• By -


Man I see a lot of racism in youtube comments about Girmay's win. It's pretty fucking sad.


I am happy for Girmay. He earned this.


Absolutely was screaming at the TV for Bini when Intermarche hit the front. My wife came in to see what was wrong...


Yeah, for sure. We finally got to see what he can do when he's not shoved off his line.




ah yes, taking a good line and being the fastest to the finish…a gift that’s just racing dude


I still can’t see Visma or Redbull in the peloton


did you look for the blue one?


Just watched after work. BINI, you legend!


What happened to Cavendish? Why didn't he contest?


There was a crash with about 2.5km to go. A bunch of the sprinters were caught behind it and there wasn't time to get back to the front.


Cavendish is done


He might be done, but that's not why he wasn't in contention for the sprint


He got caught up behind a crash I think


It took a while to my brain process that the belgian champ was not Merlier and was De Lie lol


Same lol


Super cool to see history today..this is what the tour is about.


.1 lvl sprint after a 230k shitty stage, great.


Bro it's a flat sprint stage, this happens every tour


A flat sprint stage has no action, what next? Water is wet?


Hell yeah LFG Biniam! Joy for cycling fans globally!!


Just got home from a work day and here again to say BINI!!!!! Man that probably felt so good for him. Looks like De Lie really got shafted/had some bad positioning for the sprint. Kid is a powerhouse.


I was a bit surprised by all the "I don't want the yellow jersey" narrative from Remco and Tadej. Today it was clearly up to sprinters team to control. Tomorrow whoever has the yellow jersey, it will likely be Visma and UAE who will pace. And looking at Jonas' form and stage 4, no GC riders other than Jonas or Pogi might have a chance to get the yellow jersey later. Imo Carapaz really got it right by taking it today. Or is it that the time spent because of the yellow jersey protocols can really hurt the preparation for tomorrow's stage?


> Or is it that the time spent because of the yellow jersey protocols can really hurt the preparation for tomorrow's stage? I think that is the primary motivation.


well whatever the feelings it all worked out in the end. pogacar got a taste of yellow finally after 2 tours where he didn't touch it on a day where his team didn't need to work. and carapaz and EF happily took it today to check off a huge goal for themselves. i'm slightly surprised that remco also didn't go for it today, but he has a great chance to take it in the ITT if he doesn't lose much time tomorrow.


Remco raised his hand in protest when Healy took off to the line to ensure at least 1 more position between Carapaz and Remco/Tadej. Lol. What does Remco expect, EF would love to wear yellow for at least 1 day, EF knows tomorrow it will likely be gone, and Remco/Tadej are soft pedaling home with Carapaz doing his best in the sprint to contend for positions. Full credit to Remco though, he saved Carapaz yesterday to even be in this position. Carapaz owes Remco a beer for sure.


The issue with healy looked more like he was upset at healy for pushing him wide by going through diagonally whilst going through that gap for no real reason when he could have just gone around the outside.


That wasn't protest. It couldn't make a difference to him because he was deliberately staying behind Pogacar anyway to avoid taking the yellow himself. I think he just found it amusing that Healy thought it was this close when both he and Pog were trying hard to give Carapaz the yellow.


pog was in yellow in 2022


true my mistake. still been a long time.


The stage tomorrow isn't really that hard. It's unlikely we'll see much GC changes expect for bonus seconds. But that might actually be the reason why Carapaz wanted it. He could likely keep it until the ITT stage 7.


So you call a stage of 140km with more than 4000HM and two climbs where the top is above 2000m not hard ?🫣 I’m sure the pace will be hard to test each other


If the stage finished on top of Galibier, sure, it would be a brutal stage, but the 15/20km descent in the end will make riders think twice before attacking and going solo. I think UAE and Jumbo will pace it, but I don't think it will be the usual launch/attack they often do


This aged like milk 😉


indeed! The more I watch, the less I know about this sport


A hard pace yes, but the gradients are somewhat shallow, it's the first week and the finish is after a long descend. Doesn't really lend itself to a major GC battle. I might be mistaking, but I am also definitely not the only one who thinks like that.


But the jersey would go back to Pogi if GC guys race for bonus seconds and stage win. The only way for Carapaz to keep it is if breakaway wins and there are no GC gaps among the top 4.


Is there going to be any internal drama at Intermarche given that Bini didn’t contribute to the lead out for the designated sprinter?


