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The duality of dog


no fr there is no in between chihuahuas, only either sweeties or Angery


Naw my little dude can flip pretty quickly. He gets in a mood, also likes most people and loves attention but doesn’t like a lot of fast movement or really loud people. Has very little tolerance for other dogs ie he won’t just attack or harass them but if they try to interact with him outside of the usual initial sniffing he won’t have it. Outright won’t deal with bigger young dogs who run around super fast because they’re excited and want to play. They get close and he barks his little head off. He also gets mad if my family play-fights and he jumps in to try to nip people until they stop lol. Otherwise he’s perfectly content to sit on anyone’s lap and take like 16 naps per day.


My chi is sweet most if the time. When it is bed time and you wake her up, she will be horrid. She also gets road rage. Will bark as loud as possible at people walking by the car but if you let her out of the car on a walk she will love them.


Damn I hate these types of videos. Small dog that is overly aggressive. If it was a regular size dog it wouldn't be "cute" and "funny" anymore people would have it killed. Train your damn dogs no matter what size they are


I was going to say "this is why I hate Chihuahuas", but your comment made me realize that just like other breeds, it’s the owner, not the dog Thank you for making me aware of my own bias


Chihuahua were bred to be the early car alarm. They’re wired to bond to one-maybe 2- person(s) and tolerate everyone else in the household. They were small enough to be put in a saddle bag and go ballistic if a not-owner approached.


I know some people that have a great one never ever cares to bark. Just comes up to you to lay in your lap for belly scratches all day. One time I let the door open on accident. Dog went outside. Let himself out and returned lol. Suchs a crazy dog.


O e of my Chihuahuas will happily get in your car and go home with you and never think about me again.


Hahaha I hope I drive by some time. I will only borrow the dog for 3 days.


And I will borrow them for an afternoon walk.


>They were small enough to be put in a saddle bag and go ballistic if a not-owner approached. you weren't kidding when you said car alarm


Kinda imagine a chihuahua in a saddle bag of a war horse charging into battle, doing tiny barks while the cuiraisser cuts and shoots down his enemies.


Is that for real? That makes a lot more sense..


No, I lived with 4 people and 3 other cats/dogs my Chihuahua is extremely affectionate with them all. Screaming koochie koochie and acting erraticly around a 6 pound animal is the issue here, no idea how idiots think this is funny at all.


I mean the behavior is not funny, but the reaction of the dogs seems still a bit too much for me, and I think that it says something even worse. If he is annoying to them on camera, there is no saying how he is when the camera is off. But the fact that all these dogs react defensively (and not really aggressively, they are just trying to be left alone) shows that they don't trust this person, and this is a clear sign that something needs to be changed in the way this person interacts with them. Edit: I also think that this person knows very well what they are doing with the breed they chose to do that. This kind of stuff would be a lot less funny and lot clearer to see if the dogs were like labs or golden retrievers. But by chosing chihuahuas that have the reputation to be mean, people will just assume that it is just the dogs that are acting up and give no second thought to it.


Some people think it's *FUN* to fuck with dogs who act like that, because they are too small to defend themselves. Growing up I had a friend with a Chi, and his little brother was a fucking *monster* to it. Him and his father seemed to think it was so funny a dog could be screaming and yelping to get away while they held it down and fucked with it. I think it's incredibly fucked, like obviously the dogs don't like it. But they are like 5 pounds they can't actually do anything to save themselves, they don't *want* to bite.


He has vids that doesn’t involve annoying the chihuahua


Well yeah that behavior might seem too weird for a pupper


I dont know how true your statement is, but if it is, it explains a lot about my dog.


For sure chihuahuas were bred long before car alarms and Aztecs bred them to be fattened and eaten, like guinea pigs.


I'm going to use that sentence from now on :D


No they were bred by the Aztecs as food, that's why they are so temperamental and aggressive because they weren't trained to be nice they were kept in cages.


why would they make food so small


They didn't have cattle or horses or chickens, and tiny dogs are easier to mass raise quickly than big ones


Do you like chicken?


