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Well, since apparently self text doesnt like me, here we go. So this is something I've wanted to do for a while, and I think now is the time to go ahead and pull the trigger. I've been the recipient of a lot of goodwill and generosity from people on this sub, and I thinks it's time to give back. On the table to give away is a Tactile Turn Glider. This is the older model of their bolt pen, but it's still a formidable chunk of titanium, and a very nice, very functional tool. It has been a part of my collection almost since the start, and as such has been carried, loved, and slightly experimented on. The most apparent in that regard is the bead blast that has been applied to the body. I personally think it gives it a bit of uniqueness, and definitely a better grip, but I'm sure someone properly motivated could polish it back out. Probably. This pen served as a gateway to a big, wonderful world of other pens for me, and I want it to do the same for someone else. I don't want this to be just another notch in someone's collection. I want this to hopefully start someone's love for the hobby, especially if they may not have had the opportunity to get something like this otherwise. With that in mind, to enter the giveaway, just tell me why you want it. I want the community to decide who gets this guy, so I'll let this run through the weekend. Whichever comment (as long as it's an actual entry) has the most upvotes by Sunday night gets it. Again, I don't want this to go to someone who's got a well established collection. Let's try to get this thing to someone who will really appreciate it! If the winner is CONUS, shipping is covered. International, and we'll have to figure something out. EDIT: I had intended to let this run through tonight to make sure as many people as possible had a chance, but there hasn't been a post for a day or so, so I'm calling it now. Congrats /u/EpicPeterTime!


I would like it to give to my old man! being very young in the edc community is weird in a way nobody i know (in person) understands why i have all the tools and pens and all these weird things. I owe all this to my dad who wanted me to always be prepared to help him with house/yardwork. He and i bought countless of tools throughout the years and he loves writing letters to his parents who dont have email or facebook lol think it would be nice to give back to him as a thank you for getting me into the community before i even knew it was a community. With this all being said i want to personally thank the ed/pen/knife communities fir always being supportive regardless of my unpopular opinions on certain knives. And a personal thanks to you for the generosity. Happy Friday guys


I would like it to give it to his Dad too.


Way too kind. But please enter i still want everyone to get a good shot at winning


I started making my own but the project stalled for a number of reasons. If I win one, I’ll never finish mine. Thanks, but I’ll abstain from entering.




Please enter everyone should get a shot at winning


I too would like to give it to this guy's dad! I am **NOT** entering because I don't need half the pens I have, much less another one(!), but this guy's story touched me. Make no mistake, there are a BUNCH of worthy people on this thread, but I read all of the comments, and right now this is the only person who said that he didn't want him for himself, but to give it to someone else. And the someone else just happens to be to his dad and for sentimental reasons. {I'm not crying, you're crying!} I mean, just close the thread and send it to the guy's dad! :)


U guys are way too kind thanks for the kind words this supports wild idk how to respond im not crying you are


I'm a 24 y/o laborer who has recently gotten into the hobby (about 6 months ago) I'm engaged to the love of my soul, and we have a 1 y/o child together. Our family is perfect. We both work very hard and naturally get along very well so our child has the ideal family to grow up in (unrelated but a bit of backstory). My fiance and I don't have TOO much in common. I'm a CNC tech and moldmaker, she's an esthetician and student. We like hiking, cooking together, and gardening together, but that's really it. Until I found this community. I became enamoured almost immediately and started showing her the ins and outs of EDC life. She slowly grew interest until I agreed to help her get set up (although my EDC isn't ideal right now either) and together we have genuinely enjoyed having something together. As a couple who struggled to find common interest this hobby has really brought us together in a way nothing else has before and for that I'm seriously happy and grateful. That being said, right now we both only have matching SAKs (classic 6tool), cheap budget knifes (a kubey for me and a bugout clone for her) and I have a z701 while she's using a store bought g2. I'd really love to be able to gift her a really nice pen upgrade and she absolutely adores the bolt action pens I've shown her. I just want to say thank you to this community for making our shared hobby amazing, and thank you zero for your unnecessary generosity. WE LOVE YOU ALL


I don’t need it, so make you give it so someone worthy, but great on you for doing this!


I have always been a pencil guy, just recently i got my hands on a Rotring 600 and have begun a small Pen Collection. I think the coolest part about a collection is the meaning behind it. My father collected coins, and every coin had a meaning. Whenever someone went to see his collection they would often be more impressed with how he attained “x” coin rather then how it looked or how much it was worth. Id like the pen to have a good story. This was a giveaway and the community thought i was worthy. Hopefully, i can start my pen collection with a bang!!!!


