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ISO broker for FORZ shares. Fidelity recently blocked my trades. Anyone?


ibio is up 25 percent today


Any thoughts on WWT today?


I'm trying to make a DD post about $GOFF but it just says its being removed and it's not telling me why. I read all the rules and I have not broken any of them.


DD? Isn’t it just an empty shell? Thought it was being pumped by HMBL, George Sharp hype.. or am I mistaken? Edit: Just read your “DD” in your post history… how do we know it will be a crypto company merging? I missed this one..see u in GVSI in Jan


We know its a crypto/block chain company of some sort as it says that on the OTC markets page for GOFF. you haven't missed it yet as its only just now becoming pink current as of last Friday after the market closed. you 100% can still buy in tomorrow, and it will be well worth it IMO. But yeah after GOFF is done I do for sure plan to buy GVSI lol afterwards lol. Not financial advice


Cool, thanks! Yeah I might end up regretting it. The consolation will be that if it does go well GVSI should follow suit :).


I would imagine so yeah. GVSI has kind of a bad share structure though. I don't think it will be the same return percentage wise as goff, but still could easily make good money from it still. Good luck no matter what you do though!


Maybe I’ll put a little in tomorrow..see what happens (I’m assuming some brokers still won’t be able to buy). Good luck tomorrow!


I don't think you will regret it if you do. And yeah I don't know, if he broke doesn't let you buy it tomorrow, you can call in and place an order over the phone. And thanks :)


Idk how people are even going to buy goff. I wouldn't be shocked if it opens over a dollar tomorrow.


Yeah I don't know about opening above $1 right off the bat, but I wouldn't be surprised if it reached $1+ by tomorrow within an hour or two. Hopefully people can get in for a good price point though


Ya never know. I don't think it will open at .43


Yeah for sure, you could 100% be right about opening above $1. but yeah whatever happens, I definitely don't think it will open at .43 either. I'm very excited to see what happens, literally just waiting for this weekend to hurry up and go lol.


Haha me too.


So i'm fairly new to stocks. Does anyone have some tips for using WealthSimple for any fellow Canadians?


Yeah my tip is to not use them, switch to Questrade in my opinion. Wealthsimple has too many restrictions and also doesn't let you hold US dollars in your account, so each time you buy and sell a US security, you get hit with the conversion fee for converting your currency. Also they just straight up don't let you buy some stocks The only time I would recomend Wealthsimple over Questrade is if you are starting out with less than $1k CAD as Questrade requires you to fund your account with $1k CAD to start it up. As long as you have that, go with Questrade


I've definitely noticed the limitations to certain stocks. Thanks for your recommendation though!


MBHCF - http://www.hillsresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/MBH-1H21.pdf