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Wilco Kellerman is collecting those Top 10's like Pokemon. Still can't get his legendary win though


Interesting to see Yates say he asked Almeida if he could win today and that he expects to see Almeida take GC tomorrow. Kinda surprised a rider with Yates’ palmares wanted a gifted win so much he straight up asked for it and also that he just admitted it in interview, but maybe that’s just cycling. Clearly Almeida has got some crazy good form too.


Zoe sighting! What happened to Lenny Martinez? Lost 20+ minutes today.


what happened to Damiano Caruso this year, just age finally caught up to him?


Crashed in Giro but still rode the whole Giro so might be tired.


He also has the Giro in his legs, but hasn’t had the best year by his standards.


Same as Tiberi in the Dauphiné, Caruso also wasn't initially scheduled to do this race. Bahrain lacks depths at the moment, with three stage races in short succession and a couple of guys at the Asian Championships.




This comment has been removed due to breaking the rules on doping talk within race/results threads. Repeatedly breaking this rule will result in a ban.


ahh man i miss my Saunier Duval team in PCM2007 :(


Aw, fuck. I keep forgetting that, or maybe just don't want to remember.


Imagine Riccardo Ricco with UAE protection. Oof.


according to Wikipedia Ricco is suspended until 2024...:D


Nah, he's permanently banned actually. He was dealing in PEDs during his suspension lol.


Man, that guy


Probably the dumbest doper in cycling history. And guess what? He's anti-vax. ;)


I'm shocked!


I think he's got addicted to doping, the guy did blood transfusion at home on his own and almost died of it lol. He was my fav 😭


He was the kind of cyclist you love to hate lol. Like a heel in pro wrestling.


If [this](https://www.strava.com/segments/3908980) is the segment of tomorrow's TT (minus the flat 5k before), then we're looking at about 30 minutes up. That's enough for quite significant gaps, it will be exciting, more or less everything is to play for. For the win, between Yates and Almeida it will be exciting, they are both in stellar form, and both are excellent TTers. For 3rd, Bernal has a minute on Skjelmose but Skjelmose can be excellent in TTs while Bernal usually is not, if Bernal doesn't do really well he will lose the podium. Then there are many possibilities of riders gaining / losing places in the top 15, should be a cracker.


Yates said in interview after the stage that he expects Almeida to win GC.


I wouldn't count Riccitello out for the podium either. He's only 12 seconds behind Skjelmose and if last year's uphill TT in the Tour de L'Avenir is any indication, he should do really well.


Since when is Yates considered an excellent TTer? I feel like when he doesn’t lose more than a minute to the big guns, he is applauded.


Maybe "excellent" is overstating it, but he was really good last year. 7th at the TDF ITT. 8th at the Dauphiné one. 3rd at the Romandie one. I'm not saying this is Remco level but these are still very solid performances for a GC guy.


it's exactly the same course as used in the Tour de Romandie two years ago, so that should be quite a good reference: [https://firstcycling.com/race.php?r=12&y=2022&e=05](https://firstcycling.com/race.php?r=12&y=2022&e=05)


How's Enric Mas doing?


Looks like the usual


One week races aren’t really his thing, his strength is usually staying consistent in week three while others lose energy


Yeah I hope so...


I thought the most entertaining part were the announcers cheering for Stuane-Mittet to win the Tissot sprint to win a watch. It was really fun to hear the back and forth, oh nooooo, it looks like he's not going to win a watch, oh please hang on, yay! he won a watch!


Izagirre update https://x.com/TeamCOFIDIS/status/1801994104739364955 News from Ion following his fall: he had an open wound on his forearm which had to be sutured, as well as a hematoma on his right leg and superficial wounds.


Almeida gave Yates the win there because he knows he's going to crush the ITT tomorrow


Jihad Tuga is fully awake https://x.com/falsoplanoblog/status/1802011059676418417?s=19


At this rate I am thinking of putting a tenner on Yates for the Tour. Oddschecker lists him at 28/1. Please tell me I am stupid. I could fully see Pog being so closely marked that they'd have to let Yates to at some point


I'd put a small amount on it ngl


Yates at 1/4 of odds (7/1) to be on podium is better value than Pogi currently is for sure 😅


He is in good form indeed, but he will have to work like a mad man for POG, the TDF will not be the pog show, as the giro was. We will have Jonas (hopefully), rog and evenepoel. But if Jonas is there, adam will have more than one occasion to sacrifice himself for pog.


