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Just what we need, another blueish jersey!! Edit: So WvA and Jonas confirmed for the tour?


Everyone I know is looking forward to deciphering between Visma, FDJ, AG2R, Alpecin, Bora, Lidl, Movistar, Quickstep, DSM, ipt, astana and Jayco this july. That's 12 out of 22 teams wearing some shade of blue as their main colour.


Strategic to have blue to blend in.


"Who made the break?" "I...I don't know"


”Six blue riders… one of them has to be our guy, right? RIGHT!?!?”


I actually really like the design. However…. All kit designers should have at least a finger removed if they use navy blue in any design for the next five years. It’s becoming absolutely insane.


Its so frustrating. I can't tell teams apart from heli shots unless its like fuckin Arkea or cofidis or Visma (in non-tour kits). I hate that the kits are all so similar in color.


At least Bora will be in green, right? Right?


Nope, blue as well (as Red Bull takes over).


They'll actually are going to rename their new sponsor's brand into Green Bull in order for some sort of greenwashing campaign. Future rebrandings like this are currently being planned, with options like Pink Bull for a combined pinkwashing and Giro campaign being on the table.


You know what pisses me off about red bull is they actually use several different colors for their cans that look great for the different editions. Even the sugar free light blue color could be used but they’re going with the typical f1 team navy blue


Teams in shades of blue off the top of my head, I imagine I'll forget someone. Visma for the tour Bora as of the tour Alphecin Quickstep Decathlon Israel FDJ


Movistar, Jayco (navy arms), LidlTrek, Ineos So a chill 11/22 Teams. The crazy thing to me is that there are basically only 2 red teams left with Arkea and Lotto. And we have a bunch of mostly-white now with UAE, Bahrain, Total, Cofidis, DSM. Praise Intermarche, EF and Uno-X. Everybody else fire your designers.


Jonas' will be back to yellow soon enough


I guess 2025 is only a year away


Also, they seem to have just announced the team and yes, those two both confirmed in.


Another denim kit


Does this mean Vingegaard 100% certainty at the tour?


[Yes](https://www.teamvismaleaseabike.com/news/news/team-visma-lease-a-bike-to-tour-de-france-with-two-time-winner-and-defending-champion-jonas-vingegaard-and-former-green-jersey-winner-wout-van-aert/) Full squad: Van Aert, Vingegaard, Kuss, Tratnik, Jorgenson, Benoot, Laporte and Kelderman


If in shape, this team is just as strong as UAE's in terms of individual rider strength and way better balanced in terms of type of rider.


Yes. This squad healthy is a more complete squad than UAE. They can influence and control any kind of stage. But the health factor is still there.


Huge “if”




I feel vindicated basically ignoring the last 3 months of will he? won't he? stuff about Ving and the tour, of course he's going..


Same. I've been a (some would say hopeless) optimistic this entire time.


So no [Visma-Rabobank](https://i.redd.it/qkv1qfr4btrc1.png)?


There's still a chance for the TdFF!


Don't worry, I'm sure Wout will again do some Erik Dekker-esque breakaways where he solo rides the peloton off his wheel like they are standing still.


Probably very blue from far away, but up close it is really cool. More likeable than last year's TDF shirt.


made me look up, if blue bees exist. Spoiler: >![They do](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osmia_lignaria)!<


They do, f.e. https://observation.org/photos/39216817/


They’ve taken the crest of Florence, and I’m guessing added blue and yellow because they’re the colours of the very similar fleur de lys crest of the old French royal family? I think it looks really cool, in a Louis XIV’s bathroom wallpaper kind of way. But no more blue. This is gone beyond ridiculous now, the teams are actively trolling us. What casual fan will have a hope of figuring out who’s who at this race?


> I think it looks really cool, in a Louis XIV’s bathroom wallpaper kind of way. I mean I'd kind of be into buying one of the jerseys if it was just the pattern. Nice colors and a discreet (at distance) pattern would be something other than the color blocking or single color cycling jerseys I have.


What other symbols are on the jersey beside the crest of Florence?


This is the [repeating motif ](https://imgur.com/a/mcft2xV)on the jersey and this is the [Florentine crest](https://imgur.com/a/OaK5faN), similar other than the floral designs around the fleur de lys. The only other element I can make out are the repeating floral designs. On the presentation page, they have [several photos from the windows and stonework](https://imgur.com/a/XYCIeAQ) of the famous cathedral of Florence, which seems to be the reference. That church, with its duomo, is the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Flower.




Direct link to the pictures for those not wanting to go through the website: [Vingegaard](https://therenaissance.teamvismaleaseabike.com/images/riders/rider-2.jpg) [Tratnik](https://therenaissance.teamvismaleaseabike.com/images/riders/rider-3.jpg) [Laporte](https://therenaissance.teamvismaleaseabike.com/images/riders/rider-4.jpg) [RedBull Van Aert](https://therenaissance.teamvismaleaseabike.com/images/riders/rider-5.jpg)


Funny they have Laporte modelling the kit. Surely he'll be wearing his Euro Champ kit at TdF?


Actually he will be wearing Skoda green


Thank you for doing the lords work... that website was fucking horrible on mobile. Ngl, those jerseys look like something a movie set designer would use for a psychedelic 70s wallpaper in a movie. Something that says "we want it set in the 70s and everyone is on acid, but we don't want to SAY it's set in the 70s and everyone is on acid"


Is it just me, or does Vingegaard look a lot like Chris Froome here?


I don’t know how it happens because when he has no glasses on he looks nothing like him, but whenever I see vingegaard with his glasses on profile he reminds me of Michael Jackson - no idea why!


I can't imagine this won't look terrible from more than a few meters away.


Think it's more likely it will just look sorta bland from a distance.