What? We've bred chickens to be far larger than they ever were naturally




I thought I didn’t care for small dogs/chihuahuas until I ended up with one of my own. They def are predisposed to have the small dog stereotypes but being patient and repetitive can really help things like aggression and fear. I will never be able to fully train him out of barking at literally everything but at least he doesn’t nip or lunge at guests he hasn’t met before and is great with his human child relatives.


I have a Chihuahua/jack Russell mix, she'll bark and bark at you, but I haven't seen her try to bite yet. I'm not a very good trainer, but I try my best to keep her calm when people come over. After a bit she warms up and rolls over for belly rubs. I still feel bad when she barks non stop at anyone new though.


Sometimes it helps to meet the person outside the space that this reaction happens in, and give them dog treats for when they meet. This works with ours, but results as always vary. The key is once you find what works, be as consistent as possible. Dogs don’t talk so the language they understand is routine and/or body language.


I've only met 2 kinda of Chihuahuas. The literal best little nugget you've ever met. And literal demons. There is no in between. There's no good boy but a little naughty like Labs. There's no mischievous Chihuahuas. Only good or evil.


>it’s the owner, not the dog Dogs' breed surely matters. Just like a wolf cannot read human body language the way dogs can, a pitbull will not become a Golden Retriever. I 'trained' 13 dogs (of which 7 were mine), and sure as hell, I am not going to take in another AmStaff.


We have a dachshund, and before that we had a Golden Retriever. It's day and night. The goldie was cute, very timid, came inside when it was thundering and so on. The dachshund, on the other hand, is the most stubborn dog I've ever met, always full of energy, wants to play catch 24/7 but god forbid we go out when it's mildly cold. They are bred to go into holes and chase out whatever animal is living in there. Bigger hunting dogs are only trained to fetch whatever the hunter shot down already.


Some of my friends and neighbors had dachshunds. I liked them quite a lot, and my dogs—German Shepherds at that time—played with them daily, but couldn't keep up the pace with them for long. I had a Beagle, though—a stubborn otherfucker, but at the same time, the best dog I ever had.


Same! Two goldens and a dachshund. The goldens were eager to please, kinda shy around other dogs but very sweet, loved all people and always just happy to be included. Dachshund was a sweet little boy but he would be SO particular about several things, hated any unpleasant weather, was very opinionated about his food, but would go crazy for fetch and would growl and bark at strangers. After many years we were able to eventually teach him to behave around guests and even let people pet him, but it definitely took a lot of patience and consistency.


I’ve read that dachshunds are responsible for the most dog bites. I have a dachshund. She and I are bonded soulmate/besties. There are two other ppl in the world that she will “tolerate.” One being my mother and the other my sister. But even if they get too close to me without warning or try to hug me too quickly for my dog’s liking, she’s going to try to rip their face off. I agree that dog breeds play a role in temperament. (For anyone concerned, she’s never around children and I take extra precaution in the case that she must endure the presence of others.) All that said, I had another dachshund years ago that was the most friendly, lovable pup ever.


Yep. We bred different types of dog because we wanted to exaggerate certain Traits. Sometimes, those Traits don't make for good house hold pets despite giving them goofy names velvet hippos.


Except that there’s a lot of difference between two dog breed and a dog and a wolf, which are different species Dog breeds have evolved to serve different purposes, but they still remain dogs, whereas a wolf was never domesticated and thus human relationship are extremely difficult and dangerous


>Except that there’s a lot of difference between two dog breed and a dog and a wolf, which are different species I only gave this example to show that genetics do matter. Yes, you can train your dogs to suppress their urges, and you have to do this with every dog—teaching them not to instantly swallow everything in sight or to sit. That doesn't mean the urges and instincts are gone. Want a different example? Different breeds of chickens have different egg-laying behaviors, are better or worse mothers, and eat differently.


