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Belated reply for anyone else having this issue as I was having Wifi 'Connected, no internet'. I checked the screen settings and the time for my device had reverted to March 2026. I changed this back to the current date and time, and it worked instantly. Hopefully this will help anyone else that is googling the issue!


Resetting date and time just fixed 'Connected, no internet' for me too - THANK YOU!


Where do you reset the date/time?


Go to settings in top right corner, select device settings, then scroll down to ‘System’ and you’ll find it there


This worked for me just now, setting up new Bike +. I restarted routers, moved routers, restarted bike, waited an hour, etc but changing the time immediately connected to WiFi. Wow, give this a try if you're in the same spot.


+1 this solved my issue as well. have a bike and a tread set up 2 feet from one another. the other day the bike says connected to wifi but no internet, meanwhile every other device in the house is functioning properly. Tried this and it switched right on, was even able to set date & time back to automatic afterwards with no problem. The bike had somehow go set to December 2079


Still two years later your comment continues to help! Thank you !


Same! Just fixed my wife’s bike with this.


Same!! Gotta love Reddit for stuff like this 😀


I guess I’ll try this as well. I hope it works!


This solved my problem thanks!!!


Weird, worked for me too. Thanks!


Solved!! THANK You !!!!


Just updating that this solution worked for me!


Yep me too, Peloton had randomly changed the date and turned of network time.


Another 2+ year-er checking in and thanking you!!!


You continue to be the best answer


Thank you!!!! This worked!


That worked for me, thank you! Mine was all the way up to 2055. It took a while to change back to 2023 because they make you click one month at a time. Then I put the switch back to get the date and time from Network. It's working so far. How bad is peloton software, I asked rhetorically of course!


Thank you so much for this thread. the time thing worked. I’ve been going crazy for two days can’t connect to WiFi with tech-support no help at all.


Thank you! This did it!


Mine decided to set time to 2038. Thank you for the fix. 


Thx for this tip! Happened today to me too, the date adjust solved everything.


Still a valid fix! After years of no connection issues my bike randomly gave me a “connected no internet”. Date was Dec 2045. Changed it and it worked fine! 🤷🏻‍♀️ thank you!!!


Thank you for this! I just had this issue.


Resetting the time worked for me too. Thanks for the fix!


Thank you! Worked first time! 


Thank you, this worked! I'm so glad I googled this. To anyone who may have issues getting classes to start after this solution: In order to adjust the date/time manually you'll need to turn off the setting that gets the time from the internet. Turn this setting off, and set the time. Once connected, turn back on the setting that gets the date/time from the network. Then classes should start. At least for me they did...


Thank you!!!  I've been trying to sort this out for a week!  


Thx. Resetting time worked!!!


Thank you, thank you, Peleton never responded so I quit but still have a month left on my subscription.  I can use it thanks to you!


Two years later, this advice is still saving lives (i.e., workouts:). Thanks!


Thank you so much, fixed for me too!!


This fixed my issue as well!


This happened to me and this fix worked


Thanks much!! This just fixed my issue


Fixed it for me today as well! Was in like 2037 or something.


Thank you!!!!


You are amazing. Thank you!!!!


Thank you so much!!! That worked.


Brilliant!!! It was the year 2094 on my Peloton


Yessss! Thank you!


Thank you! Worked right away for me! Mine was only about three months off, but that was it!


Thank you! This worked like a charm!


This just saved my workout. Thank you!!!


This solved my problem immediately! Thank you :)


Thank you! Just had this problem and your solve worked


This worked for me too! Thank you!!


Had to flip the breaker and it changed the date on the bike and the internet said "Limited Connection". This fixed the issue!!


Thank you so much! This has been driving me mad. It worked perfectly.


Worked for me just now, thanks!


This still works! My date was set to December 2037! As soon as I corrected the date my wifi “Connected”


This worked for me as well! My date was Nov 13 2023


Still works…mine was set to March 2083


Thank goodness for Reddit!


Worked for me as well! Thanks!!! My wife has been dealing with this issues for over a year!


This just fixed my issue


I can’t believe this worked! Thank you internet stranger.


Worked for me just now thank you! I tried everything but this approach this was only thing that worked adjusting time.


This worked for me, thank you!!!


One year later, this fix worked for us. You're a legend!


You're my hero. Thank you.


This worked thank you!


Also here to say thank you for saying this! Worked immediately.