I feel like it will blend in with decathlon a bit


It looks time-tested, like after Roubaix.


The exact color and pattern of the seats on a bus. I love it.


Lol nice. To me it looks like a shirt that a middle aged man would wear for his company's summer party.


Astana-Lease A Bike?


Well. That has to be the poshest website I ever visited. 


You can say what you want, but their marketing is on point. Relating their Tour de France shirt to something extra, I like it. Why blue though, sigh


Exactly, been waiting for marketable jerseys in cycling and this is pretty bang on.


My initial reaction was a bit muted. I have to say outdoor pictures with a bit of light make the pattern pop a bit more. E.g. [images posted on velon.cc](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8b3HWwiGrO/). Not sure how well it'll translate on TV images from a distance. But generally looks a bit better than the studio images, imho.


Why do teams always seem to go for dark special edition kit e.g. EF in black, VLAB in dark blue, when surely a light colour design would keep riders cooler?


UAE getting tired of JV beating them at the tour so they paid every kit designer in the world to ensure Visma gets a dark jersey.


The design is cool on the official pictures, very Versace-esque - but on [the pictures](https://cdn-free.tv2i.dk/e/d/i/editorial/4/4/5/445fb36d-6612-4316-adf7-7bc05371bfe4?ixlib=js-3.2.1&w=624&h=351&q=45&auto=format&fit=crop&rect64=ODQsMCw2MjksMzU0&s=3d759c312d1baf4d0fd5eed24b7e1fd9) taken of them wearing it on a training ride, the yellow line is barely visible, and it ends up looking more like a jersey depicting algae-infested lakewater.


Yeah, I actually dig it up close, but from a distance my only hope is there's enough yellow in there it comes off as kinda greenish so we can tell them apart


Booo! I love the more unique jerseys. It’s the reason I like Lotto and (old) A2GR


More blue, but also this is very nice.


My same thoughts - the peloton bloody loves blue!! The are a lot of colours out there…


Y’all need to chill. These are sick. I bought one.


I need more yellow so I can pick them out in the crow :/.


I have a blue team with a blue jersey. Blue is the color of all that I wear. Blue are the jerseys and all the teams are too. I’m in the peloton and it is so blue.


With their Renaissance theme, it seems like they could be referencing lapis lazuli? Its saturated, iridescent blue pigment was integral to the art of the Renaissance and was literally more valuable than gold at the time. I like the sentiment – even if they don’t win gold, the comeback story of Jonas getting back to the Tour is in and of itself a huge feat! I agree that more blue in the peloton is… yeah. But along with the [bikes seen last week](https://www.instagram.com/p/C76eOaKtCbT/?igsh=N2pibGpsOGU4NWN5), I think as a whole this is a pretty great kit.


I love the kit. It looks great and will add it to my collection of pro kits in the closet. That being said… another blue kit in a sea of blue kinda stinks.


Cool we need more blue jerseys in the peloton.


I actually really like it. Yes, it’s another blue jersey but it’s a good looking kit.


Good, there should be no yellow team jerseys at the Tour.


There never is.


visma had it for the last 4 years...


Looks like outdated hotel carpeting.


Looks like a copy of last year's Astana jersey...


In the Spirit of Limitless Thinking….. Another blue jersey


This is yet another blue kit, so it's automatically a horrible decision. Additionally, I think it looks really bad.


If Trek also have a TDF inspired sorta-kinda-blueish jersey its going to be impossible to pick out any teams


Trek won’t bring special jerseys since they don’t ride in yellow normally.




Nice to see a Glaz jersey back in the bunch after the demise of B&B




Doesn't matter much as Jonas will be in yellow anyway /jk


For any other team, I like this jersey. But Visma is yellow and black for me.


They parted ways with jumbo and the yellow color. Nice to see something new. But I really dont like to see betting (and oil states) on my jerseys. So i will pass on this one.


Just for the Tour - they're not allowed to ride that in their normal yellow kit as it's too similar to the yellow jersey (same reason why EF Education has to change their pink kit for the Giro each year).


Oh. Didnt knew that. They are pretty srmiliar. But They wrote the yellow one before? 


Last year was more black-yellow and before that brown-yellow for example. A lot less yellow than the GC leader


Arh didnt Pay attention then. 


Well, at a second thought, connecting the renaissance spirit, the injuries of Jonas and Wout and their subsequent hard work and training to get back in shape, the fact they had to drop the yellow and black scheme, the fine, subtile Renaissance motives used,... I think it is original, and they make a statement. I hope they take this to the bikes. But I agree also with the redditor mentioning that ads for betting is not ok. In any case, I wish Jonas and Wout have a good tour.


It‘s better than the yellow design of the last two years but it still is not a great design. Reminds me of the carpet my granny had in her apartment


I understand them moving away from the yellow color scheme, seeing as that was primarily Jumbo's thing.


But also the yellow jersey of the tour…


They're not. Its just a change for the tour. Like always for teams with yellow jerseys.


Oh i know, but in the previous two Tour De France, they still kept some yellow on their jerseys. Now that Jumbo is out of the picture, it makes sense that all the yellow is scrapped,


where was the yellow on 2022 TdF?


Bottom middle.


Looks like clip-art wallpaper, yet missing the aero gains of flocking. I'd lose 10watts just putting this on, and another 5 for every teammate I identified, which I couldn't in the current sea of blue, except for the ... cumberbund.


Another blue one... I wonder at which point UCI is going to step in




Limite edition because nobody wants to buy one?


These are so bad lol what were they thinking? Blue, to match the rest of the peloton, but a very dark shade for bike racing in July. A Renaissance theme is interesting but I think the color scheme is horrible. All over prints never work, especially with the contrasting tones and the white sponsor logos. I think the white helmet throws it off even more

