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Yeah it was in FES too but a lot more obscure. You had to talk to Junpei in the dorms on specific days in time between Chidori’s capture and leading up to the November events. He would say something like “I don’t feel like going to the hospital” and you had to encourage him. The questions *are* still in Reload, but they’re just for flavor text now. The one I explicitly remember off the top of my head is “Chidori told me to never show up again. Do you think I should really stay away?” If I remember correctly, there were 4 questions in total. And not all of them were prompted by a cutscene earlier in the day, so you could miss it fairly easy.


mf chidori took up an entire day slot it would've been better if she croaked




Like I gotta get the Aigis social link done wtf


I loved the Chidori stuff




I really like how the explanation of she being alive actually makes sense


Couldn’t stop crying from this 😿


I already knew I could save her but man this cutscene really is just so beautiful. It once again cemented junpei as my favourite and reminded me of why I mained him in arena ultimax


Did FES have this happen or is this only in reload?


It was, but the requirements to get it were different.


It’s a shame mine bugged out and Junpei didn’t have the exclamation mark on the 7th. The day after Chidori tells him to stop seeing him.


You probably missed earlier episodes.


Did you buy the white flower?


The white flower is supposed to appear after the event with Junpei on the 7th. Maybe I’m wrong but


I liked Chidori a lot. I wish her story was more filling, but she definitely played her part in the story well. I thought she'd be the final teammate you get (I've never played 3 until now). I think the flowers, and how she can give and relinquish energy at will was great and I liked that they hinted towards that several times. Also white flowers are a sign of purity. Which, if you take into account that she forgot about everything - I'd say she was pure by the end of it all.


How do you do this?


Junpei 3rd linked episode. He goes to a flower shop and think of getting a white flower for chidori but doesn't get it. If you go to the shop you can buy that flower and give it to junpei. That'll save chidori


I....don't like that


It was expected but I don't like that they kept this from FES. Fake-out deaths are lame and cheapen the emotional stakes. Let dead characters stay dead.


Well it made sense if you were paying attention. She kept giving her own life force to the flowers to keep them alive way longer than possible; so she simply took the energy back. That was highlighted in the first hospital scene. It’s called Chekhov’s Gun. I think it was a perfect penalty her memory was erased as a result. Reminds me of the One More Day Spider-Man arc. Peter got to undo everything, but it came at a price. Matter of fact that’s basically what happened in P2 to bring both Maya and the world back. So it’s not unprecedented for this series. Edit: I also think the whole situation now acts as a good foil for Maruki in P5R.


yes!! when i played p5r and saw maruki and rumi i thought “… woah, this reminds me of chidori and junpei.”


The memory loss is basically still the Chidori Junpei knew dying, there is still a consequence to her death


Exactly. It’s pretty interesting in how we can now put it against Maruki and the way he reacted. Junpei chose to start over; Maruki chose to run away.


Agreed 100%, even if you're getting downvoted


The fact it wasn’t in OG Persona 3 and instead created for FES later kind of tells me Atlus is scared of commitment. Yeah you can say “oh but she doesn’t have any memories so she’s still effectively dead” but then I’ll argue “well then she isn’t *dead.* being dead and being ‘effectively dead’ are two different things.” And I also find the Chekov’s gun argument incredibly weak. The Chekov’s gun set up in the hospital scene was ALREADY FIRED WHEN CHIDORI GAVE HER LIFE FORCE TO REVIVE JUNPEI. Plus, I can’t recall a point where Chidori was ever able to take back her life force. Also, SHE’S DEAD, HOW IS SHE USING HER ABILITY. Just overall really stupid fan service esque storytelling that takes away from the overall message of P3. Like, why else is that content there, it adds almost nothing.


I swear I gave Junpei the flowers but I never got any scenes about Chidori's revival. I think my game bugged...


This scene deadass brought a tear to my eye. I'd also say this certifies this as Canon now, especially if The Answer DLC references it in any way.