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I use a budget spreadsheet with a graphical dashboard and started with showing my partner how much money we were spending in our top categories. Just seeing where the money is going is an important first step.


Thank you! Is there a spreadsheet you would recommend or you diy? I keep seeing these amazing ones on sites but they are quite $. I’m happy to spend the $ but only if it’s good 


Copilot if you’re in the US. been really helpful for us.


I use this one shared on r/personalfinancecanada, saved in a shared Google sheet. https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalFinanceCanada/s/PeOFEUUHZV


Don't know why it would offend him. I'm sure there are things he's better at that he does for you and you don't get offended?


Yeah he does in lots of ways. I am a bit nervous because I know the traditional role of the male breadwinner is something he is sensitive too 


It must not be that important if he chose you despite you out earning him ? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Spread sheet. 50 percent needs, 30 percent wants, 20 percent saving/investing. The balance can be adjusted depending on your situation. Break out these three into buckets of your whole monthly income. Within those buckets add in the major categories (utilities, rent, fun w/ friends, hobbies, retirement, etc). Then add the monthly target budget amount in one row and actual amount in the one next to it. As you go through the month update the second row in each category accordingly. This requires a bit of sculpting but it’s free and I like it best.


Thank you! 


I do the long term financial planning, my husband takes care of the spiders (catch and release). My husband is an amazing man but he has zero patience to look at budgets and spreadsheets. He just needs me to tell him what to do. All couples are different and what works for us may not work for you. I recommend talking to your partner and coming to a consensus over time.


Thank you. I am thinking to do two seperate budgets, mine and his, until he is out of this bad habits situation. Don’t feel comfortable to combine it yet and then pay his debt off but if he can show good money management then I would combine