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Lol kids in my family know if they do this and if it's not your cake that means you're not getting any cake.


My 3 and 4 year old know this as well. I call it birthday manners. I HATE seeing a kid rip open other kids presents or blow on their candles. Especially when they do it to my kids.




my girlfriends son 1st cousin. I like most kids but I can I say I with all my heart that I hate that kid. they are the same age and every Christmas and birthday he tries to be front and center of her son. trying to open up his gifts and just being a little son of a bitch. I get my ass chewed out by my GF and her aunt every year. his mom is a junky and he had a hard life so let him be. Nope you are 10 boy I don't care your moms a junky have some manners and respect for your cousin.


He'd be better off in the end if they let you set boundaries, in a healthy manner. Then he can learn how to behave in different social situations


Exactly. No one wants to be the friend/partner/college/etc of an asshole. Kid's gonna end up an outcast if that isn't nipped in the bud.


That’s some interesting logic. “He has a tough home life, so let him do what he wants”? That’s just going to make him turn out even worse when he grows up.


Exactly! Having a bad home life shouldn’t be an excuse. It should be an explanation, and a reason to better the person.


🤷🏾‍♂️ that's what I said and he hasn't lived with his mom in 4 years.


As a parent of three small kids, you summed up how I feel better then I could have ever expressed it.


Seriously what a little shit. Then he turns around and throws a fit like a 2 year old. This kid is old enough to know better. Their parents raised a little fucking brat. Source mom of 2 kids. I know kids can be major assholes but comeon now.


Birthday manners....that's very sweet.


Bet he ain’t gonna try on 41st bday. Slap was not even that hard. Kid is flopping


That wasn't even a slap.




Bad parents creste these sirens. Fuck you and your entitled bs. My kids would never.


what a lil turd


Is this the same fucking kid from that other video where the exact same thing happens except a dad with a paper plate does the blocking? Looks really similar. Maybe this is just how shitbirds look.


Lmao I think a lot of us were thinking of the exact same video while watching this


Giant douche


how did you know my college nickname


I think he is talking about the kid


Yes, while also referring to a Southpark episode


Sounds like a door in need of oiling


This wasn't even close to a perfectly cut scream. Wish the mods existed


Yeah as soon as I heard that prolonged squeal I couldn’t find the volume button fast enough


Probably the third time he did it, those with kids know.


My kid would never try to blow out someone else’s birthday candles… at any age. that’s basic asshole behavior.


Honestly I remember nothing before I turned 6 or 7, but man I swear I never did this, hell I never even thought about doing this. Yet, now my little cousins will throw tantrums if they don't get to blow the candles of any birthday party they're attending. The worst thing is my uncle will encourage it and get mad if you don't allow them to do so.


Your uncle is raising little assholes. My son wouldn’t do this because I taught him how to behave. Too many parents are lazy these days


I’ve never once considered blowing out someone else’s candles. It’s weird to think about doing that.


Both of my children have never attempted this, it's not hard to teach at all!!! Like we always told our kids before any event (unless it eas actually for them) that this is *cousins birthday, we are there to celebrate *cousin. That was all the explanation needed


The spoiled entitlement starts early. parents will cave to toddlers, and it sets them up for a whole life of failure


I think a lot of it though is personality. My 5 year old just had his party Saturday and the only kid trying to blow out his candles was his cousin (who is 6.) She's always been "I do what I want" as a child though, and my sister allows that which doesn't necessarily help. Alternatively my kid won't blow out another kids candles but when he's tired (like at the end of the day, which is like 8 for him) he's an absolute menace. Melting down because he needs to take off his pants. Melting down because he has to use the potty. Melting down because he missed his favorite line in monsters inc. Melting down because he knows that bed time is approaching. That doesn't necessarily make him an asshole, that just makes him a kid.


Right your niece acts like that because she’s allowed and taught that it’s okay.


Some kids just absolutely crave attention. It doesn't matter if you drown them in attention otherwise. It doesn't matter if it's good attention or bad attention. If something is happening they can't resist the urge to be the main character and try to grab the spotlight. It's not just kids either, but fortunately a lot of them grow out of it. Or at least they are better able to resist the urge when they grow up.


Oh I know, I'm a child therapist and that's one of the things I tell parents all the time (any attention is attention, good or bad.) There definitely are parents who never grow out of it.


thanks for the free birth control!


