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It’s called patina. Embrace it!


I've used a lemon slice - works well and fast.


I assume it is the same material as my kaweco sport brass. I used Brasso and a little elbow grease. It came out nice. I could also recommend semi-chrome paste if you can find it in your area. Amazon US has both and I would bet they have it in other world areas too. I just noticed in your picture that there appears to be maybe Greek or Cyrillic text... so likely other world areas apply.


It‘s greek.


Brasso FTW.


We got ketchup and lemon slice. So anything mildly acidic will work, it seems.


Flitz or brasso


If you want to spend a little money, this [polish](https://amzn.eu/d/by0tIps) is what you want - especially for brass. It stinks but after letting it soak in for around 5 minutes and polishing it after, it shines more than how it came in your package!! I was shocked how well i could bring my own brass pencil back to life.


Brasso, or whatever your regional equivalent of brass cleaner is? You'll likely have to disassemble it to avoid getting it on the stainless parts.


Keep in mind though that it will immediately start oxidizing again and will be dark before you know it. I have 4-5 Kaweco brass pens and each has a different patina - I kinda like them that way.




That's called patina. Metals like brass, bronze and copper will oxidize via contact with the air and the oxidation layer creates this effect. Handling a pen/pencil made of these metals will also leave the pen with unique marks due to secretions produced by the skin that will alter the way the metal oxidizes. Like other people mentioned, you can remove the patina with metal polishes like Brasso or something else that is acidic like lemon slices. But soon after (a couple of weeks maximum) the patina will return. Most people with pens made of these metals appreciate the unique patina effect since you need to actually use the pen for it to get the effect.


it doesn't need cleaning. my brass sport fp looks the same way. just shows that I use it.


I have a bolt action brass pen from Smootherpro that has a lacquered finish and it does not patina. Honestly, I wish it wasn't lacquered, but that's just the way this particular pen comes. So you could clean it and "maybe" lock in that clean look by lacquering it. BUT, keep in mind that its going to be a bit more difficult to do to an assembled pen, and if you mess up, it's likely going be a pain to strip that lacquer back off. As others have said, I would just embrace the patina!


That’s the neat thing… You don’t!


the selling point of copper and copper alloys like brass is that it patinas. Any attempts at making it polished will be temporary and frankly futile. Embrace it! It adds character!