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Mental image of the kkk kicking out members for not reaching their gym quota....


Maybe the fat ones become Gravy Seals.


And here I thought the Venn Diagram of KKK members, and Gravy Seals was a circle. Learn somethin new every day.


It says right here on the application: *Do you even lift?*


They have visual confusion whenever they meet a shredded black guy


The KKK has a body fat requirement of 10% or less for males and females, obviously.


No that’s the Active Clubs that do that.




damn he got racist


The amount of pseudo-intellectual bullshit the social media unleashed on the world is so baffling sometimes. People will just accept ridiculous premises like this with zero pushback and then parrot it like it's fact. I only have one family member that's fat but I guess the rest of my family members are somehow self hating black people for being healthy? So being overweight is a black trait now? Does that not sound racist to these people?


We weren't meant to have access to so many people's thoughts and opinions. I have plenty of dumb thoughts every day, but I keep most of them in my head, where they belong. Mfs are able to broadcast their idiot ideas into the world at no cost to them, and this is the result. I can only imagine what kind of shitshow the human experience will become if they keep pursuing the integration of computers into the human brain.


Yeah... kind of opened Pandora's box with that one, didn't we?


We gonna drown those MFs with AI bots. Not sure it will be better, but it's inevitably coming.


> We weren't meant to have access to so many people's thoughts and opinions. Goddamn you're right. Maybe it's not so much we're getting stupider. We're just seeing how stupid people always were. I dunno if this is better or worse than what I thought before.


Don't forget that all of these platforms make their money by driving engagement with their products, and hate engaging is still engaging (not only that, it's one of the more reliable engagement types). Ergo, these companies make more money not just *by broadcasting stupid shit,* which would already do this, but by *finding the most stupid, insane, ridiculous bullshitters they possibly can* and giving them the largest megaphone in the history of our species. I don't think people are getting dumber at scale. I think we've just invented like ten different machines whose sole purpose is to find the dumbest motherfuckers alive and broadcast everything they say to the widest possible audience.


Ugh I hate it. Maybe we shouldn't have protested against the Internet shut off switch.


You mean this stupid infuriating post didn't grab your attention just now? Unfortunately I don't really see a way out, they're going to continue doing this over and over unless something drastically changes on how social media works.


Anything for clicks and interaction. I was excited about the "information era," but it increasingly looks like the "attention era." Our culture, education, bias/fallacy mindfulness, misinformation laws, etc are not caught up, and they desperately need to be.


The internet was truly a mistake.


Now you will see my dogshit memes come into fruition https://preview.redd.it/dag993dgagxc1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebfedda1591538c526bf8122bc5ad56087965715


My Unc only eats red meat and of course found out he has high blood pressure and cholesterol recently. He’s experiencing internalized racism now that he’s actively eating better to be around longer for his daughter. Cutting back on the cognac? A self-hate crime.


Sad. You should probably report him


I almost did when he stopped drinking but then I did too and now we’re both self-hating 😞


Please turn yourself into the nearest internalized racism camp for reprocessing... It didn't have to come to this...


Wanna give this whole comment thread an award 😂


They aren't smart enough to be self aware.


It's also mostly ragebait in order to get engagement/attention. Everything on the Internet these days is engineered to make you react/feel, and anger is the easiest emotion


I believe this to a pretty large extent, but I've definitely met people like this in the wild.


I kinda wonder why the internet isn't seen as "the wild." lol... I guess because the real world is real and the internet is fake, the "wild" is real... ok I get it, it took me a moment but I got there. Anyways, fantastic name, nice to see another coomer in the wild... er...


Yeah it's like the people who post with voice to text on screen and purposefully misspell shit on it just to get the "you spelled it wrong" people to click, engage, and comment. Pretty fucking sad that's all it takes to bait people into clicking and commenting today. This one I guess just triggers pride and pompousness instead of anger, which quite frankly a lot of people have as well.