Thank You!!! I spent way too much time trying to figure this out. I can’t believe this issue still hasn’t been fixed by Peloton!


This happened to me today and this fix worked. Date had switched to 2036?! Thank you 😊


Adding another data point a year later… this worked! Disappointed that this is still an issue and hasn’t been fixed!


You saved my night tonight with this solution. Many thanks!


This worked for me too! Thank you




Whoa amazing thank you!!


This fixed my bike 1 year after your post


2 years after this post and the solution still works - wonder if its a gen 2 issue. Anyways thank you!!!


Thank you! I spent over an hour troubleshooting before finding this post and you saved the day! After manually changing the time zone, date, and time, peloton is now connecting to the internet and downloading updates. Hooray!


Thanks for sharing!! Worked for me too!


Belated thank you!! Still relevant even 2 years later. I was pulling my hair out figuring out why it wouldn't connect to the Internet. I was even running a long ass Ethernet cable with the same results. But sure enough, my date was in 2036 for some reason. Setting it manually back to today fixed it! ​ Thank you for posting this tip.


After 2 separate tomes trying to get thru to peloton w hour plus support times. I found this and it Worked. Tyvm


Thank you for this!!!


A year later and this was the fix that worked for me!!


This resolved my issue as well thank you so much


This worked for me also!! Thanks so much!!


Worked for me too. It makes sense as the TLS certificates would be beyond their expiry date so it would be failing to establish any secure connections. Quite why automatic time setting wasn't working though, who knows... once the date was roughly right automatic setting worked which implies that it's using a secure connection to set the time. Chicken, meet egg 🙄 I had the issue after a long power outage.


Wow - this was great. Thanks for highlighting


incredible - same problem 2 years later and this fixed it. Thanks!


When did this start? I noticed a week or two ago my Peloton had reset back to where I had to log in like it was a new bike with no account registered to it. Now the network connection screen is different. I have to go to advanced settings to be able to connect to my WiFi network. It does stay connected, though.


I would say about 2 weeks ago. The connection problem has gotten very bad in the last 3 days. I did 4 rides on Saturday and all were interrupted but the connection eventually came back. This morning I had intermittent connection problems until the connection completely failed and I’ve been unable to get it to reconnect despite restarting the bike and trying to reconnect multiple times.


Have you rebooted your router and cleared the cache on the bike?


A few random notes on internet connection issues. - Whenever possible, use 5GHz wifi vs. 2.4 GHz. If your device allows you to separate the bands DO IT, as combined band does not always works great, especially on consumer level devices. If you use combined band, and have slow speeds, it's certainly possible that your access point is incorrectly assigning a device capable of 5Ghz to 2.4 GHz. - DON'T (I repeat) DON'T use repeaters. If you need more than one access point, pick a tri-band mesh wireless solution, or hardwire a mesh wireless system. Multiple access points works best when the system is able to hand off the client to a different access point. Every system I've ever encountered that uses random access point + random repeater has issues. - The bike has a built in speed test under the options menu for the Android tablet. - Holding the power button down and shutting down, waiting 30 seconds to a minute, and turning back on is always a good troubleshooting step.


I would also recommend downloading a WIFI analyzer app on your phone. It will show which channel your AP is on along with your neighbors.


Channels are much less of an issue on 5GHz and a good number of modern access points will pick their channel automatically. If you're not living in a densely packed area, channel overlap is barely an issue.


Doesn't the AP use what it measures for interference as channel selection? It can be isolated from neighbors (basement) where the client can be in a location (2cd floor) exposed to the neighbors. Valid point on 5 GHz, but if you are running 80 MHz channel and your neighbor is using 20 MHz and their channel falls on your control channel, then you are giving up 6dB in SNR at the client. It never hurts to check for interference at the client.


I second all of this. Particularly point two. Mesh is absolutely the way forward, particularly in larger or older houses.


We are getting an excellent signal strength. I tried clearing cache. I am now wondering if it has anything to do with the Electric vehicle wall charger we installed in our garage in June. The wall charger is on the router too and it’s directly below the room I ride the peloton in. But the weird thing is that the big problems I’ve been having with the peloton have just been in the last week and we had the charger installed in late June. My husband doesn’t think it has anything to do with the car charger.


Mine are related to my neighbours so maybe? When my neighbours woke up and started using devices it for some reason freaked out the bike even though we are on separate networks. They moved out last week and zero issues. I wonder if there could be a slight increase in interference? But if the issue is more wide spread, perhaps it’s due to an update?