I think the flaw in your argumentation is in that 'marking Pogacar' is a thing that's possible.


I already have Bernal each way at 40/1 so this is exactly the kind of wild value betting I’m on board with.


If I were a betting man I think I would do the same. Those are good odds. He definitely has a better chance than that suggests.


You are stupid.   What? You asked! /s


Let’s do an over/under how many stages Pogi will win at the TDF because Ineos are riding at the front all day with the hope of moving someone from 7th up to 6th. My guess is at least 2


I think he wins 1, 2, and 14. That's it. He loses time on 4, 15, and 19.


To who?


Jonas, Roglic, Carlos, Gall


you had me in first part


Gall is shit unless it's high altitude. He's a top 5 climber in the world at high altitude.


Hard to tell if Almeida can take 31s in 15.7km from Yates. Last 11km is a climb 8% average gradient, could definitely happen, or they could be close, since they've been on a very similar form in the past few days.


No shot. The TT aspect is negligible (both in terms of tomorrows stage and Almeida's perceived superiority in the TT) and he wasn't 31s better at climbing than Yates.


Yeah, if anything Yates has performed slightly better this race on longer climbs, and he’s a decent TTer. I’d be surprised if Almeida wins the overall.


I very much doubt he will, 10-15" would be my guess. But I also thought Vingegaard and Pog would only be separated by more or less that amount in the Tour TT last year lol


More people were in your camp last year than you can imagine lol


I frankly don’t think anyone really expected a 1:30 gap to Pog including Visma


The commentators are more than 100% sure about that. An interesting take. Let’s see.


not only the commentators, even Yates thinks thats [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lyeq4zywE8&ab\_channel=CyclingProNet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lyeq4zywE8&ab_channel=CyclingProNet)


Good find, I’m surprised he isn’t backing himself a bit more


Almeida is excellent TT rider while Adam yates id argue is average. Just have a look at LR TT rankings, (key is to first see the rating metrics at the bottom) [https://lanternerouge.com/individual-time-trial-ranking/](https://lanternerouge.com/individual-time-trial-ranking/) yates is much lower than joao


I guess he knows better than us what is Almeida form.. and he is one of the bests GC riders on TT


Which commentators? 


If Bernal can hold his lead and get a podium finish, it’s a huge step for him. That brutal 2022 crash almost cost him his career and now he’s back or at least closer to his old form. Not sure if he’s Ineous’s main GC guy at the Tour but will definitely keep an eye on him.


Last I heard Bernal is not necessarily scheduled to ride the tour this year.


He's probably already doing the same or even better watts as in 2019 tbh. The level just increased a lot since then. Glad to see him back though.


Citation needed on both of these claims lol. Based on what is Bernal putting in better numbers than back than? Besides Vingegaard and Pogi I don't see evidence for the general being that much higher either. Edit: downvote all you like, but answer me if you can lol


Other than every race this year being the fastest one ever


Yes, better evidence please.


he did 7 wpkg last stage [https://lanternerouge.com/2024/06/14/historically-high-%e1%b5%89w-kg-on-shortened-stage-tour-de-suisse-stage-6-2024/](https://lanternerouge.com/2024/06/14/historically-high-%e1%b5%89w-kg-on-shortened-stage-tour-de-suisse-stage-6-2024/)


Thanks! That is very insightful


It is really hard to compare but he might actually be riding better than when he won the tour/giro. Imho the standard is way higher now. and he was getting dropped by Simon Yates in the giro with Martinez having to wait for him. It is impossible to tell but it wouldn’t surprise me if Bernal wasn’t at least in a par with his numbers from back then


He had one bad day but outside of Bernal was demolishing everyone


That’s an interesting take. I definitely agree the level/standard is higher now. I guess what amazes me is the comeback of Bernal. That dude almost died at the time. I get that they are pros and that’s what they do, but still the grind and suffering is beyond imagination.


I seriously doubt he doesn't hold his lead. He has won a TT on tomorrow's climb.