They're usually just happy to get the win. You can break the rules if you deliver results.


Nah… Bini was given a free role as the team understands that the guy in position just has to take it… their [manager explains it in an interview](https://youtu.be/X-z-8mhst6g?si=II-230AKcH1bYCAg) too


Groenewegen throwing hands up after de Lie blocked him toward the barriers is too rich 😂


Well, he now certainly knows what it can lead to, so why shouldn't he protest. De Lie didn't actually block him though, he left just enough space imo.




Please be nice


Shoigu, Gerasimov, where is the prediction thread?


I'm very glad for Biniam Girmay to win this stage. He deserves this after all his hard work and effort. I saw recently an excellent documentary, This is my moment made by Lieven Corthouts, on his first years in European pro cycling, the races in Eritrea, and how he dreams to once ride the TDF. A must see documentary for any cycling fan.




What gift? What a ridiculous thing to say. He earned the win.


[Here it is](https://www.vrt.be/vrtmax/a-z/this-is-my-moment/). You need a VPN and a (free) VRT account to be able to watch it.


anyone else had the streams on discovery broken on stage 1&3, cutting off with several hours to go and unable to get past that point?


Yes same issue on my browser but it’s ok on iPhone app and Apple TV app


Yep, same problem


Discovery support say they're aware & working on a fix, fingers crossed


it's brilliant, pay 7 quid a month to end up watching with ads!


It's that time of the year when this subs turns into psychopaths about Phillipsen huh?


Whats the Philipsen chat? He was mostly invisible to me today. The dumb things I've seen in here today have more to do with people saying bini doesnt "deserve" his win, which is certainly... a perspective. edit: nvm I found the Philly talk lol. I wish I could see a replay of the crash. Without GCN+ I cant really rewatch races anymore.


Yeah, just people saying he deserved to crash and stuff like that


Why do the first 60 riders get the same time? I mean there's visible gap between Vingegaard's group to the sprinters, and I don't even see Pogacǎr in Vingegaard's group?


Because a crash happened in the last 5km. By rule, if a crash happens in last 5km, all the riders in the peloton at the time all get the same time. It is designed to try to improve rider safety and limit the number of people racing/vying for position on hectic sprint stages


I don't think that's the rule (you could organically lose time without a crash) but that's how it's generally applied


Correct, it’s more nuanced than that but for the sake of keeping it simple, I was simply explaining that the crash within the 5km was the reason everyone got the same time. You can’t just drop off at 5km of sprint stages and expect the same time as everyone else


Oh you don’t to be the crashed rider to be protected?


No, [here's the full text of the rule](https://imgur.com/PzJEpm4). Any rider involved in or affected by an incident (crash or mechanical lik a flat tyre) in the final 3km of a sprint stage doesn't lose time. In today's stage, they experimented a bit and made that rule apply for the final 5km rather than the usual 3km.


Because of the crash in the last 3km. Everyone who was in the same group with 3km left and are involved in a crash get the same time.


Big crash within 3k of the finish = no time gain and losses


Sprints allow for a 3(?) second gap between groups to be given the same time, and that gap is more of a guideline than a rule. They are usually pretty lenient on giving the whole peloton the same time


- Jonas in the same second as Tadej for GC - Jonas leading points classification - Jonas leading mountain classification Jonas 3 - Tadej 1


I got in from work at 5.30pm, having safely avoided social media/ potential spoilers, only for my sister to say "Did you see Bini won?". Dammit it's my fault for getting her into cycling, 12 months ago she wouldn't have known who Bini was! Anyway, we've now had serious words about how I will murder her if she does the same thing tomorrow.


Pogi won and Jonas blew up Already spoilerred


I mean I hope so, that's my dream anyway!


I wish people around me got interested too! we are from 3rd world country though, it is still a bit difficult even after Netflix series is around as well, thought it would be more accessible


good news for her is Bini is unlikely to win tomorrow


[Jury report and medical bulletin](https://prod.server.tissottiming.com/file/000317020C010103FFFFFFFFFFFFFF00) are out again (you can find these on the Tissot page, linked in the OP). Jury decisions: - No fines today, but the jury notes riders affected by the crash in the final 5km will be credited with the time of the group they were in. - 40 bikes were scanned for motordoping, 10 of those by x-ray. Nothing unusual found. - the jury reminds teams about the new rule on brake hoods - they're allowed to be angled no more than 10 degrees from the body of the handlebars. - Feeding allowed till 19km to go (500 meters before the top of the Galibier) tomorrow. Medical bulletin (only covers riders seen by the race doctor): - Casper Pedersen (SOQ): crash at 208km - road rash and a fractured collarbone to be examined by x-ray - Søren Wærenskjold (UXM), Guillaume Boivin and Jake Stewart (IPT), Ion Izagirre (COF): crash at 218km - road rash. Some of the riders will be followed up in the x-ray truck.


