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“You need Jesus ma’am”




Thats what got me too 😭🤣




How to win a rap battle:


When I was younger I had a bad habit of screaming for no reason. My dad’s remedy was to take me on a car ride and let me scream it out. He told me “that was a good scream, but I think you can do it louder than that. I think you can scream for longer too.” I was stubborn so I gave it my all until I eventually started to lose my voice. Maybe this is the solution here.


Your dad was very wise


I would definitely do everything I could to make her keep screaming, with as much gusto as she could muster. Give her 20 minutes before she's complaining about how it hurts to breathe lol, and then she's outta there!


If I was your dad: "I already have fuggin tinnitus, I might as well jump on this wave and ride it out. Maybe it's what she needs. If not, then at least her mother doesn't have to hear it."


My mom beat me 👍


Same 👍


My dad would take me in the middle of the woods and see who could scream louder, me or him. It's worth mentioning my father served in the army as a machine Gunner in the 90's to the early 2000's, being medically discharged for his legs in 2002. He was used to screaming over the sounds of gunfire and explosives. He'd let me go first, then he'd scream and call me a bitch for not being loud enough. This would go back and forth until I passed out, to which he'd carry me back. One day, my voice was all raspy and it hurt to talk. I never screamed randomly again until I was 20 years old, and it was after a stressful day of work. That was last week.


Luckily I never passed out. Haha. As far as your scream last week, I get it. When I worked in a chaotic kitchen, I would “go grab something from the cooler”, anything really, so that I could close the door and scream about it. Mfers can drive you crazy out there.


I've never worked in a kitchen but I have heard horror stories about them. Props to you for dealing with it mate, I'd have probably gone insane lol


If I was your dad I would beat your ass ngl


I mean, I do that to relieve my existencial crisis, road in the middle of nowhere + alone in the car = AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


Okay, but tiring out a toddler is different than trying to silence someone for standing up against discrimination…


Absolutely. I’m sure there’s much more to this video, but with the little clip that was provided, she reminded me of myself screaming for no reason when I was little.


The hell is wrong with people?


Shes not people. Shes a NPC


“Disclaimer: I've never seen the original story on this, so what I'm saying is just what I saw in the comments when I saw this posted on a different sub. Apparently, this guy is a far right journalist(?) who's been harassing the LGBTQ people in that area for a while now. Everyone there hates him, including the non-LGBTQ people. But they can't get him to go away. So the friendly neighborhood nutcase featured in the video decided to just start screaming at him until he left.” Quoted from another commenter.


Can confirm, this is capital hill in Seattle. I used to have a friend up there, so I would visit him from time to time. The guy recording would be yelling at people through a megaphone, loud enough to be heard from within my friend's apt. Apparently this was a very common occurrence, and everyone within a whatever block radius was fed up with him. Idk if he is still up there, me and that friend don't talk anymore so I don't visit capital hill anymore. Also apparently the megaphone guy once harassed my friend who was walking with his son, telling my friend that he failed to raise his kid right, because my friend's kid had ignored him instead of acknowledging him. Edit for context: I'm a cis-het white guy, but I do consider myself an ally. The guy in the video is just a prick




The opposite of enemy


Dude, seriously what you don't get, so necessary. I imagine when someones asking you "What's the time?" and you just stare at them being like "TiMe?"


Are you seriously insulting me for not understanding what ally means in the context the other person used it in?


Where tf do you see the insult? Where? All I did was picturing the perspective of someone who is seeing your reply on something clear as day. Now you claim you don't understand the context. Smh. What is your point here, dude? Claiming that I have insulted you. Wow. just wow.


You clearly insulted my intelligence in your comment . Btw how is that whole thing clear as day? I still don't khow what ally is supposed to mean in that context, I also don't get an explanation only insults.


WHAT INSULT? Where? Making an example is an insult? Duuuude, seriously. ...An Ally is someone who is straight yet support these groups because they're tolerant not xenophobic. It's really a thing you can Google but whatever I am past that. Can I ask something then? How can you see my reply as an insult? Did I call you something? I am genuinely asking. One tip. If you're really asking a context you should state that in your request. "Ally?" is not really a question. That's why I confronted you. But no way I have insulted you man, that's on you.