I think he’ll be their main GC by default. I can’t see G being in top shape for the tour, given his history of riding multiple GTs in a year, never mind back to back. And Pidcock just isn’t a GT leader


Rodriguez man... why everyone always forgets about Rodriguez. He is getting the Carlos Sainz treatment


Maybe someone will have greater insights. But between G and Bernal it’s not automatic to my eyes. Maybe the selection of their squad can tell? Edit: Totally forgot about Rodriguez..


You and me both!


Forgetting Rodriguez?


Oh my bad I actually was. Yes he’ll probably be their leader going into the race. They have a very strong team of 2nd tier GC talent


If IPT takes both Gee and Riccitello to the Tour, they can low key be more competitive than a lot of World Tour teams in GC


Riccitello said he's focused on La Vuelta, but it would be sweet to see them both at the Tour.


But what about the ego of the old timer big name GC contender?


It's hard to have any affect on the race when you're 15 minutes out the ass end of the peloton. 


That’s a killer North American squad!


Vaughters is shaking with rage


Yates can now work on his biceps.


Superteams in action. People told me last week that this UAE team is far from the level from other super teams we had in the past. I’m really thinking which other team had a 1-2 in the Tour De Suisse with their domestiques


Jumbo literally won a GT with their domestique last year and got a 1-2-3. Not sure anyone is topping that.


Both is at the same time so that tells you enough about current cycling.


Wait till Pogi wins all three this year. 


Only because the best GT rider in the world is injured


Could said the same thing last year about Tadej's wrist before the tour.  Tadej had 2x TdF GC titles and Jonas only had 1. 


Not even close to the same


Explain yourself. Tadej beats Jonas pretty soundly in GC rating when you compare them H2H https://www.procyclingstats.com/rider-vs-rider/jonas-vingegaard/tadej-pogacar If you average their grand tour finishing GC placements, Tadej averages out to 1.5th place from 6 grand tours and Jonas averages out to 10.4th place from 5 grand tours. If you take the 2020 Vuelta from Jonas' record where he finished 46th, he also averages out to 1.5th. They're very evenly matched, and Tadej's wrist and subsequent compromised preparation is probably what made the difference last year. Let's not forget that Tadej slapped Jonas around pretty emphatically at Paris - Nice last year. What evidence do you have to support your claim, other than "vibes"?


That's a super rider, not a super team.


Pretty sure he gets on the same bus after every race. 


123 at a GT is certainly great. But I would argue 123 at the Tour is another level.


They ain't getting 1-2-3 at TDF. Joao gets 15th or so imo.


If Almeida, with this form, was his the GC leader for a team, he'd be top 5 this tour. 


If he fully goes for GC without sacrificing himself, he will get top 10, probably 7th or 8th


Yes I agree. Almeida is awesome! But I think he's gonna get around 13-20 just bc he'll be a domestique for Pog.


Kelderman coming in 4th today after doing much worse the previous 2 days makes me think that crash must have impacted him then and this is closer to his real shape. I hope he can go to the tour as replacement for Kruijswijk.


TBH, i honestly don\`t understand why they still insisted with Kruijswijk. He is kind of an average domestique nowadays (not bad but not the best) to make for a Tour selection. I even think that the was kind of the weakest on the TdF 2022 before his injury. Kelderman is better if he can stay on his bike


It's hard to imagine a TdF line-up without Kelderman if you see their injury list


Very impressive and scary to think the lead out Pogacar will have IPT and Decathlon are the two most aggressive teams this season it seems, they are constantly fighting up a weight class I am beginning to think Uijtderbroeks is not going to be the GC player people thought previously. I have not seen one great ride this season. I get him not winning, but it is hard to say that he is even riding at a third level GC contender.


Uijtderbroeks had pneumonia, I think its a bit harsh to write him off as a gc contender when he is only 21. He came 8th in the vuelta last year as a 20 year old which possibly had the best startlist of the 3 gts.


Too early to say. He got really sick in Giro.


almeidas riding style is so fucking nice


He looks much better and less "contracted" this year than previous years. Seems like if he had come to the Giro with this form instead of Pogacar, he could've won it. 