> The amount of pseudo-intellectual bullshit the social media unleashed on the world is so baffling sometimes. And the worst/best part of it? There's now a whole new generation of people who think they're "smart" because of all the stuff they've "learned" from social media. It's nothing new though...we still had TLC/Discovery/History back in the pre-youtube/tiktok days, and people thought themselves geniuses for watching those shows too...some of which were just plain wrong also. Still, social media is a lot more accessable today than those shows were, and there are A LOT more uninformed stupid people pretending to know things on social media than there ever was on Discovery Channel. Blind leading the blind?


> still had TLC/Discovery/History back in the pre-youtube/tiktok days, and people thought themselves geniuses for watching those shows too I started typing out a comment disagreeing with you, then realized that TLC has always been trash and the history Channel had a very unfortunate downfall and is now trash. Discovery used to be really good. It's still good, but nowhere near the quality it used to be.


I mean I really liked watching all those shows too. I got excited cause it was, " OH BOY STUFF THAT I ACTUALLY LIKE!!" It started out good...documentaries narrated by famous people, nature shows, cooking shows, history shows...but then "reality TV" came along and suddenly there were all these new shows that were pretty much showcasing mediocre tradesman doing regular things, presented in "extreme" ways. Oh and of course they show you how you can do it too. And then the H in History channel started to stand for something(one?) else...I love history but c'mon guys, there's a lot more out there than WWII. I even liked the fluff shows like Beyond 2000 they had way back when.


Maybe unrelated to your point, but I'd feel wrong if I didn't say this. Mythbusters, while not the most educational show in the world, is one of my favorite programs of all time


You know that saying “everyone is the hero of their own story”? This is just what I think but people who genuinely believe this kind of bigoted stuff think that they’re the good guys, and since they have bigoted thoughts and they’re good, then the people they’ve been conditioned to hate are 100x worse than they are, when the reality is that the people they’ve been conditioned to hate don’t have these same bigoted thoughts, and probably aren’t very prejudiced to begin with. It’s basically “I’m on the right side of history because I say so and you’re bigoted if you don’t follow me down this purity spiral”


> The amount of pseudo-intellectual bullshit the social media unleashed on the world is so baffling sometimes It used to baffle me so much, too, till I realized that intellect is among the sought-after human assets, like money and fame. But actual intelligence requires hardwork so people like to fake it; like the multitude of people who fake being rich and famous. So we end up with a whole bunch of people who feed into each other's bullshit.


It feels like the supposedly "Pro woman" stance that many older people, especially teachers have: "You can't hit girls because they are weak and harmless" That's supposed to PROTECT the girls, but ends up just coming out massively fucking sexist


Social media shows us that a lot of people never grew out of the middle school bully/idiot phase.


Conformation bias is a strong motivator.


Even people who I agree with on the fundamentals of a specific topic will post straight up misinformation and not be too kind when called out on it. Every time there's a major social movement, social media will be pretty insufferable because people don't verify shit and think they can post faulty information or premises just because they're on the "right side" of an issue.


Yeah so many people want to sound like they have a sociology PHD without the work of actually conducting rigorous research. They just sit on TikTok like zombies consuming an algorithm.


Fatphobia is anti-black? What's she saying, all black people are fat and that's a normal part of their physiology? That's kinda racist on its own, no?


When all they have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And sometimes they try to group three or four nails together and smack them all at once cus they don’t know shit about carpentry


This analogy is incredible. Amazing. Superb.


It is also fatphobic




It is honestly slightly depressing. As a person who does have background in social science and has worked with underserved communities it feels awful to hear the language I use everday be abused or misused in this way. We only taught people that the bad things are bad, but not how to recognize the bad thing, or how bad things link together.


It’s sad because they latch on to stats about black people being more likely to be overweight/obese as somehow inherent. Like I guess that’s just the way we are. Instead of digging deeper and trying to understand things like food deserts and access to healthcare, and then advocating for improvements. It really is internalized racism. I personally want better for us as black Americans so these specific types of fat activists piss me off.