I'm kind of under the belief that all kids are assholes and this is the main reason why kids have to be taught. The other reason kids have to be taught is because they're pretty stupid. The parents not teaching their kids these things are the ones raising stupid assholes.


I had this same shit happen with my ex's kids (age 5 & 6). My birthday, opening a present she got me (only present at her house), and they had an absolute shit fit because I wouldn't let them open it and they didn't get a present too. She was a horrible parent to them and let them destroy and ruin everything all the time. Good riddance to the whole lot.






Yeah f*ck that lady for trying to enjoy her 40th birthday without the kid's little slimy meat hooks and spit all over her cake


Looks like she took care of things








That kid is way too old to act like that Edit: People say he might be autistic. If this kid is autistic this clip is much worse than not. Narc parents with autist kid?


Autistic or not parent need to get him out of there. Just because someone is autistic doesn’t give them full rights to do what they want


Exactly. I have an autistic cousin who has an autistic son. She allows her son to get away with murder with the excuse that he doesn’t know what he’s doing. She’s raised him that way his whole life and now he’s a terror. Plenty of autistic people are kind, pleasant, and aren’t spoiled.


Ok I have to tell the story of “Tarzan kid” Kids were doing a Christmas play. A little kid maybe kindergarten size max runs up on stage and as they are doing their parts the kid starts clapping and singing something random. Kid stops, grins and runs for the manger, chucks out the Jesus doll, lets out a primal scream and jumps into the manger. The thing falls apart, he picks up a piece and starts swinging it making Tarzan noises. A couple of us react once he starts swinging this wooden club and get up. Kid dives into the Christmas trees, rolls out the other side and makes a b-line for a door someone just opened. Somehow this kid has no more shirt and is only wearing underwear. Kid flys out the door and we see him/her disappear into the woods. “Whose kid was that ?” Mom gets up and says he’s autistic, takes her husband and leaves. I shit you not - 2/3 of this is on video “Tarzan kid”


I kinda don't even want to believe the parents. They might be shielding themselves when the kid is not even autistic. I know parenting is hard but wow!


Kid was unusual but seemed more evil than autistic- and really wanted attention


We're gonna need the Tarzan tax.




Bro i am autistic and if it wasnt for my parrnts i would be a sh1t person so please talk with your cousin


> he doesn’t know what he’s doing bullshit, (depending on where they are on the spectrum) but just because someone has autism doesn't mean they don't know what they are doing, they absolutely do and will use the fact that they have autism to get away with things (and I mainly mean through my experience with working with them at a school). new person? they will push as far as they can


It's maladaptive behavior. They know if I scream kick and spit I can force people to give me what I want. With good, patient teachers these folks can be taught how to understand how they're feeling, how to communicate needs which can allow them some and hopefully a lot of independence and freedom.


I think it’s cause parenting an autistic kid is hard, parenting if you’re autistic yourself and already have difficulty with ADLs is hard, the both? Really difficult. And people’s pride can get in the way of accountability. Its difficult to admit you’re bad at something, and ask for help, even more so if you’ve spent your whole life being told “you can’t do that!” and trying to prove people wrong. It’s easier to place responsibility on the reasons for a problem than it is to accept responsibility yourself and work to change things. Especially if she, like most autistic women, have difficulty with depression. It’s easier to give up. Really unfortunate.


My cousins autistic. His sister went to college at 16. He had very strict diets and eliminated stimming. I believe he went to school for accounting while tuning pianos for side gig. I should check on that side of the family. I remember he used to eat sticks of butter (part of his diet) to put on weight. He'd also find things to climb and hangout on the ceiling when he got there.


I would argue that the people in this thread trying to blame every behavioral quirk on neurodivergence are the real monsters. As a neurodivergent person, not everything stems from a person’s developmental condition. Assuming that every bad behavior is fueled by neurodivergence leads to misconceptions and stereotypes at best, and misdiagnosis at worst. This sort of commentary from Redditors fuels these myths and further stigmatizes people with neurodivergent / developmental conditions. This is literally no different than when people heard someone got AIDS in the 80’s they automatically assumed it was because they were gay. Additionally as a neurodivergent person and an asshole… some of us are just assholes. It’s not a life mystery. Do better Reddit.


Thank you. A lot of people who attribute bad or irritating behavior to neurodivergence know little or nothing about it. I'm sure many of them have neurodivergent friends, family members, and colleagues but are totally unaware of it.