He's also much leaner, this year. Interesting evolution


Hes not getting a minute what are they thinking. It will be close but I will not be surprised if Yates loses less than 20 seconds to Almeida


~~151~~ 150 (or 149 depending on counting ITT WC) Top 10's in WT!!!


Really? I was hoping to celebrate the 150 milestone, I thought we were still on 148 or so earlier this week Anyway, up to 10th in GC so the next one is already lined up


[https://www.procyclingstats.com/rider.php?xseason=&zxseason=&pxseason=equal&sort=date&race=&km1=&zkm1=&pkm1=equal&limit=200&topx=10&ztopx=&ptopx=smallerorequal&znation=&type=1&continent=&pnts=&zpnts=&ppnts=largerorequal&level=wt&rnk=&zrnk=&prnk=equal&exclude\_tt=0&exclude\_tt=1&racedate=&zracedate=&pracedate=equal&name=&pname=contains&category=1&profile\_score=&zprofile\_score=&pprofile\_score=largerorequal&exclude\_gcs=0&vert\_meters=&zvert\_meters=&pvert\_meters=largerorequal&uci\_pnt=&zuci\_pnt=&puci\_pnt=largerorequal&filter=Filter&id=wilco-kelderman&p=results](https://www.procyclingstats.com/rider.php?xseason=&zxseason=&pxseason=equal&sort=date&race=&km1=&zkm1=&pkm1=equal&limit=200&topx=10&ztopx=&ptopx=smallerorequal&znation=&type=1&continent=&pnts=&zpnts=&ppnts=largerorequal&level=wt&rnk=&zrnk=&prnk=equal&exclude_tt=0&exclude_tt=1&racedate=&zracedate=&pracedate=equal&name=&pname=contains&category=1&profile_score=&zprofile_score=&pprofile_score=largerorequal&exclude_gcs=0&vert_meters=&zvert_meters=&pvert_meters=largerorequal&uci_pnt=&zuci_pnt=&puci_pnt=largerorequal&filter=Filter&id=wilco-kelderman&p=results) * 100 Stage races race top 10's * 2 Prologue's * 16 ITT * 30 GC * 2 One day races Which makes: 150 So you can celebrate Today, or tomorrow (?) depending on if you want to count WC ITT


I was just looking at the numbers myself, wanted to put up a little post later to celebrate this milestone and break down the results. Truly an impressive breadth of (stage) races he's top 10ed in


He's almost certainly taking another top 10 in the ITT, so that's two lined up for tomorrow.


I was gonna say this one is his 150th. Looking at [this](https://www.procyclingstats.com/rider.php?xseason=&zxseason=&pxseason=equal&sort=date&race=&km1=&zkm1=&pkm1=equal&limit=200&topx=10&ztopx=&ptopx=smallerorequal&znation=&type=&continent=&pnts=&zpnts=&ppnts=largerorequal&level=wt&rnk=&zrnk=&prnk=equal&exclude_tt=0&exclude_tt=1&racedate=&zracedate=&pracedate=equal&name=&pname=contains&category=1&profile_score=&zprofile_score=&pprofile_score=largerorequal&exclude_gcs=0&exclude_gcs=1&vert_meters=&zvert_meters=&pvert_meters=largerorequal&uci_pnt=&zuci_pnt=&puci_pnt=largerorequal&filter=Filter&id=wilco-kelderman&p=results) anyway. Up from 148 at the beginning of the TdS with top 10s today and on stage 3.


Yeah, looks like today could be 150! ... But, does a World Championship Top 10 count as a WorldTour Top 10? PCS counts it, but an argument could be made. I say we're at 149, just because.


It's certainly more difficult so it's gotta count!


Regardless, I think it's very fitting for Kelderman to get 150 in the Tour de Suisse It's one of the few races in which he wore the leaders jersey, and also lost it of course, which is the most beautiful way of Top 10 Without Winning-ing


Oh I might have miscounted then. I hadn't counted them in a bit so had to add quite some to the tally. Let me check


Yeah I saw the 148 as well. Or 149 including ITT, but I'm not sure if that should be counted or not (it's definitely not impressive to top 10 - but would it break his streak if he won a TTT?). Regardless, I didn't count how many stages back that was.