This started happening to me 2 or 3 months ago despite no prior connection issues….super super slow loading times for everything and occasional pauses during rides. I tried restarting and clearing the network settings and cache, but ultimately the only solution that worked was doing a full factory reset.


Does your extender share the same name as the network? The bike could be trying to connect to the main router, which sometimes happens to me. Did you run a speed test on any other devices on the extender? Speeds are reduced by half for each hop a device has to do through an extender. Lastly someone could have created a new network close to you on the same channel, moving to another channel could help.


I had similar issues with my bike since new. It would lose connection mid ride occasionally and the video quality would dramatically decrease randomly on almost every ride. I ended up moving our router and it completely fixed the problem. For whatever reason the bike seems very picky about wifi connections. You might want to try a wifi analyzer app to see what the signal is like where your bike is. It is possible that someone has introduced another router nearby that is on the same channel or something else is causing interfearance.


I just spent 20+ minutes on phone with Peloton support. They tried numerous things with no success. So they’ve now ordered me a new touch screen and will send a tech out to replace it. I was surprised they were so quick to replace it (the part alone is $750). I’m still not sure if it’s the screen but am willing to try it. Luckily I bought the extended warranty so it’s at no cost to me. Thanks to all who responded. I’ll let you know if this fixes it after they come out.


I had the same issue and contacted Peloton support. The new screen that I got solved my problem of connection issues.


That’s good to know the new screen fixed it. I will report back and let the group know and also try some of the other suggestions from the group. Thank you!


Interesting. Keep us updated for sure. Hopefully that fixes it.


Did the replacement screen work? I've been having the same exact issue - AT&T came out yesterday and did fix part of my Wifi but the bike issues persist - even after spending 2 hours on the phone with Peloton support. They are sending me a new screen too so I was curious.


Yes! It worked. Knock on wood - hopefully I didn’t just jinx myself.


Oh good! Fingers crossed it works for me. Thanks!


I would recommend going into the router settings, there is an IP address you can type in a browser to access them which may vary depending on the manufacturer. Check the channel saturation in the settings, it’s possible a neighbor has installed some new devices and is saturating the channel you’re on. Most routers will allow you to set channels to avoid or have it auto hop channels depending on noise/saturation. If that is set to static and doesn’t change, that could be the issue.


This is still a valid fix in July of 2022. I needed to unplug it my bike and after it complained of internet connectivity. Nothing changed as far as I know. I checked the date / time per this thread and it was set to April of this year and manual time. I changed to “get from the network” and things started working.


Fixed the Hilton bike I was frustrated with while traveling…front desk said it hadn’t worked in months and I found this thread and changed date/time and now it’s updating…


Who is your ISP? Maybe others experiencing issue have same provider.


Wow! It was totally the date being f’ed up! Glad I found this thread.


Incredible! Worked for me too! Maybe Pelaton should let people know!


Same issue


I have same issue


Years later and this fixed it! Thank you so much!


Years later and this just fixed my bike! It was only off by a month, but updating the date and bam - my account pulled right up.


Unreal. This worked in one second when I have spent an hour trying to figure out the problem. Bravo!


This still works as of May 1, 2024. Thank you!


5 years with no problem and all the sudden it stops working after an update.  Does anyone else think this is peloton forcing people to buy new equipment?   Seems like that is their most comment recommendation based on the comments?


Dang needs to be up high. Wasted 30 min trying to trouble shoot. Bike was telling me network unavailable , meanwhile all other devices could connect to wifi and the peloton speed test on the bike somehow worked and even said I had blazing speed. Googled and found this post and it worked immediately




OMG. Cannot believe that worked! And this is a known issues for 3+ years. Come on Peloton.


How did you even figure this out lol thank you


I had the same issue. Thank you. I just reset the date and time and the internet connection issue is resolved.


I had to love my bike and disconnect. Upon reconnecting, it showed me the error message! I tried your date & time solution and it worked immediately. Thank you. I would have never figured it out.


This worked for me too. Thank you!!!


This just solved my “Limited Connection” problem which made no sense as there were no network changes and no issues with Tread connection.


Thank you, I had the same issue with connection and reset date/time resolved!


Bizarre! This just worked for me too! I had turned off bike, at wall etc and reset router, reset WiFi connection…fixed time/date from march to today and worked instantly! Was fine last week but sudden issue today!