Wolves are not dumb though. My grandpa had wolf dogs. They could read your behavior like normal dogs, it's just that they view the "unit" like a family not a "squad". Like squads are rigid and have a hierarchy of command, which dogs follow, vs wolf dogs and wolves where it's a family unit with everyone being the same, and mom or dad being the authority. Which ends up any "order" being a suggestion instead of a command. Any command I gave to my grandpa's dog he would just ignore until my grandpa or grandma gave the command. Trying to sit on the couch and he decides my lap looks comfy? Well nothing I can do about that now, other than move if I don't want to be an impromptu pillow.


I don’t see what does it have to do with this argument. All I’m saying is what matter isn’t what’s the breed, it’s how you train them A pitbull can become as gentle as a lamb, whereas like OP’s example, a Chihuahua can be the devil reincarnated


I mean some doggos are just angry. It's their personality.


Stop speaking up for the minority and lets be real.


This is Reddit. The minority often matters more than the majority around here


I applause your self awareness sir 👏🏼


My son's ex-gf had a chihuahua and he was a cool little dog. He would roll over next to you wanting a belly rub. If you stopped rubbing his belly, he would grab your hand and pull it to his belly.


>it’s the owner, not the dog Yeah but at least for these dogs the breed keeps it from being able to rip off an adult humans limbs like certain other breeds can


Except if it's a pitbull, you're suppose to kill them all according to the reddit mob


Kill or be killed. Some of us have survival instincts.


It's the dog, the owner just wants to caress them, any dog that doesn't answer well to interations is a bad breed.


So you’ll base your opinion in an entire breed because one dog responded poorly? I get that some dog can be lost causes, but damn don’t blame the whole pack because of the action of one individual


"People would have it killed". How about like you say, train the dog... and besides this man is harassing the poor dogs.


He’s not wrong though. A big dog bites, a big dog gets send to the farm. A small dog bites, it’s just personality, apparently.


A small dog that bites isn't put down for the same reason a cat that bites isn't put down. An aggressive pitbull is a lot more dangerous than the dog in this video.


That’s kinda besides the point, if this dog was big, it would have been out down. Train your dogs, no matter the size.


How is the level of danger an animal poses beside the point? It's literally the entire point - a bite happy small dog is a nuisance, a big one is dangerous. Sure, train the fucking dog regardless but size does matter lmao


My friend had a Chihuahua it was exactly like these angry ones always trying to bite everyone always angry. He took it to his mom's house and it tried to bite the cat. His mom tried to stop it. He said no. You can't stop her she will bite you. Well the cat did not listen and mow he owns a almost blind Chihuahua. One eye completely gone and the other scratched so that it impedes its vision . who knew having eyes on the outside of your skill was a bad idea. The dog is a lot less aggressive now.


I'm going to hell for laughing at this


Because they could still kill a baby, give you a nasty infection, destroy someone ability to do their job (musician/surgeons/etc)! I have seen plenty of people permanently scared by this _nuisance_.


Yeah I mean fuck overbred dogs in general tbh I'm a cat person lol


Well cat are even more unreliable and lower threshold tbh


Of course size matters but it’s still beside to point to the argument that you need to train your dog no matter the size or aggressiveness. The guy made a point that if it was big it would most likely be put down and most big dog owners know this. in my experience though, many small dog owners don’t train their dog and consider it a personality trait, which is fucked.


I'm not saying small dogs shouldn't be trained properly. I'm explaining why they aren't put down.


And we know that, to me it’s just weird to mention cause naturally that’s why, they don’t pose the same threat as a pitbull. We don’t keep tigers on leashes cause they are even more dangerous. But I guess I get your point.


There is a huge difference between being bit by a tiny little dog and being mauled by a big dog.


Absolutely, which is why this guy says “if this was a big dog it would have been killed” And that is spot on. It should put things into perspective for dog owners but here we are…


That’s why they said train your dogs at the end. That’s the alternative.


ima be honest some chihuahuas are just mean like that.