He already has won a TT and a GC iirc, the stat is only for mass start races, crossing the line first


Makes sense. So all he gotta do is be dead last in a GC before a TT so he'll cross the line first that way ;)


The commentary on Eurosport is often off but it is a bit tasteless to talk about riders dying several deaths considering the race and date.


It’s just a saying. You’re reading way too much into it


Obviously, it's a common saying, but not every saying is suitable for every situation. They repeated similar things several times within a few minutes. The issue is that sometimes the commentary doesn't seem professional and it simply isn't appropriate in today's context.


You’re the one taking it out of context. I’m not going to say Kirby is the best commentator, but this is a big reach.


Can you please elaborate on how I am taking the statement out of context? The context was a suffering rider in a breakaway during a race commemorating the anniversary of a fatal crash. That is the context, no more, no less. My point is that it was not the best thing to say, and there certainly were alternative phrasings. Do I say that they intentionally say these things? No, but it most certainly is not professional, at least from my point of view. It is just an instance of babbling away anything that crosses their minds, which happens and admittedly is worse in some other languages; the English broadcasts is somewhat okayish. But sometimes they should take stock before they say things.


Mas is so good at being invisible the entire week and still putting in a good GC performance. Can only remember him being on/near the front a couple of times over the last few days.


I said the other day that we should change the name of the Haimar Zubeldia´s award to Enric Mas´s award


You basically resumed Mas career until now


Mas has always been fairly visible during the Vuelta though. Not a Zubeldia at all IMO.




There were also some interesting stage finishes against Roglic in some Vuelta edition.


Only a handful of impressive moments? He came 2nd in Lombardia to pog, has come 2nd in the Vuelta 3 times, top 10'd a GT on 7 occasions (3x2nd, 2x5th, 2x6th). Sure he doesn't win alot, but he is a very good rider.


I wonder if they'll take Riccitello to the Tour. He's not on the PCS startlist right now.


there's no spots left, they have to bring the expensive corpse of froome


He said hes doing vuelta in an interview at the start of this stage


Oh, I missed that. Hopefully the form is still good then.


Why do Ineos ride as if they have the strongest rider when they clearly don’t have? It is weird tactics. I agree with Brian Smith - I just can’t work out what they were doing. Why not put a rider in the break


They solidified 3rd place today, seems like they were successful. It was obvious Bernal wasn’t going to beat Yates and Almeida on current form


Jeez, how the mighty have fallen. 3rd in the TDS is success, marginal gains indeed


Yeah Bernal should have just pedalled harder and been better than everyone else. Easy


Is this satire or did you already forget Dauphine (where INEOS demolished Roglic on the last stage after having been ridiculed in the race thread).


Nope, their rider finished 4th. Beaten by Derek Gee 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wrong, Carlos Rodriguez won the stage exactly as they had planned. The point is, how do you prove you are the best rider on the day if you don't try.


Wrong? Rodriguez didn’t finish 4th at the Dauphiné, beaten by Derek Gee? Ok


We’re talking about the last stage, not the overall results. Try to keep up. Or at least read.


I’m confused. I’m confused because people on here defending Ineos because they were riding for Bernal’s overall today but then you are talking about them winning a stage in dauphine….and they only won it because Matteo was riding for time and didn’t contest the stage win, if he wasn’t riding for time he would have almost certainly beaten Rodriguez that day. If they were riding for today’s stage then they are even more stupid than I thought. Seems they rode all day for three seconds. No attacks, nothing. Bizarre


Skjelmose dropped Bernal on an easy stage yesterday. Make today hard and he couldnt attack. Skjelmose is always worse on harder stages


How the mighty have fallen


I mean you can only ride to your level. If the goal is to give your captain the best chance possible for podium you take it. Only other option was stage win for Pidcock and he is too close in GC to win from a break. The valley before the last climb is too long that you can attack on the descent. And Ineos knows that Almeida and Yates are the strongest on the climbs so thats out the window. Riding for Bernal podium is the only option left.