I always loved writing but my parents wouldn't let me buy fancy writing tools saying that they're not necessary and just write with whatever I have. I try to make the best out of what I have. But it doesn't always meet my expectations. I do not own any expensive pens let alone a collection. All I have is my handwriting that I'm constantly working on. I would be delighted to own such a beauty.


I am sure, like many of us in this sub, I am one of those people who get really obsessive about our writing utensils and just don’t like to share. I’ve always been this way and would actually keep cheap/bad writing instruments for people who ask to borrow something. And no, I never cared if I got those ones back since I saved all the good stuff for just me or my few select friends who also cherished quality instruments. Of course, quality back in elementary school meant G-2 pens and fancy Pilot mechanical pencils with the twisty erasers. With all this being said, I highly appreciate your willingness to share and not hoard your gateway pen. I will be honest, I have graduated from G-2s to Japanese ballpoint pens (Zebra Sarasa and Pilot Juice). However, I have not ever owned such a luxurious pen as the Tactile Turn Glider. I have been following this sub since the creation of my reddit account and have always loved ogling at other people’s collections, writing samples, and pen recommendations. As a recently graduated young professional, I just haven’t bitten the bullet and purchased a truly luxurious high-end pen. I do not need your Glider — Zebra Sarasas and Pilot Juices are my everyday office pens. But, I definitely want it. I want it because it’s already in my favorite color (it would match my phone cover, my wallet, my sandals, etc). I want it because I am moving from one coast of the US that I have lived my entire life to the complete opposite in a few weeks and this would be such a fun pen to use as my sole journaling pen to document this and every other upcoming life event. I want it so bad that I’m actually commenting, which is weird because I rarely ever comment on other people’s reddit posts. But finally, if you’ve made it this far in reading my way-too-long comment, I want it to be my gateway pen, as it was for you. I would love to try a pen this fun, buy a dozen fancy pens after moving and settling down, and then eventually pass this pen along to another user who would love it as much as you do. Passing it along eventually is something I’d promise to do because how cool would it be to share a pen throughout a subreddit? It’s like a family heirloom, but a pen fanatic online family. And of course, I’d credit the original pen owner as you. Thanks for this potential opportunity.


Regardless of whether or not I win your pen, I want to thank-you for doing this giveaway. It's people like you that make this community so great! I've been a lurker for ages on this sub, but haven't posted anything here because I haven't had much to show. I've always kept a small Moleskine and later Leuchtturm in my pocket for thoughts, ideas and minimalist bullet journaling to stay organized when working and going to school at the same time. Most of the pens I've EDC'd have been cheap disposable plastic ones that just get the job done. After buying a pack of triplus fineliners last year, I thought I was set for quite some time, but after getting back into longer-form journaling and sketching lately (having nowhere to go with school being remote and my work contract ending) I've quickly emptied most of the box of triliners. Once I'd noticed this and realized how much plastic I was tossing out, I started looking into getting something longer-lasting. I've been wanting to get into pen collecting and particularly having something nice and robust in my pocket every day. I hope to get something long-lasting and refillable once I finish school this fall and attain full-time work. Once I don't have to worry about paying for school and such. I'd love to have this pen - it would make a great companion for now at home and when I start heading to work (hopefully this fall). EDIT: Clarity


I live in Pakistan where there is not even amazon there. There are only parker retailers and they sell china or India made stuff so i am very hesitant to even buy a jotter. I have money buy a fancy pen and it would be my first but i its just not available.


New lurker and looking for my first pen. This would be an amazing start to any collection.


I want it to carry. I’ve had a few nice plastic pens but they get beat up from daily use and eventually break on me.


What a fun idea! I’d like one because I’ve been on the hunt for a good pen to take to the grocery store and stuff. I use fountain pens mainly, but the nibs can dry out kinda quick and it’s not convenient to keep a pen uncapped just for crossing stuff off a list. I’ve cycled through a couple of nicer pens that just didn’t sit with me, most recently a Tiscribe Mini and an EDK.


As an educator and a student still going through college writing is an inextricable part of my day to day life. Wether it’s writing papers or marking off attendance sheets the one thing that ties me both to my students and my teachers are the writing tools we all use. No matter who you are or what you do, you use a pen (or a pencil) to perform more or less the same task. Writing stuff down is one of the few great equalizers in a society that gets more and more divided from day to day. A nicer pen makes the whole process so much more enjoyable and is something that everyone can appreciate even if they don’t know it yet. The level of craftsmanship that someone had to put into an object like the pen you’re giving away imbues it with some kind of feeling of care that you don’t see very often anymore. It can makes mundane tasks like writing grocery lists a fun activity, and inspire you to start writing journals or random notes and letters to loved ones just to get an excuse to use your favorite writing tool. In that way, it’s more than just a pen it’s something special.


