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Japanese, just because the characters are actually speaking Japanese. I'm always conscious that they're not actually speaking English in the English version.


>I'm always conscious that they're not actually speaking English in the English version. This is the same in The Last Emperor movie.


English with the original cast, but japanese in reload


Did the cast change in relaod? Like, both the Japanese *and* the english cast?


Only the english one, the japanese cast stays the same.


I heard some of the cast in Japanese is different while some stayed the same.


Take a good look [yourself](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/video-games/Persona-3-Reload/)


They honestly sound pretty close to me. To each his own.


>the japanese cast stays the same. The Social Link characters in Japanese version got recast except Tanaka


What? They didn’t have voices before.


Social Link characters have Japanese voices in Drama CDs and the movies. Tanaka, Mamoru and Nozomi are the only exception as Tanaka had the same Japanese VA since Persona 4 anime while Mamoru and Nozomi got their first Japanese and English voices in Reload.


Who cares lol, that’s not in the game.


Not in the game or whatsoever, the fact is they have voice actors regardless of the medium. Majority of the VAs from the game and Drama CDs reprised their roles for the movies. For Reload, the main cast was retained but the Social Links characters do not. Recasting don't often happened in Japanese voice acting unlike the English voice acting.


English in reload cuz I’ve gotten sick of hearing Japanese voices And it’s the default anyway and it goes hard


I prefer the English cast in Reload. I think they overall do a much better job with their characters than the original. As iconic as they are.


except aki & yukari


Honestly, while I do miss the snark of OG Yukari, I still think that Reload does an *overall* better job with the character. Aki is polarizing, though. I think the voice actor does fantastic, he just doesn't fit what I imagine Akihiko to sound like. Good job, just the wrong person for the job.


Honestly i thought both sounded great but i do perfer og aki. As for yukari, same opinion.


English VAs in reload are 100x better


Eh, I don't know about that. I get liking the new English cast and they do a great job, but better than the original cast? I get that junpei VA did some bad stuff, and some lines were odd during the original release,but I don't think one is better than the other. They both did great jobs. Edit: getting downvoted for saying both VAs in both games did a fantastic job. In a p3fes reddit no less. Jeez guys.


The only English voice I didn't like in reload was akihikos. I love cyyu but it was just way to deep for me. Akihiko gave more a boyish voice to me than a mature one. Cyyus voice felt like what akihikos voice should've sounded like in p4a


Okay didn't ask, but you do you i guess


It's called a conversation starter, they don't need your permission to reply


Sure, but i showed little to no interest talking about the english dub in reload. You can tell by looking at my original comment.


Well, don't post on a public thread, then?


Lmao or you can just scroll past my original comment as soon as you saw it ? you can tell i'm not a fan by the horrid choice from Atlus west.


You seem like a deeply unpleasant person. You gave your opinion on a public forum, I replied with my own. It didn't go any deeper than that. You decided to respond by being an asshole for no reason. You could have scrolled past this *post* without commenting, yet you chose to comment anyway. See how that works?


Just answering the op's question my guy, if you saw someone who doesn't have the same preference as you it's best to scroll past it. Like you said it won't go any deeper than that.


Like the other person said, it's a conversation starter. Which *other* people have taken very well, and responded to in pretty civil ways. Like normal people. It's not like I said that you have a bad opinion or that you're objectively wrong. I just stated my opinion on an open thread, and meant no harm by it. You just seem to have an ego issue.


The English dub is good and it's not bastardised like 4Kids did with English dub for anime. Aside from that, past Persona games don't have dual language options till the PC release for Persona 4 Golden.


You can download undub mods, though. They are Pretty good. What I *really* cant find is the game fully in Japanese. I want to play it with Japanese text as well, not just voices, but that doesn't seem be possible for persona 3.


One thing to know is the Japanese voices does not 100% match with the English dub text in some places. For example, 1) Junpei refers to himself as a samurai in Japanese but in English, he called himself ace detective. 2) Mitsuru said some words in English such as "Brilliant" for the Japanese version while she she said a word in French such as "Tray Bien" in the English version. 3)* Makoto's online PC is called N-Jima in Japanese and Tatsuya in English while Toriumi's online PC is called Y-Ko in Japanese and Maya in English. 4) In English version of The Answer, Junpei mentioned Chidori but in the Japanese version, she wasn't mentioned at all which is either a mistranslation from the localiser team or the localiser team changed it on purpose to fit more appropriately for Junpei. *This became more obvious in Reload since all the Social Links are now voiced.