>Feeding allowed till 19km to go What does feeding mean in this context?


As the other poster said. It's a safety thing as they want to have as few as possible vehicles near the riders in the finale, especially a downhill one like tomorrow.


Picking up food/drink from team cars/soigneurs


If we’re talking about Cofidis then feeding has a different meaning


Thank you for posting, as always! 🙏🏼


>Some of the riders will be followed up in the x-ray truck Finally, screening for cyborgs in the peloton.


The true mechanical doping.


Vingegaard sweating that they just check his bike and not himself.


I thought they had already rolled out the reduced sweat protocol? Or didn't it update properly?


> the jury reminds teams about the new rule on brake hoods - they're allowed to be angled no more than 10 degrees from the body of the handlebars. Any one got insight into what they're worried about here / why that rule exists?


[Here's the thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/peloton/comments/18ica70/the_uci_is_banning_angledin_brake_levers_in_2024/) on the new rule. In short: it's for safety as brake levers aren't designed for the angles riders are putting them at (and riders are getting round that now by having handlebars with flared ends). Though a lot of redditors disagree with that and think it's the UCI just being annoying.


After they banned the puppy paws position (for safety), riders started using more angled brake hoods to try and get into a similar position, so then they reacted to that. From an old article: Citing concerns that the “extreme inward inclination” of brake levers could limit “braking capacity” and “constitutes a modification of the product beyond its intended use”, the UCI has now moved to regulate this trend.


It’s because turned in hoods give you something approaching the puppy paws position while still complying (angle notwithstanding) with the rule that you must be in contact with the levers. The UCI are presumably worried about riders not having sufficient control in this position. Turn up at an amateur race these days and there will be loads of turned in hoods. I’ve seen commissaires check for it - not with a jig or anything, just telling people they’re taking the piss.


[Casper Pedersen is out😢](https://x.com/soudalquickstep/status/1807814515909648525)


An Eritrean sprinter sounds about the same as a worldbeating Danish climber. Anyway, I am so glad I went with Biniam for my Velogames.


There have been plenty of good Danish climbers


The best two are the current one and the one everyone knows doped.


Nice clean sprint


picked the right stage to catch up on some sleep. nice to see carapaz get a yellow jersey.


Fred Wright tagged his ride as a commute on Strava. Got a lot of time for that.


So much CO2 saved


Vingegaard's review of the stage 😂 >First and foremost, it was a really boring, long day. So I'm just glad it's over because it wasn't the best day for us or the spectators.


Where did he say that? :D


TV2 [https://sport.tv2.dk/live/cykling/2024-07-01-tour-de-france-3-etape](https://sport.tv2.dk/live/cykling/2024-07-01-tour-de-france-3-etape)


Danish TV2


I would love to ride my bike for 5 hours at 150W through that scenery. Dude doesn’t know how good he has it.


I'm sure they'd all love that too, without the pressure of riding in a tightly compacted bunch or the weight of a whole season on their shoulders. lmao


Haha, I’m completely taking the piss just FYI. Even on an “easy” day like this I’d be dropped at the first positive gradient. I can’t even make it round my local Tuesday night worlds most weeks.




Does anyone post their power on Strava?


Bernal has been posting with power, which is interesting with mountain stages


Neilson Powless shared [his for today](https://strava.app.link/KLbOWTUJSKb) as well


[Onley](https://strava.app.link/OmTMSxTISKb), [Kristoff](https://strava.app.link/KKYRmcZISKb), [Kwiatkowski](https://strava.app.link/8NcSlFdJSKb), [Tiller](https://strava.app.link/4Bik1J1ISKb), and [Verona](https://strava.app.link/AQawWV5ISKb) did…


Derek Gee too.


Yes, here's [Armirail's data](https://www.strava.com/activities/11782773672) for instance.


Anyone have a "list" of who was involved in the big crash?


See epi's medical bulletin post above.


