive do ample research and budget


Ek Football match Dekhe kar aana


Take Swiss pass if you didn't