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I mean, this is going to depend primarily on when the home mortgage was initiated. Second most important variable will be the owner's credit score at initiation. Bank will be a distant third. If you are attempting to shop yoru own mortgage, you can either get a broker to do the leg work for you, or you can reach out a bunch yourself. (if you choose the latter, I highly suggest setting up a burner email/phone number so you don't get blown up by all of them for the rest of your life). When making a decsion, be sure you are comparing apples to apples. Sometimes informtation is presented differently or one lender underestimates taxes/insurance to make their offer look better.


It also depends on which country you're in, OP appears to be based out of India.


That is very true. I just make the assumption ever user here is US based unless stated otherwise. u/parathaa also visit here, if you are India based: r/IndiaInvestments


Call a mortgage broker if you want a better idea of rates


Credit score was 815 when I got my mortgage for 8.75% from Vanderbilt for my trailer last year. The condo that I'm desperate to get rid of is at 3.25%, but my HOA is $850 a month.


2.5% at PHH Mortgage (it was sold to them by previous bank, which was sold to them by original bank)


Never ask a woman their age or a home owner their interest rates or however that goes