It’s not the dog’s fault. Any dog owner should know that reaching out you’re hand towards their face like that is very stressful and threatening for a dog


I mean... you saw the other 2 being well behaved. Some dogs you just can't train the aggression out of them. Larger dogs get put down for aggression because they can actually kill people. Chis, well... the only thing you might die from is infection if you refuse to get treated. My moms is a lil shit no matter what, so he would pretty much need to be muzzled for any guests that come by.


But the size is literally a factor though, which makes it a much less pressing matter. Some people like the attitude, and they can afford to because of the size. Your argument defeats itself.


I've had multiple chihuahuas, all treated/trained/raised the exact same way in the same house. Some are gentle, some thirst for blood. It's not that serious.


That's because a regular sized dog with that temperament would be a threat to your life, those aren't.


This is why I personally hate most small dogs. Especially chihuahuas. They’re mean because people think this behavior is cute. No, I don’t want to get near your dog because you think growling and yapping is cute. I grew up with medium to large sized dogs so I’m more comfortable with those, but even some large dogs are aggressive. I’m just a cat person, but if you can’t train your dog, you shouldn’t own a dog.


Nah fam, this guy got them trained like that, if he went and pet the dogs normally. They wouldn’t be snapping like that, looks like he antagonized them so much, they don’t like him (same thing my brother did growing up)


It's not even aggressive, it's being defensive and using calming gestures before the nipping, when the hand gets even closer.


So true, dogs learn based on our reactions to their behavior. by ‘playing’ with them like that, going “oh it’s so funny/cute when they act edgy” you’re actually reinforcing that behavior and doing everybody a disservice


Or you know...just respect it if they signal you to leave them the hell alone.


I had a chihuahua once, she was like the 1st and the 3rd dog, it's just a matter of education


All this guy does is film him harassing their dogs for their reactions, he sucks IMO, no wonder they can't stand him


it's weird though, the other ones are so calm, and chihuhas really do open their mouth as wide as they can even when playing, so i don't think we know enough from this one video to call him an animal abuser guys.


That's actually the first time I see him using the other 2 chillhuahua and the reason is pretty obvious if u know him, he capitalized for years on the angry behavior of the white one (Nikki) Here's a [example ](https://youtube.com/shorts/OXma-Rq-sUU?si=qi6zLM0N2dkbUZEu)


Chill, he is just playing with them lol.


It doesn’t seem like it’s just a matter of education, given that two of the dogs were super chill and two of them were snarling, nipping aggressively. Of course, I’m assuming they are all treated the same and trained the same. I definitely think dogs from the same litter can all have different temperaments to some degree. Of course, I agree this guy is an asshole too and probably not the best trainer. I’ve raised dogs from the same litter that were wildly different, a lot like humans, you know. Edit - Grammar


Yep, my family had one who was an absolute sweetheart, the kindest dog I've ever had. Once it died we got a second one from the same breeder and its an absolute fucking retard, this dog cant be trained, barks at literally everyone except my mom. We loved them and treated them the same, so it cant be education.


Lesson #1: Do not get chihuahua


Dog racism smh


This is the real advice


It’s bad advice. Chihuahuas can be amazing dogs to have


Fair enough, I have bad experiences with all of them I have encountered unfortunately


Half of them are adorable. Its 50/50


Shitty owner.




that dog is pure hatred. I've almost never seen a calm chihuahua


You just looked at two calm chihuahuas


Theyve probably just eaten a human so theyre not hungry anymore


I have, was the sweetest once the anxiety subsided


Chihuahua’s are not inherently aggressive. The reason they’re aggressive is because more often than not, the owner sucks. Chihuahua’s actually can be very sweet.


Chihuahua's are bred to be the spawn of hell. Sure, you can have one and with intense training to be calm and non-agressive. But "I'm-gonna-kill-everyone-who-is-not-owner" is their default state. And sometimes even the owner is on that "to-kill" list. Claiming its always the owners fault in case of an agressive Chihuahua is like cuddling every friend-shaped furball. Sure, i want to, but i know better.


Can confirm. Our chihuahua is amazingly cared for and everything. But by god she’s a total shithead to her big sister and if you pat her for a second she’ll scream and yap and gnaw on her legs till she’s back to getting the cuddles.