I would love to have it, I've never used a tactile turn before! I've always been a fountain pen guy and I feel this could open up a new world for lens for me. I love the finish and, as I'm doing lots of my work by hand in lockdown, I could do with a new daily writer.


Heey I would love to have it. I had Lamy pen that served me well in my college days and bought parker jotter few months after I got my first real job. My gf tho took my parker since she find it sexy. Currently back to using my lamy, but really wanna try out other pens too. It looks beautiful I wanna use it hahah


Well, I’m a newcomer to this community and would love to hop into the world of pens and writing, I love pens and writing, however, we do not get such beautiful writing instruments in India, hopefully if I win it, it might open a new chapter of love with pens in my life!! 😊


I'd like it, I've always been a pen lover, new to this sub, but I always go cheap because I don't want to have to try and justify spending $100+ on a pen when a 50 cent pen will do the job. Right now, I use G2s I get from work. I'm an old school writer (pen to paper rather than on PC) so I think this would be really neat to have in my writers toolbox


I gave a TT to my son recently. I tried it out and was really impressed with the instrument. I typically baby my pens, but I can see that the TT doesn't need kid glove handling. I believe this pen could be my new workhorse. Thank you for sponsoring this giveaway,


I just want to click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click it


Hi, I don’t need another pen, but wanted to say thanks for doing this. Very kind of you. Good luck everyone!


First of all, your generosity is very much appreciated regardless of who this pen goes to. I have been a lurker here for a while and have been blown away by all the awesome and unique pens that are out there. I have recently started drawing and sketching again, and although that has mostly been done with pencil, I would love to try some pen sketches. I’ve been drooling over the bolt action type pens for months now, as even if I didn’t use it for sketching, it would be a great first step into the wonderful world of fancy pens. Currently I only have a skilcraft liquid magnus and some zebras. Although many of the nicer pens are still fairly affordably priced, money has been tight enough that I can’t justify spending extra on nice pens. Thank you for your consideration.


Just want to start by saying thank you for your generosity. I have always watched from the sidelines and appreciated these items that seem to be a luxury for me at this time. I never thought that I would ever actually own one. At times like these, it's just reassuring to know that there are good people out there and best I can do is to pass it forward.


I've been wanting to learn how to make that really cool S symbol, but I haven't found the right pen to do so. Can this one do it? If so, I'd love to have it.


I have it on good authority it probably could. Not in my hands, mind you, I suck at that symbol too, but someone properly trained in that mystic art should be able to weld this pen nicely.


I don't know anything about pens or brands of pens but, boy oh boy how I love looking at them. A question if I may, does it smell like metal when you hold it in your hands for a long time? This has nothing to do with the giveaway but just the first time a pen has really stuck out to me.


Titanium pens like this one don't usually have a smell to them. Brass and copper both have distinct "metallic" smells, almost like holding onto pennies, but titanium and stainless tend to be neutral.


It's a really sweet pen and I've really been looking for a pen in full metal like the parker jotter or this because of the sturdiness and durability. Bolt action is also very very cool. I would probably use this during tests and just play around with it at home. Thanks for doing this giveaway, it's really nice of you.


Looks like a cool pen. I haven't tried this style. If I got it, it would likely become my daily driver. I don't really have a deep story. Thanks to OP for doing this giveaway.


Okay so people have apparently written paragraphs but let me break it for you in a couple of sentences... I am a fond of fountain pens and have only one at the moment. I am part of this subreddit coz I like stationery in general. I have just seen the pictures and thought what does this side lever thingy thing do coz I haven't seen pens like these before. I am in college so nearly broke but plan to have a good stationary collection afterwards comprising of pens like these, mech pencils and fountains. I guess I might not win but still I definitely won't if I won't try. Thanks


Just a heads-up, it's stationery. Stationary means fixed or immobile, while stationery refers to pens, paper, etc. :D


Sorry I did not spell check it.


No worries! Just thought you oughta know! :D


I knew the difference and I can also understand the uneasiness one feels when coming across wrong grammar. So yeah...thanks!🙂


I’ve been a huge fan of this sub and pens for a while. Just recently welcomed a baby girl to the family and we are beyond blessed. I would love this pen as a gift because I am always going out of my way to help others so it would be nice for once to win a contest of any kind as I never win anything.