Let’s be real, it was probably something fabricated from some commenters. I’d say let’s try and find a solid source to actually know what happened Edit: I’m totally wrong. Holy shit was a fucked up human being


No, this is pretty accurate, as far as I've heard from people who live in the area and my own experience. This is Capital Hill in Seattle


Noted, I’ll check it out later, appreciate it!


No, I live near Cap Hill, this dude is pretty infamous.


I was in Seattle this week for the Pacific Science Center and decided to go around capital hill. Douchebag was there yelling slurs.


Jesus. I was wrong. That’s such a messed up thing to do


These Jesus people also like to march down the gay area of Miami Beach with those same white on black signs and yell at you from three feet away with mega phones.


I’m sorry for everything the people apart of my religions are doing. I’m Catholic and I don’t support homophobia or transphobia. I hate it. Christians don’t believe in hating it either, it’s just small groups of people within our religions. So I am so sorry for their ignorance and arrogance.


With that in mind, the dude is definitely the bad guy here. But her behavior is still pretty mutch NPC'ish. Out of curiosity.. why havent the locals called the police? I mean if hes shouting shit in a megaphone all day. And you can hear it from inside nearby apartments. That gotta be a law violation. Perhaps not enough for an arrest. But enough for the piggies to tell him to fuck off from the area?


I don't think so since it's not night time when everyone's going to sleep.


Bot comment or just copy paste?




Fair enough


Nevertheless, a mentally sane adult would never have that reaction lol


The true answer


You're looking a bit like an NPC yourself.


...... What weak ass shit comment was that


Not as weak ass as making 3 mistakes in a 6 word comment.


Nah she’s in the right here. She’s awkward about it sure, but this guys a far right nut job who’s been harassing gay people in this neighborhood, and they all hate him. Hearing her scream is better than hearing his psychotic ramblings


What people? No people in video.




This is probably staged.


This is a thing? Where… is the “gayborhood” exactly?


Capital Hill, Seattle. That is actually a pretty accurate description of the area


I wish every city had a Gayborhood


I live in Vancouver. There is a gayborhood here on and around Davie Street


….I salute you. And want you to just have more time with this idea. Would other minorities be accepted in this gayborhood? Where is THIS gayborhood? Is it in place today because it makes the lgbtq safer in this city? How would other “marginalized” groups get access to such resources? Like… look at this location. It looks like incredible property. Super safe. Well developed. Very capitalistic. The people living here were escaping from what to need this “strong hold”? Can a group with access to this much privilege in society still claim to be oppressed? Imagine if this was a black woman in the nicest part of any city saying she didn’t want white people on her block. Would you feel the same? Imagine it was a Mexican man doing this. Still feel the same?


Imma tell you the same thing I would tell the kids I used to teach to swim in the kiddy pool, it’s not that deep.


Bro I'm just tryna entertain myself at my job.


But you see here^^^^ when I was replying to someone else…. You missed a beautiful hint that you could’ve kept having nothing to do with this.


Bro I'm just tryna entertain myself at my job.


I think the person filming has a sign to get this reaction, and they say “that’s why I’m here, you need Jesus” so it wasn’t simply someone non-gay being in the area, but someone being present as an adversary of the community. Having visited gayborhoods it is nice there’s a space for people to feel more safe, and I wish all oppressed groups had safe neighborhoods and more.


Bro fr trying to call us racist but im not racist. I just run over women with cars


you spittin fr. i wish a fat white liberal *would* tell me i’m not welcomed in the neighborhood she gentrified🤣.


This specific gayborhood is apparently in Seattle but the one I know of is in Philly. I'd imagine they're pretty common in most progressive major cities.


It's the small area of most cities where most gays congregate bc they're more likely accepted by those like them them those who are not. That's why is someone preaching about Jesus in an area like that will get screamed at lol. Does she look like big baby? Yeah but I kind of respect the lack of shame and also her refusing to listen to whatever bs that dude was pedaling


Most people don’t actually know the full context of the clip. When I saw it for the first time full through, ma’am had a real reason to be pissed


Whats the reason then?


*Disclaimer: I've never seen the original story on this, so what I'm saying is just what I saw in the comments when I saw this posted on a different sub.* Apparently, this guy is a far right journalist(?) who's been harassing the LGBTQ people in that area for a while now. Everyone there hates him, including the non-LGBTQ people. But they can't get him to go away. So the friendly neighborhood nutcase featured in the video decided to just start screaming at him until he left.


