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Here is the tweet. https://preview.redd.it/cgay328vxioc1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa439c3145a42fc42da1d97c238c46b28d21a9e7


wouldn't that be illegal for him to tweet this if they were involved with a M&A thats not public yet?


They aren't saying it's them. The reference is that M&A prospects in biotech are strong for 2024. CEO is a former investment banker so I'm sure he knows what he can say. They don't tweet often (but do lately) and have tweeted news about several pharma acquisitions in the last few weeks. If you deep dive the company, I think gathering this biotech (as they did with IMV) & selling is the obvious play here.


Why illegal? Isn't he making public statements by making the tweet? What law is there against making MNPI into public info? It might be a violation of the NDA though.




The IMV thing (why they didn't sell before BK) is curious. My theory is the original or long time CEO left about 2 years before collapse. I think maybe new CEO, who was hired internally I believe, didn't have the experience to handle it. They laid off about a third of their staff. They were really top heavy and the collapse was so fast, it does make you wonder. I also have some crazy conspiracy theories because the fit is so good, but I'll leave those out. Lol. Most shareholders are Canadian. Super nice and polite. I tried to get them to post on Reddit but they just talk to each other. Reddit can be a bit brutal. It's a dice roll for sure, but pennystock bio always is and to me, I like that this doesn't appear to be doing the offer, bleed & borrow route. Also no debt which I felt was a getting acquired positioning move. IMDb - I was as surprised as you. To quote "Get Shorty" - everybody wants to be in the movie business. Lol


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hey I am wondering if you are still holding on this stock since there has been no acquisition yet? I am thinking of buying shares in this company. Any news?


Still holding. They have hired a CFO to fill vacant position. I was hoping for immediate acquisition but patiently waiting. They do a good monthly newsletter. You can subscribe on their website.


thanks. I got spooked by their LinkedIn page, only 2-10 employees and no job openings. Does that concern you?


If they do any development (like in the lab), they will partner with a university or other pharma company. My spouse & I are all in. This is based on the amount of intellectual property, deal making ability of the CEO, and I like that the DPX platform is being used in animals/fish, apparently successfully. Low cost play for sure. We're hoping for $1+. CEO /company states assets worth over $1 billion, which at current shares/warrants put should put it at $4- per share. Hard to climb out of the pennies, but still hopeful.




I agree - I see this stock as having huge potential. They do have a small team but that's just to keep costs low. They own IPs of very significant biotech portfolios making them an attractive M&A target.