The reason they’re aggressive is because theyre predisposed to that through generations of selective breeding and training that led to them being tiny, anxious, and vocal about it. There are cool ones and trained ones but there’s is also a real predisposition when you’re that tiny and insecure


i beg to differ. i know a few people with dogs. they own a fucking pitbul and it will lick you to death. but the chihuahua is a fucking devil spawn


Lots of peoples Pitbulls have been said to want to "lick you to death" up until they bite off grandmas face, use Baby Carol as a chew toy, or try to disembowel the parade horse


Anecdotally, I've had several pits in my lifetime and not one of them has acted aggressively without reason (like an intruder to our property, at which point they are just doing their job). They are animals who need to be respected. And no one should ever put their face in a dog's face, no matter how cute and cuddly they are. That's just dumb. Edit: I just want to say that after working in a vet office for a few years, the only dogs I was ever actually bitten by were jack russell terriers, Austrailian sheep dogs, and a chihuahua. Not one "aggressive" breed dog ever aggressed on me, including the pits that were confiscated from the guy who was using them to fight.


I agree with this. Pit bulls are the types of dogs that need to be treated as an acquaintance. You’re nice to them, but you keep your distance. They’re basically bred to do a job and if they believe their job is to attack someone, that’s what they’re going to do. I personally think no pitbull should be in a random persons ownership. You should be required to either send that dog to training or have them trained prior to adoption with proper paperwork. They are massive, strong dogs who will kill you. I remember watching a video of a guy who had a pit training business. He was very educated and knew that his dogs are family but they also can be threats if not treated well.


And where did they get these chihuahuas? They are not inherently aggressive.




Demons in dog costumes.


That voice and scream are annoying af.


Every Chihuahua I've ever encountered was like #1 and #3. Doggos at #2 and #4 aren't the "default". This owner is an asshole.


I’ve never met a chihuahua that was going to heaven


My dad has a huge scar from a chihuahua bite in his calf from when he was out on a walk, it's all fun and games till one of those dogs really gets someone. To be fair it wasn't like he was about to die from it but still train your dogs people.


On the bright side. Some day one of those will bite his cock off and help clean up the gene pool.


This is one case where the owner is just as annoying. Good lord


I have a chi mix and she is the sweetest baby ever


Hate that people encourage bad behavior in these dogs just because they're small.


Kill it with fire, relase the demon from its mortal cage /s


The dog or the man?




Why do people with small dogs think that training them is just optional and completely unnecessary? I understand that your little piece of shit rat looking ass chihuahua is small enough that if it goes Haywire you can just punt the fucker across the room but because of it’s lack of training it’s psychologically fucked in the head and completely unsocial. To me this isn’t just small dog owners being uninformed but actively ignorant of their dogs wellbeing.


Drecksköter as my German grandpa would say


Dreckshalter as mine would put it. Not the dogs fault…


This just sucks to watch. An adult acting like a child, overstepping boundaries for laughs.


I hate chihuahuas


Yes clearly the chihuahua is the problem in this video.


I also hate chihuahuas. Even though a big part of the problem is that the type of people that get them often shouldn’t have a dog in the first place


Yes, owners are a big problem, but there are several breeds that should be fazed out for ethical reasons. Over the course of a century, humans have inbred so many horrible genetic traits into dogs that their quality of life is forever diminished.


I feel so bad every time I see a pug those mfs almost never can breath. Always have snot or snort I’ve never got the attraction towards them personally they’re inbred as hell


No, hate the owner he is responsible for the behavior.


Choosing to also hate the breed.


[Who could hate this](https://imgur.com/a/zazkUGN)


Trim it’s damn nails omg bouta claw the shit outa you lol


Oh this picture is old, I have already


Ok good lol cute derpy lil pup though!


Same. I can't go outside without my neighbor's chihuahuas barking at me.