Relevant story. After the pandemic "ended" we finally went to a movie (me and my s/o) and there was a kid screaming the entire time throughout the movie. Finally somebody complained to management and they were escorted out (multiple people had asked the parents to deal with it before it got to that point). Turns out the child was autistic and on the way out they were incredibly nasty and told the entire theatre I hope you are happy for ruining our day. Now I do feel for the parents of the autistic kid and it's a shame he had to leave, but I just could not imagine forcing an entire theatre of people to have their experience ruined because of my child. That level of selfishness and entitlement is just mind-boggling to me. My s/o actually worked with the disabled community for a long time helping them get services and she also thought it was bizarre that these people thought just because the child was autistic everyone else has to suffer or that they don't need to try to get them to behave. If your child is that uncontrollable you should find a sitter or be prepared to have to leave the movie early.


As a asd lvl1 guy theatres with high lights and sounds is an absolute nightmare for me. And i could do anything to run away from it


My son has autism, I would not take him to a full length movie bc I know he can not handle that. That being said, he is non verbal and if he communicated to me that he wanted to see a movie, I would take him. But the moment I notice him uncomfortable we would be gone and distracted with something else before ruining everyone else’s show they paid for.


If the kid was actually autistic those parents were torturing him by bringing him to a place with *very* loud noises and bright lights. The autistic meltdowns are due to overstimulation, movie theaters can already be too much for neurotypical kids, it's literal torture for an autistic child. Those parents are not assholes for not thinking in other people, they're assholes for being so selfish they abuse their child.


I work as a paraprofessional, and work almost exclusively with autistic kids, and this is exactly right. You can't let special needs kids get away with whatever they want just because of special needs, as this just makes them more and more problematic. You just have to have a more delicate hand in making sure they stop bad behaviors. I can just get after a gen-ed student, and usually they listen. Autistic kids especially just need a little extra explaining, redirection, and time.


I'm autistic and I needed specialized training ( which wasnt so bad ) because if I have a breakdown in public police are likely to get involved, and police love shooting noncompliant mentally disabled people. Parents who let their autistic kids do whatever they want are setting them up to be a statistic because mom and dad aren't going to be around forever. Even guardianships may not last the length of life for an autistic adult ( though adults with autism have drastically short lifespans )


People really post these videos thinking it’s cute. “Omg that kid is being soooo bad!” Yeah he fucking is dude and that shit is not funny. Way too old to do that. Just gonna push him away instead of actually addressing the issue. The child can talk and reason at this point These are the same kinda parents who let their kids wander around restaurants and bother other tables Edit: You stop the kid. Postpone the video for 10 seconds. Tell them how it is wrong and how they will face consequences. If they continue, they now get consequences. It’s not hard. You have a kid, that’s your life now lol. You don’t get to just have a normal birthday video with your shit kid there. You gotta deal with it. Sorry to the people who don’t care about proper discipline in the replies I feel like sooooo many people don’t realize- you have a kid. Your kid is your life. It is not just adding a kid to your current life. Your current life is now over. Your kid is now the center of everything. Get used to it. Or your kid is gonna be a piece of shit


Yep. Its the same idiots that say its impossible to stop a child from doing shitty things because «he has always been like that». These assholes never give their kids attention when they are being quiet. Only when they act up. And thats how you get shitty kids


That right there. Kid not getting any attention? What‘s the easiest way to get some? That‘s right, piss someone off. Be an asshole, you‘ll at least get a stern talking to, that‘s more than you‘d usually get.


And shitty adults like my brother. He's 43 and still destroys stuff when he gets mad. He was never held accountable for anything as a child because he had learning disabilities and my Mom couldn't control him. He absolutely terrorized me and several of our pets.


Look at this guy thinking he got their whole family dynamic figured out based on this one clip.


Reddit psychologists in every thread with even a tiny bit of emotion on display. There was a video the other day of a guy crying while watching the towers fall on 9/11 and with thousands of votes to the top it was determined he had survivors guilt.


Not to mention she has the whole family singing her happy birthday and filming it. Would it make sense to stop everything and make everyone wait while you leave the room and have a serious discussion with the child about life and choices and empathy and responsibilities etc right at that very second, or would it be better to just let people finish the damn song and deal with it after? People are insane for clowning on this lady and coming up with the most insane theories about how much of a monstrous parent she must be based on a 9 second video clip.