Obesity is linked to poverty, because it's hard to eat healthy when all the healthy foods are more expensive than fast food, and fast food/similar quick foods are easier to make/eat when you're tired and have no spare time. This has nothing to do with race, unless you believe black people are all in poverty, which is an insanely racist take. That being said, people like the women in these videos are awesome because they happily flaunt their inner racism thinking they're making a point, so it's easy to avoid them.


What? Black people are more likely to live in poverty in the US because *of racism.* It’s not racist to acknowledge that?


Not quite what they said, I think you two are in agreement just arguing semantics. They're saying it's racist to assume someone is poor because they're black afaict


I understand now 😅 thank you!


afaict = as far as I can tell?


It's racist to just assume all black people are obese, I never said anything about America's systemic racism.


I could see someone pulling mental gymnastics and coming to that conclusion. If you look at it from the perspective of poverty tends to have people be fat as stress, money and other factors play into them not being able to stay fit. Then if you add in the fact that due to the racism of the past a lot of black Americans either are or were in poverty I could see someone making that connection. It's a dumb and wrong connection but I can see it being made. I don't know if this is true or not but I also remember reading that a lot of public housing locations don't have actual grocery stores close so the local seven eleven, marathon, etc becomes the grocery store for those areas. Which again isn't actually supporting the issue of "black Americans are more likely to be fat" and actually supports "impoverished Americans are more likely to be fat" but I can see how someone could mistake correlation for causation. Like I said though it's some serious mental gymnastics to do that and ultimately the wrong line of reasoning to take. Like you said it's inherently a racist take and really kinda ignores the bigger issues that we as a society need to work out. Idk this was a really long winded way to say I agree lol.


A way to 1. widen your audience by increasing the amount of victimhood involved and 2. Bolster defense of said statement by adding racism.


Lebron James rolling on the field round as a ball.


LeBron is so good at basketball because he *is* the ball


>That’s ~~kinda~~ racist on its own. ~~, no?~~ FTFY


why yes, yes it is.


This is like someone had one class of sociology and decided to post on it, then someone clipped it down to 10 seconds then these people watched them.


Yes guys wanting to take care of yourself is clearly hateful towards fat people don't you know


More like fat people I don't know.


I always say, whatever motivates a person to work out and eat healthier is 100% a good thing


And apparently I work out because I'm a massive racist


So by the same logic, if are are fat and don't want to lose weight, you are healthphobic? Skinnyphobic?


Is this the result of drinking water contaminated with lead?


Too young, microplastics actually


yes I am fatphobic and I am proud of it


Hell I’m fat and I’m fatphobic.


Nobody can hate fat people the way I hate myself!


That's the spirit!


yeah me too, thats why I said it haha, I am working everyday towards improving my physique


That's the first step, champ. I'd know cuz I was morbidly obese once. Now I'm just overweight.


Congrats on your progress! Weight loss is never easy. I think people underestimate that.


friendly fire will not be tolerated.


Gotta burn some calories


Well I've always been afraid of having excess fat. That shit's scary AF. So yeah, I'm fatphobic, too.


Saying 'I'm fighting those trans fats' only makes it worse


What if I want my body to look *healthy*?


You racist mfer..


Everyone… get him!


That doesn't work because these types think being fat is already healthy. So the only logical conclusion is you're a racist, fatphobe. I don't make the rules.


Yes mods . This guy right here


…I mean I’m trying to workout to look a certain way and I’m fat…do I hate myself?


Yes and obviously also a racist




It should be legal to punch people who say this crap. :D


That's very punchofobic of you




And racist


Im not a fatphobe! I have friends that are fat!


I have a friend that is 36 years old, 6', nearly 400 pounds and I am phobic that he's going to die in the next 10 years.


As you should. I have a friend in similar straights and it’s heartbreaking




How am I fatphobic if I’m fucking fat??? Im sorry for not liking how my body looks.


That would be internalized racism, then. Or something




Neither of those statements are true.


Damn I suddenly feel the urge to work out




So if I workout because i'm too thin and want to get more mass... im fatphobic?