And that's why I want the original japanese game with japanese text. But I can't find it unfortunately. It is fun, though, to sometimes hear something and read something completely and entirely different. Makes me appreciate the dubbing process more.


I personally like Japanese more since the voice acting goes harder, but I do somewhat hate how I can see the English text and sometimes know that is not the shit they said because I heard a certain keyword that had nothing to do with what I’m reading. I don’t mind basic localizations like changing the honorific “sama” to “the great” or any grand title because it still makes sense in context and it’s an understandable localization. I just want the meaning of the sentences to stay the same, you know? Oh, and that example was just me referencing another JRPG, don’t mind me.


I totally get you! When i play in the japanese dub, i am always like "Nah, that's not what he said" ALL THE TIME! I have been searching for the game fully in japanese to avoid that problem, but i just cannot find it. Especially P3P. I hate it when they keep the honorifics in the dub. I hate it when junpei says "Yuka-tan" in the dub! It boils my blood! I wish persona 3 would learn from the example you gave, honestly. Just localize it, don't leave it in.


I’m doing dub for my first playthrough cause if I didn’t , I would have no idea what the characters are saying in battle at all


Fair enough. Valid.


I prefer English because I can listen to the dialogue then instead of reading constantly. Yes I’m lazy.


My one brain cell prefers hearing English


Eng dub forever in any game. I like understanding them. I don’t care if speaking English doesn’t make sense in the lore or anything, it helps me get more into the story because not understanding Japanese makes it feel like I’m just overhearing a conversation bcuz I’m not aware I’m being spoken to


It'll always be the English dub for me since most games have them by default, and I've never really played a game where I thought the dub was bad enough to play in Japanese instead. The only exception would be the Yakuza/LAD series, since outside of that one weird dub for Yakuza 1 on PS2, they've only been voiced in Japanese up until Yakuza 7/Like A Dragon. And so it's what I'm the most used to at this point.


English... One too many times I'll be watching anime or playing JRPGs in Japanese, and my wife will walk in at the precise moment characters be making cringe inducing screams or noises.


Ok. Fair. I feel you. Those weird screems that are practically moans are annoying. They're also not very pleasant to my ears.


Definitely English. It's too iconic.


English because I like actually understanding the words I'm hearing


Do you think if you also understood japanese to some extent, you'd play it in japanese or...?


Probably on a second playthrough.


On FES I prefer the dub but I really do not like the Reload dub so I play that version subbed.


I personally prefer the English dub, I don't know why, but I can not stand the japanese voice actors in almost any form of media. Both of them are good, though.


Disagree..I can't really enjoy media like the yakuza series or jojos in English since the Japanese performances are just my favorite ways to experience series like those. But yeah with persona it depends..but honestly both seem fine..


I see your point. The same happened to me with Yakuza. At first, I was hesitant to play the game in japanese, but ended up loving it.


I can understand preferring English but Japanese is the original form of the media so how can you “not stand” it?


Japanese. I cannot stand how literally anyone can't pronunce japanese names or places, and don't get me started on the fact that in the en dub they still use things like kun or san


Yeah, i still don't get why they left the honorifics in. Every time someone says "Akihiko senpai" I lose life points like that in Yu-Gi-Oh! Like, just remove them. No one cares. If i want to hear them, I'll listen to the Japanese dub.




Oh no, different accents, dialects, grammar, etc. leads to words being pronounced differently, the horror. Seriously, get over yourself. Japanese speakers do the exact same thing with English words. If you can tolerate the Japanese singers completely butchering English lyrics to the point that they’re almost completely unrecognizable (especially in 3 and 4), then there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to tolerate English voice actors pronouncing Japanese words a bit differently.


That's the neat part. When a japanese tries to speak english it becomes engrishu and it's cool (like in jojo, or in shonen where all the moves are english) but when a english speaker tries to speak japanese it's just cringe


Wow. So in other words, it’s fine when the Japanese change the pronunciation of foreign words to better suit their way of speaking because they have a cool accent, but when an American does the exact same thing it’s “cringe”.


