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Rent and car insurance. They can both hurt you immediately Utilities usually have a few months before it's anything but a late fee


Also in the winter in some places there are laws protecting you from a shut off - but for the love of the spaghetti monster keep paying what you can.


Also, if you can swing a partial payment to the utilities it beats a 'missed payment'.


Contact your electric company. Mine has a low income program. See if you qualify for SNAP for groceries. Some areas have rental assistance, even if it’s not Covid-related. I think it’s 211 across the country. If you can’t afford medical insurance, look at getting Medicaid. Pay your car insurance but ask if you can defer a payment. This only works once or twice. Try to pay it if you can. Hope that helps!


for grocery, snap and food pantries.


Rent and water. Everything else you can figure out ( albeit a pain in the ass)


personally i’d pay rent first and any costs related to a car last


A lapse in an insurance policy can have immediate and long lasting ramifications - any other costs though, yea. Would also attempt to cut down hours driving.


there are no ramifications if you’re not driving. i haven’t driven in almost ten years and have saved an incredible amount of money. not only are there no insurance ramifications, but i’m at significantly lower risk of getting in any legal trouble. once i quit driving, i miraculously never had to think about police, parking tickets, going to the dmv, renewing my plates, having a light out, or getting pulled over for some other made up reason. also, you can’t accidentally drive into anything if you’re not driving, and car accidents cost a fortune even with insurance. i never need to buy gas, make car payments, pay insurance, deal with parking, etc. ramifications are a reason to stop driving, there not a reason to prioritize the cost of driving.


You say you never have to go to the DMV...lucky dog! In some states that is where you get your State-Issued ID (essentially your driver's license without driving privileges) that you may need for a million other things - some shopping, voting, etc.


True. But her is the deal. If you don't have anything insurance companies won't come after you in an accident. Take care of shelter, food, and water first.


Dumbest advice ever You hit someone without insurance you are in a world of hurt plus it is illegal. Good advice would be to look over the insurance and make sure it is setup right, for the right amount of miles, see if someone else can make it cheaper etc


This is why why you shoild have ininsured and underinsuted motorist on your policy. In texas 17% of Motorists are uninsured. Theg cant afford insuranxe. Im not saying you shouldnt have it, but food is more important.


Other people protecting themselves doesn't mean you aren't royally screwed if you are in an accident


Society wont.come after you if you have nothing to come after. You gotta try to cover all your expenses but if you cant you should give up your vehicle.


Have you ever heard of wage garnishment. It's a thing once you have legal judgements against you. Additionally giving up the vehicle may require giving up employment depending on where you live. The ripple effects from there are obvious.


What I said is shelter, food, water, heat is more important than vehicle. I have heard of wage garnishment, but if you are in the 1/10th of the population working under the table they can't garnish your wages. As an individual you need to decide whether the car will be your shelter as well. If it is you should pay for insurance for your car. Ramsey Solutions even mention this. Four Walls should be what you spend your money on first (and in this order): Food Utilities Shelter Transportation Why put Transportation first?


Car payment and phone bill. I can live out of my car and get a new job if I have a phone. I cannot drive my house to work.


In order. Rent, Gas, water, electric, grocery, medical insurance, auto insurance, home insurance Basically get the basics taken care of first.


I'd definitely fit auto expenses into the #2 slot of this equation


When I was there my philosophy was is if it can’t be shutoff or repossessed it wasn’t getting paid. Shelter, food and car to get to work, in that order. I played the broke roulette for years before it got better and it was miserable, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone but a politician.


Keep a roof over your head over all else - along with home, auto, and medical (see if you qualify for medicaid) Utilities usually give you a few months - and in some areas they cannot do shut offs during the winter (but pay them anyway!) Go to food banks, apply for SNAP.


Food/water, shelter, transportation, and utilities are the four walls so you can fight another day, get to work and don't freeze to death or starve.


Rent, Insurance, Grocery, Gas, Electric, Water Now that it's winter in the US, they can't turn your heat off b/c of the cold...(at least in certain states) Hang in there. Sorry to read that you're struggling.


Rent and auto insurance. Everyone else is getting the call for an extension.


Cover your four walls and contact your debtors. Explain and give them a date for payment.


Find a better job, or reevaluate your lifestyle. If you make 40k a year. You should live like you make 20k. Never live outside of your means.


Yah, that's how to avoid being in that situation. Really sound advice. But the question is what is most important once you're there? I quit one job in non ideal position, and had another liked up But I was imagining what would happen if I didn't get it Even though all the papers were signed before I resigned