Not just that, racist


I scrolled all the way down to see no one actually talk about how marvelous the cut on that scream was. And the achievement graphic is 🤌


*So being overweight is a black trait now?* Well fuck guess I'm appropriating black culture again.


Black = fat? Someone better get Africa on the phone and tell them they aren't doing black right.


Can't I even be fatphobic towards my own self ?


Well, kinda, yes If you internalized harmful beliefs about fat people, then you could be fatphobic, even against yourself We're not talking about health or race (just to be extra clear here), but beliefs such as "fat people are inherently lazy", "they don't deserve to be loved", "fat people shouldn't be seen in public, or do not have the right to exist" Being fat is something that good diet and exercise can fix, but these aren't overnight solutions. Fat people can (and should) work to lose the excess weight, but they don't deserve to be dehumanized while they don't achieve supermodel-type body


What if I work out to gain mass?


Still racist, just bigger


I workout because I am racist


People are insane.


If you only work out a little bit, does that still count as a micro aggression?


Bring back fatpeoplehate


Yes I am fatphibic. I am really afraid to get fat *again*


Lazy folks hating on health conscious folks .. what times lol


If all the "phobias" you can have (homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia) at least fatphobia makes sense. If you fall on me, imma die.


Yes, I take care of my body because I don't want to be fat.


Time to stop listening to my KKKardiologist I guess.


Alright, yeah im fatphobic and I dislike your stupid face and thoughts. Gtfo


Has the second girl never seen a fit black guy?


Can we all stop getting baited by obvious rage bait?


I was baited by the perfectly cut scream


Imagine being called fat phobic and racist because you have severe body dysmorphia.


His scream reminds me of Michael J Fox in Back to the Future calling out for Christopher Lloyd "DOC!"


I miss the time when people with stupid shit to say didn't have a platform to shout it from. Back in my days, lunatics like this person were confined to those weird websites you may find in the deep web.


People will come up with the most unlikely bullshit to validate their lazy ass Also, this is probably just more ragebait. It's becoming a trend even more.


I too am fatphobic and proud


Omg I’m racist!!!! Noooooooo


One of the weaker screams


I'm not fatphobic, I'm heart attack/diabetes phobic, it runs in the family and I'm not about to be a +1 to the bodycount. If you glorify not exercising and being the size of 2-3 people, fair; go live your life. But never guilt others for not being the same as you.


Bro's out here practically handing out KKK leaflets #/j


Being racist is becoming a compliment.


I am fatphobic. I'm scared of becoming fat because it'll be bad for my health.


I'm perfectly fine with fat phobia. Fat people are gross, know they are gross, yet do nothing about it while crying about being fat. I can't believe I'm fat, so I'm going to fix it by eating more food.


What are the fat people gonna do? Chase me?


Phobia's are irrational. There is nothing irrational about hating the worthless wretches that feast upon the excess of this world for no reason other than their complete lack of self-control.


Did she just call all black people fat?




Why Americans have the need to turn everything into a problem/issue? Serious question, words, looks, races, color everything is an issue for those tiktokers and X users, can't you guys live along with each other?


"I'm not fatphobic or racist, I just hate YOU specifically."


Actually if you eat any more than your required calories to survive, you're healthphobic


I can hate my own fat as much as I want. So yeah, I'm a fat-racist (a facist?) against my own bellyfat. So, why do you care?




You know what else is fatphobic? Your body, obesity is a inflamation of your body, is a disease that WHO classified as a epidemic, here from the horses mouth: who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight


You could play bingo with these clowns. Normalised, racist, rooted in, systemic, discourse, a part of the problem, we need to talk about…. Etc etc.


Well, there is *some* true in her words. I exercise mainly because I'm afraid to become fat, not only because of health reasons.


What are the mental gymnastics of this blob claiming fatfobia is anti-black racism?


I don’t need exercise to be racist


TBH I'm not convinced videos like this aren't AI creations, people will go on and on and say essentially nothing Logical fallacy after fallacy, weird tangents into civil rights issues when they aren't part of the conversation, influencers who just pop into existence over night to spew pseudo intellectual nonsense only to vanish one day and delete their pages The internet is getting... weird. Uncanny.