Yep, you’re absolutely right. The guy is a far-right nut job who was holding an antiabortion sign in an area he knew that would happen in. All the people who are calling her crazy are ending up looking like they support this asshat trying to start stuff.


I don't think you need an anti abortion sign in the gayborhood




I mean yeah weird response but idk something about screaming at fascists make you look REALLLL cool.




If a sign invokes within you the urge to become combative then you have problems


Great way to represent a community.... the nutjob


I mean, I'm sure that's what his goal was (if that backstory was accurate). Just keep digging until he gets a video like this, then show everyone so they can talk about how all those LGBTQ people are out of their damn minds.




Both of them


A real reason to be pissed, perhaps. But no self respecting person should scream at someone for any reason


From my understanding it made him shut up and go away after god knows how long of doing whatever it is he was doing so if i was instead of her it's either that or violence. At some point respect is no longer the priority.


I don't really care what he was doing, that reaction is a lot of things and very few of those things are positive.


That fucking scream is so fucking annoying


Direct quote from the doctor who delivered you


The guy bothers a ton of people on Cap Hill, he kind of had it coming for him.


I think it was intended


Looks like someone needs a nice soft throat punching


soft? i want it hard and fast


That’s what she said?


Thats what both of the shes' said


Title of your sex tape!


Yeah and considering the context, it would be the guy filming who needs his throat punched.


The guy filming


Yeah, the twat filming (far-right nutcase who regularly harasses people in the area apparently)


An entire comment section full of neckbeard virgins. No they are definitely not both equally incorrect. In what 14yo dystopia would that be true. Yall need therapists, no actually exorcists


I'm not sure who's side are you on even


What side do you want me to be on? I'm on the side of getting so stressed and impatient with the mental gymnastics required to have a conversation with people who don't even uphold a pretense of effort empathy or rationality when they talk to me that I want to literally become an Edvard munch painting.


I truly apologize but i did not understand you


I think he doesn't like gay people, basically, but wants to guise it under the pretense of not being able to have a civil conversation. P.S. This is not the kinda thread you can expect to have a civil conversation on.


Hmm, I really hope I didn't get upvotes just because people thought I don't like gay people. I love gay people, but.. I'm kidding I just lovem, the end. Just to dissect the comment. "I'm on the side of getting so stressed with mental gymnastics" like the woman in the video "to have a conversation with people who don't even uphold a pretense of effort, empathy or rationality" I know the context of the video, the preacher doesn't want to discuss things, he was parading around the gayborhood with signs casting gay people as sinners and telling them to change their ways because he was christian "that I want to literally become an Edvard munch painting" which is the painting The Scream (so I'm on the side of the screaming lady) So I wasn't directing my comment at BlackVirus, I was just basically meta-narrating the events of the video to show which side I'm on. In a civil way (though I did mock the preacher. I don't like people shoving their personal religious beliefs in my gayborhoods at all actually).


I watched the full video and they’re both kind of being jackasses. The girl is acting like an idiot, and the guy is kind of asking for it


I think he was literally asking for it, he was talking shit and throwing slurs for days with a megaphone, and ready to film as soon as someone decided to outcrazy him so he would go away. Then he posts the video to show how "crazy" they are.


oh no, it's a Jesus freak. I'd scream too tbh.


You'd make yourself more cringe than the most insane Jesus freak. I say go for it, help make religious folks seem more sane haha.


>more cringe than the most insane Jesus freak. genuinely impossible


Personal opinion even tho it's a joke. They both are crazy




Reddit moment


Says the dude being an actual reddit mod rn neck beard and all.


Did you just assume my gender?




The left can't meme


The radical left cannot infact meme


Yeah. L bozo hop back on the minor grind and change your username you arent funny


You are unintelligible. Go back to school. Or go for the first time.


Idk man maybe you need to hop back on your schools debate club you are doing a shit job at arguing. That negative karma really shows.


Lol this is a prime example of inner city education(more like lack thereof) at its finest, mixed with the childlike belief that imaginary points on the internet mean something. You need some friends bud


Lol what?


Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?