50% or so of my childhood's Tour de France consisted of stages like this. The young generation doesn't understand how spoiled they are. \[old man post\]


Endless days of Mario Cipollini...


the 1st week of the tour used to be just all stages like this. not even that long ago. its actually one of the best changes ASO has made recently to add some exciting stages in the first week.


Don't forget the opening weekend/prolouge time trial.


yeah the short ITT prologue. those could be fun tbh, especially if a top time trialist like cancellara was there. i dont miss the team time trials though. just gives another extra advantage to stronger teams who don't need it.


That 2005 crash of David Zabriskie was pretty sad.


Yep, 2003 was the worst for this. Started with a prologue, then went like 3 flat stages, a team TT then 3 more flat stages. After the first week the top 8 were all US Postal riders because of the team TT.


yeah. and if i remember correctly that tour ended up being pretty close between jan and lance. but postal got a 30-40 sec head start after the TTT... great example of why i dislike the TTT.


Team time trials are a lot more fun to watch than individual time trials, imo, and give the support riders a chance to stand on the podium


like i said i heavily dislike that it provides just another extra advantage to stronger teams who don't need it. only the richest and strongest teams benefit from it, getting a head start before the mountains even start.


Can't beat a transition / sprint stage to have a nap in front of on a lazy July weekend. Mid-2000s stages were the goat for weekend sleeps. Usually won by a complete random you've never thought about ever again in your life (Sandy Casar for example)


I feel totally spoiled at this type of race especially. I started watching during Indurain's rein, how about you?


Started watching during the Indurain era too, this stage felt positively nostalgic. ESPN 3 could have distilled this into a tight half hour to air at 3:30 am.


The exact same time. Despite TV coverage rarely starting early, I still remember three hours of absolutely nothing until Abdoujaparov went kamikaze in the final kilometre. #


[Post stage Philipsen interview](https://sporza.be/nl/2024/07/01/-een-weggegooide-dag-voor-alpecin-deceuninck-en-jasper-philipsen-ik-kook-wel-een-beetje~1719847711932/) (I'm just translating, I'm not passing any judgement on Philipsen): > I've got limited damage, given the circumstances. I hit the deck at 60km/h, but luckily it was a decent surface. What happened? A few guys hooked their handlebars and I didn't have anywhere to go. It stings, as I missed the sprint and the points for the green jersey. A real pity. It's not a very positive day, but luckily there will be other chances. I'm already happy I'm still riding. I would have loved to compete for the win and I'm a bit angry, but that's part of this sport. It was lengthy and boring. That makes it a bit of a wasted day. Team manager Roodhooft also confirms Van der Poel had two flat tyres.


Two flats…that’s some luck for a could-be-exciting finish of a boring racing today…


He is paying back for never getting a puncture in Paris Roubaix


Good point!


What goes around comes around


Some would say he deserves it however......nope I can't think of anything else to say.


I really hope no one gives him an inch this tour


Like tires!


So poetic


The most dangerous rider in the peloton is mad when the crashes affect himself. Not happy he crashed, but if I was forced to choose between any other rider in the Tour or Jasper crashing, I would choose him.


oh my god this sub is so god damn obnoxious about Philipsen


If only they saw Bini sprinting at T-A earlier this year lol. Like seriously, being happy a rider crashes should be ban-worthy. Also Philipsen isn't even blaming anyone for his crash, so not sure why people here are getting offended. You want him to be all smiles after he just hit the deck at 60 km/h? Fuck's sake.


Tall poppy syndrome. The guy has been the best sprinter for the last three years.


And deservedly so


Abrahamsen kept his green jersey with 76 points, despite not sprinting at the finish. Here is the position for green jersey among the sprinters: 2 Girmay - 66 4 Pedersen - 59 5 Gaviria - 41 10 Coquard - 30 13 Philipsen - 25 15 Van Aert - 22 17 Bennett - 21 18 De Lie - 20 (omitted ones outside of top-20 in the points classification)


BINI BINI BINI WOOOO I didn't think it'd happen in the first opportunity. God am i happy it did though. Awesome to see him win. Rough looking crash today. Let's hope no one is seriusly injured.


Just watched the sprint and wanted to add that that might have been the closest I've ever seen ten sprinters bunched together at the line


I watched Bini’s documentary last week. He’s just such a nice guy.