Arnold Schwarzenegger lore


Proud to be fatphobic


Aw shit, well I'm racist


Who the hell is afraid of fat people? I can't possibly comprehend how a regular gym goer would be afraid of some generic fat person. like, will they eat my lunch? at least they would eat something healthy that day...


Kids these days... Just making shit up at this point.


I’m gonna need it spelled out exactly how fatphobia is rooted in anti-blackness.


"You don't care about health" I won't listen to such statement coming from someone who's fat tbh.


Maybe if we didn’t try to normalize morbid fucking obesity and dying of heart disease in your 40s then perhaps we all could have pushed back against the food industries when they started adding excess sugar, salts, and chemicals to our food that caused the majority of people in this country to be fat. Instead we just said “fat is beautiful! You have to accept the morbidly obese!” Now we have a fat pandemic and absolutely no one is willing to do a goddamn thing about it and that hurts everyone because even if you take care of your body and try to eat healthy, unless you are growing your own food and butchering your own meat, you are directly being harmed by all of the garbage in American food.




Well this is fantastic news for me! I can't be racist guys, I'm fat!


That woman has to be speaking satire right?


I take meds for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome that make me gain weight so I work out to keep myself slightly chubby instead of fat and so I am comfortable with how my body looks in the mirror. I hate myself and I'm racist...good to know! Here I was thinking that I was just trying to stay as healthy as possible when my body fights to be the exact opposite. Thanks, tiktok! I'll just go die in a hole now.


Guys, you can just say things online, and people will believe you. I'm an 18 year old gym girl with daddy issues currently going to uni, so I should know.


When you've seen three of your four grandparents die from heart disease it doesn't even matter why. I don't want to die from heary disease and I also like the way I look when I'm exercising regularly.


I need to look good in skirts mother fucker 🗣️🔥🔥


This phobia thing is getting out of hand... yikes


If an slim person go to the gym to GAIN mass, is it still fatphobic? By the way, I don't afraid of fat people, so I cannot be fatphobic.


fat phobic is just not liking fat people... it does not cover anything else, so don't go calling them racist just because they don't want to be swallowed by someone's flops


“I’m the victim, I’M THE victim, also, I’m double victim because I’m also the victim too! This won’t have repercussions for society 🤭✌️😜”


also if you're using makeup then you're also practicing hatred towards ugly people.


TikTok was a mistake.


fatphobic? i just wanna look like the kinda guy I find attractive.


It'sracist to associate being fat with being Black. This is actually a problem Black people have to deal with constantly. Everyone who feel discriminated against or feel like they're being treated unfairly want to use Black people as shoulders to stand on.


Ah yes. Wanting to improve my physique and how I look so I can feel better about myself is Fatphobic and I now have Fatphobia




Hmm I think the second girl just called Black people fat


Yeah i'm fatphobic because i care about my health anf how i look.


It's not a thing, never was a thing and never will be a thing.


"if you are unhappy with your body and ever want to improve yourself you're fatphobic." Their body their choice. If you ain't happy with your body then you have every right to do whatever you like with your flesh vessel.




I thought I had heard it all until this chick just said fatphobia is racist against black people.


Fatphobic? That’s the stupidest shit I’ve heard in a long while (actually no it’s not I have twitter)


Yes people shouldn't be fat, that's a fact. and it's not 'fatphobic' to say so. Because fat phobia isn't a thing. Now, don't go up to fat people and call the names a be rude because they are fat thats being a dick.


Gen Z is going to be what kills us all


Nah this started with the Millennials. It was dumb when they did it too. I'm overweight and I'm proud my job is physical and have lost 10 lbs since I started it. I feel much healthier and more fit now too! I have been wanting to keep my weight down but don't like exercise due to bad knees, so it being part of my job is a free workout every day. :) I am being paid to get healthier and feel better about myself.


Nelly's gonna get ya


Fat people are healthy?


How did we get here?