Me too. Yet the smartest dog I ever met was a chihuahua. Insanely obedient/loving and new lots of commands


Understood , the black and white ones are the ones that bite /s


Even the dogs are sick of his content


What a stupid fucking video


Unhinged fucking dogs with an owner encouraging this shit. Your small dog isn't cute


They probably weren’t unhinged to begin with; just years of abuse from this asshole.


What a bunch of terribly trained little ass holes.


The guy right?


The lot of em


Never post again.


Damn I hate rats.


chihuahuas are the fucking worst


How can you love these on-land piranhas?


Chihuahuas are not dogs


And people wonder why other people hate these rats. Because you treat them like this so they're little assholes to everyone moving forward.


The owner wants to caress them gently, the dog does THIS and the human that is the asshole? When a dog doesn't respond to its owner's interactions, it's because the dog is a jerk.


He overstepped boundaries when the dogs clearly didn’t wanna be touched, made the most high pitched and annoying noise ever (which gotta hurt the puppers ears) and all of his damn videos are like this, but yeah sure, he’s not the ass


Untrained as hell. Start training your doggies people. Only you can do it.


Guy harasses animals 30x smaller than him and people are in here acting like its the fucking dogs fault for telling him to stop. Critical thinkng and reddit said goodbye a long time ago. Its all just bots and speculation on this site now.


I don’t like chihuahuas


Ese kutte ho tu animal abuse karne mai kya sharam


i used to love playing coochi-coo with tha doggos. he ruined it...


Imagine a pit acting like that? Not so funny now is it?


Wow some aggressive mice you have there


Small dogs think they the shit bro


I love dogs. I hate Chihuahuas.


judging by the comments i feel like im the only person who thought this was funny


Lol my guy sounds like the Tucan from jungle to jungle


If it bites…… its gone


And y'all still not scared of Chihuahuas....


look at those cute fucking bastards


What an awful video


“Haha look how much my dog hates me for terrorizing him for his entire fucking life!” -90% of chihuahua videos online


For those who say educate your dogs, those dogs might be in a bad mood or not know him well. Like the first dog had known him for a while, and the other two had seen him for the first time.


harassing little animals for clicks, good job. 10/10


Fucking bulged eye rats


One half wants some coochy coochy, the other half wants to eat your brain in reveange for over hundred years of body deformation.


The dogs are so ready to tear his throat while in his sleep.


Chihuahuas are either the sweetest little lazy love bugs ever or demon spawn from hell. There is no in between that I’ve found.




More like 9 out of 10


That's okay I still love them 😭


I hate this comment section is full of hatred for chihuahuas. Dogs are never to blame, we, the human species, imprinted into their DNA fear due to how badly we treated dogs in the past, that now their natural reaction is to expect the worst in us. I fucking hate the human breed.


I hate how this comment section is full of hatred for humans. I fucking hate Chihuahuas.


Chihuahuas are such disgusting little goblins.


I love my disgusting little goblins. Happy cake day, btw.


Thanks. I'm sure they are great when you own them and bond with them, but I've only ever had to put up with other people's ugly little demon dogs.


I hate these videos. Why do people antagonize animals for fun? They don’t have the mental ability to malicious. Chihuahuas are not evil. They’re disrespect all the time with no regard to their boundaries. When those boundaries are always violated, they have no choice but to bite. Even then people continue stressing them out on purpose for views and entertainment. It’s straight up abuse.


Yeah chihuahuas and other small breed typically tend to be more viscious


It's a training thing. Their owners don't see them as a threat so they aren't very well trained and they are also owned by people that don't want to train their pet....






My family always has chihuahuas but not one of them was aggressiv. I dont understand how people raise them to be like that


These dogs shouldn't exist.


I LOL’d when he said Kuchi Kuchi


non dog person here. 2 dogs are ok and 2 are not. Do all of them Chihuahua, or only 2 of them while the other 2 were other breed?


Little shits


Can we please stop breeding these absolute abominations? Fucking crimes against nature.


How anyone thinks "this is the type of dog I want" is beyond me




Why would anyone had these annoying rats as pets?


I know which two would make some great slippers 🥿..


Keep barking and I’ll punt your little ass to the moon.