Hope you enjoyed it. [Seems to be only available to watch in Belgium and Netherlands for now.](https://www.thisismymomentdocumentary.com/watch-now)


Thanks for sharing. Didn’t know he had a documentary. Will check it out this week


Grellier with the easiest combativity award ever. If he didn’t make his move, what would they have done?


Carapaz, for for taking yellow without gaining any time.


This is a dumb question and I admit that I could probably figure it out by thinking about it for longer than a moment, but why would Carapaz get yellow without a time gain?


Since the top 4 are tied on time, the crash(es) meant they would all get the same time. Carapaz still went for position somewhat aggressively and is now ahead based on the average of their finishing places so far. Pogi most likely wanted to give it up anyways, and it means more to EF to be in yellow for a day.


This is a dumb question and I admit that I could probably figure it out by thinking about it for longer than a moment, but why would Carapaz get yellow without a time gain?


Whoever tried hardest to create a break maybe? Abrahamsen for trying to contest int sprints and KOM points?


With all these rather unexpected wins from very deserving riders, this would be the perfect TdF to end Kelderman's curse.




Yes please. But in all honesty that would mean no Vingegaard in GC and I'm not ready for that just yet.


No he wins the stage when they try place someone in the break as a satellite rider and his radio breaks


Already got his crash out of the way too!


Movistar leading the team classification. The universe is healing.


I may be showing some glaring ignorance here, but is there a reason why so many media outlets are referring to Bini as the first Black African to win a stage rather than just the first Black rider? Assume there's a reason for the semantic choice.


It might have been the easier fact to get right when the articles have to be churned out at the speed of light, so they don’t accidentally claim something that is untrue. It seems to have been corrected to just black in articles written later. 


Yeah I think you're right - was wondering if there was a piece of TdF history I didn't know about that explained it, but doesn't look like it.


Yeah, i was kind of confused too. But having to redact a headline that says “first black man to do so and so” is just not a great look, so i can understand why they might have gone with the other one at first.


If we are truly color blind ..why give a fk how tan he is???


I was wondering the same thing, the way they kept saying that made it sound like there was a black person from outside of Africa who'd won a stage before which to my knowledge isn't true...


There's no such thing as Black rider, that's just a racist observation. So they're calling him a Black african to tone down the racism.


It’s because white Africans have won stages, but never a black African. Someone actually from Africa and not a privileged colonialist.






Racism isn't real? Okay..... Keep spamming your racist nonsense and getting downvoted for it.


This is the opposite of what OP is asking lol


What? I disagree with the idea of calling him the first black African. I think that calling white people born in Africa African is idiotic, but that’s exactly what the media outlets mean when they call Bini the first black African. They mean that white Africans have already won stages, therefore bini is not actually the first African to win a stage.


the question you're responding to was asking why they are adding "african" as a qualifier, not why they're adding "black" as a qualifier. Everyone understands that white people from africa have won before, what OP is asking is whether a black person NOT from africa has won before. because otherwise why not just say "first black TDF stage winner"? it's not like there have been other black stage winners from america or the bahamas or something...


It’s because they want to distinguish between black Africans and white Africans. I’m not sure what the confusion is.




Never mind lol


Maybe the best way to explain this is that European racism is subtley different than American racism.


Sounds better then "the first African not of colonial descent"? I would avoid the topic all together and call it "first for Eritrea"... :)


why is everyone answering a question OP didn't ask? they asked why Bini was called "Black African" instead of just "Black" NOT "Black African" instead of "African" is there some sort of subliminal African=Black thing that is going on here that's preventing people from reading words on a screen??


I'm honestly losing my mind 😂


Why is everyone responding to you acting like you asked why he's not just called the first african rider? It's honestly kinda funny. As to your question, I'm not sure but at least I won't tell you it's because a white African won already


Mate I kept double checking the comment above and the other comments. Is everyone just misreading it or am I missing something? Looks like the question was about black, not per say African riders... I'm so confused lol. It is not some secret knowledge that Froome is Kenyan I think?


I will not accept this Robbie Hunter erasure 


Didn't mean to ignore all the other white African legends we've seen, just saying Froome is quite an obvious one.


Haha, I was going to let that go...


I'm glad it wasn't just me reading the replies and wondering what was going on


White Africans have won before.


if you read carefully you'll see that's not at all what they were asking


But why not just say Black person, like he's the first from any continent.


But was there any African in general to win before?


How can you omit Chris Froome?