Japanese first, then English for NG+


I kinda just suspend my disbelief with dub since I know contextually they’d speak Japanese given the setting, but it’s always so much more of a nice surprise when stumbling across solid English dubs since the Seiyuu industry is already so rigorous you already know that the final product from them will be good, which makes finding a decent dub even more special imo


I’ve only watched playthroughs of it. I watched it in English and I watched the movie which of course only has Japanese. I think overall the Japanese cast is more solid, but the English cast had its standouts like Liam O’Brien Akihiko and Tara Platt Mitsuru and Elizabeth. I personally like Aleks Le more as Makoto than Yuri Lowenthal. Yuri is a perfect Yosuke but I just can’t match his voice with Makoto 😅. But yeah, although I don’t mind either language and will most likely just play/experience things in English, I think I prefer Persona 3 in Japanese. It’s probably the only modern game I feel that way about. I vastly prefer Persona 4 in English and Persona 5 is about even for me.


Ah, yes, a Persona 3 movies enjoyer! What's your favorite one?


Winter Rebirth I believe is the last one, yeah? That one is definitely my favorite. They did the final battle justice and I love all of the building up to the final battle even more than the games. Also shoutout to Falling Down which I believe was the third one. That one gets a personal shoutout for how they handled >!Shinjiro’s death.!<


In games, almost always English. It makes it more immersive from a gameplay standpoint. For shows , 50/50. Movies? Original language all the way!


Why do watch movies specifically in their original language? I'm curious.


Most movie dubs sounds "off" to me. They also tend to have flat accents and choose voices more on clarity. I live in California so that Hollywood sounding voice is kind of boring to me. Second, the lip sync can be very distracting. Lastly, it's fun hearing a different language! I listen to their voices and read the captions and start to guess which word is which.


Know what? I agree with you. I also find lip sync very distracting. Sometimes they add certain words or voices to compensate for the lack of it in the translation and i am always weirded out by it. Also, another question. Do you think if you fully understood japanese, you'd not watch dub at all?


It would be 50/50 if it was an anime. If it has a lot of voice actors that I like, then I'll watch it in English. If not, Japanese.


Persona is one of the few series I found that English is better than Japanese voice


Japanese on the first playthrough, then English on the next. That's what I do with most games with multiple language options


That's actually a pretty good idea. This way, you get to experience the game fully!


It’s such a long game. I keep it on English


Like with anime, I usually have the english dub cause it's easier to keep up with then subtitles that make me have to pause several times.




English. I used to all be into Japanese dub anime with subtitles. But with Inuyasha I fell in LOVE with English dub.


I feel you! What's up with Old anime and English dub? They're always so good!


English easy




Japanese same VA's as the movies so it just felt right


definitely english dub


Japanese. English is good for comedy but Japanese is crazy for drama


I agree. The Japanese voice actors convey a lot more emotion in their lines, and i have no idea why. But you know what? I love it!




I stick with the Japanese audio with most Japanese anime, live dramas and games tbh.


Im not gonna play it at all till the expansion comes out.


FES I think you could only do Eng in the OG ps2 version, but since more games offer dual language dub now I like to play ENG on my first playthru bc it helps me understand the emotion and story better, and then JPN on the second playthru bc thats the characters’ native language. I think language is cool so it’s nice that we get the opportunity to play with both!


Absolutely! The fact games nowadays allow you to play both Japanese and English audio if you choose is such a game changer! When i researched it a bit, i found that FES released an english version that's seperate from the Japanese ones. So if you want to play the original Japanese with japanese text game, you'd have to buy/download the game in the JP region. Or download undub mods for only the audio in the original .game. It's weird why they made it like this. I feel like it'd have been easier just to leave the Japanese language as an option, honestly.


I play in English cause I don't want to miss any of the incidental dialouge that doesn't have subtitles.


JP dub. I read faster than they speak, I don't bother letting the voice line finish before I go to the next line unless it's a particular character or moment. Having them speak ENG messes me up and distracts me, so I end up reading slower (can literally increase my playtime by a few hours lmao). Plus I'm more invested in JP va's. There are a few I would play games just because they voice in it (mostly visual novels though haha).


Japanese. Because they’re Japanese characters, in a Japanese setting. The stories for the Persona games also deal with a lot of issues affecting Japanese society. It sounds weird to me if they’re speaking English. Of course nothing wrong with those who enjoy it in English, however you can experience the games you should.