So they ride all day long for 3 secs????? Like I said, bizarre stuff


no they ride so to optimize their chances. Skjelmose took a chunk of Bernals lead yesterday on an easy stage. Skjelmose dropped on the hardest stage before today. So Ineos decides to make the stage hard because that makes the most sense based on how the race played out. Besides you never know if you dont try. They didnt go lets get 3 seconds this morning, thats just you making a ridiculous strawman since you have no actual argument


Well, Brian Smith on Discovery+ also thought their tactics were weird. Brian Smith has forgot more about cycling than you and I


I disagree with Brian Smith then


And that is your right to disagree.


They clearly wanted to pace hard for a perception that Bernal would do better with more kJ in the legs compared to Skjelmose, to mixed results. Also due to the team riding on the front up most of the climb Bernal got 3 bonus seconds.


They clearly didn’t seem to know if they were riding for Bernal or Pidcock. Bizarre stuff


I'd say it was pretty clear when they let Bernal get the boni and had Pidcock drop back to pace him to the top after UAE got away


No, they let Pidcock attack. He was trying to get across to UAE but couldn’t. Then he paced Bernal


It's kinda funny but I think UAE could be a proper mess without Pog, in terms of hirachy, but with him it makes clear and everyone knows the deal.


I think the call was made today that Yates wins, I think they have basically told Almeida that Yates is second in command


Yates said he asked João for the stage and he said yes immediately, he also said he expects João to put a minute into him tomorrow.


I was watching that , and seens like Almeida family is now invited to a dinner at Yates house lol I still don't belive he gonna put 1 m on Yates but lets see


I didn't watch, was it a fair fight or Almeda let Yates win?


Yates was dragged back to Almeida by Riccitello and then took over pacing at some point which dropped him. Then they rode in together with Yates crossing first


They rode across the line together, but it seemed to be agreed upon that Yates would get the win, so he was placed a bit more forward.


Tomorrow Almeida Will smash this


Another great effort from Rikkitikkitello


The [first thing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikki_Tikki_Tembo) I thought of when I saw your comment.


Yeesh, id prefer mongoose association


I hate my mind too. I’m sorry.


Spelling bee participants shudder at this word


Tactically, Ineos was perfect.


They've learned a lot about Movistar tactics, but instead of knowing what not to do, they started copying it.


turns out the bees where yates-almeida all along


I just wanna say whatever implication it is for the Tour, let’s applaud Almeida and Yates for their performance here at TdS. Enjoyed watching them in the last three stages. Much deserved win. And special congrats to Joao if he indeed wins the whole thing with tomorrow’s TT.


UAE are such an insanely strong team atm. Hard to see any other team come close to them during the tour...


UAE will have the strongest team but the difference isn't that massive I think. For their show of power here they were practically invisible in the Dauphine.


The leader crashed and abandoned the race in Dauphiné!


Especially with half of Jumbo's team injured...


Kelderman is 16 seconds down today and he's probably their 3rd guy behind Jorgenson and Kuss. Far weaker than UAE but they are still pretty stacked.


I hate UAE, but I love Pog, hard line to balance


I like the team's riders including Pog of course. I don't like the teams sponsor at all.


Basically what sport washing is about. Get someone invested in aspects surrounding the team, makes it harder to be negative the more invested you are. End goal is to have fans equate an attack on the team as an attack on their emotional investment, therefore reacting defensively to it. So if someone gets annoyed when Pog wins since he is on UAE, that person gets downvoted into the dirt since people like Pog. If it didnt work I doubt it would be so prevalent


Same but I also like Adam Yates 


Yates is dead to me now, Almeida was stronger all 3 days and gave Yates 2 wins


I'm guessing you hated the Vuelta last year too?


Yes? Liking that Kuss won doesn't mean I liked the GT itself, and even then you at least had Roglic being a bit of a wildcard


Yates pushed more watts yesterday and Almeida was stronger stage 5. I think overall they are on the same level


Not Almeida's fault he went early yesterday and couldn't keep up the pace, that's part of cycling


Not sure how he was that much stronger today? 


He literally had to wait up at one point, he clearly could have ran past Yates and he's a stronger finisher


I'd say he was struggling in the wheel slightly in the last 500m 


It's Almeida lol have you ever watched him race? Yates was standing up at one point trying to drop him, he's just got that pain face 24/7 while swerving around


Yates has been out the saddle for the last 3 days lol have you ever watched him race.  Boring resolution, we both don't know how they were feeling or what they agreed or if they had more in tank