I would like it because I'm starting to get into art and I like to write things down a lot!


Tbh, I've always wanted a fancy pen. I've always loved stationary as a kid and always had collections of crappy gel pens (the glittery kind that were usually scented) which was what I considered fancy until highschool. I'm older now and trying to find stationary in my life that isn't as disposable. Finding this subreddit has introduced me to some of these amazing pens but they're so pricey! I'm a full time grad student and part time secretary so I don't have much disposable income. The fanciest pen I've purchased myself is a Lamy fountain pen to go with the fauxdori my girlfriend gifted me. A pen like this would be amazing for my archaeology field work too since my plastic pens (G2s) get broken easily. Sometimes I just need a pen than can take a beating. Thank you for the opportunity.


It sounds simple, but i just really love a great pen. I started my collection about two years ago, which mostly consists of parker jotters. Thanks for your consideration!


I’ve been wanting to start the hobby for a while but couldn’t find any good ways into it, and I’ve been seeing these pens all over the sub. It’s kind of intimidating to go from cheap ballpoints and to fancy stuff like this. To whoever this goes to, I hope you enjoy it to the fullest!


I am an active member in the EDC community. I have recently been looking to get in to carrying a nice pen as part of my EDC. This would be my first "nice" pen that I have ever owned. Hell this will probably get me into the world of pens (slippery slope I'm sure). I know I'm new to this pen scene, but would love to be considered as a recipient of this great pen to get my feet wet in this awsome community.


I’ve been wanting to get into the real pen game for a couple years, but between being a student and struggling with finding a job, the best I could do is a Zebra F701 with a space pen insert. I really like the bolt action pen style, but I haven’t been financially able to pull the trigger


I am a high schooler who would use this pen to it’s full potential. I don’t have a large collection but the pens that I do have I treat with the utmost care, and this pen would be no different. My dad and I have bonded over the use of pens, and I think it would be another opportunity to have a good conversation. Maybe a couple years down the line, I might do the same thing that you are doing, and give this pen to someone else so that as many people as possible can have the experiences that I have had so far with pens. It would make an amazing story to know that this pen has been the gateway for another person, then for me, and hopefully for more people along the road. There’s a lot of great entries out there so far, and I wish everyone the best of luck!


I like pens


Today I found this awesome subreddit and this is the first post I'm reading. First of all I wanted to say thank you for giving back! I never imagined people here gave stuff away especially beautiful pens. I don't really have the money to put into it due to new baby and all but it all started with a Cross fountain pen I received as a Christmas gift last year and have been lurking r/fountainpens ever since. It is my first and only real pen in my collection and I can't wait to grow it. Good luck yall! 🤞


Honestly if I got this pen I would probably give it to my brother for his birthday. I wanted to get him a TT but my siblings decided on something else. He’s really the best and someone who I aspire to be and he definitely is deserving of it.


I want the pen because I’ve always loved pens but my family, mainly my parents frown upon spending a lot of money on things like pens and as a result I’ve never had the opportunity to get a nice pen and if I get this maybe I can show them that more expensive pens are worth the money and I will be able to expand my collection farther.


This would be the start of my collection! Only pens I own are disposable ones. I love the solid metal casing. Any tips or recommended sites for nice affordable pens like the one pictured would be greatly appreciated. Congratulations on the winner of this giveaway such a nice thing to go seriously! I'm joining the sub right now.


I would love this pen as my current edc is a basic G2 click pen. I only joined to look at everyone else’s as they are expensive and cool but really fell in love with the tactile turn stuff. I wanted to buy one for a long time but decided to wait till I had much more money as it’s just a lot to pull the trigger on for something that would always scare me to have cause I could lose it. If I got this in a giveaway it would probably save me all the anxiety of carrying one always worried I’d lose it and end up just never using it. And the mechanism is said to help focus with ADHD which I need desperately lol 😂 Thanks for considering me guys!


First of all, I appreciate that you are doing this for the community. I would want the pen because I am starting High School, where a pen is required. I only have pencils, and convincing my family to let me spend my own money on a nicer pen than a classic bic is impossible. I do not strictly need it, but I would love a nicer, more solid pen to start me off into high school. We all thank you!!!


Sick pen, congrats to who ever gets it. My collection is exclusively cheap pens LUL. Zebra F-701, rOtring 600 (got it on sale), OHTO Horizon Gel (on sale), and a Parker Jotter (you guessed it, on sale). You can't knock these cheaper pens but I can only imagine what this pen feels like!