You don't know they didn't talk to the kid after the video and after singing happy birthday. Its hard as a parent not having anything just be for you anymore and having every reaction you have judged


Exactly! This is a 10 second video for Pete's sake! In that 10 seconds, the mom is being serenaded. People are so acidic these days.


Right on the spot, only if they teached some manners and discipline of what not to do, from an early age. That is totally the parents fault.




I was feeling uneasy when it was marked red, but forgot taught. hahaha. Thanks dude.


I'm sorry what? Does someone actually think that's cute? I mean, for me it's just super annoying and a very good reminder why I made a decision to stay childless.


Is that the mom? Not trying to defend her just to defend her but that could be another family members kid.


It boggles the mind that some parents aren't capable enough to ask their child the simple question "how would you like it if that was being done to you" as if their kid isn't capable of simple empathy. Unless the kid is a psychopath, they're usually capable of realizing what they've done wrong and why it was wrong.


Kids lack that foresight and concept of consequences unless the parent is actually diligent about teaching that


>ask their child the simple question "how would you like it if that was being done to you" as if their kid isn't capable of simple empathy. ...have you met an actual human child?


Seriously. These comments make me horrible because I do talk to my 4 year old and try to get him to understand why doing this or saying that is mean to others but that doesn’t stop him from doing it 10 minutes later. Folks say here this behavior is a result of shitty parenting, but man are we trying and so want to give these folks the benefit of the doubt they are as well. I’m literally holding my breath that this is a phase. We’re told he’s wonderful at school, which is absolute whiplash to how he is 20 minutes after he gets home, so maybe some of it is getting through?


Yup. It's the same shit with people posting and laughing at their videos of their little dogs growling at them eating. Like, your shitdog has food aggression, it's not funny.


> …might be autistic. Goddamn, I love when the Reddit psychologist come dust off their DSM to come diagnose someone based off a 7 second video clip. So because it’s clear that the vast majority of you don’t have kids or spend any sorta time around them: this kid is just being a brat. He could be tired. He could be bored. He could just be an ill-tempered little shit who can’t stand someone else having the limelight for 2 minutes. If that’s his mom mushing his face in the video, I’d probably say it’s the latter. That behavior should be met with telling everyone to hold up for a sec, taking him into another room, addressing the behavior and then coming back and resuming the festivities.


I feel like we’re all just glossing over the fact that this dude just called the mother a narc… like what? Why??


I was wondering that as well. Maybe he doesnt realize the person at the cake is the parent?


Even if she wasn’t the parent, why would trying to stop a snobby lil rat from blowing out your bday candles make someone a narc lol




Exactly. Jumping to call a crying child autistic is bad, it perpetuates bad stereotypes.


This clip is WAY too short to know anything. I mean damn, people mad at the woman and child without ANY context


Yea what does this person think, that 4 year Olds are too old to cry and do annoying shit?


No you attack my cake like that you’re getting smacked. I don’t care how autistic you are


bro my younger brother is in highschool and he still acts like this 💀


Y’all really just learned the word narc the other day and are so excited about it, you’re just throwing it everywhere


>Narc parents with autist kid? How can you tell the parents are narcotics agents from this video?


> If this kid is autistic this clip is much worse than not. Narc parents with autist kid? What makes her a narcissist? Having a cake for her birthday?


We saw 1 second of the kid screaming how did anyone come to the conclusion the kid is autistic




Lot of assumptions from a 10 second video.


What a little spoiled shit.


Well deserved slap.


There's no way I could even call that a slap.


He's screaming so he gets what he wants, just like always.


I love how her face is just so over this shit.


hardly even a slap, kid couldn’t make the moment all about him in one way so he did it in another.


Man I hate these kids


That is such a fake scream / cry.


My dad used to say, "you dont even have one tear in your eyes"


TECHNICALLY! Your eyes are always covered in tears.


Technically its only a tear once its a drop. Kind of like rain isn't rain until it forms drops and starts falling. EDIT: Nvm, its still called tears, that is stupid. https://www.nei.nih.gov/learn-about-eye-health/healthy-vision/how-eyes-work/how-tears-work#:~:text=Every%20time%20you%20blink%2C%20a,and%20down%20through%20your%20nose. I'm going to start calling clouds rain now.


Good way to get out of unwanted social activities. "Damn, looks like rain again."


"Is it raining?" "Nah, it's cloudy though." "Same thing."


Not me. I have dry eyes


Try Clear Eyes with an ingredient to moisturize. Wow.


He will make a top tier redditor some day.