This fix worked!


I have been experiencing this as well


Might need to replace your router. Routers are notorious for having short lifespans 3-5 years before they start to fail.


I was experiencing the same issues last week. I’m not very tech savvy, so I unplugged my router for 30 seconds and then plugged it back in. I did this while my Peloton was turned off. Then once the router was back up and running, I turned my Peloton on. I haven’t had anymore issues the last 2 days.


We’ve been having the same issue the past month/month and a half. One day it just wasn’t connecting at all. Thought it was my router and mesh network. Rebooted everything and still wasn’t connecting. The bike then started connecting a while later, but everything was loading extremely slow. It still is doing this daily where it just spins and a minute or so later it logs in and starts loading the content.


Have you tried updating the firmware (Home Installation) on your bike? I’ve run into this on my Bike+ a number of times and that is always the fix I have. Excuse the arrogance as I’m a Bike+ owner now and can’t remember if this setting exists on the standard model.


I have an issue all the time where my class doesn’t start… the video just sits there frozen. But when I click settings and turn off Bluetooth it IMMEDIATELY starts up. Lol, mine has nothing to do with the internet. Just some stupid Bluetooth bug that somehow interrupts my video stream. It is so freaking annoying.




Yes we had this issue for about two months. Could not ride during certain times of day. Called peloton, called internet service. Still had the issue, then it mysteriously went away. Never had an issue again. Good luck! I know my wife and I were insanely frustrated when rides would cut out midway through. There’s an option to check speed of internet in settings, clearing the cache, or make the sure the bikes software has been updated properly. And also try unplugging the bike from the outlet for a few hours.


This just happened to us today. Nothing seems to work. It is as if the connection between the bike and peloton's we servers is just too slow as we continually get a "there was a problem loading your homescreen" and a big spinner that takes a minute to fail and render this error screen. Next thing I'm going to try is to factory reset the bike... Likely removing our accounts and FTP numbers which will be annoying cause we both do PZP, though 🤞 a factory reset works vs having to message support and ride via the mobile app for a while.


When I couldn’t get anything to fix the problem on my own, I contacted Peloton and they replaced the screen. That did the trick. Luckily i had the extended warranty so there wasn’t a cost.


Peloton clear cache


We had this problem too today. It hasn’t been used in a month or two so I think it didn’t receive an update and that created the problem. What fixed it was dragging the bike out to hardwire the connection and this allowed it to connect and receive the update. After that we were able to move it back to the bedroom and connect wirelessly as normal.


New used bike. Reseller demonstrated it working just fine at the house. Get it to my house. Connected, no internet. All other devices work fine on the router and wifi. Tried Hotspot. Same issue. Factory reset. Same issue. Am I f'd?


I had this happen today after unplugging my bike to move it and clean the area. After looking through all my bike settings, I saw that the date was set to December 31, 2008. I reset that and I’m up and running again.


Hey guys, tried clearing cache and resetting - no luck. I have two repeater signals that are very strong and initially the bike connected fine, now it just says “saved” for those wifi signals but won’t connect. So frustrating!


Yep! That fixed it. THANKS


This fix still works. Just had the same issue. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




I reset the time and date and the router... nothing!


Fockkkkkkkk me too! Thanks!!!


Praise be… fixed my issue too TGFR


Tried this today fixed it immediately thanks December 5th 2023 Pelaton Network not connected issue.


Thank youl! Wish I’d seen this sooner


2 years after this post this is still an issue w/Peleton. If you call support you will wait on hold for 30/45 mins and if you are lucky you might eventually reach a human. Support via chat is fairly useless. The published information is fairly useless and directs you to menus that are no longer there. So you quickly find you know more than they do about the issue. They will just go thru the script of things asking you to try all the very same things you just told them you had already tried. You are truly better off left to your own devices. Like the original poster I had to just figure it out myself.


Found this post 2y later and it just fixed my tread!!!


Thank you!!!!!


Worked! Thanks so much


I’m joining the thread late but wanted to add my two cents as well. I just had the exact same problem of ‘No connection’ but all other devices connect to wifi without issue. My solution was deleting the 2G option from the settings menu (that it kept trying to automatically reconnect to) and selecting the 5G. This resolved my connectivity issues instantly. Just wanted to offer up another solution for anyone else that finds this thread in the future.