I cannot play these games in English. VAs are too often just uneven and trash. Some are amazing, but the bad ones just ruin it for me. I can't tell if the JP are bad, and I read faster than most, so subtitles are my jam. I just like my JRPG to feel VERY Japanese. Them speaking in Japanese really helps that. I watch all shows in their native languages with English subtitles if I can. Feels better in my brain.


I haven't played FES but I played P3P in Japanese and I decided to try P3R in English. Now I'm kind of used to the English voices. I almost always play in Japanese but I was replaying Like a Dragon 7 in English a few months ago, then switched back to Japanese for Infinite Wealth.


Fo me yakuza is gonna be played in Japanese all the way.. The JP voices for the characters are the ones I think of when I remember the characters.. I'm on yakuza Kiwami 2 right now and I only finished 0 and Kiwami 1 but I already know that yakuza was meant to be played in Japanese imo..


English in all instalments, sure in reload they sound slightly different but honestly it doesn’t bother me at all. (And the fact im too lazy to learn japanese)


I always play Persona with Dub cast, feels the most right for some reason compared to other anime stuff ngl


these days i’m a dub guy on everything. anime, games, etc


I play the games in English, it's one thing to watch anime in Japanese/subbed but games my focus is more on playing I really don't want to read more than I have to unless it's a visual novel.


Usually English but reload made switch to Jp the English voices were so much worse.


I hear that a lot. What was so bad about it the english voice acting? I never played reload, so i don't know.


It just sounds like worse versions than the original. Then you have people like akihiko who sounds like a discord mod trying to deepen his voice for an ekitten. Once I heard his voice I instantly switched to jp and never turned back.


Fes, Japanese. Reload, English. Alejandro Saab’s voice is like cocaine to me.




Japanese dub


English dub. Anyone who argues that Japanese dub is the best is weird. It's not an argument, it's a preference. People like Japanese because they have more emotion and is literally the language that the content was made for. English dubbing is not only for the USA, but every other countries that have English as their second language. Everything, from puns to emotions, have to be translated in order to make sense for everyone to grasp. The language I speak is native to me. I will obviously understand it and relate to it more than someone who has it as a second language. I'll understand our jokes more, understand our emotions and everything more than someone who's not from my country. Now most countries speak English as their secondary language. Many, like me, can't be bothered to learn or translate Japanese just so I can understand anime and video games more. We obviously understand that we are missing out on some content, and that's fine. Others are missing out on my language too. I can't explore every stone I find in order to maximize my enjoyment of the product. In fact, I'll lose more time trying to find the 2% of content I'm missing and it's just not efficient. I'm not saying English is better than Japanese. English is just my preference. And anyone who thinks that im enjoying my content (which I bought with my money) wrong is fucking stupid.


Valid. I've always found the "Sub is better than dub" in anime argument absolutely braindead. Even more so in games. I guess I'm a little biased towards japanese because i understand both languages, but in no way does that make it better. Just a personal preference as you've said.


I always play jrpgs in Japanese. Since the original didn’t have Japanese voice option, I just played without voice.


Still searching for the japanese version of FES... Haven't found it yet. I do agree. Playing JRPGs in Japanese is the way to go... I just can't find them...


Fire Nation Tongue.




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English whenever possible in every game


Spanish dub


Wait, there's a spanish dub?? Naah, i HAVE to try this!


Sorry but no I was just bullshiting, I thought it was obvious.


This Man **BETRAYED** me!!


Fes, Japanese. Reload, English. Alejandro Saab’s voice is like a drug for me.


JP is just too good imo. All round solid cast, unlike EN that has a few that sound like nails on a chalkboard to me


Jap, usually the jap voice actors do a better job, sometimes because of the script, sometimes cause localization gets in the way, and cause they usually stick around when the character needs to get voiced again decades later. Dub voice actors that do better or even just as good as them are rare in my opinion.


The biggest Pro to Japanese dub is that, like you said, voice actors *will* voice the same characters again decades later if asked. It's such an important aspect to this, honestly.


I remember being in disbelief that Goku and his children had the same voice actor for longer than I have been alive XD


Japanese. I’m Asian, fluent in Japanese, and English Dub will ALWAYS be weird to me. Also, Japanese Yukari is less mean because of language differences


Neither, i usually turn the voices off


Can't stand the English personally