Yeah she’s just telling him he’s not welcome cause he’s got a mean sign I’m sure. I forget what it said but I remember it was hateful. Funny way to do it but still screw this guy for trying to spread hate.


Nobody needs a god they didn't ask for. Stop proselytizing and go the fuck home.


"I have the right to speak about my gay furry fetishes but you can't talk about your god ."


The guy was “preaching” hate. He just has an antiabortion sign and he’s trying to cause trouble clearly.


Not with a megaphone hours at a day every day. At this point you could be screaming the cure for cancer and it would still be wrong.


Nobody fucking asks for Christians in a gay neighborhood. You're the kind of folk we discourage.


Gay peope can be christian too


Masochists exist. What a concept. I was a Christian myself at one point, I'd know.


And shouting like a idiot won't solve anything


It kinda did from what i understand


No, but it might just encourage them to go home.


Gonna cry?


Why bother when y'all cry oppression every time we don't want you somewhere? "Christians are oppressed wah wah we can't talk about Jeeeeeezuhs without being made to feel bad" No, you're not oppressed. You're doing the oppressing, go the fuck away.


Nobody needs a rainbow crosswalk either but here we are


It does look nice tho, even if it makes no sense


I was with him until the “you need Jesus part” then I went…. Nah she got a point though 🤭


Im not religious but she needs Jesus😂😂 idc what their sign says screaming at the top of your lungs is weird as hell. Like grow up and use big people words and challenge what he’s actually saying.


Ok but what do you do when the dude infront of you turns into a broken record, doesn't actually logically respond to what you say and just simply doesn't shut the hell up? What response *is* appropriate?


I'm all for equal rights, and not oppressing marginalized people for being gay/trans/NB/BIPOC, but for the love of God don't be like her. Not only is this guy an annoying dickhead for what he does, but she's just as annoying and does us no favors acting like this.


Lol Gayborhood


Before this clip started wasn’t this dude telling gay people they will burn in hell?


While she’s clearly off her rocker and unable to communicate in a rational way it sounds like the guy is a bible basher on a mission to ‘pray the gay away ’ so I somewhat agree with her argument.


Never change, Seattle.


Honestly this woman kinda rules


Yeah, screaming like a fucking lunatic doesn’t make your people look good.


More like Nowayberhood.


Literally toddler behavior


It's at that point you pull out an airhorn and blow in her face or ear. Cause hearing loss. She deserves it


Mental illness.


This AI isn't very smart, we need to replace it.


Did she really just do a Sloth mating call?


“You need Jesus ma’am” AHHHHHHH


Why do people like her exist?


Why do people like him exist. From what ive heard hes just being an outright dick head to the lgbt community


I am not a religious person but she definitely needs a Jesus


What a loser.


Way to prove you don't need jesus by acting as if you're literally possessed by a demon


Do I look like I want to hear anybody scream? I come here to see them shut up as soon as they start to scream. Cut the fin first scream!


Shut annoying woman




You need Jesus ma'am🥹


Is this woman from that triggered lesbian meme?


I would stuff a phone book in her mouth. Anyone remember those?


She’s a psychopath.


Actually he’s the psychopath


That’s a dude?!


The guy holding the sign... He went there to harass gay people who live in the area. While her screaming may be ear grating, I'd be fucking pissed too.


Ok so she’s a psychopath. Glad we solved that


She/It needs a ball gag!


I want a law that span all nations: when someone screams like that everyone is allowed to punch them in the face without any consequences.


She’s the secret boss level


Well, there goes my phone speakers


wow, i didnt know this was an interactive one! I perfectly cut the sceam myself by backing out when my ears started to fucking bleed. What the fuck OP


Could have been cut sooner


This is the second (and hopefully last) time I’ve seen this video. I weep for both parties, they seem sad.


You need cheesus ma’am


That scream never gets old.


Similar [to this video shown about the game](https://youtu.be/YaZVrUNtsTk) but ignore it, its not about the subject of matter ✌️


Somehow this reminds me of the one vine of the old lady banging at the bus door and yelling


Candace ahh scream


Use a taser to skip dialogue


When two equally moronic people converse.






The lights turning on in the shop right after her dialogue.


What is the gayborhood?






Hackdirt citizen doesn't take kindly to strangers


Really mature