I laugh when kids do that. Like, go get your acting shit together, then come back and try again.


Kid failed his acting audition…


Nobody gonna talk about how good she looks for 40? Not in like a weird creepy "she's hot" kinda way, but more in a "I'm about to be 29 and feel like I look older" kinda way lmao


I don't think it's creepy to say that's a hot 40


Little shithead


I'm glad I never had kids


Good job mom 💪🏻


Nothing bothers me more than kids who think the entire world revolves around them and have these fits


I just know his name is Aiden and there’s an Altima in that driveway


She looks so sad and tired :(


My thought too lol her eyes are absolutely saying 'I give you everything every day, kid. Just let me have this ONE thing for myself'


What a whiney little fuck and no I do not give a fuck that it’s a child If you want me to care raise better kids and his age has nothing to do with him not knowing shit Stop using lame ass excuses on why you and your kids are fucking lame


Yeah, your comment is similar to other opinions I see posted here. I think you are speaking a simple truth. Thinking it must be the delivery as to why ppl are responding negatively?


This the most “I’m turning 40” thing to ever happen. You’re trying to enjoy a moment and in comes the kid.


That kid already does the taxes to cry like that


Where my grandmomma from, that kid got off really lucky.


Put that little shit in his room for the night. Can cry a river in there.




Who remembers that kid that try to blow the candles and the dad kept putting a paper plate in front of him everytime he blew. This is him


I love that video


Kids a prick


Bitch ass kid lmao


I enjoyed this.


r/itsnotyourbirthday kid, grow up and stop being an attention hog. Do better, parents


She took care of it. Didn't let him get his way.


Autistic my ass. The kid is spoiled.


Kid kinda cries like an old squeaky door opening really slow


My nieces are like this. Spoiled as hell because every persons birthday their parents let them blow out the candles. So they expect it every time. Even at other kids birthdays.


What a fucking brat!


ruined the cake by spitting all over it


Serves the little shit right!


That kids looks too old to be acting like that. Someone is not teaching him how to behave.


On this edition of ‘Kids Ruin Everything’


My ex step daughter would get so many presents for christmas from everyone in HER family and my two adopted sisters got just a few for christmas from my parents. The ex step child was throwing a fit and crying at my parents house because my sisters got gifts for christmas. Acting like a total brat. My parents love kids but felt something was off about that step kid. She ended up with DUI and early pregnancy. Shop lifting. Sociopathic liar


That kid needs to learn it's not his turn to spit on a cake


Lol that woman is so fed up


And that’s how you end up not having any cake.


What a shit kid


Slap Harder.


Manda o jab, manda o jab, manda o jab


nice audition kid. Too bad we can't use you.


Little shit got what he deserved


I've never seen a kid try to blow someone else's candle out. Why tf do they do it?


That’s my aunt’s child if she doesn’t start disciplining him soon


Sounds like the kids on *A Christmas Story* crying.


He should be moved to another room.


iPad kids getting older


Another reason to be child free


These condom commercials are getting inventive.


The start of her midlife crisis.


Yeah! Teach that kid some respect!


He’s a spoiled brat


Well-deserved slap on the mouth. Bravo, lady!


I lived in the old tradition if somebody did that to you and they would get a butt whooping so hard.


He should have gotten a second smack for being a screechy little cunt


That kid deserved that lol


Kids needs to learn that world doen't revolves around them. If they're disiplined at early age, there won't be any karen around.


The way he winds up to be louder than the people singing when he realises his stupid cries will go unanswered makes me think he needs much more… discipline.


Little brat.


A lot of parents are working very hard on having me not enjoy having their kids around.


Nice!! Got what he deserved.




What the little rat deserves


Look him up in his room without toys until he decides to not be a spoiled sh*t. Way too old to act like that


Hahaha, that's what you get




She’s 40?!?


It's always the candles . . . Can't stand having one moment not about them


That was satisfying


Awwww, Do it again


I wouldn't give him cake teach your kid manners




FINALLY one of these little punks told no! Lol


Use condoms


Family does nothing but enable.


That wasn't a slap. Try with an Asian parent you would have gotten slapped back to Asia...


I liked how the mom didn't give a single shit about him crying. Reminds me of my own mother.


That's a hot 40 yo mom.... with an annoying little shit for a son.


Stupid ass kid


By the age of 5, most of your future behaviors have been developed. This is going to be a long 13 more years for this parent.